Descend.Ants of Tijo!Ias Hastings

Descend.Ants of Tijo!Ias Hastings

OJ' THJt DESCEND.ANTS OF TIJO!IAS HASTINGS OF From 1634 to 1864, ----------·- ,..,,.. 18. l')t). ll.~:1.Y '.r;, l>UTTO~ .l~:::> .!o:,, :?:li:'.11."?.:?..ll, 00 .\:.'l'D 92_ w.1~m:~'lT'l::t :l'?:l.lli'- ~\Ji~i• .:wor1, ,•,ns coinmcnccd ·with tl1c 1ntchiio11 oi tracing the !~~f-:d,sccnt cf a son of John,. al~o n g!'nnclaon c,t Samuel tP.~¢.~~p of ,,... ntcrto,Yn, ~!ass., to tl1c present time, n1erely for <~-~ ~:~~iit of tho~c fan1i1ics descended fron1 then,. A grcat­ ~~_dclai1ghter of the latter furnished n ful1 record cf the Hnc of ~:Jw.1/.Ateioont ,,,-ith col1atcral lJ1·ancJ1es. \,~~J..ii~~ccding, ho\YC'\"C!", so 1~ueh of ir:.te1·cst ,vns found relating ;;•• ;. :,.,:••.:t 1,." "• :• 1· n • n •, 1 , , • • 1 , 'f • ,. 1 •■ ~-:,•~+~.=.,._ "'.~•r.1.,.-, , ...... ,... ,._.1.- ,I-~•-·-. ,-... ""''""'•.•··• .... ,,., ••• .;. "'r"" r-,. ..... , ..... .,..,,. •"\1.·••1 ,.••~- r..•~• A., ....... V.1 .:i J.c., .. i...L ·-,-~J..;~•· .. ,._.....,_,L.., • .... • . ...,.a ... -.: ...,.. ... .... ,., ... , ........ • I' ... ,, ........ '"' -~•11,.a.. , l'··'· , ..... rl!~,,~~:~c1 a genealogy of a11 t!1c descendants oi" 'TI!O)L\S ~m~~~s of ,,-atcrtown, tl1c first ecttlcr ill Kc;,· l~nglnnd of ~~~i. .'~, substituted.. To•.•;11 antl 1,robatc~ church and family ("i~r4a;· .~ave bce:1 cons~1ltcd a!ld carcfuEy compared. ..A.ged :~~a~~~ or--t11rcc::;corc and ten yen:s and C\"Cll four::co:-c and :;:~: l~~·ed, _over fi1c, in giving t1:c:r tcstin1ony to n~une5 and T' 1 1 ·,, · .:.i"...::.,,,.s·J.IIIM:;; ·,. · -~ 'IU.,.;·11, •. •• ·1 ·,,.L '"c,.c • i:,• ":L~ ... br, f~,,...... ,, t.::-. · (1i-", .;. c.:io'tl"~ ., . ._. '·u, ,.,,1· ,. 1 cl1c'.,. ~• (·>r·· •,.. .......or., 11·1·1. J~v 11' ,,,.,.•" •• ,I •.. 1 •.1tt I e; cou1 '"1 1uc oota1nec., • 1 : ,.,.n1, · 1e 01,. ot·1 ~er.:: or,. tJ1el sa:ne ranHiV,. ., .. ,,,,. : . .. ,. .. ~ . ,. .. , . - •: :t.nere ma; c:rect .!:I!C to t1:~ re!noh:,:;i. n.nee~~o::-. ·:·}·... ·1n·-·dd. 1'1i,,1:1 t,) •i•(~.::l' l::(·,···•,,n.:J ("•:.·i~-;j),.,r.,·.:··, ..... 1~()"'1(i°-: "~G•ino•11n- • \ I • p . • .... ' - .. I 'I, - - ... ' ., •• ' • • .. ' ,. -~ , - - • J • • ••• C ._ .. ',, •• ' .. • - • ..., • \,;; - - ". ... - ' .. , II • T• • a• "I' 1 , ~ , • . UlCff an""" 'I 1 • .:.,:i·. , .. , ...... ( ; \ \r •1 •.• ,, .... ,., ••• .,,. •'• ~•·'':Ir.• •" • r· ■(,. ..• •·•c·• ,..,.,. •: •iw,~...:, 'Ji •• 'I"''I• f' •• ~ Ii:- lll;il, ,... • ,. • •, •• , •• ,1 _., J. ... ..... ,., ,. l • I ,., ... , .... • "" i •I... , . •. ••.I l I ,. .... 1. ■,,,., ,. • .I• , .·. ·'--t . :F., . 1 l ·r .. • • , • (, • • • ·1:, • • ' ,.. , .. ,•·· .. ~ et\"1 n·, .... ,... ( J· .• , ..... ,, ..... •i•'t' ,,..... ,,,,,, ... c\:1·· '''l .• , ... ~·t,·· • :""\i'·,-•,t•f'',-:: ..:•-. ·: . ;,,, b·•'•· • .J ._-.,) •• , .. ,..;, c,.H. ,,;:.,.,:. .. •.-;i; I ..1i.\ 1..:, •• ,:·, ,. , ........-:,., •· 'I ~--5 ....,. -.. .. I ": .. • , Ill l .. • • • f' , :=:r' -,~eneRll)a:~. 11 ~t. J >?r•;·!'.>:!:tr·"-,. · .:r,-:~r:i J·.:.-=1.,,~1<"::-=.. ;:·~r·.~ ;~::.·;~ 1~~~c~1 . '• . " . .. · -co1i..~uhcd • . '. ·: :~_: ·.-.~f~_a-.t c~rt,;=-".-: !.!:~.~_. Le i\•:.! r~ ·.: 2.-; :r,1: l-!.~ ~lroLahle, although great . ;_=. 4!fi.II:. hns l,:;<::"1 taken to }rn;vc the ,vhofo a.:; correct as J>o.:-;siblc... n-Iv are to • 1.i .ack:~,;w1cdrrrnentRr, due those ·who hnve so reatlnY.,, ; .. 1 . 1 • 1 1· ] , C "'1 • f:. .,. ··\n.rl<! ... 2.rg(:.:: con~noutct not on y recoru.s o"' Lr.cir o·wn am1.t1e3, ~but h~rre a~: n:1uch trouble obtained those at a distanci:! of ·other · Li·anc11.e:.:!. J yrou1d csnecially me.:Jtion . Rev.. Fredenc A .. i ,' ;11fhit:1eT1 o:" Brir~~hton, and :return to t1rn.t o-ent1ernan my sincere · ., 0 · 0 " thank::, f;:;;· ~·;:~ invaluable service~, in aiding n1e in this wol~k. ,i)... I .- -.~. ■ - 't •· ■ •• ,Ill 'l'l1c dc!ccn(1nuts of cncl1 son of ').11101tA't~ lf.tts1r1:,os ar,f:1;1~~4~:. unc1c?r tho naune·. of that son 1 beginning witl1 tl1e el<lest cl!il_,l~ ~~~-> going through "'·ith. tl1at one in a.11 its brnnchca, 1n tl~c order··~t-:· t!ieir gt'rJc-:·ation, before another name of his c11il<lren ;ij ,given.··. Ench gcI'&cr:1tion is deaignutcil by tl1e ltomari numerals ragainst·~ the nun1e. The number of c11il{lren belonging 1o each fiu~lly i~ gh·en, unJ the .A.rabie numeral.~, 1 .. 2. 3. &e .. , are also pi~~e,l , /, ' to tno- nancs .. The rcr.c1er is referred to the Appendix for some item&· 'P_. in!crcst connected witb the work. The family record of ..-\.1:0K2') }1.ASTINGS, page 44,-of J~\DEZ GLAZIER, page 10O,-of Jo~~ 1-I"'\.STINGS, page 118,-of l{1cn ..ran· CLARK 1IAST1XG~, page· 126,-and -of J OU:'T PETERS, page 135, recei\-ed too late· -for·: . 0 -nlrinn ,,:.:1 'hn 7 . 1°n"'er"-, \.\ on ,'n. ,. th.r.-;r., ,.,.,.. l'•""•\..) ,, ;.:.1 ,..,•.., .!w-'"·,···1r .~ ....... l...,:"""'I A-,.,i .. .,.; .... ...-A-iJJ..1C', ·~-.~z~,"!=x JW • · The Christian name, death, and age of the wife of CoJr,n~J. TilIOTilY 1VALKER, and 1nother of :\1ARTH.A. 1y· .AL~:ER1 page· 95,_:_likewisc further information respecting the sons of CuA~ ' . HASTI:'-i'GS, page 124, together ·with otl!er intelligence, is ..em~ bodied there. · . The brief errata, at the end of tho volume, ulmosl in~vitable t . in a w·ork of thi.3 character, the reader fa especially:<1ceired u, correct w·ith the pen, before peru::si:ng these pn.gcB. LYDI.\. X EI.SO~ (Il.\.STISGS) Tit:CK:\IISST.1'~8. TlIE 11.ASTlN(;S .l\Rl\18, ,______ _ The .Arms nf t/1,e Ilastings -in Englanrl, from· wltJYm tlic .Ameri­ can Jlasttng~" are clescencled. 1Thc arms of 1Inoting.;z, of ,vhich p.n ancient painting is prescr;•cd, nrc qunrterly; 1st, argent, (u·hite) a maunch, (tlze sleet'e of an ancient ·robe) sable, (blacl,;).; 2tl, the arms of France and Englanu quartcr1y-3<l, Oi·, (gol<t) a. Lion rampant, gules, (red) being the ancient arms of Scot1an<l; 4th, Barry of ten pieces, argent, (1.ehite) nnd azure, (blue) eight martlets, (s~t•allows o./ .l'ale~!ir•~:,) gu1cs (red) for de v""aJence. Crest,-~­ bull's head erased, (turn off,) sable gorged, (rrcn~necl) ·with a ducal coronet, gold. ~lotto: ls YEP.IT.ATE YICTOilL\... (In truth there ia i.ictory.) The bull's head indicate:J deterinination nnd perseverance. Tlie 'maunch in the Ila.stings ar1ns ,vas gh·cn to show l1i.s office aB 11ereditary stc...-,rar<l to the l~ing of England. The arms of France and ]~nglancl clenote hirn as one of the hcir.:1 of the Plantaganet by 1narriage ·with the princess Idn.. The arms of _Scotland ,,·ere given hi1n a.:; :representing King l)av~d the Lion , by t11c Earl of lluntingdon ,\·h~> n1ar:ric(l David'~ daughter and , . rr1 ,. \ r , • • ,.. • "' 1'tas tl.1u3 co-i1clr. .J. 1c n~n:-3 or .,. a.cncc :ng~!If a scried or ,1r 1 1 I"'•",. , ,. 1 "l ' · } 1.. ~· 1• .,., l '<"f)'Y l4,,,.J_\"'lnrr····· '-:(')Il~..., .. .., \I. t•1i·-.a ...... .ac~- ........:rn: .•t \l"'lf).1, ('•-.•"Yi:'"•., ... 11. •. t()• • t 1 ~., .., n•.'""".I . ci-.,.l.L l.t .., "1., "' • ,• 1• l , , ··• • .. l l ,, 1 1 1·• 1 P'l "\I J' T)"",L ..... vr.i-:-ion3~"' ..............iH <•~ 11:-r••·.,Jc ........n1 ,1 ,,~. .. ..... ··..&· wr-~,-,~ ...... ,/ r:rL•~n, ....' TI!lf"lP-.")U'3-· .. •JA., .. son3 and daughtc;rs h::;::c fi)undcd hc,rn.~.!3 fiorn the ..A:1antic to the Pacific Ocean anrl frorn t:ie Gu] f of th'} St. J-'n,"',Yrence to ~ 1 t.l1r• -~ t-.•r.,)~. :C a } r C"..ZI.J!l.~ r· · or. , •.. 1-J,.·1t ! ,• ..:. \ •.•,-·n,i.••· ,.11. '"'" .• _. .. • • ..... ■ THE HASTINGS MEMORIAL. THOl\tIAS I-IASTINGS. THE name 4 HASTINGS is of an illustrious family in history; and the race to which it applies is of Danish origin. In the early days of the Brith,h kingdom, the Danes made frequent incur~ions upon that part of England and Seotland bordering upon the North S<:'a,. It was in one of the~e incur~ions that I-lasting::<, a Danish c-hief~ made himself formidable to Alfred the Gn•at, by lauding a forge body of men upon the coast. He took po~se~sion of a portion of Su~~ex; nnd the Castle and seaport were helcl by his fiunily when ,villinm the Con-­ queror landed in England; and they held it fro1n the Crown for many generations. · The first of the family who enjoyed the peerage was Henry lord !lasting:;, son of ,villia.rn de IIastin·gs, steward of Ilenry II. They were allied by marriage to the royal family of' Scotland and England. George, the third lord Ha~tings, was, in 1529, created Earl of Hun­ tingdon. Sir Henry and George !lastings, grandsons of the Earl of IIuntingdon, had sons who became puritans, and were obliged by per­ secution to leave their native land and find homes in the New WorlJh._ As early as 1634, we find T-homas !lastings and wife had arrived on this shore; and in 1638 John and family had followed. That they were was a tradition in the family ; but it has uot been clearly shown, and it is more probnble they were cousins, Thomas being descended from a younger brother of the Earl of lluntingdon. The coat of arms would al~o indicate as much ; Ermine, on a Chief Azure, (blue) two mo.llcts Or; (gold) Crest, one star Or, (gold)-known by the name of !lastings. The motto of the lords Hastings, is, "In veritate victoria." (In truth tliere is tt•ictory.) I. THO~IAS I-TASTINGS, aged 29, and· wife SUSANNA, aged 34, embarkt=>d at Ip~wich, England, April 10, 1634, in the Elizabeth, William Andrews, master, for New England, and settled in Watertown, ~lass., then known as '' The l\Iassachusetts Bay Colony," where he was admitted freeman, l\Iay 6, 1635.

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