Lunch b a gs: Moms, GOP slate: Tucci, Ingraham join race / page 3 ★ ★ ★ TAG SALE!!! ^ ★ ★ dietitians puzzle ovcover '-W ____________________________ the menu / p a g e 13 % Mu^l Walking out; NFL players getdeadliri^^ag^? 4 Days for the Price of 3! PUCE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOU’RE ALL SET M i X n d m t n Hrralii FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOR IRENE OR JANE IN CLASSIFIED. ) Manchestfif — A City o! V illa p Charm Wednesday, Sept. 9,1987 30 Cents S MAKE your appointment 2 BEDROOM apartment EXCELLENT location, BASS boot. Fully rigged, OLD and new furniture, HONDA Civic 1978. Aut(H H o p River today to see this loroe, available November 1 reasonable rote Includ­ 1987. $4700. Coll after household Ifems, andd fmotlc. 60,000 miles, Cabinet quits W9 Buy 5:00. 646-6230. four fomlly In Verponl In a two family home. ing utilities. Call 647- glassware, will pay $700.635-2971. Wayne. NO PAYMENTS Fenced In back yard. 9223 or 649-5334. cosh. 646-8496. Mutt be teen on Inside AMf EttaM Up te 2 years. Kiss your fi­ Are you an onfioue lover? H O N D A Accord hatcKr to fully appreciate the Need a quick sale and clos­ nancial difticultlas goodbye. Fireplace all applian­ EAST Hartford ol^lce folks ask ces Including washer Rood the offerings In Clas­ Ploclng an ad In Clossifled back 85 with am/fm Improvements mode. ing for retocallon, divorce Avoid foroclosuro. Catch up space for lease. 2400 cassette, sunroof. $6400 and dryer. $700 per square feet. 2 floors, sified every day to find the Is easy. Just call 643-2711. Newer roof, newer kit­ seltlemenl, debt payments or on late payments such os first items or Items you'd like We'll help you with the __or best offer. 742-7859. chens. Exterior In pro­ or second mortgogo or oven month plus utilities. No ample parking. Call for in Philippines an aHernatlvs Investment? outstanding credit card Mils. pets. 649-0552 or 643- details. Kiernan to own. 60-2711. wording of your od. CORVETT 1968 4 speed. for action cess of being polnfed. Florida car. Needs mi­ $299,000. Strono Real We have die answer to your Keep your homo free and 2629. Realty. 649-1147. E nor mechanical work. Estote.o problemsi Call Bob at clear without lions. Bod COVENTRY. 2 bedroom PETS AND credit or late payment his­ Automotive Best offer. 228-4653. MANCHESTER. New apartment. Main SUPFUES By Jacqueline Bennett AUMHO MttTV, me tory Is neta proMom. Kindly Street. No pets, refer­ Resignations foliow cails Listing. $122,900. Well coll: RENT Herald Correspondent maintained five room 202 East Center Street ences required. $550 E ir® FREE Kittens. Variety of Tht Swiss month. 742-6715 or 456- starter or retirement Manehester, C T colors, box trained. Af­ CARS Sail Your Car to reorganize government COVENTRY — Prohlems along Cons«rvatlv8 Group 0064. T E M P O R A R Y lob has fectionate. Pleose call Ranch In excellent lo­ 6 4 9 ^ 1 7 created the need for FDR SALE Hop River Road have some resi­ cation. Quiet street and 1-454-4404or MANCHESTER. Ayalla- anytime. 742-5766. dents hopping mad. child safe back-yard. ble October 1st. 2 bed­ short term relocation 1-4S4-1334 for a family of five. SIAMESE Blue point, fe- P IN T O 77, 76, 73. Extra n s MANILA, Philippineis (A P) — military.” "How much garbage do we have Hurry won't last 11 Sen­ CONDOMINIUMS room duplex. Heat, hot male spayed. Affec­ 4 Lines — 10 Days President Corazon Aquino's entire But Defense Secretary Rafael water, dryer Included. Would prefer 3 bed­ ports! Best offer. 528- to put up with before you Improve try Real Estate. 647- FOR SALE tionate. All shots. 504 charge, each addi­ Cabinet resigned today to allow her Ileto said the armed forces will be P 7653.0 $600 per month. 659- rooms for approxi­ 6573, 56M161. the road?” resident Tom Welles 0703. mately 4 to 5 months. O LD S Omega 1900. 58,000 tional line. You can to reorganize a government widely watching to see which officials are asked the ’Town Council during a MANCHESTER. New list­ RECENTLY Remo- Good repufablefomlly. AKC registered Golden cancel at any time. assailed since last month’s bloody reappointed. meeting Tuesday night at the ’Town ing. Loyely older Co­ MANCHESTER. 2 room miles. Power steering, deledll This 6 room Ront8ls Rent paid by corpora­ Retriever p u p p ie s . brakes, air, fm stereo, SORRY coup attempt. Asked If the development could Office Building. lonial In moye In Colonial Is Ideally lo­ efficiency In quiet tion. Call 649-7780. Championship blood cb radio. $1550. 646- NO REFUNDS OR Presidential spokesman Teodoro help pacify the troops, Ileto said, condition. Seven cated In the Bowers area. $100 week In­ lines. Ready on Sep­ He was one of about a dozen 4851. ADJUSTMENTS Benigno said 28 officials, including rooms, two baths, Flor­ School District. Fea­ cludes utilities. Secur­ tember 6. 742-9053, 643- "In a way, yes, because there is a residents who accused town offi­ ida room with Jacuzzi tures a solid oak stair­ ROOMS ity, references re­ 7605. THUNOERBIRD 1979. CAU HERALD the 25 Cabinet members and three chance that what we are asking for cials of being slow to act on the poor and skylights. New case. Remodeling In­ FOR RENT quired. 646-1686 o r Compjetely loaded. T- others from the Presidential Com­ may be given or may happen,” Ileto condition of the kingle-lane dirt go 569-3018. FURNITURE tops, air, electric ever­ fully appllanced kit­ cluded; New light El MnCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED mission on Good Government, said. "In the military viewpoint, it road and the bridge along it. They ything. Ask for Angela. chen with built In fixtures, new bulk head GENTLEMEN, non EAST Hartford. 6 room FOR RALE submitted their resignations during will depend on whose resignation also complained that officials had breakfast area. Call for doors, new basement smoker, private home, duplex. $500 per month, COFFEE table and end 646-7835. table (together or se- 643-2711 a 15-minute emergency Cabinet will be accepted or would not be misled them about the date repairs more details. Sentry stairs, new gas lines, pleasant room,tele- utilities not Included. CORVETTE 76. White, meeting. accepted.” would be done. Real Estate. 647-7653.0 ceilings redone, hard phone, next to shower, No pets. Adults pre­ parate),one Individual TEE'Shirt transfers. Ap­ brown leather Interior. Aquino curtly declined to com­ The first to announce his resigna­ Town Manager Harold Hodge wood floors redone. porklng. 649-6801. ferred. 568-6470. glass topped coffee ta­ proximately 3000, also Power steering, win­ ELEGANTOLOGIST. Or- ble. Call 742-5918 50 to 100k numerals and ment on possible personnel tion was Trade Secretary Jose said the state closed the bridge dered perfection...This This home has a nice dows, automatic, air, MANCHESTER. Excel- MANCHESTER. Bowers evenlngs.D ______ letters for shirts, caps, changes. Asked by reporters when Conce|x:ion, whose twin brother because of safety concerns. He said 3 bedroom Colonlol Is lot with many flower­ lent furnished room for school area. 7 room, 3 t-top. Am/fm stereo ing bushes and trees. W A TE R B E D king size. etc. Best offer. 649-3642 tape deck, mag wheels. CLYDE she would announce the new Raul, a businessman, was sharply a town crew had put gravel on the one of the best kept gentleman, no kitchen bedroom, garage. Heat after 5:30pm .Q CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. homes we've seen In o Being offered at privileges. $53 weekly. ,hot water Included, Complete package ex­ Garaged. Asking $9000. Cabinet, Aquino snapped; "You attacked by Arroyo on Tuesday for road. long time. There Is o 27' $149,900. Let us show It 649-4003. with appliances. Refer­ cluding headboard. 6 G78 15 tires. Barely 644-0139. R O U T E 83, V E R N O N will know." allegedly masterminding a cam­ Residents, In turn, complained Asking $100. Call 742- used. Asking $200 or 1st floor family room to you I Reolty World ences and security re­ CHEVY Capris Estate re Cougar XR7 *3495 Palace sources, speaking on paign to oust the president’s top that the gravel had large rocks and with o huge fleldstone Frechette Benoit Asso­ quired. Available Oc­ 5918 eyenings.o best offer. Coll 646-5915. wagon, 76.9 passenger, 81 Bulok Skylark Ctx. *3895 Condition of anonymity, said she adviser. was damaging their cars. ciates. 646-7709.O lA P A I^ E N T R fireplace. Seven rooms FOR tober 1st. $700 per MEOITEitRANEAN oak CHEST type freezer. $600 or best offer. 643- 81 CMdaOmagaadr. *4495 went straight from the meeting to a At the end of the emergency Welles said people have been of space and splendor. MANCHESTER. South- month. 649-9227, 649- bedroom set. Good Fridgidalre. $200. Re­ 0233. 82Buleknagala<ir. *6495 studio to record an announcement. session chaired by Aquino, Cabinet trying to get the road fixed since field Green lovely 6 condition. Tripple frigerator older GE, $150's. Blanchard & 4248. O LD S Omega 1978. 305- 83 GMC Jimmy Van *12,000 "The Cabinet felt it was approp­ members said a secretary went 1954 when he moved to the area. Rossetto Realtors. 640- room townhouse, 3 3 ROOMS, 118 Main dresser, 2 mirrors, $50. 643-9664. Q UIET residential neigh­ V 8 ,4 dooor, 106 k. Very 83Calabrlty4*.
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