Naranjo, M. F., Ebmeier, S., Vallejo, S., Ramón, P., Mothes, P., Biggs, J., & Herrera, F. (2016). Mapping and measuring lava volumes from 2002 to 2009 at El Reventador Volcano, Ecuador, from field measurements and satellite remote sensing. Journal of Applied Volcanology, 5(8), [5:8]. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13617-016-0048-z Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record License (if available): CC BY Link to published version (if available): 10.1186/s13617-016-0048-z Link to publication record in Explore Bristol Research PDF-document This is the final published version of the article (version of record). It first appeared online via Springer at 10.1186/s13617-016-0048-z. Please refer to any applicable terms of use of the publisher. University of Bristol - Explore Bristol Research General rights This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/red/research-policy/pure/user-guides/ebr-terms/ Naranjo et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2016) 5:8 DOI 10.1186/s13617-016-0048-z RESEARCH Open Access Mapping and measuring lava volumes from 2002 to 2009 at El Reventador Volcano, Ecuador, from field measurements and satellite remote sensing M. Fernanda Naranjo1*, Susanna K. Ebmeier2*, Silvia Vallejo1, Patricio Ramón1, Patricia Mothes1, Juliet Biggs2 and Francisco Herrera3 Abstract Estimates of lava volume, and thus effusion rate, are critical for assessing volcanic hazard and are a priority for volcano observatories with responsibility for monitoring. The choice of specific methods used to approximate lava volume depends on both volcanological and practical considerations; in particular, whether field measurements are possible and how often they can be repeated. Volcán El Reventador (Ecuador) is inaccessible, and field measurements can only be made infrequently at a few locations in its caldera. We present both planimetric field and topographic satellite radar-based measurements of lava flow thicknesses and volumes for activity at El Reventador between 2002 and 2009. Lava volumes estimates range from 75 ± 24 × 106 m3 (based on field measurements of flow thickness) to 90 ± 37 × 106 m3 (from satellite radar retrieval of flow thickness), corresponding to time-averaged effusion rates of 9 ± 4 m3/s and 7±2m3/s, respectively. Detailed flow mapping from aerial imagery demonstrate that lava effusion rate was at its peak at the start of each eruption phase and decreased over time. Measurements of lava thickness made from a small set of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferograms allowed the retrieval of the shape of the compound lava flow field and show that in 2009 it was subsiding by up to 6 cm/year. Satellite radar measurements thus have the potential to be a valuable supplement to ground-based monitoring at El Reventador and other inaccessible volcanoes. Keywords: El Reventador volcano, Lava flows, InSAR, Lava effusion rate, Ecuador Introduction retrospective analysis of lava flows provides an important Effusion rate is critical for assessing lava flow hazards and basis for the development of lava flow hazard maps, espe- may be estimated by direct measurements or from repeated cially where the surface area, flow volumes and history of mapping of active or newly emplaced lava flows. Over days effusive activity can be reconstructed (Cashman et al. 2013). to weeks, lava flow mapping records the path and advance Lava flows may be mapped directly (e.g., Ryan et al. rate of lava, while over longer timescales, repeat observa- 2010) or on ground, aerial or satellite photographs and tions of lava flux reflect changes in magma source or in thermal images (eg., Vallejo and Ramón 2012). Flow conduit dimensions (e.g., Stasiuk et al. 1993) and, in silicic volumes are estimated by multiplying flow area by systems, the likelihood of dome collapse (e.g., Fink and measured or estimated mean lava thickness (‘planimet- Griffiths 1998). Over the course of an eruption, variations ric’ approach; e.g., Rowland 1996; Stevens et al. 1999). in time-averaged effusion rates may also reveal changes Pre-existing and post-eruption measurements of topog- in magma supply (e.g., Poland et al. 2012). Even when raphy allow a more direct measurement of volume measurements are not possible during an eruption, change (‘topographic’ approach). Satellite imagery specif- ically suited for constructing a Digital Elevation Model * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] (DEM) has not, until very recently (e.g., TanDem-X, 1 Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador Poland 2014) been acquired regularly and is still not 2School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK Full list of author information is available at the end of the article widely available to most volcano observatories. However, © 2016 Naranjo et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Naranjo et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2016) 5:8 Page 2 of 11 DEMs may also be constructed from ground-based and into the Amazon basin. Historical activity has been aerial photogrammetry (e.g., Ryan et al. 2010, Diefenbach centred on a cone with an estimated volume of ~5 km3 et al. 2012) or retrieved from differential interferograms that rises ~1300 m above the caldera floor (Hall 1977). (e.g., Ebmeier et al. 2012; Xu and Jónsson 2014). The cone stood 3562 m a.s.l in 1931 (Paz y Miño and y Here, we compare planimetric and topographic esti- Guerrero 1931), but, following eruptions in the 1970s, mates of lava volumes from the eruption of El Reventa- was measured at 3450 m. a.s.l. (INECEL 1988). dor, Ecuador from 2002 to 2009. After nearly three decades of quiescence, El Reventa- dor erupted again on 3 November 2002 marking the Background start of a prolonged eruptive sequence that continues to Volcán El Reventador this day (as of February 2016). The opening phase was El Reventador is a dominantly andesitic stratovolcano on El Reventador’s largest explosive historical event (VEI 4) the western edge of the Amazon basin, ~90 km east of and produced a 17 km high ash column, distributed ash Quito (Fig. 1). Work in the 1970s found El Reventador to the west over the Inter-Andean Valley, and generated to have had up to twenty eruptive periods since the nine pyroclastic density currents that impacted infra- earliest historical eruption in 1541.1 These eruptions structure including oil pipelines and roads (Hall et al. were characterised by tephra fall, as well as pyroclastic 2004) to the east of the volcano. A few days after the ini- density currents and basaltic to andesitic lava flows. The tial explosive eruption, the effusion of blocky, andesitic summit of the volcano hosts a horseshoe-shaped caldera lavas began. Activity at El Reventador from 2002 to date ~4 km across and formed by edifice collapse eastward has been dominated by such lava flows. Fig. 1 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) showing summit of El Reventador volcano, Ecuador. CONE, LAV4 and CHAR show the locations of seismic stations. Numbered stars indicate location of photographs shown in Figs. 2 and 3; field-of-view shown by dotted lines. (Inset) DEM of Ecuador, showing location of El Reventador Naranjo et al. Journal of Applied Volcanology (2016) 5:8 Page 3 of 11 Observations of eruptions 2002–2009 tonnes on 3 Nov, falling to ~5000 tones per day by 25 The Instituto Geofísico (IG) at the Escuela Politecnica Nov.), significant ash emission and pyroclastic density Nacional conducts field campaigns at El Reventador sev- currents reached as far as the eastern edge of the cal- eral times every year, with more than 50 visits to the vol- dera. Two separate lavas flowed from the small summit cano during 2002–2009. Since the start of the eruption crater on the cone and a nearby lateral vent on the there have been 39 overflights of the volcano. El Reven- southeastern cone and reached a maximum runout dis- tador is very difficult to access: walking into the caldera tance of 3.7 km. The second phase (B, Nov. 2004 – Sep. through the rainforest requires establishing a base camp, 2005) was characterized by lava filling the 3 November while access by helicopter or light aircraft relies on rare 2002 crater. Five lavas overflowed the summit crater into occasions of clear weather and carries the risk of scien- the caldera and reached lengths of a few hundred metres tists having to walk out of the caldera if the weather to about a kilometre. In addition to elevated volcano- changes. El Reventador is covered by cloud the majority tectonic and long period seismicity, episodes of tremor of the time – of the 136 ASTER images acquired be- and seismic signals attributed to rockfall were detected, tween 2002 and 2009 only 2 are cloud free over the lava and seemed to be associated with the filling and then flows (ava.jpl.nasa.gov/ASTER_data.php?id = 1502-01=). overflowing of the summit crater. In 2005, strombolian Because of these challenges a variety of different moni- activity, pyroclastic density currents, SO2 and ash emis- toring methods were employed to identify periods of sion accompanied lava effusion. The third phase of active lava effusion between 2002 and 2009. This in- eruption (C, Mar – Aug 2007) was characterised by fre- cludes visual and thermal in situ and aerial observations, quent, moderate explosive activity, intermittent SO2 seismicity, satellite thermal alerts (MODVOLC, HOT- emission and semi-continuous effusion to both north SPOT), VAAC alerts and SO2 emissions from TOMS & and south of the summit crater as 3 new lava flows.
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