Name Type M Size Con G1

Name Type M Size Con G1

Name Type m Size Con G1 - Mayall II GCL 13.7 2000 And + NGC 910 - Abell 347 Gal 12.2 2:00 × 2:00 And + NGC 6749 GCL 12.4 6:30 Aql + NGC 6751 PN 11.9 2100 Aql + Palomar 11 GCL 9.8 100 Aql + NGC 1985 BNL 12.7b 1:20 × 1:20 Aur { NGC 1569 Gal 11.3 2:90 × 1:50 Cam + IC 391 Gal 12.7 1:10 × 1:00 Cam { NGC 2336 Gal 10.7 7:10 × 3:90 Cam ? NGC 2366 Gal 11.0 8:10 × 3:30 Cam + NGC 2715 Gal 11.3 4:90 × 1:70 Cam { Abell 2 PN 14.5 3300 Cas { NGC 609 OCL 11.0 30 Cas + Abell 82 PN 12.7 9400 Cas { Abell 84 PN 13 14700 Cas { NGC 2276 Gal 11.8 2:60 × 2:50 Cep + NGC 7076 - Abell 75 PN 14.5 6700 Cep + IC 1454 - Abell 81 PN 14.4 3400 Cep + UGC 11465 Gal 12.8 1:30 × 1:30 Cyg + Abell 72 PN 12.7 13400 Del { Abell 39 PN 12.9 17000 Her { Minkowski 64 PN 13.3 1800 Lyr + Pegasus Dwarf Gal 12 4:60 × 3:00 Peg { Jones 1 PN 12.1 33000 Peg + Abell 4 PN 14.8 2200 Per { Name Type m Size Con IC 348 OCL 7.3 70 Per + NGC 660 Gal 11.4 8:30 × 3:20 Psc + NGC 3065 Gal 11.9 2:00 × 1:00 UMa { G1 - Mayall II And Globular Cluster α = 00h 32m 46:54s, δ = 39◦ 340 40:400 Magnitude: 13.7 Size: 2000 In galaxy M31. Probably nucleus of dwarf galaxy. Notes: ED100+, ED130+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 180 Mag cut: 11.7 M31 G1 stars from catalog Tycho2 G1 - Mayall II page 3 NGC 910 - Abell 347 And Galaxy α = 02h 25m 26:9s, δ = 41◦ 490 2700 Magnitude: 12.2 Size: 2:00 × 2:00 SB: 13.3 PA: 90◦ Type: E Notes: AS80+, C63-, Cas150+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 1:5◦ Box FOV: 150 Mag cut: 11.7 891 914 906 898 911 910 stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 910 - Abell 347 page 4 NGC 6749 Aql Globular Cluster α = 19h 05m 15:6s, δ = 01◦ 540 0200 Magnitude: 12.4 Size: 6:30 Notes: AS110-, Cas150+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 1:5◦ Box FOV: 200 Mag cut: 11.5 6749 TT stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 6749 page 5 NGC 6751 Aql Planetary Nebula α = 19h 05m 55:5s, δ = −05◦ 590 3200 Magnitude: 11.9 Size: 2100 Type: 3 Notes: AS110-, Cas150+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2:5◦ Box FOV: 150 Mag cut: 11.2 12 6751 stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 6751 page 6 Palomar 11 Aql Globular Cluster α = 19h 45m 14:4s, δ = −08◦ 000 2600 Magnitude: 9.8 Size: 100 Notes: AS110-, Cas150+, N250- Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 200 Mag cut: 11.5 Pal11 stars from catalog Tycho2 Palomar 11 page 7 NGC 1985 Aur Bright Nebula α = 05h 37m 47:8s, δ = +31◦ 590 2000 Magnitude: 12.7b Size: 1:20 × 1:20 Type: Reflection Notes: ATC82- Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2:4◦ Box FOV: 150 Mag cut: 11.5 χ 1985 Berk71 stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 1985 page 8 NGC 1569 Cam Galaxy α = 04h 30m 49:2s, δ = +64◦ 500 5100 Magnitude: 11.3 Size: 2:90 × 1:50 SB: 13.2 PA: 120◦ Type: Irr III Notes: AS80+, C63- Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2:5◦ Box FOV: 150 Mag cut: 11.5 1569 stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 1569 page 9 IC 391 Cam Galaxy α = 04h 57m 21:1s, δ = +78◦ 110 2900 Magnitude: 12.7 Size: 1:10 × 1:00 Type: SAB(s)cd pec? Notes: AS110- Digital Sky Survey FOV: 1:6◦ Box FOV: 150 Mag cut: 12 I391 stars from catalog Tycho2 IC 391 page 10 NGC 2336 Cam Galaxy α = 07h 27m 04:1s, δ = +80◦ 100 4100 Magnitude: 10.7 Size: 7:10 × 3:90 SB: 14.2 PA: 175◦ Type: SBc Notes: ED130? Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 200 Mag cut: 11.5 IC467 Galaxy Mag.: 12.0 Size: 3:50 × 3:50 2336 I467 stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 2336 page 11 NGC 2366 Cam Galaxy α = 07h 28m 54:7s, δ = +69◦ 120 5700 Magnitude: 11.0 Size: 8:10 × 3:30 SB: 14.4 PA: 25◦ Type: IB(s)m IV-V Member of M81 group. Strong starforming regions, the brightest HII region was seen by WH and marked as NGC 2366. Detached rea- gion west is separate galaxy NGC 2363. Notes: AS110+,ED100- Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 200 Mag cut: 11.5 2366 stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 2366 page 12 NGC 2715 Cam Galaxy α = 09h 08m 06:5s, δ = +78◦ 050 0600 Magnitude: 11.3 Size: 4:90 × 1:70 SB: 13.4 PA: 22◦ Type: Irr III Notes: AS80-, ED130- Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 200 Mag cut: 12.0 NGC2655 Galaxy Mag.: 10.1 Size: 4:90 × 4:10 2655 SB: 13.2 2715 FL PA: 90◦ stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 2715 page 13 Abell 2 Cas Planetary Nebula α = 00h 45m 36s, δ = +57◦ 570 2400 Magnitude: 14.5 Size: 3300 Digital Sky Survey FOV: 1◦ Box FOV: 120 Mag cut: 11.7 A2 η stars from catalog Tycho2 Abell 2 page 14 NGC 609 Cas Open Cluster α = 01h 36m 23:7s, δ = 64◦ 320 1200 Magnitude: 11.0 Size: 30 Type: II 3 r Notes: C63?, AS80-, Cas150+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 150 Mag cut: 10.5 NGC 637 Open Cluster Mag.: 8.2 Size: 3:50 609 637 stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 609 page 15 Abell 82 Cas Planetary Nebula α = 23h 45m 47:8s, δ = +57◦ 030 5900 Magnitude: 12.7 Size: 9400 Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2:5◦ Box FOV: 120 Mag cut: 11.5 Berk 102 Open Cluster ρ Size: 50 A82 Be102 stars from catalog Tycho2 Abell 82 page 16 Abell 84 Cas Planetary Nebula α = 23h 47m 44:3s, δ = +51◦ 230 5600 Magnitude: 13 Size: 14700 Digital Sky Survey FOV: 3◦ Box FOV: 240 Mag cut: 11.2 A84 18 stars from catalog Tycho2 Abell 84 page 17 NGC 2276 Cep Galaxy α = 07h 27m 14:4s, δ = +85◦ 450 1600 Magnitude: 11.8 Size: 2:60 × 2:50 SB: 13.8 PA: 20◦ Type: Sc I Pair with NGC 2300 Notes: AS80+, ED130- Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 200 Mag cut: 11.5 NGC2300 Galaxy Mag.: 11.1 Size: 2:80 × 2:00 SB: 12.9 2276 PA: 90◦ 2300 I469 stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 2276 page 18 NGC 7076 - Abell 75 Cep Planetary Nebula α = 21h 26m 23:6s, δ = +62◦ 530 3300 Magnitude: 14.5 Size: 6700 Notes: AS110-, Cas150+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 180 Mag cut: 12.2 7076 α stars from catalog Tycho2 NGC 7076 - Abell 75 page 19 IC 1454 - Abell 81 Cep Planetary Nebula α = 22h 42m 25s, δ = +80◦ 260 3200 Magnitude: 14.4 Size: 3400 Notes: ED130?, Cas150+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 3:5◦ Box FOV: 150 Mag cut: 11.0 A81 ρ 28 stars from catalog Tycho2 IC 1454 - Abell 81 page 20 UGC 11465 Cyg Galaxy α = 19h 41m 42:3s, δ = 50◦ 370 5600 Magnitude: 12.8 Size: 1:30 × 1:30 SB: 13.0 PA: 90◦ Type: S(B)0 Notes: AS110-, Cas150+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 1◦ Box FOV: 150 Mag cut: 11.5 U11465 3C402 16 stars from catalog Tycho2 UGC 11465 page 21 Abell 72 Del Planetary Nebula α = 20h 50m 02s, δ = +13◦ 330 2800 Magnitude: 12.7 Size: 13400 Notes: Cas150- Digital Sky Survey FOV: 3◦ Box FOV: 120 Mag cut: 11.2 17 A72 15 16 stars from catalog Tycho2 Abell 72 page 22 Abell 39 Her Planetary Nebula α = 16h 27m 33:6s, δ = +27◦ 540 3400 Magnitude: 12.9 Size: 17000 Digital Sky Survey FOV: 5◦ Box FOV: 300 Mag cut: 11.2 υ A39 19 stars from catalog Tycho2 Abell 39 page 23 Minkowski 64 Lyr Planetary Nebula α = 18h 50m 02s, δ = +35◦ 140 3500 Magnitude: 13.3 Size: 1800 Notes: ATC82-, Cas150+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 4◦ 0 δ Box FOV: 15 Steph1 1 δ Mag cut: 10.8 2 Mi64 β stars from catalog Tycho2 Minkowski 64 page 24 Pegasus Dwarf Peg Galaxy α = 23h 28m 36s, δ = 14◦ 500 3800 Magnitude: 12 Size: 4:60 × 3:00 SB: 13.0 PA: 120◦ Type: Ir+O Baral Digital Sky Survey FOV: 5◦ Box FOV: 600 Mag cut: 11 NGC7711 7703 Galaxy 7691 Mag.: 12.1 Size: 2:60 × 1:30 7711 7653 ◦ PA: 95 U12613 7649 NGC7653 Galaxy 7659 Mag.: 12.7 Size: 1:60 × 1:50 PA: 90◦ 70 stars from catalog Tycho2 Pegasus Dwarf page 25 Jones 1 Peg Planetary Nebula α = 23h 35m 53:3s, δ = +30◦ 280 0600 Magnitude: 12.1 Size: 33000 Type: 3b Notes: ATC82-, Ba95+, Cas150+ Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 200 72 Mag cut: 11.7 U12713 Jones1 U12667 stars from catalog Tycho2 Jones 1 page 26 Abell 4 Per Planetary Nebula α = 02h 45m 23:7s, δ = +42◦ 330 0500 Magnitude: 14.8 Size: 2200 Digital Sky Survey FOV: 2◦ Box FOV: 120 Mag cut: 11.7 M34 A4 stars from catalog Tycho2 Abell 4 page 27 IC 348 Per Open Cluster α = 03h 44m 34s, δ = 32◦ 090 4800 Magnitude: 7.3 Size: 70 Type: IV 3 p n Br? Σ439 (9.3+10.3, 24"), with neb, 2 My old.

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