S9026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 9, 1997 America and around the world. This bound students rose more than 200 Yugoslavia, and Austria, Peter eventu- event which begins on September 12, points. ally settled in Akron, OH. His interests 1997, is worthy of recognition. Mr. President, I have been honored to led him to educate himself in American Mr. President, I commend each per- visit Florida A&M University on many history, specifically with a focus on na- son who will participate in this impor- occasions. I have experienced the spe- tive American lore, tribal cultures, and tant conference, which in effect ad- cial spirit on campus, in the class- contributions to our lifestyle today. vances and demonstrates the continu- rooms, and among the greater Florida Peter recently completed a project ing positive contributions of Muslim A&M University family of alumni, fac- where he carved out enormous totem and Arab Americans. Through lectures, ulty, administrators, and students. poles by hand and presented one to round table discussions, and exchange Our State and Nation are better be- each of the fifty States to show his of ideas, I am confident that this con- cause of Florida A&M University and gratitude to our country. ference will continue to build upon the its commitment to educational excel- His totem pole to New Hampshire relationships which exist between the lence. Congratulations, Rattlers. was presented in 1984 and it stands in United States and the Muslim and Mr. President, I ask that an editorial Opechee Park in Laconia, NH. The dedication ceremony that September Arab communities. published in the Tallahassee Democrat Many in the Islamic and Arab com- drew a crowd of over 3,000 people. newspaper on August 26, 1997, be print- Peter's immigration into this coun- munities have given generously of ed in the RECORD. try, as well as his hard work, should their time and energy in preparation The editorial follows: stand as an example for all Americans. for this conference. They are to be WHY FAMU'S TOP ACHIEVEMENTS RATE It is no doubt that he is worthy of commended for their efforts and I am NATIONAL PRESS great recognition and praise for his de- pleased to recognize this event in the Vestiges of a past when men and women votion to the United States. U.S. Senate.· were judged by the color of their skin are Mr. President, I want to pay great f still with us. And one of those monuments of homage to Peter Wolf Toth for his out- intolerance ranks as one of Tallahassee's standing commitment to the United TRIBUTE TO FLORIDA A&M UNI- brighter stars, Florida A&M University. VERSITY: ``COLLEGE OF THE In an age where segregation is illegal, the States. We are indebted to his amazing YEAR'' natural question is, Why have two univer- gifts and talents that he chose to share with all of us.· Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, as we sities: one white, one black? · But the reason for FAMU's existence is as f send our children and grandchildren strong today as it was when black people back to school to begin another aca- were driven from pillar to post and denied TRIBUTE TO JUDGE ALAN GOLD demic year, we as a nation focus on the higher education. Time Magazine and the · Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, I am vital role of education. Princeton Review lauded FAMU as the pre- honored to welcome Judge Alan Gold Florida is proud of its role in devel- mier producer of black graduates and for its to the Federal bench in the Southern oping and nurturing colleges and uni- work in establishing doctorate programs. District of Florida. For more than 25 versities of excellence that have edu- HE RECRUITED STUDENTS, LINED UP JOBS years, Alan Gold has served the State cated generations of America's leaders. Consider what wonders FAMU has per- of Florida with honor and distinction. I One of those institutions, Florida A&M formed with students in need of opportunity. have no doubt that his outstanding University, has been cited as ``College Since 1991, the school tripled the size of its service will continue in his new assign- of the Year'' by the editors of Time graduating classes. President Frederick ment. On September 15, Judge Gold magazine and The Princeton Review. Humphries' peripatetic efforts landed those will be sworn in, along with Mr. Donald The editors cited the school's out- graduates hundreds of jobs with major cor- Middlebrooks, in ceremonies in Miami, porations, thus pumping into our main- standing enrollment of National stream new generations of black achievers FL. Achievement Scholars, its position as able to earn their own way. Much of my confidence in Judge Alan the only historically African-American His development of new doctoral programs Gold comes from his lifelong commit- college to offer four Ph.D programs, opened new avenues of academic success, and ment to the people of our State. He and dramatic enrollment growth. his linkages with the federal government began his career more than 25 years This well-deserved national recogni- brought dollars and prestige to FAMU and to ago, when he represented Dade County tion is a tribute to the students, alum- Tallahassee. in both State and Federal courts. ni, and staff of Florida A&M Univer- We're still moving toward that day when In 1975, Alan Gold moved into private we'll all be judged by the content of our sity. It also reflects the outstanding practice, where he developed wide rec- character, not solely by the color of our ognition and respect as a leader in land leadership of President Frederick Hum- skin. But until we get there, institutions phries, who has led the institution with use and environmental law. such as FAMU are an integral and necessary In 1984, when I was Governor, I ap- vision and dedication since 1985. part of the journey. When classes began this academic In an age of voluntary segregationÐwhen pointed Judge Gold to Florida's Land Management Study Committee, a vital year, enrollment exceeded 10,000 stu- the rich and well-to-do take their tax dol- post given our State's long period of dents, up from 3,200 in the mid- lars, culture and opportunities beyond the rapid population growth. In addition, eighties. Florida A&M University en- pale of our citiesÐhundreds of thousands of blacks and poor whites are left to founder in Judge Gold served Florida for 6 years rolled its largest freshman class ever the race for jobs and college placement. as general counsel to the Florida High this fall. For those students, the nurturing influ- Speed Rail Transportation Commis- Further, the number of bachelors' de- ence of institutions such as FAMU cannot be sion, an entity created by the State grees awarded since 1991 has more than denied.· legislature in 1984 to develop a high- tripled, from 463 in 1991 to 1,524 last f speed rail transportation and magnetic year, surpassing Howard University as levitation demonstration project. America's leading granter of under- TRIBUTE TO HONOR PETER WOLF TOTH Mr. President, in addition to his sub- graduate degrees to African-American stantial professional experience, Judge college graduates. · Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire. Mr. Gold will bring respected academic cre- During this decade, Florida A&M President, I rise today to honor Peter dentials to the Federal bench. In 1989, University, along with Harvard, has Wolf Toth who has completed a project nearly 25 years after completing a mas- been a leader in attracting National to present each State with a handmade ters in law at the University of Miami Achievement Scholars. Florida A&M wooden totem pole that incorporates School of Law, Judge Gold was invited University led the Nation in 1992 and local and historical figures from all to join his alma mater's faculty as an 1995; Harvard in 1993 and 1994. across the Nation. I commend his out- adjunct professor. It was a wise invita- While all this was occurringÐenroll- standing gift to our Nation. tion to an outstanding role model for ment growth, more degrees awarded Peter came to the United States future generations of legal profes- and more scholars enrolledÐoverall ad- through extraordinary circumstances. sionals. mission standards increased. In the He escaped with his mother from the As a result of his distinguished ef- past 10 years, Scholastic Aptitude Test Soviet takeover in Russian-occupied forts in the public interest and in pri- scores of Florida A&M University- Hungary. Traveling through Budapest, vate practice, Alan Gold was appointed September 9, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S9027 to Florida's Eleventh Judicial Circuit ana is also a land of many peoples, the senior Senator from Washington Court, where he has served with integ- with East Indians, Africans, Chinese, presented a story of a most tragic situ- rity and competence. His peers and col- Amer-Indians, and Europeans counted ation on the Yakama Indian Reserva- leagues have overwhelmingly endorsed among its ancestors. Guyana is also a tion in his call for support of an appro- his abilities. In a 1994 survey of re- country that embraces freedom of reli- priations rider that would require trib- gional attorneys by the Dade County gion, which allows Christians, Mus- al governments to relinquish their Bar, 92.8 percent of respondents rated lims, and Hindus to worship side by right to sovereign immunity in order Judge Gold's performance as qualified side. to receive Federal funding. or exceptionally qualified. My colleagues may be aware that In 1994, a tragic accident involving a As a circuit court judge, Alan Gold Guyana achieved independence and ob- tribal police officer en route to the served both in the family and criminal served its first free and fair election in scene of an ensuing robbery resulted in divisions, where he presided over felony 1992, after more than three centuries of the death of 18-year-old Jered jury cases.
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