t Qfoinity Vol. XCII No. 15 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 FEBRUARY 15,1994 Gerety To Leave Trinity Trinity's Future Examined Accepts Presidency BY PETER M. FRIEDMAN & AMY MCGILL Of Amherst College Senior Editor & News Editor BY AMY MCGILL & Other members of the Col- Tom Gerety's sudden de- PETER M.FRIEDMAN lege community were notified parture leaves Trinity facing a News Editor & Senior Editor of Gerety's decision via a tersely multitude of questions about its worded statement released at future. Among most obvious In a shocking and sudden approximately 1:00 Friday af- issues are: who will be the in- development Trinity President ternoon. The statement said that terim president, and who will Tom Gerety announced on Fri- Gerety had accepted the Presi- bethenextpermanentpresident; day that he would be leaving dency of Amherst College, "al- where the new president will the College to assume the presi- though the offer came unbid- live in light of the fact thatPresi- dency of Amherst College, in den." dent Gerety moved off of cam- Amherst, Massachusetts. Gerety evidently had not pus and the old president's Gerety, the 17th man to hold the pursued the position at house was converted in to the office of President in Trinity's Amherst. According to Presi- new admissions office; how the 171 year history will begin his dent Gerety, he was first ap- College's as yet-unannounced responsibilities as the 17thPresi- proached by Chairman of the Capital Development Fund dentof Amherst during the sum- Amherst board of Trustees, drive will be affected and mer of 1994. He replaces Peter Charles R. Longsworth, in De- whether or not Dean of Faculty R. Pouncey, who has been the cember of 1993 . Up until that Jan Cohn's resignation will still President of Amherst since 1983. point the only involvement stand. The announcement came as Gerery had in the procedures to replace Pouncey had been to President Gerety leaves a surprise to the Trinity com- munity, as there had been no recommend another candidate Trinity in a time of transition. for the position. Many of the plans that he insti- indication that Gerety, who has gated and began at Trinity are been President of the College Longsworth queried Ger- e since the fall of 1989, was plan- ety as to whether or not he had incomplete. How and if his plans President Tom Gerety at a gathering last semester. PHOTOGRAPHY ning to move on. According to any interest in the position. Ac- will continue to be carried out Dean of the Faculty J. Ronald dent. When Funston left to be- are going tobe crucial the future sources, senior members of the cording to President Gerety, at Spencer '61, the college has ap- come the President of iV\e New College Administration were some time around January 1, of the institution. pointed interim president's York Stock Exchange an 1951, In tferrns of the neiar future, 199$, b,e told Longsworth that twke^incefhe 19409,both times he was not interested in the job. Board of Trustees Chairman Spencer said "My inclina- promoting from the inside. ing. However, individuals who Amherst persisted in their pur- Alfred Koeppel '54 said that the When Remsen Brinckerhoff tion is to think that there aie at did not wish to be identified suit of Gerety, until he finally Board hoped to have an interim Ogilby drowned in 1943, Pro- least several people at the Col- said that Gerery had been seri- agreed on February 10 th to ac- president named by March 19, fessor Arthur Howard Hughes lege who are distinguished ously considering the prospect cept the position. the next time that the Trustees was chosen to lead the College scholars and teachers who as early as two weeks ago. formally meet, until Trinity Alumnus George would do quite a fine job as an please turn to page 9 According to Associate Keith Funston became Presi- please turn to page 7 Employment Policies Investigated KKT Votes To End BY ELI LAKE paid dishwasher. iMiiriioll's M,in.it*<'mcnl Senior Editor The conclusion of many Existence At Trinity Hi Prat :l i(.ios I n yes I iga I vxI of these meetings was that al- Two years ago a group of though a union seemed like BYJMBARR merge and become one organi- students with the Progressive dents included a variety of the best method of realizing Editor-in-Chief zation while still maintaining >tudent Alliance met with some things. Students were con- better conditions for Marriott some separate functions. This members of the faculty and cerned that Marriott employees employees, the management The Kappa Kappa Gamma proposal was submit to the ad- Marriott staff to discuss form- could not take part in the rest of of Marriott stood in the way of sorority voted to end its exist- ministration for review, butEast ing a union of food workers at the college community by tak- realizing such a goal, Research ence on the Trinity campus at a said that such a merger has now Marriott. ing courses or using the library. done for this article shows that meeting on Sunday night, been vetoed by the national or- The idea seemed logical The only part of the college they not much has changed in the According to Emelie East ganization. They were "not ex- and pragmatic at the time to all were given access to was the last two years in Marriott. The '94, president of Kappa Kappa cited about it," she said. those in attendance at those gym. At the time an employee management continues to do Gamma (Kappa), the sorority According to East, the na- meetings, Marriott workers remarked, "It's as if the college what it can to prevent the for- now plans to phase out its exist- tional organization was un- had no contractual legal guar- only thinks of us as implements mation of a union and many ence and will not hold a rush in happy with the idea of a merger, antee of working from one year that cook food, we are not of the employees have learned the fall of 1994. In the last week, because it would be a first for to the next and most employees thoughtofashumanbeingswith to temper their resentment of the sorority has had to decide the female only organization. of Marriott were earning little minds to develop." The stu- the management in low whis- whether to phase out or to go East said that the national's more than minimum wage. dents were also concerned with pers so as not to be heard and underground. Earlier attempts problem with Kappa merging Like so many student move- the arrangement of health care threatened. All of the employ- to form an umbrella organiza- with a fraternity was that it ments this one was high on ide- benefits for the employees. ees who were spoken with in tion with a fraternity had also would be a first for the nation- als, but lacked the necessary There was a flat rate system relation to this article spoke fallen apart. wide Kappa organization, and where the health care packages understanding of real power to on the condition of anonymity The Kappa sorority had would set a precedent that the cost the same for high paid man- accomplish its goals. for fear of repercussions from drawn up a plan with the broth- organization wasn't sure it agers, as it did for the lowest The concerns of the stu- please turn to page 10 ers of Pi Kappa Alpha (Pike) to please turn to page 12 TT1 AlUb. NLWS: War of the States $400,000 grant Restaurant Review • War of the Worlds Beavis & Cupid 8:30's nixed? Weicker's Agencta • Gallery • Cliff's Top-10 Gerety Top-20 . Crime Statist c- In the Name ofth Security Bloltilr Movies of 1993 Valentines Day... Father reviewed who needs it? Movie Times Page 2 GERETYREACTION THE TRINITY TRIPOD • February 15, 1994 : 1 • .'.-•• .'/""•." * V-v",;-'•"'•':'• 3 • •"'••••• ' V"' " !•• • i .'" •..'•'"'-'•• •' Looking Forward e believe that if President Gerety didn't as quickly as possible. This acting president must love Trinity—and every indication seems have strong ties to the school and be willing to to say that he didn't—then it's a good thing that fight through the difficult times to come. he's leaving. And these will be difficult times: admission Presidents of schools must represent the quin- applications will probably drop, faculty may leave, tessence of loyalty and love for their institutions. and annual giving could decrease. But we believe Their job is to sell their campus as the greatest that in the end the school will be stronger. place on earth. To attract new faculty, better Alfred Koeppel, Chairman of the Board of Trust- students, and more money for their college. Presi- ees, said it best, 'Trinity has been around since dents are, if nothing more, the symbolic represen- 1823, and has had its problems in the past, but it tation for their schools; and therefore their enthu- has survived. We will survive, and be stronger for siasm must be at least that of the most loyal it after Tom is gone." alumni. Those that give up on this school, like President In this respect despite all the smiles that he's Gerety has, don't recognize the incredible oppor- flashed us over the last five years, President Gerety tunity we now have to chart its future. We are ultimately failed. duty-bound by memories of Bantams past to per- The timing of Gerety's decision proves further severe and grow stronger.
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