TM The VOICE of the FAMILY in GAMING Anno 1800, Ban- Paper ner of the Maid, Mario The Mail Mole, and Origami King more this issue. Coming Very Soon! ISSUE #156 July 2020 July CONTENTS 2020 156 Links: Home Page Section Page(s) Editor’s Desk 4 Female Side 5 Comics 7 Sound Off 8 - 10 Look Back 12 Quiz 13 Devotional 14 In The News 16 - 23 We Would Play That! 24 Reviews 25 - 37 Sports 38 - 41 Developing Games 42 - 67 Now Playing 68 - 83 Last Minute Tidbits 84 - 106 “Family Friendly Gaming” is trademarked. Contents of Family Friendly Gaming is the copyright of Paul Bury, and Yolanda Bury with the exception of trademarks and related indicia (example Digital Praise); which are prop- erty of their individual owners. Use of anything in Family Friendly Gaming that Paul and Yolanda Bury claims copyright to is a violation of federal copyright law. Contact the editor at the business address of: Family Friendly Gaming 7910 Autumn Creek Drive Cordova, TN 38018 [email protected] Trademark Notice Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft all have trademarks on their respective machines, and games. The current seal of approval, and boy/girl pics were drawn by Elijah Hughes thanks to a wonderful donation from Tim Emmerich. Peter and Noah are inspiration to their parents. Family Friendly Gaming Page 2 Page 3 Family Friendly Gaming Editor’s Desk FEMALE SIDE for yourself. an exclusion since he learned to shoot in the Does the media control you? Outdoors versus tech military. People here know where to shoot On the topic of George Floyd. Where are the a deer one time to take it down without any I am writing this in the beginning of June. We have got- My hubby and I routinely discuss “The Memphis Experi- investigative journalists looking at his long suffering. Do you think most tech people ten that far ahead in terms of timeline with the magazine ence” in a variety of conversations. This encompasses a criminal history? What happened before know where that spot is on a deer? I talked releases. There have been two events that dishearten my wide array of topics. There is ignorance, racism against that video? Did the police officer and George to people in Seattle and Tacoma, most were faith in humanity. The first is COVID-19, and the second white people, corruption, laziness, lack of ethics, lack of Floyd know one another? Had that police aghast that anyone would hunt, let alone is the reaction to the death of George Floyd. Both of them morals, social nature, outdoors, lack of technological un- officer arrested George Floyd before? Where know where to shoot a deer. show how the media can rile up some people and control derstanding, high crime, sexism and more. Sure you may are the investigative reporters? Why is there them into doing what the media wants done. This bothers have some of those, or maybe all of them in other cities all such a rush to judgement when we know vid- Different people and different areas are good me deeply. Which led me to my question - does the media over the world. It is possible that all of these problems are eos can be doctored? The media has lied to at different things. Just because one is tech control you? Are you a pawn or puppet of the media? The not exclusive to Memphis, TN. A lot of people in Memphis, me enough for me not to immediately react savvy does not mean they are real world or election of President Trump gave me hope that there were TN have a chip on their shoulder. The city has been slowly to what they say. Will you be their pawn and outdoors savvy. Does that make sense to you? still people left who could think for themselves. It may not dying, and the “leadership” of the city are corrupt, apathet- puppet? Or will you think for yoursel? Do you agree? quite be the majority of America, but it was enough to get ic, or playing the blame game. It astounds me they do little past the lies, and deceit of the media. to make things better. The majority of the city keep voting God bless, God bless, for the same people that keep Memphis in the dumpster. Paul Bury Yolanda Bury How could anyone forget how many times the media has Maybe try something new if you know what I mean. gotten it wrong? How could anyone forget how the media will lie to us to try and further their radical agenda? Re- My hubby and I notice the lack of technological under- member the lies from CNN about the Covington Students? standing, training, and comprehension. We have helped Remember Dan Rather’s lies on CBS? What about CBS countless people in Memphis, TN with a variety of tech lying about a nurse supposedly quitting her job because of related issues. In the Pacific Northwest there is a greater COVID-19. How about TIME reporting the MLK bust was technological comprehension. A barista there knows more removed from the Oval Office? When the story furthers than some tech people here. There is such a tech immer- the hatred and racism of the media they don’t do investiga- sion in that area with Microsoft, Nintendo, Amazon, and tive journalism. They run with the story and cause a hate more being based in that area. There are days that the lack filled reaction. The problem is the pawns and puppets of of understanding can be frustrating to me and my hubby. the media are doing all of this for a lie. I find it sad. I find it Simple things to us - like sending an email, or updating a sad that too many people take whatever the media says as device is confusing to some others. What is worse is when truth. Are they so full of hatred that they don’t care about we have taught this same person how to do this process the truth either? Or so lazy and weak minded that they before. don’t bother to consider they are not being told the truth and/or all of the facts. A great many people in the Memphis, TN area hunt and fish. They have great understanding about the outdoors. I am sick and tired of brainwashed lemmings freaking out I guarantee you they know more about the outdoors than over COVID-19. Look at the numbers for yourself. The most do in the Pacific Northwest. I taught my hubby how percentage of deaths from COVID-19 are 0.06%. Yet all to put a worm on a hook to fish. That training and educa- these people freaking out and claiming COVID-19 has a tion was never provided to him. Paul went black powder high death rate. Less than one percent is a high death rate? shooting with my father, and learned all about that. He I also looked at the numbers and saw over 50% have com- learned it is much harder to shoot that way than it is in any pletely recovered. It is possible the death rate percentage video game. The real world is actually more difficult than increases. Yet the true problem is people regurgitating what a video game. Shocker huh? People here in Memphis are the media tells them to think. Do the math yourself. Think way more trained in how to use a fire arm. My hubby is Family Friendly Gaming Page 4 Page 5 Family Friendly Gaming Lesson-based EDUCATION & FUN Mission SOCIAL MEDIA Statement TIDBITS Family Friendly Gaming (FFG) was cre- ated in March of the year of our Lord 2005 as the first ever Christian video game magazine. The goal of Family Friendly Gaming is to report on video games from the family view point. Family Friendly Gaming takes a fair and bal- anced approach to all news, previews, reviews, interviews, features, and other Colossians: 9781935915010 | 1 Peter: 9780976054870 | 2 Peter: 9780976054887 | Phillipians: 9781935915010 | James: 9780976054863 articles found within. The secular video 1 Timothy: 9780976054825 | 2 Timothy: 9780976054894 | Interactive Parables: 9780976054801 | Interactive Parables Spanish: 9780976054818 game media reports mainly on the most morally bankrupt games and call those games good. The major secular media Interactive Bible Series for Windows by GraceWorks Interactive reports on the bad side of video games mainly. Most other Christian media outlets claim video games turn the player into a zombie, or they completely wor- ship video games. Family Friendly Gam- ing reports the good, and bad side effects alog features 1 to video games. It is the belief of the s cat 500 Thi + owners that readers are smart enough to vailable Homesch come to their conclusions without those 0 a ool 00 titl in the media handing opinions to them. DVD-ROMs contain PowerPoint Bible stories, 3 - 5 on 9 es each disk. The PowerPoints contain stunning lifelike of . Those of us at Family Friendly Gaming still graphics. Not cartoons, but computer generated photorealistic imagery. Their purpose is to provide a believe by giving you the facts, you can great backdrop while the teacher articulates the story, decide for yourself. There are plenty of re- there is no audio, but a lesson outline is provided for the teacher along with Bible references. Each story also has ally good video games on the market that a printable PDF activity sheet and a coloring page. teach wonderful lessons. Both inside the 14 DVD ROM titles Christian video game market, and from $10.99 each Easter 1 EAN 5060209840680 non-Christian video game developers.
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