H 60 v~ into all tb~ worla H Rna 10, 1 am witb you al· ana .,r~acb tb~ gosl'd to ~o~ry way, ~otn unto tb~ ~na of tbt cr~atur~. t t worla." Cbt , JIIgoma ,missionary n¢ws \ tb¢ Offldal Organ of tbt Dfocts¢ ,of }llgoma. = = ==-- ==--== CONTENTS: Lenten Pastoral Death of Queen Victoria Interesting Diocesan News , " Women in the Mission ' Field. " I By Mrs. 1. L. Bishop, 'F.R.G.S. L'' T H E ALGOMA MISSIONARY PRESS ~ ________________~4 _-46 ~RI _CHM_ON_D _ST._W_EST__________________ ~ --t-...................................................... If y?U want GOOD"H'IM'LTH you must use PURE FOOD AND DRINK j C()ntin;rrt;l Life Cowan's Hygienic Cocoa Insurance Company 15 recommended by the best physicians for its purity, fine flavor and nutritive propertie3. HEAU OFFICE, 'J'ORONTO~ ,____ I_ t_i_s_so__ ea_s_ il_y_d_ig_e_st_ed__ th_a_t_iD_v_a l_id_s_fi_n_d_i_t_bu~i_ld_s_u_p_t_he__ sy_st_e_m_r_a_pl_'d_ ly_. ____~ -- _________ Authorized Capital - $1,000,000 .... THE .... .1 A POLICY in the CONTINENTAL is what you want. We charge you about the same-a little lower than other companies, and give you better seeuritv. We have no baek expenses and liabilities to make up ;' ?ther~ have. Thfl monev we reserve against the policies we MENDELSSOHN Issue IS more than the Government exacts. Unrivalled fo r Purity of GOOD AGENTS WANTED CANADA'S ARTISTIC PI.ANO Tone, Beauty of Design Apply to- HIGH-GRADE OEO. B WOODS, General Manager. I( " *,111 •••" '1 , Thorough Workmansh ip HON. JOHN DRVDEN, President. CHAS. H. FULLER, Secretary. Gourlay, Winter & LeeDling Head Office: Manning Arcade, King Street, Toronto. WAREROOMS-ISS Yonge St. FACTORY-I10 Adelaide St. West . THE TO:::':='O:aTTO Canada Permanent o. o. O. "Cooper's Choice Coffee" and Western Canada 'Fry a pourid. It is unequalled. Price 35c., 4oc. and 45c. per pound. Roasted and ground daily nORTOAOE CORPORATION c. H. COOP E R (Successor to Caldwell & Hodgins) Head Office: Family Grocers, Cor. Queen and John Streets. Toronto street, TORONTO. Telephone 138, TORONTO Interest at 3 1-2% 4% On Deposits. On Debentures. ~~~~~~~~* P AYABLE HAL.F-YEARLY. ~ . ~ TOTAL ASSETS $23,000,000 The Lane that had No Turning ~ Patronize ~ A New Book by GILBERT PARKER Cloth, $1.50; Paper, 75c. GEORGE N. MORANG & CO. ~ , our = Toronto ~ Adver.tisers ~ THE STORY OF THE DOMINION 400 Years in the Annals of Half a Continent. By J . C ASTE LL HOPKINS, F.S.S. ~ . ' ~ Over 600 pages. Well illustrated, $2.50, AGENTS WANTED. For terms and particulars apply to The JOHN C. WINSTON CO. ~~~~ 157 Bay Street, TORONTO. TOOLS OF ALL Jr\ r{tbl~nCe M,J ;~I;r~e;I~~e~~~~ ;o~;+~~;~~~ ~ I Finish. We invite the most critical test. KINDS - We carry a fuJI line of tools suitable ~' I H. Wellington Burnett for the Home, Farm, and Trade. .... ~lall0.... City Warerooms: II=I1Yz Queen St. E.,Toronto BOYS' and CARPENTBRS' G.CONSTABLE ' Superfluous Hair TOOL CHESTS and BENCHES ~ Moles, Warts~ Bjrtlunarks . BAKE~ AND CONFECTIONER ~ .A and all facial blt',mishef permanently reo fl . moved by Electrolysis. RICE LEWIS &'80 ,LIMITED Cor. King and Vietoria Streets, 'l'ORO~TO Tel. 1693 46S Queen St. W. The Foster Dermatological Institute No.2 College Street Toronto. Lunch Parlor Open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. PARKER & co. HEADACHES Are cured at once by HOT OYSTER STEWS. TEA. COFFEE. EUREKA HEADACHE POWDERS OYSTER PA,TTIES. ,Stock and Share Brokers "Do not contain any opium, quinine, bromides ~r Members Board of Trade narcotics," Do not suffer or allow your friends to suffer JELLIES and CHARLOTTE RUSSE to order. (Mining Section). for the sake of 25e. Post free on receipt of price. , Minlng Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission Flett & Co., Druggists, TORONTO WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTV 61 Victoria St. - . TORONTO. N.B.-Marl"iage Licenses Issued. -1the Algoma illllionar9 1teWtl~ The Official Organ of the Diocese of Algoma. New Series-Enlarged. Published Monthly VOL. XIII. No.2 TOH.ONTO, FEBRUARY I, Igor.· .50 cents per annum. ij!;n.e Notice to Subscribers. Lenten Pastoral. ~lgom~ ~i1\1\i,(Jna1;U ~~ltt1\ 'I r.rhe Algoma Missionary News " My DEAR BRETHREN IN THE LORD: EDITOR: has been for years past~ and is REV. CHARLES PIERCY, STURGEON FALLS, ONT. PUBLISHERS: now, a valuable aid to the Church's There are many reasons why the ap­ THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY PRESS, work in the Missionary Diocese of proaching Lenten season ought to be 44 RICHMOND ST. WEST, TORONTO. Algoma. In the interests of our very ·faithfully obo;erved. The fact that it THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS is the official organ missionary work, therefore it is of the Diocese of Algoma. It is published for the Dio­ t will be the first Lenten season in the new cese by The Algoma Missionary Press, 44 Richmond earnestly requested · that all out­ Street West, Toronto, to whom all subscriptions and century should alone suffice to make us communications of a business nature should be sent. standing accounts be paid as THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS (New Series) is pub­ many days as possible before the . more than usually earnest in our use of lished monthly. The price for single copies is 50 cents per annum. last day of the month. The label its various means of grace. And then the All items of news and communications of an editorial nature should be sent direct to the Editor, The REV. C. on your paper tells the date to thought of all that has happened in the PIERCY, Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, Canada. which your last payment .ex­ Subscribers and friends are asked to bear in mind recent past, not only in the way of mater­ th at all receipts beyond what are necessary to defray the tended. It may be added that bare cost of publication and management will accrue to ial and national advancement, but in the the Diocesan funds. This being so it is hoped that the postal notes for 50 cents, as well friends of the missionary work of the Diocese every· as for larger sums, may be 0 b· way of spiritual growth, and the victory where Will not only send in their own subscriptions promptly, but also induce others to subscribe for the tained at all postoffi.ces~ They of high principle, may well spur us on to papAGENT-The~ r . REV. W. H. WADLEIGH, Toronto, is should be made payable to and such efforts as Lent suggests, and make authorized to collect subscriptions for THE ALGOMA, sent to Rev. Charles Piercy, Stur­ us more zealous and determined in the MISSIONARY NEWS. geon Falls, Ontario. service of the Lord. THE RIGHT REV. GEORGE THORNELOE, D.D., D.C.L., Bishop of Algoma, Bishop's Appointments for In the century just completed God has Sault Ste. Marie, Onto February. been specially good to us of the English­ J. A. WORRELL, ESQ., K.C., speaking world. He has given us .power, Hon. Treasurer (of invested funds) Diocese of Algoma, I. Fri. -Train northwards. 18 and 20 King Street West, 2. Sat.-On to Sault Ste. Marie. and opportunities tor serving Him, such Toronto, Onto 3. Septuagesima Sunday.-St. Luke's, Sault as have never been vouchsafed to any H. PLUMMER. ESQ., Ste. Marie. General Diocesan Treasurer Diocese of Algoma, 4. Mon.-Sault Ste. Marie. nation. This great Dominion has made Sault Ste. Marie, Onto 5. Tues.- " " progress in the development of its won­ 6. VVed.-- " GEORGE LEY KING, ESQ., derful resources, and in the welding of its Principal of the Shingwauk and Wawanosh Indian 7. Thur.-" " Homes, 8. Fri.-Train to Sudbury. diverse population into one mighty people, Sault Ste. Marie, Onto 9. Sat.-On to Port Arthur. 10. Sexagesima Sunday.-Port Arthur, Fort which speaks of a destiny such as our William, etc. fathers never dIeamed of. And the Please Note. I I. Mon.-Oliver Mission, et~. 12. Tues.-Pert Arthur. region now known as the Diocese of 1. Be prompt in remitting for renewal 13; VVed.-Train eastwards. Algoma, from a condition of absolute 14. Thurs.-Via North Bay to Utterson; Drive or for arrearaKe, and 1hus aid us in mak­ to Ufford, Confirmation, 2. 30; on to Ulles­ wilderness, has advanced towards the be· ing THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS water, Confirmat ion in evening. ginnings of substantial civilizatlOn,and the better and better. IS. Fri.-Drive to Rosseau; Confirmation; 2. Our rule is the same as . that of the Cardwell, ConfirmatIOn. day seems not far distant when it will 16. Sat.-Dcive to Parry Sound. take its place among the most progressive great majority of newspaper and magazine 17. Quinquagesima Sunday.-Parry Sound, publishers, namely, to consider each sub­ ConfirmGltion; Missions of Depot Harbour, and prosperous parts of the Dominion. scnber as permanent until he orders his Christie, etc. Surely the duty of the Church is to hold paper stopped and PAYS UP. 18. Mon.- the State true to God through all such 3 No paper should be ordered stopped 19. Tues.-On to Broadbent. 20. Ash Wednesday.-Dufferin Bridge and cHanges ; to make it recognize God's until all dues are paid. Sequin Falls. 4. Refusing to take the paper from the 31. Thurs.-Via Scotia to Utterson and Beat· hand in all material advancement ; to se­ office, or returning it to us, is not a suffi­ rice, Confirmation, 2.30; Port Sydney, Confirm- cure for it those higher gifts and graces, cient notice to discontinue. ation, 7.30. 22. Fri. BruneI, Confirmation, 10.30; evening which alone will guarantee its perman­ 5. If a subscriber wishes his paper dis­ train to Emsdale. ence ; and to inspire it with the high c mtinued at the expiration of time paid 23 Sat.-Sprucedale, Confirmation.
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