TUESDAY, AUGUST 40, 1011, DUMAS PIPE DREAMfsf&iSf, *? MEN P Site •'*&*'< «- For tender face and neck after ForThrush SPORTS" OF THE DAY shaving, for pimples, black heads, r J: 'INSULT' SAYS JANES dandruff or any skin or scalp disease Your Gem Wants can be Supplied Here and Foot '• ;*| JJ4. * .(Continued from first page). REGRETS HE TRADED KNIGHT use ZEM0 and ZEMO SOAP. <S> Monday's Baseball Results. ® ZEMO is guaranteed to relieve all We Have the largest and Best Selected Stock in Northern Minnesota. Diseases <$><3><S><8><8><®>^<$$><S>3><8>3><§>3><e> should be printed," said Mr. Janes, soreness and itching. The soap is Connie Mack 8ay» He l« Sorry he part of the treatment,—best for all "creating the impression that a man f Toledo, Aug. 29.—Four hits in a Traded Clever Infielder for the toilet purposes. Yon are offered the advantage of : :~ , can be sent to the penitentiary as a r< row in the tenth sent across three Veteran Jimmy Collins. Sold by druggists everywhere and mere , incident in politics. It in Bemidji by the City Drug Store. runs for Minneapolis, winning a Quality, Assortment, Price When Connie Mack, manager of the isn't fair to an accused man and it pitchers' duel between Cavet and world's champions, allows a ball play­ isn't fair to the state. The great QUALITY James yesterday. The Minneapolis COMPOSITION OF PRECIOUS GEMS er to go after he has done service danger lies in the prejudice that such We carry in "Diamonds the better pitcher allowed but two hits,, while with the White Elephants it Is a rare publications might cause in the . and higher grades. Jagevs, HANFORD'8 occurrence for that player to show Opalescence of Moonstone Caused By Wesseltons, Crystals, and Silver but three were made off James before minds of men who are to serve as the tenth. Cavet secured three anything like big league form there­ Planes of Separation in Stone. Capes are to be found in our stock. jurymen." , PEARLS, in Sweet Water. singles. after. Balsam oIMyrrh Bris Lord drifted out and "came Mr. Janes admitted that Behan The iridescence of the opal is due ^ "Mississippi, Boutonetc. OPALS It. H. E. in Hungarian, Austrian, and For Galls, Wire back" with Cleveland. Connie then would come to Bemidji to'give addi­ Toledo 0 2 1 to the amount of water in its com­ Mexican Fancies. Oriental Garnets, Sapphires, Cuts, Lameness, Minneapolis 3 7 2 realized that there waB lots in Bris tional testimony and that the wound­ position and contraction fissures in is mucn Amethyist, and Rubies. Semi precious stones we buy Strains, Bunches, James and Carisch; Cavet and Ow­ and landed him in a trade with Mc- ed bandit| improved in the stone, but similar characteristics Direct from the Importers in quantities which enables Guire. Thrush, Old Sores, ens. health. are found in other stones where films ns to procure the finest grades.. Of them all, there is only one that m' Nail Wounds, Foot Rot Connie Mack ever expressed regret cause diffraction. The opalescence R. H. E. ASSORTMENT Fistula, Bleeding* Etc Etc at losing. Jack Knight of the High­ Wanted—Good girl for general of the moonstone is caused by enor­ Indianapolis 5 12 3 In Diamonds we carry all - -i landers is this player. Connie taught housework. Mrs. mous number of planes of separation Made Since 1846. * 5£R Kansas City ; 2 8 2 H. W. Bailey. Jack all he knew, brought him along in the stone, light being totally re­ sizes from 1-64 of a carat to Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 Link and Ritter; Powell, Altrock flected from these planes. 3 1-2. Rubies from 1-16 to 5 • II •% I OR WRITE and O'Connor. carat. Opals, Garnets, All DfitllGFS GC. HanfordMfg.es A well known Des Moines woman *1" tfvmww SYRACUSE. NTY. after suffering miserably for two Sapphires, AmmthyisU To­ National £easrae. days from bowel complaint, was Foundation Important. paz, Matrix, Amatris, Lapis, Philadelphia, Aug. 29.—Chicago cured by one dose of Chamberlain's Every triumph of life leads back Moonstone, Blood stone, won yesterday's game by batting Al­ Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ by various paths to earlier prepara­ Agates, Sardonix, Thompson- Mew-Cash-Want-Rate exander's delivery hard in the sixth edy. For sale by Barker's Drug tion.—Blake. J He, Isle "Royal Green Stone, and eighth innings. The game was Store. and a great variety of Imita­ twice stopped by Umpire Klem, who tion Stones, many of these we ' -Cent-a-Word declared that Brown and Needham of Seemed to Give Him a New Stomach cut and polish in our own work­ 2 m Chicago complained that a spectator "I suffered intensely after eating shop. Where cash accompanies copy wc will publish all "Want Ads" for half- in the grandstand was using insult­ ® Plays and Players. ® and no medicine or treatment I tried cent a word per insertion. Where ing remarks toward Brown. The po­ seemed to do any good," writes H. PRICE sash does not accompany copy the lice refused to take action, and an M. Youngpeters, Editor of The Sun, Diamonds we buy dkect from the Cutters and Importers in origi­ regular rate of one cent a word will May Robson will have a new play be charged. official of the home club fearing that Lake View, Ohio. "The first few nal packets and in the same way as the jobbers and larger the coming season. jewelers in the big cities which is about 20 per cent less in price Klem would forfeit the game, ordered doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and EVERY HOME HAS A WANT AD Elsie Ferguson will begin her tour than the regular wholesale price. <»4 the man to be put out of the park. Liver Tablets gave me surprising re­ For Rent—For Sale—Exchange _ in October in "Dolly Madison." "PEcd'TiLS we procure from the. clamers. pearls "are largely R H "F* lief and the second bottle seemed to found in the ^Mississippi "^iver and its tributaries, many fine —Help Wanted—Work Wanted Henry Miller has made a hit in —Etc.—Etc. Philadelphia 4 7 1 give me a new stomach and perfect­ specimens being found in the vicinity of. "Bemidji. San Francisco with "The End of the Semi-precious stones, we buy in large quantities direct from the Chicago 8 12 2 ly good health:" For sale by Bark­ Bridge." Importers same as the large Manufacturers most of these goods Alexander, Burns and Spencer, er's Drug Store.. were bought before the recent advance and our prices are corre­ HELP WANTED A. H. Woods is to have a new thea­ Carter; Brown and Needham. spondingly low. ter in New York to be called after We hav^ not the heavy expenses so common to the Jewelers in WANTED—Cook wanted for party of R. H. E. Julian Eltings. the large cities which enables us to sell on a smalt margin -of four men on Red Lake survey. Brooklyn /..... 1 3 1 Zangwill's play, in which Margaret THE SPAUDIINQ profit. Good salary to right man. Work Cincinnati 2 9 1 Anglin is to appear later, is called EUROPE4N PLAN to last until Nov. 1st. Apply C. Rucker and Erwin; Frommeie,, Ga- ''The Next Religion." Dulutb's Largest and Best Hotel WE WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU VIEW OUR DISPLAY J. Emerson, Rex Hotel. ser and McLean, Clarke. DULUTH MINNESOTA Henry E. Dixey has been engaged More than $100,000.00 recently expended WANTED—Competent girl for gen­ for "The Greyhound," by Paul Arm­ on improvements.. 250 rooms. l2r> private American league. baths. 60 sample rooms. Everv modern eral housework. Inquire at Wm. strong and Wilson Mizner. convenience: Luxurious and delightful GEO. T. BAKER & CO. R. H. E. restaurants and buffet. Flemish Koom. McCusick's Store. Phone No. 1. St. Louis 2 5 1 Liebler & Company have engaged Palm Room. Men's Grill. Colonial Buffet; MANUFACTURING JEWELERS Magnificent lobby a?.d public rooms; f I 6 Third Street Near the Lake New York . 4 6 0 Maud Granger to support Margaret Ballroom, banauet rooms and private WANTED—Girl or woman for gen­ dining rooms: Sun parlor and observa­ Curry, Hamilton and Stephens; Anglin in "Green Stockings." tory. Located in heart of business sec­ eral house work on farm. Inquire \ Caldwell and Sweeney, Williams. "The Spendthrift," with Thais Ma- tion but overlooking the harbor and Lake at W. G. Schroeder's Store. Superior. Convenient to everything'. grane in the part she created, is hav­ Jack Knight. One of the Great Hotels of the Northwest & WANTED—Good § irl for general Chicago, Aug. 29.—Pape held Chi­ ing a revival in Los Angeles. and made a finished player of him, Subscribe for The Pioneer housework. Mrs. H. W. Bailey. cago to four hits while his team­ "The Arab," by Edgar Selwyn, will only to part with him in a desperate mates bunched their hits off the lo­ be produced without a star, the au­ WANTED—Two girls for kitchen attempt to bring the 1907 pennant to work. Apply Hotel Markham. cals' pitchers, and with the assist­ this city. thor himself playing the principal ance of bases on balls and errors, "The only young ball player I ever role. WANTED—Girl for general house won the second game of the farewell regretted parting with was Jack Fanchon Thompson, the operatic a work. Inquire at 602 4th St. series. Knight," said Connie, when Jack was prima donna, is to be featured in the WANTED—Girl wanted at McDer- Outfielder Henricksen of the Bos­ allowed to go to Boston for Jimmy leading role of "The Wife Hunters." mid's Hotel.
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