573014bk Ireland EU_573014bk Ireland 08/10/2012 10:54 Page 12 John IRELAND MY SONG IS LOVE UNKNOWN Church Music Lincoln Cathedral Choir • Charles Harrison, Organ Aric Prentice St Luke's Choir, Sydney Street, Chelsea c.1908. John Ireland is sittng at the extreme right of the second row; immediately behind him is Bobby Glassby, who inspired the piano Prelude The Holy Boy. Photo: John Ireland Charitable Trust 8.573014 12 573014bk Ireland EU_573014bk Ireland 08/10/2012 10:54 Page 2 MY SONG IS LOVE UNKNOWN ) I am trusting (Eastergate) And yet I know that it is true: Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-79) He chose a poor and humble lot, The Church Music of John Ireland (1879–1962) And wept, and toiled, and mourned, and died, I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, For love of those who loved him not. Trusting only Thee; 1 Te Deum in F 6:45 Four Unaccompanied Carols 8:27 Trusting Thee for full salvation, I sometimes think about the Cross, 2 Benedictus 4:54 % Adam lay ybounden 1:38 Great and free. And shut my eyes, and try to see ^ New Prince, New Pomp 2:45 The cruel nails and crown of thorns, I am trusting Thee for pardon, Communion Service in C 14:32 & The Holy Boy 2:37 And Jesus crucified for me. At Thy feet I bow; 3 Kyrie 1:07 * A New Year Carol 1:27 But even could I see him die, 4 Credo 3:47 For Thy grace and tender mercy, Trusting now. I should but see a little part (Oliver Jones, Treble • Thomas Stockwell, Bass) ( Greater love hath no man 5:29 Of that great love, which like a fire, 5 Sanctus 1:28 (Oliver Page, Treble • Bozidar Smiljanic, Baritone) I am trusting Thee for cleansing Is always burning in his heart. 6 Benedictus qui venit 1:18 In the crimson flood; 7 Agnus Dei 2:11 ) I am trusting (Eastergate) 2:35 Trusting Thee to make me holy And yet I want to love thee, Lord; (Bryony Waddingham, Soprano • Stephen Clay, Bass) By Thy blood. O light the flame within my heart, 8 Pater noster 1:32 ¡ Ex ore innocentium 3:24 And I will love thee more and more, 9 Gloria in excelsis 3:09 (Ffion Frazher, Soprano) I am trusting Thee to guide me; Until I see thee as thou art. Thou alone shall lead, £ Island Praise Every day and hour supplying 0 My song is love unknown 2:56 ™ Capriccio, for organ solo 5:03 Isaiah xlii.10,12 All my need. Sing unto the Lord a new song, ! Elegiac Romance, for organ solo 8:27 £ Island Praise 1:53 I am trusting Thee for power, And his praise from the ends of the world! Thine can never fail; Ye that go down to the sea, Evening Service in C 4:40 Evening Service in F 5:56 Words which Thou Thyself shalt give me And all that is therein, @ Magnificat 2:36 ¢ Magnificat 3:24 Must prevail. # Nunc Dimittis 2:04 (Charlie Kirk, Treble • Edward Joyner, Alto • The Isles, and the inhabitants thereof, Thomas Wilson, Tenor) I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus; Let them give glory unto the Lord Never let me fall; And declare his praise in the Islands. $ Christ the Lord is risen today (Sampford) 2:05 ∞ Nunc Dimittis 2:32 I am trusting Thee for ever, And for all. EVENING SERVICE IN F Lincoln Cathedral Choir • Charles Harrison, Organ ¡ Ex ore innocentium ¢ Magnificat Aric Prentice Bishop William Walsham How (1823-97) See track 12 It is a thing most wonderful, ∞ Nunc Dimittis Publishers: Novello (1-9, !-#, ¢-∞); John Ireland Charitable Trust (0, $, )); Stainer and Bell ((, ™); Almost too wonderful to be, See track 13 H. Freeman and Co. (%, ^, £); Boosey and Hawkes (&, *, ¡) That Godʼs own Son should come from heavʼn, And die to save a child like me. Recorded with the generous support of the John Ireland Trust and the Lincoln Cathedral Choir Association. 8.573014 2 11 8.573014 573014bk Ireland EU_573014bk Ireland 08/10/2012 10:54 Page 10 Behold a simple tender babe, Lowly, laid in a manger MY SONG IS LOVE UNKNOWN In freezing winter night, By Virgin undefiled, In homely manger trembling lies: Come worship, silent adoring, The Church Music of John Ireland (1879–1962) Alas! a piteous sight. The Boy, The Heavenly Child. Although not an extensive part of his output, John before the German invasion, he was never able to resume Weigh not his crib, his wooden dish, * A New Year Carol Irelandʼs church music nevertheless represents a his post after the war. Nor beasts that by him feed; Here we bring new water from the well so clear, significant facet of his creative personality. An Anglo- Irelandʼs Te Deum in F dates from 1907 and was Weigh not his motherʼs poor attire, For to worship God with this happy New Year. Catholic by persuasion – he adored ritual, symbol and dedicated to Martin Shaw. Its structure owes much to Nor Josephʼs simple meed. Sing levy dew, sing levy dew, the water and the wine; colour as part of Christian worship – Ireland felt most Stanfordʼs Te Deum in B flat Op. 10, though in detail, The seven bright gold wires and the bugles spiritually at home in the liturgy of ʻHigh Churchʼ Irelandʼs is the simpler. Opening with a distinctive, broad This stable is a princeʼs court, that do shine. Anglicanism which, at the turn of the twentieth century, melody, the secondary material, in D minor, is This crib his chair of state, offered ample musical opportunity with its infrastructure of characteristically elegiac in character. Other movements The beasts are parcel of his pomp, Sing reign of Fair Maid, with gold upon her toe, fine cathedral and church choirs. As a first-study organist were added in 1914 and 1915 including the Benedictus in The wooden dish his plate. Open you the West door, and turn the old year go. at the Royal College of Music, where he studied under F and, for the Evening Service, the Magnificat and Nunc Sing reign of Fair Maid, with gold upon her chin, Walter Parratt, Ireland began to undertake services at Dimittis in F. In accordance with the model of Stanfordʼs The persons in that poor attire Open you the East door and let the New Year in. London churches for small fees, but his first significant services, Irelandʼs intention was to imbue these additional His royal liveries wear; appointment appears to have been in 1895 at St pieces with a pattern of cyclic thematic references in The Prince himself has come from heaven, ( Greater love hath no man Barnabas, South Lambeth, a large neo-gothic church, which the doxology (ʻGlory be to the Fatherʼ), restating the This pomp is prized there. Many waters cannot quench Love, where he deputised for six months (its principal organist at opening material of the Te Deum, functioned as a neither can the floods drown it. this time was Vaughan Williams, a fellow RCM student). In concluding statement of ʻunityʼ. Most substantial is the & The Holy Boy Love is strong as death. or around 1897 he became deputy organist to Walter Benedictus where Ireland permits himself to exercise his Herbert S Brown, d. 1963 (Song of Solomon viii:7 and viii:6) Alcock at the church of Holy Trinity, Sloane Street, in more symphonic instincts. Here the thematic material is Lowly, laid in a manger, Chelsea. Ireland once described Holy Trinity as having a allowed to expand and transform more freely, and the Greater love hath no man than this, With oxen brooding nigh, ʻreputation of the best musical service in Londonʼ; there tonal range – which extends as far as B minor – has much that a man lay down his life for his friends. The Heavenly Babe is lying, was a fine four-manual organ built by Walker in 1891, and more in common with the later, instrumentally-orientated (John xv.13) His Maiden Mother by. 40 boysʼ voices drawn from the Holy Trinity Church services of Stanford (namely those in G of 1904 and C of Who his own Self bare our sins in his own Body School who lived locally. Daily evensongs, with boysʼ 1909). Lo! the wayfaring sages, on the tree, that we being dead to sins, should live voices only, were complemented by a full choir on In 1913, in response to a request from George Martin, Who journeyʼd far through the wild, unto righteousness. (1 Peter ii:24) Sundays. In 1904 Ireland moved to St Lukeʼs, Sydney the organist of St Paulʼs Cathedral, Ireland supplied a Now worship silent, adoring, Street, Chelsea. Here the liturgical practice could be Communion Service in C for Novelloʼs series of new The Boy, the Heavʼnly Child. Ye are washed, ye are sanctified, ye are justified, described as ʻBroad Churchʼ and as such less congenial service music. The work was intended to be well ʻwithin in the Name of the Lord Jesus. (1 Corinthians vi:11) Leave your work and your playtime, to Ireland, but he remained at St Lukeʼs until 1926, the capabilities of an ordinary choirʼ (as was required by And kneel in homage and prayer, Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, witnessing something of a decline in the social cement of the publisher) but Ireland did his best to retain a high The Prince of Love is smiling, a holy nation. the choir in the years after the First World War. For a standard of invention in spite of this stricture. The organ Asleep in his cradle there.
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