MAj?Y'CHENEY UBRARY Thomas Z^ilay, aon o f Mr. and < The Manchsatsr Vetsranff Ooua- flbld. road, changed with spiiiWng, All Interested in the spoken was fined $18. , drama are Invited to the meeting Mrs. Alden BaUey of Main street cU wUl moat at 8 o’ck>ck tonight PoKce Court About Town In Woodruff hall of Center Church has been elected treasurer of the at the V.F.W. Home. Considera­ House tonight at 8:30, when Pro­ sophomore class at Boston Univer­ tion will be given to a request that HALE'S SELF SEI Th* CJownopolltan Club will rie«t fessor William Thornton Simpson sity. veterans take.a stand, if they so In Teem Court this morning The Origlaal In New Eagfauki - ^ « Filduy «ft«rnoon « t 2:16 i.i the of Springfield wlU present the pro­ desire, on the matter of priorities Thomas limm, no addresa was MARY CONSOU Federation room of Center Cl. ch gram. In the Impending sale of thd houses sent to Jail for 15 days on an In- Mmtehe$ier—‘'A CUy o f FUlago Charm The Young People’s Society of at Orford >^llage. houM. Mre. Erneet Ohberg r.nd the Concordia Lutheran church toaicatlon count. Donald R. Mahr Dreeamaklagddag and ARsARaratlena and HEALTH M A RKED Wnllaoe Canney will preaent a lec­ of Rockville Itn>, also held for Covered Battens Bat The Ladles Aid Society of the win hold a Harvest Social in the ig m ra go U ) MANCRESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEBIBER 18, 1848 (TWENTY PAGES) ture-demonstration entitled "From church basement this evening at Teachers o f. Zion Lutheran Intiurtcatl^ paid a 810 fine. He VOL. LXVIIL, NO. 42 B u ck 1 n g h a m Congregational was taken off a pubile bus at po­ Fleece to finished Yarn.” Non- church announce a plastic demon­ 7:80. The program will be followed Church school will meet this eve­ is Elm Street. Bast Hartford members WIU be welcome at the with light refreshments. Tickets ning, following the 7:15 choir re­ lice headquarters last night. Phoae Hartford d-BBi stration in the social room, tomor­ Doaald B. Wiley o f 60 Oamp- THURSDAY SPECIALS iisdal guest fee. Members are asked row evening at eight o’clock. may be purchased at the door. hearsal. to note the change of time. Rescue Tnqiped Truck Driver s i O C Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. [ News Tidbits TOe fiiial session o f the com­ The Brownie Leaders association Nationalists Claim will meet tomorrow afternoon at Experts Summoned munity leadership church echool GOLD HBDAL C aM From (ff) W ins will take place this evening at 7:30 two o’clock with Mrs. Alton Hall in Center Church house. of 37 Holl street. FLOUR 5 Lb. Bag 45c Complete Victory Spanish poUtldsns, rusty In ths OAMTOEIX'S wara of campaigning, getting Into atiide for Sundaj^s voting— To Advise THAI^GIVING Spain’s fin t BMalcipM ta 13 yaara . Israeli Army saya TJfMATO SOUP 3 c. 29c In Suchow Fight lar^ number of Arab Shalkha of ■HE HEAT YOU NEED JcUo Padding Combination. Chocolate, ^ the Negeb deaert have aakad that Tapioca, Rice and Vanilln ^ For their people come under the aa- tbority and protectloa of loraol... Aspects |h E ECONOM Y YOU LINENS C h i n »s e CUivemment W ill Bolster American official In Munich ta- FOB FBUIT OAKB—FANCY olgna in protest against Military I Riepresentative ’ Asserts government order to return valua­ WANT 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 CasualOes In­ ble art abjecta to Italy . Judge ^larshall Calb Financial MIXED FRUIT Lb. 39c Marine Unit J. Howard Roberts of Bridgeport . Bromley and White MerceriEcd flict^ <« .Reds as Superior court refuses to rtduce Asks UN to Apply And Monetary Adirisona O rd € rto d a y from $10,000 to $1,000 the haU e f From Washington and Quaker Lace Agaihft 40,000 Suf­ At Tsingtao Peter Glares, one of six New York WALN UT MEATS 49c men held on charges of carrying Berlin to Consult With DAMASK fered by Own Forces weapons ta as auto . John Fas­ Bernadotte^s Plan NO. *54 CAN HUNTS Question Whether *Cir- ter Duilea says Americanfi want Jessup; Will Consider Manchester Lumber and TABLE Nanking, Nov. strong and unified Western Burape SETS cumstances’ Might Re­ capable of standing up for itself. BrUain Formally Asks Questionnaire Sent by PRUNE *1110 government claimed com­ Senator Walter F. Oe«Mge. who Egypt Seizes Fuel Co. 64 X 82 Size plete victory in the Suchow sult in Armed .Con­ will return to chairmanaMp of Sen­ Application to Settle Bramnglia to Members CENTER STREET PHONE 5145 CLOTHS With 8 Napkins P L U M J Can 25c 6 Cans $ 1 .1 9 battle t^ay. Gen. Chang Liu- flict Is Left Open ate Finance committee, saya an ex­ Palestine D ispv^i Of Big Four Natioils Shik, official military spokes­ cess profits tax would lead "to de- Ship’s Cargo 80 X 80— 12 X 80 else. Drees up .structlon of business” . Amer­ Submits Resolution your table for Thanksgiving man, told his weekly press Washington, Nov. 18— The ican ambassador to Great Britain. Paris, Nav. l l —<AV-Sse- with a lace talde cloth. $10.50 set conference: "The battle for United States, bolstering Its Ma­ Lewla Douglas, gets polite British Asserts Reason o f 0>n- retary of State Marshall aum - White Rayon Damask KRAFT DINNER cheer in London for subduing or­ Paris, Nov. 18.— (/P)— Suchow can be considered as rins force’ ln China, left open today moned American financial Linen flniah mercerised white concluded. What the Commu- nery hone with frightened woman ain formaIl$’ asked the Unit­ fiscation Is CrtM lds and monetary experts today damaak cloths with 8 napkins the question of whether “circum- aboard. S P E C IA L 2 Pkgs. 25c nlzts do now Iz subject to o^ ec- Joseph Boyle (under smashed window) leata Ms head la Ms hands as ed Nations today to apply the from Washington and Beriin $4.50 to $19.95 to match. stanoes” might lead to armed con­ police and volunteers work with timhers to pry np Ms overturned Fifty persons who suffered from Bound for Israel TA BLE CLOTHS and SETS ture.” recent smothering fog prepare to la8e Count Folke Bernadotie’a Pleturee Eedz la rilgbt flict with Communist troops. track pinning him to groand at I(sedhnin, Blaas. Boyle, 85, remained to advise on currency aspaets The Navy said 1,250 Leather­ eonaelons through the hnlf-hoor sedeal and gave advloe to bis res­ wing their way to North Carolina plan to Palestine. A British Port Sal4 Eigypt, Nov. '16—(F)— of the Berlin criais. They wffl Chang pictured the Red forces for week’s free %-acatleu.. .FUMit YELLOW in flight He said government necks will sail from .Guam next cuers. He was taken to heapllal with leg and Internal Injuries. spokesman said the United Egyptian suthorlties began today consult with Dr. Philip C. 54x54 $3-69 , Tuesday to reinforce the 2,600- Boyle said his track evcrturaed when he swerved to avoid another to Key West of Secretary ef De­ Closeout! '4 Only. Reg. $19.95 troops and planes were mopping fease Forrestal foreshadows possi­ States delegation took part to imload tbe cargo of the Ameri­ Jessup, U. S. deputy who man Marine garrison at Tsingtao. up an area extending SO miles vehicle. (AP wlrephoto). bly historic diplomatic and defense "at an official level” in draft­ handles the Berlin case for Mai^ TURNIPS 6 Lbs. 25c This force, laid the Navy in addl­ can Victory ahlp Flyktg Trader. V . Pastel Colored around Suchow. ^ steps to preserve world’s precari­ ing this proposal. The authorities said they are cen- ahaU in the Security CouncIL 54x72 $3-98 The spokesman asserted 130,000 ing details to a surprise news con­ ous peace . John Foster. Dulles NO. 1 casualUes were Inflicted on the ference announcement by Secre­ Follows Lines o f Report fiscating the cargo because it waa BatpluMla eatOehaleal* Aaaeeta thoroughly surprised bv President The BriUsh submitted to the Reds as against 40,000 suffered by tary of Defense Forrestal, “will as­ bound for Jm el. Thiz step was discloaed by M New Englander’s Told Truman’s appointment Ueaignhtlng 5S-natlon PoUUcal committee a (The U.S. State deparUnent in American delegation source aa 15 Lb. Pk. Nationalists. sist in the orderly evacuation of him aettag chairman of the U. 8. empfaaaU in the » > ! « « . dlspote POTATOES 59c (Kven ss ho spoke 1,350 Ameri­ resolution following the Unea of Washington said it is Investigating 72x90 $7-95: on Damadc Sets United {Kates nationals through delegation to the U.N. Coast the slain mediator'a final report. shifted to technkai aspects of tha can Marine reinforcements pre­ the port of Tsingtao.” the Egyptian action.) ' ■ • _____ _ t ■ Ouaj^ and Navy seardi o t Point The resolution calls for a ConcUia- The manifest of the T0,000-ton currency control problem ta tha pared to rush from Guam to Dodges Fighting Query Judith, R. I., for body o t Rev. John fbrmer German caj^tat N’apkms 59c ca. Tstngtao, 335 nUlea northeast of Get Off High Perch tlon commission o f thrM nations ship, operated by the Isbrandtscn Forrestal was asked by report­ Oaaey, who drowned yesterday to supervise the division o f Pales­ Steemiiiip Co., described the chrgo The Americaa axperts are fijfiag HEALTH MARKET Suchow, to bolster the 3,600 ers whether the Marines will fight' while on first flriiing trip.
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