•'-*.• -p-JJ K-hray Public•Library tin vb -^••.h-.vr.y, i:. "j, .'vC/G5 New Jersey's oldest weekly newspaper — Established 1822 Vol. 144, No. 57 Rahway, N.J., Thursday, June 8, 1967 10 Cents Rutgers Awards Degrees To Old Library Firehouse To House Police, Closing Set l 40 Rahway-Clark Students For June 26 Rutgers degrees were Civil Defense, Recommended conferred on 31 Rahway and 9 Clark students at the 201st Construction of a single Commencement exer- The Rahway Public Lib-- fire house which would house cises held' In the Rutgers rary at the corner of Sem- Civil Defense Department, Stadium last week where Dr. inary Ave. and Campbell St. Police and the majority of Mason S. Gross delivered the will close its doors to .the the Fire Department and at principal address and con- public on June 26 to make its the same time provide a gratulated the 4,000 degree move to the new facilities In hardened shelter for the recipients for their accom- Central Ave. it was announ- City'^ government in time plishments. ced today by Mrs. Minnie of disaster, i6 recommended Chapln. Chief Librarian. in the long report submitted Signal honors came to Ira iy C. W, Robinson & Co., C. Mlllpr nf 3S1 The new library facilities Inc; which has surveyed the Rahway, and Ronald Schenk will be open to the public on' f i iRh of 191 Gibson Blvd., Clark, July 18. In comnieniln2_QjT_ _Jjfllh_Henry_Rutgers-Scholari The enormit~" y o"f the change way. and members of Phi Beta from the old building to the Declaring that three Fire Kappa. Jerome J, Bruder new one, Mrs. Chapln de- Stations are both undesirable of 982 Apgar Ter., Rahway, clared that the public could and unnecessary in Rahway, was also fisted as a Henry be of great help to the lib- the Robinson recommenda- Rutgers Scholar. " rary staff if they would visit tions call for the retention Clark students and the de- the present library the week of the Maple Ave. Firehouse grees they recelvedare; of June 19 and borrow as and the construction of a new Patrick J, Annunzlata, 215 many books as possible with facility to house the equip- Gibson Blvd., A. B. Steven ment now assigned to the ; RONALD SCHENK IRA C, MILLER the idea of returning them to L. Cort, 3 Rose Ter., B. S.j the new library after it Is Seminary and East Milton Bohdan W, Harasym, 101 opened on July 18. Mrs. Cha- Ave. stations. Meadow Rd,, A. B.; Barbara pln pointed out that there The report also recom- J, Helfrich, 33 Alice La., would be no charge for the mends that application be B. S.j Daniel Herbert Marx Rahway Summer overttme-uee-of-th e-books,— made-to-the-Federal Govern-— VTTXT since these books would re- ment for Civil Defense funds Mrs. Carolyn Grlffis Mln- present volumes which the for the proposed structure, tel, 41 Charles St., M. L.S.; staff would not have to trans- and that consideration should Eric N. Nadler, 979 Lake port in the move. be given to the location of School Opens June 26 the proposed Kire Station Ave., A. B.j Michael J. Ren- HONORARY FIRE CHIEF is the title bestowed on Copto/n Monthon of Thailand (center) by dlne, 19 Skylark PI., B. S. in a housing project assisted ; A Summer School program Enrichment subjects to be The new library will in- Rohway'.s own Fire Chief George G. Link. Mayor John Marsh (right) looks on. Officers repre- by Federal funds. Ronald Schenk, 191 Gibson forsecondary school stu- offered on a no credit basis clude all the facilities under senting 30 notions of the Allied Marine Corps had just completed training at Quantico Marine Blvd., A. B, Five desirable locations dents in Rahway has been Include; personal typing, re- one roof, Including the chil- Corps Base in Virginia,and were touring the New York area as guests of the U.S. Marines. Their for the proposed new Fire- Rahway students and the approved by the Rahway medial reading,, music dren's library which is now visit culminated with a dinner and this special presentation to the highest ranking officer. Fire degrees they received Chief Link said that Captain Monthon was so thrilled with his title, he planned to take the hel- house in decreasing order Board of Education, with theory, stenoscript, and housed in the basement of of preference are recom- ares Monica N. Birch, 811 Herman Kagan, Vice Princi- preparation for college City Hall in Irving Street. met and card back home with him. River Rd., A, B.; Theodore pal of Rahway High School boards. mended as follows: S. Borek, 1276 Revolr Dr., Corner intersection of in charge of operations. East Emerson, New Bruns- A, B,; Sampson James The school will open June Brown, 1203 Woodbrldge Power Failure wick and Main Street; pre- 26 and continue through July sent site of obsolete Fire Rd,, B. S.; Jerome J. Bru- 28, with classes meeting der, 982 Apgar Ter., A. B.; Station at East Milton and Monday through Friday of No Problem Augusta; present site of City Herbert H. Buchanan, 147 each week. There will be no IN THE MIDDLE OF THINGS Russell Ave,, M. A. Wini- Hall; Intersection of Weai_ ; 'classes scheduled for July Grand Street and Elizabeth fred-Mary Byrner289-Mon>B- 4. The flrsrperiod will be roe St., A. B.; Daniel Cor- "For Rahway Avenue; Central Avenue and held between the hours of Irving St. rltore, 128 James Ter., A. 8:30 and 10 a.m. and the The massive electri- B.; Gerald Clendenny, 577 "Congratulations" and "Good Luck" to our new Police In the area of organization, second period from 10:05 Is your Dad the greatest? Let him know it this Fathers cal power failure of last the Robinson report recom- Bryant St., A. B.; James to 11:35 a.m., Kagan announ- Chief Herbert Kinch. Monday caused no major L. De Plama, Jr., 1001 Jef- Day. You can win Dad's choice of great summer sports- mends a Director of Fire ces. He's a man who's earned the respect of the community problems in Rahway. Despite Department Reorganization ferson Ave., M. B. A. Registrations will be re- wear ... or his favorite shirts ... or any merchandise of his silent air conditioners, and we're glad to see that he's been given command of his should be appointed to serve Also, Robert Ferwerda, ceived from June 12 through choice at SARGENT'S Men's Shop, Main St., Rahway. soaring temperatures, melt- a temporary two year con- 1155 St. George Ave., B. S. Jun 23. Applications may department. As acting chief he helped guide the department ing food products, and dark- SARGENT'S is sponsoring their second annual "My Dad's ened stores, the residents tract to institute reorganiza- and A. B.; Edward R. Fill- be obtained In Mr. Kagan's through a period when administrative mishandling led to a tion changes, to-traln mem-- •• -• • pski, Jr., 2261 Wlnfleld St., office at.Rahway:HlgliSchool the Greatesf" contest. rallied well. bers of the Department in A. B.; MrB. Susan F.'Tord, and at the Guidance Office demoralizing investigation which affected the entire de- Police Chief Herbert T. For details, see story on this page. fire fighting and administra- 306 Maple Ave., Ed. M.; in the Rahway Junior High partment. Kinch proclaimed an emer- tive skillB and to develop Robert Earl Freeman, 555 School. But get busy -- you know your Dad's tops so let him gency and called all men office personnel within the Hemlock St., A. B.; Joseph Tuition rates have been know you think so! on the force to duty. Because Department for qualification C. Gawronskt, 1784 Bond set at $35 per subject ex- burglar alarmB were not o- by Civil Service Examination St., B; 3.; Paul A. Georgiou, Possible department reorganization, stricter discipline poratln,, i.lic rolMng stock cept for typewritinl g which tor thepofaitloiiuf 7iroChl2t. 103 East Emerson Ave., B. la estal>H»hea-flr $Z9?- Full and supervision and. some 'polish' for the policeman's was on the roads patroling Once trained and qualified by S.; Katalin Theresia Holz- the area within mfautes. The 1 payment must be made with image ore all in order. We trust that city officials and mem- Want to be a "Scoop Reporter"? Would you like to work examination, such an indivi- mann, 471 Hamilton St. , A. the registration. emergency generator at Po- dual would take command of B.; Laurence E. Mac Phee, The purposes of the Sum- bers of the police department will work together with the~ your way up to being a "Stringer"? lice Headquarters was swit- the Fire Department and the 591 Groye.St., Ph. D.; Ar- mer School are to enable new Chief to polish up that image. Well, here's your chance! OPERATION SCOOPERINO ched on Immediately and ra- 'position of Director of Fire mlda J. Marucchl, 201 Wesc students to earn a passing dio contact was maintained Department Reorganization Lincoln Ave., A. B.; Con- grade in subjects previous- begins next week — so wa.tch the paper to see how you at all times with the Civil would cease to exist. stance Mazzella, 660 West ly studied; to raise a low can earn aSchwinn Sting-ray bike or other valuable prizes Defense. Traffic was hand The report also states that Meadow Ave., A. B. We want everybody in Rahway to be proud of our police patroled during rush hours 7 grade, and to Improve mas- Details will be announced in the next issue of the "Rah- the Department should have Also, Ira C.
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