r THE NEW ORLEANS BULLETIN, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1874. (o Bremen 15-32c ; to Baltic porta >,d. Grain to Liv­ One of our contemporaries has it that the Henry do 1 sack wool 1 Ldi bides Meyer Weil—1 do to order— MONETARY. erpool lOd. Ames, for 8t. Louis, had 5070 hhds sugar on board 1 sack wool S Berstein—1 bdl hides W Breedlove—3 For Rent. Steamboats. SUGAR—Received this morning, 61 hhds. The when she left on Wednesday evening, and if she had bides G M Bayly A Pond—2 bdls hides Duffour A Ba- market is dull and unchanged, and on’y 45 hhd« «old —w-11, if she had, that's all. It was a whopper, but zus—2 do J L Couret—42 h' ad cattle Glenny A Wag­ rpo REST—THAT LARGE FOUR ’ TORY UPPER MISSISSIPPI. HEW ORLEANS BULLETIN OFFICE, | at 8 c for good fair, 9c for prime, and 10X« for yel­ no accounting for tastes or snoring propensities. ner—36 do C Mehle Acn—24 J J McGinnis—and suu- 1 StStore, No. 35 Magazine street. Turning through to T h i' hhdat E vfnino, May 28, 1871. j low clarified. Capt. J. Frank Hicks is coming down as a passenger driee to order—Total, 78 bales cotton 102 head cattle 85 Bank place 210 feet, 1 he buiiding is in good order and ST. LOUIS AND NEW ORLEANS AND MEB. HEW ORLEANS CLEARING HOUSE. MOI.ASSES—No receipt« »nd no sale«. on the Pauline Can oil, but, it is supposed, will stop sacks cotton seed »ell adapted for the dry goods or hardware business. CHANTS’ SOUTHERN PACKET LINE. FLOUR—There is no demand for Cuba to-day, and off at Vicksburg. ST LOUIS—Per steamer Bee end 4 barges—104 Also, that large fonr-story store, No. 53 Carondelet Giving Through Tickets to Clearings. Balrnces street, well r&lcutated for cotton factory offices, or any May 73.................................. $ 82.*»48 25 $1-8 881 67 the market i« at a standstill even with the local or j' b The Ba't Able, Capt. R. Sinnott, arriv ed in tim e sacks bran 630 bids flour T Prudbonim e----- 1U0 do to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Balt», trade. The «took on hand !« only moderate however, la s t evening from Grand 1 core with a cargo of cattle, Glover A Odeudahl----- 100 do Flash, Lewis Aco------100 other kind of business. more, Washington City, Buffalo, Pina* May 7B.................................. 946.806 1 8 117,185 11 Also, those two four-story stores. No. 119 and 121 M a; 26.................................. 1.117,251 84 199,034 90 and low grade« are scarce. The receipts are very small. etc. She will return, «8 usual, on S atu rd ay , a t5 P . M. Schneider A Zuberbier---- -100 Keep A Raymond— 1*8) burg, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Louisville, and Only 100 bbl« sold, of which 50 bbls good treb'e ex­ (Correspondence of the Bulletin.! T A Hamilton A< <1—800 do 100 half bbls do Schmidt A Magazin« street, with large hack warehouses, well M a; 27.................................. 1,023,5'7 15 156.345 14 suited tor a large Western produce or wholesale gro­ EXCURSION TICKETS TO ST. PAUL May 28................ .............. 677 025 42 84,968 69 tra Bold at |7, 50 choice treble extra at $7 50, 120 at Mp.ypHis, May 27, Noon. Zeigler—200 bbls flour 200 sacks bran S H Kennedy A $7 62‘i. 60 unsound at $5 50. 500 bbls, in lots, and Business for the past day or two has picked up eon- co—737 sacks com 12 bbls meal 276 bbls flour 12 half cery btisine.-s. The two s'ores can be rented separate­ FOR ST. LOUIS, CAIRO, MEMPHIS AND IBM 130 bl> « on private terms. s derably, as will he seen by the increased receipts of blrls do and 364 pkgs sundries C A Whitney Aco—42 ly or together. BENDS. ’■m s far 1bla week.......... 14,746.632 74 1680 415 51 cotton from the St. Francis and *» h te river«, and a ca«ks bacon J West Aco—1 hhds tobacco R T Toriau— Also, several flue offices in Commercial Place. Home tim e last wo k ........ 5,785,264 26 730.424 38 CORN MEAL—1The supply is light but the demand Will leave as below at 4 o’clock P. M, is now Nlack. Holder« ask $5 10, bLt only 50, 100 aud slight improveme t is also noticed in th» shipments 4 Guutber A Stevenson----- 5 E H Wilson a Mills-----J4 I he ab ve buildings are in first rate order, and will Total last week ................ 6 755.160 !'0 892,572 69 tie rented on exceedingly favorable terms to good ten­ JOHN A. SCUDDER, Total week before............ 7 8»i6,358 71 994,159 31 50 bbl« sold at that price. of freight to points oh 'hose streams as wed a« to J E King----- 50 Kirkpatrick J Keith— 91 bbls flour to PORK—'I he market is dull, but the receipts aie i landings and t wns below her--. The Belle of Tex D Hadden Aco——10 b-xes cam ilea 12 4 sacks corn to ants For information apply to A. J. Carter, captain ; Chas. H. Dix, clerk ; The Money n arket continue, inanimate. The offer­ light, ami the stock is small ami held at $18 75(a 19 18 brought from the Arkansas 158 bales of cotton, 1200 1 N O, M A T R R----- 502 do to order----- 462 U J A D D my29 lm H. s. nL’CKXER, No. 137 Gravierst. Sa t u r d a y , May 30. ing* are n,b t belli in hank ami < n the etreet, anil the sacks seed, and left 109 hales of cotton at the mouth, O’Brien—lbC3 do 450 sacks bran 508 sacks oats to bbl for original mess pood weight. It is retailing at UUI R I t K M —IN T H E M U S T A R I S T O - PAULINE CARROLL, rate* of commercial paper are without any ipi- table $19 f* bbl. A lot cf 00 bbls mess sold at $18 75 which the Longworth will doubtless get. The Kyle Hudson A Moore—1:58 do 148 sacks corn C T Buddec- variation. We continue to quote «elected signature«, F erratic part of the city, recet tly thoroughly James A. lore, captain; Geo. Milteuberger clerk; Ÿ bbl. hal a good trip up, including 560 hogsheads sugar, and ke Aco—1975 do 1 63 sacks oats H T I-awler—7**0 do to repaired, th .t splendid residence, with beautitul w ith * T without col ateral« at 8 Tf* ceu' per annum , h r t- DRY SALT MUÂT—None arriving, and none in first 1 lelt 21 0 packages here. The Helena from Vicksburg Howard A Prestons----- 500 M Driiliau----- r410 do 200 WEDNESDAY, June 3. ctass 9(a,10, A1 at 1 I*« 12, arid aeeond Krade at I@1 X > grounds, No 294 Pritania, corner Third street. Ap­ Issuing as usual, Through Bills of Lading in con­ lands. Shoulders aie quoted at 7c lb. Dealets was Habt, andeveu then ran aground at Catfish Point sack - b r .u 20,60 ' bushels corn in t ulk Bussey Aco— ply to J. H. JENSKN, 78 Carondelet, between 9 aud •eat per mentti. J ir»t-cla*8 mortgages rule at lo > and »as relieved by the Kyle. The Belle Memphis 24,690 do 30,000 bushels wheat in bulk 2676 sacks corn nection with the Railroads to all principal pointa are retailing shoulders at 71,c. clear rib sides 9 Xc. 11 A. VI., aud 3 aud 4 P. M. my24 tf North aud West. •eat per annum, while nothing i« reported aecond clear Hides 10c V fl>- A lot of 14,0(8) lb rib ami c:ear ! trom St. Louis, brought 10Ö0 tons Monday, and went 2188 sacks oats 440 sacks bran Geo Martin—300 do I h grade. rib sb'es. lot s , sold at 1UX f* lb. back light. Hoelzel—loo sacks malt J A B affer Aco—2*2 pcs pig IXK OFFICE FUR RENT, CHEAP— J. B. WOODS & CO., General Agents, We notice that a iietition ha« beeu filed in the BACON—Dull; (air stock on hand, but no demand. The .Mary Alice and to»- went up, laying here to iron J H Ludwigsen—50 boxes matches Smith A Mc­ No. 12 Carondelet, between Canal aud Common myl Gravier street. Superior Dlstr et Court, praying lor an injunction Shoulders arc offering at 7*£c, d e a r rib sides 1< »„<-, patch a boiler, and the Bee, down, dropped an ice Kenna—25 do J P Sarrazin—10 Lochte A Cordes—58 streets.F Apply on prem ises. my22 M.Xf.tf retraining the city'« payiue, from the fund« appro­ clear sides lie ]8 lb. Only 9 casks clear sides sold barge containing 200 tons; that brings 1 ur total ol bdls twine Woods, Sla) hack Aco—22 do M J sm ith A TENSAS AND BLACK RIVER. priated to meet the monthly pay roll cf the variou« at 11c. Dealers are doing a job trade at X@ ‘4c above that article of coolness up to 918k) ton»—sufficient t« co—25 coops poultry Miller A Meyer—5 boxes hard­ (**1« RENT.—OCEAN SPRINGS REM - department«, any claim« or <li iuamh, except in ac­ TENSAS AND BAYOU MACON PACKET.
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