Series lead to Detroit There’re pros and cons^ Play Bingo thanks to 5-2 victory to working at home and win cash! ... page 15 ... page 20 page 2 Sunshine today; Manchester. Conn. cloudy tonight Saturday, Oct. 13, 1984 — See page 2 iUanrlffBtfr Single copy: 25C Session ends after Senate adds debt limit By Steve Gerstel on a tiible in the well of the Sen;ite. United Press International Baker dispatched three Air Force planes to pluck .senators r WASHINGTON - The 98th Con­ from the campaign and urged gress adjourned Friday after the others to return to Capitol Hill in an Senate, in a fierce and final effort to reverse Friday's defeat of partisan poiitical battle, narrowly the debt ceiling legislation — a approved an increase in the decision which imperiled the endof national debt ceiling to $1.82 the .session. trillion. The Republicans, including The second session of the Con­ many conservtitives, responded to gress came to a close in mid­ Baker's pleas for passage of the afternoon — a day behind schedule bill. Only Sens. Niincy Ka.ssebaum — with the House virtually aban­ of Kansas, Robert Kasten of doned and large ab.senleeism in the Wi.sconsin, Gordon Humphrey of - . V. tffc -Jj* Senate. New Hamiishire ;ind Don Nickles The House quit at 3: 05 p.m. EDT of Oklahoma voted against and the Senate put the final touch piissage. on adjournment by banging the The Democrats, unwilling to gavei for the last time at 3: 18 p.m. accept the blame for raising the EDT debt celling in an election ye;ir. The 99th Congre.ss will not voted .solidly against the bill, convene until Jan. 3. 1985. although 15 (lid not bother to nUurn Senate Republicans cleared the to the nation's capital way for adjournment when, with­ Earlier in the day, unsure out the vote of a single Democrat, whether he could hold enough they approved tin increa.se in the Repuhlleans, Baker indicated he national debt ceiling to a record would net'd .some help from the ' V<W $1.82 trillion and cleared, the way Democrats. When the showdown Herald photo by Tarquinio for adjournment. came, he did not. Campaigning Republican sena­ When he ordered the vole to Fresh paint for the homestead tors, including many conserva­ begin, the 59-year-old GOP le.-uler tives, hurried hack to Capitol Hill knew he h;id the voles — otherwise Dave Porter of Mak Painting prepares to put a new coat of birthday of the building next year. “As near as we can tell aboard Air Force jets and com­ he would have postponed paint on part of the Cheney Homestead. The entire the building was constructed in 1785,” said Jon Harrison, mercial airliners in a respon.se to a (.'onsideration. homestead is being painted in preparation for thei200th chairtfiah of the Cheney Homestead Committee. personal plea (rom Republican- t "I'll figure out when I have the leader Howard Baker that they voles." Baker said. "And when I return and vote for the last bill have the votes, we'll vote." Dedication ceremomes Sunday which had to pass before the end of Before adjourning. Bjiker and the session. ■ Senate Democratic leader Robert The Senate voted .37 .31) to in­ Byrd retreated to Bilker's office crease the debt ceiling' to $1.82 with ii sweeping view of the mall to trillion, with all but four Republi­ call President Reagan and tell him Campus, bakery to hold parties cans heeding the entreiities of the the Senate was ready to adjourn. popular Baker, leaving the Senate Baker and Byrd, who had to wiiit after three terms to seek the .several minutes in the room presidency in 1988. Bv Sarah E. Hall perform, will not be al^le to attend the upcoming MCC musical It will be staffed by clients of the crowded with TV ciimeras and Herald Reporter "There'll be no more votes because of a scheduling problem. "Jacques Brel is Alive and Well Manchester Sheltered Workshop, reporters, finally reiiched Reiigan today," Baker said, smiiing broad­ MCC President William E. Vin­ and Living in Paris" wili be under the supervision of two hired on his whistlestop tr;iin and Bilker ly."There'll be no more voles this Back-to-back dedications of two cent will deliver opening remarks. performed in the Student Lounge. professional bakers. On their own, said, "We are here together to'tell session. There'll be no more votes different facilities are planned for Guest speakers wiil include Dr. In the Cheney Dining Room on the clients will make and sell gift you that the Senate has completed Sunday, when both a bakery in my career." its work. Frederick Lowe, MCC’s first presi­ the second floor, visitors may view items on a consignment basis. staffed by the mentally retarded Fellow senators and .spectators dent; Norma Glasgow, commis­ Loom shuttles and silk brocade The Illin^ Junior High School "W e've been instructed by the in the galleries came to their feet to and the new campus at Manches­ sioner of the Department of higher from the Cheney Brothers mills. Pep band will perform at the Congress to advise you we're ter Community College will be give the Tenne.ssee veteran a education; Andrew McKirdy, ex­ While the public is invited to dedication Sunday. Samples of prepared to iidjourn sine die, and christened with bands and roaring ovation as he sat in his ecutive director of the Board of attend the MCC dedication, a bakery products will be offered for to inquire if you have further speeches. front row seat. Trustees of Regional Community cocktail reception preceding the refreshments. requests or further requirements The bigger bash will be from 2 to "Frankly. I first thought that Colleges; and Barbara Weinberg, event is by invitation only. The Expected guests include Depart­ of the Senate Indore we do .so. 4 p.m. at the college, where mayor of Manchester. college sent out several hundred ment of Mental Retardation Com­ was for m e," Bakersaid, joiningin students, faculty members and the the light iauglUer. "But I realize it The Manchester Symphony Or­ invitations to the. reception. Geis missioner George Moore, Town public will celebrate the opening of was for sine die adjournment." chestra and Chorale will give its said. Manager Robert Weiss, Mayor the $10 million Frederick W. Lowe Only moments before. Baker first performance as residents-of Across town in its new quarters Barbara Weinberg, MARC Execu­ Four named building. Between 500 and 1,000 anxiously watched the vote, sitting the new MCC program center. In at 43 Purnell Place, the Manches­ tive Director Laurie Prytko, guests are expected, according to addition, the Way of the Cross ter Association of- Retarded Citi­ UNICO President Leo Diana, DMR publicist Judy Geis. gospel choir will sing "Bless This zens bakery and gift shop will open Superintendent George Ducharme in spy case Though outdoor festivities had House." for sales at 11;30 a.m. and MARC President Anthony been planned, officials have de­ An open house and tours of the The store will be open Wednes­ Comeau. LOS ANGELES (U P l) - A cided to keep the program indoors new budding will follow the cerem­ day, Friday and Saturday from 10 A1 Sullivan, a MARC member More time former FBI agent and two Soviet because of unpredictable weather, onies. IltheN ew SpaceArt Gallery a.m. to 6 p.m.. Thursday from 10 who helped ready the store for emigres were named Fridiiy in ii Geis said. The Governor's Foot on the first floor. 32 artists will a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 8 opening, will participate in the 1.3-count indictment charging them Guard, which was invited to to be voter exhibit their work. Selections from a.m. to 1 p.m. ribbon-cutting. with espionage, while a Soviet diplomat in San Francisco was Manchester's registrars of named us an unihdieted co- voters have extended office conspirator. hours through Tuesday to The federal grand jury handed Congress revives tandem issue accommodate people who down the indictments against want to register to vote in the Richard Miller — the first FBI Bv AAark A. Dupuis The bill won final legislative Nov. 6 election. agent ever charged with espionage ters at the Capitol. " I believe this is could not be addressed under the United Press International approval in the Senate late Thurs­ The office will be open today certainly progress." 1983 federal law, which opened the -- and .Nikolay and Svetlana day and was sent on to President from 9 a m. to 8 |i m.. on Ogorodnikov The nation's interstate highways roads to tandems. HARTFORD — The state of Reagan, Ratchford said, adding Monday from 8:30 a.m to 4: 30 and some other roads were opened Aleksandr Grishin, a Soviet vice Connecticut, which unsuccesfully that he expects Reagan to sign the Deputy State Transportation p.m, and on Tuesday from 8:30 to tandems under a federal law consul with diplomatic immunity, sought to ban tandem trailer measure. Commissioner William A. Lazarek a.m, to 8 p.m. that took effect in April 1983. was named as an iinindicteii trucks from all of its highways, said he would have to see the bill The last day to register to co-conspiralor The state, concerned about may be able to keep the rigs off Lt. Gov. Joseph J. Fauliso, first before deciding if the state' vote in the .Nov 6 election is safety problems by opening Con­ Stale Department officials in some roads under legislation just acting as governor while Gov.
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