American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2011; 75 (5) Article 105. MEETING ABSTRACTS 112th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Antonio, TX, July 9-13, 2011 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES class participation. When asked to comment about the current state of Completed Research instruction on preparedness against biological and chemical disasters in most schools of pharmacy, 50% of the respondents considered it to DHA Sensitizes Etoposide to Induce Apoptosis in Brain Tumor be poor. Implications: Opportunities exist to incorporate a course on Cells. Kruttika N. Bhat, North Dakota State University, Erxi Wu, biological and chemical disaster preparedness in pharmacy curricula. North Dakota State University. Objectives: Docosahexanoic acid (DHA), dietary omega-3-fatty acid, is necessary in the maintenance Inclusion of a Transgender Panel Discussion in a Required Di- of normal brain functioning. When combined with certain anticancer versity Course. Amy L. Parkhill, St. John Fisher College, Stefania drugs such as doxorubicin and 5-fluorouracil when tested in vitro, Bradford, St John Fisher College, Jeanne Gainsburg, Gay Alliance DHA shows additive effect against human cancer cells. However, no of Genesee Valley, Scott Fearing, Gay Alliance of Genesee Valley, data are available on effects of DHA combined with chemotherapeu- Jennifer L. Mathews, St. John Fisher College. Objectives: Patients in tic drugs in brain tumors. In this study, we investigated whether DHA the transgender community are underserved and have many barriers modulated the sensitivity of brain tumor cells exposed to anticancer to their healthcare. Hormone therapy has many serious health risks. drug, etoposide (VP16), and mechanisms by which combined DHA Additionally, fear of discrimination may lead many transgender patients and VP16 act synergistically against brain tumor cells. Method: DHA to avoid medical care, including the pharmacy. We developed and or VP16 was added alone or in combination to medulloblastoma (MB), evaluated a panel discussion to educate pharmacy students on trans- Daoy and D283, and glioblastoma (GBM), U138 and U87 cell lines. gender health issues and how they can advocate for these patients in MTS and Hoechest 33342/PI staining were used to determine cell their pharmacies. Method: As part of the Introduction to Diversity proliferation and cytotoxicity in treated cells. No effects were observed course (n578 students), first year pharmacy students attended a pre- on GBM cells when treated with VP16 or DHA, while the MB cells sentation given by the Gay Alliance to educate them on LGBT issues showed increased sensitivity towards them. DHA and VP16 alone used and to prepare them for the upcoming panel discussion. The panel itself as controls, showed diminutive effects on cell proliferation and cell consisted of both transgender males and females. Panelists shared in- death, whereas cells pre-treated with DHA showed greater sensitivity formation on their backgrounds and healthcare experiences. Students to VP16 in both MB cell lines. A pathway specific oligo array was used were then able to ask the panel questions. Students completed evalua- to illustrate the mechanism by which DHA and VP16 in combination tions based on defined learning outcomes. Additionally, as part of limits MB cell proliferation. Results: The results demonstrated that the the course requirement, many students chose to write a self reflection combined effect of DHA and VP16 on MB cells is partially due to the on the experience. Results: Survey questions were evaluated using down-regulated genes from DNA damage repair and PI3K/MAPK a Likert Scale (15 strongly disagree; 55 strongly agree). Students pathways. Implications: In conclusion, our data suggest that combin- reported that they could: describe methods for showing respect to a ing anticancer drugs with DHA might benefit in the treatment of var- transgender patient (SA/A 5 96%), identify barriers to treatment for by guest on September 30, 2021. © 2011 American Association of Colleges Pharmacy ious brain tumors. transgender patients (SA/A 5 86%), and develop strategies for ad- vocating for the healthcare of transgender patients, at a local level Importance of a Course to Enhance Pharmacy Students’ Readi- (SA/A 5 84%). Implications: Educating future pharmacists about ness Against Biological/Chemical Disasters. Seher A. Khan, Lake transgender patients is a first step in addressing the healthcare needs Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine School of Pharmacy, Somnath of this underserved population. Our panel may serve as model for Singh, Creighton University. Objectives: Deliberate or accidental other pharmacy schools to implement. release of pathogens and toxic chemicals has caused harm or death http://www.ajpe.org of humans and other lives. Given the enormous capacity of these Inducible cAMP Element Repressor (ICER) Co-localization with noxious agents to cause mass destruction, we are interested to de- the Kappa Opioid Receptor (KOR) in the Rat Forebrain. Helmut termine the current status of a didactic course offering in US phar- B. Gottlieb, University of the Incarnate Word. Objectives: The goal macy schools on readiness against biological and chemical disasters. of this study is to examine whether changes in gene expression caused Method: The contact information for the Chairs of Pharmaceutical by kappa opioid receptors will affect salt and water imbalance. Ac- and Clinical Sciences was obtained from the current AACP Faculty tivation of these receptors has been associated with an increase in Downloaded from Roster. The Chairs were then invited electronically to complete factors (i.e., ICER) which subsequently reduce second messengers in a 9-item online survey utilizing the BlueQ software (Vovici Corpo- the central nervous system (CNS). This could potentially cause free ration). Follow-up emails were sent twice over a period of four weeks water diuresis via inhibition of vasopressin and activation of renal for those who did not participate initially. Descriptive statistics were sympathetic nerves. However, the CNS sites involved in these utilized to analyze the data. Results: The survey resulted in 67 responses. responses are yet to be determined. Method: Rats were implanted Ten percent respondents considered the need of a didactic course on with an intracerebroventricular cannula for central microinjection of biological and chemical disaster preparedness to be extremely impor- drug/vehicle. Urine samples were collected during control (15-min) tant while 3% considered not important at all. Six schools offer an and after saline vehicle (VEH, n58) or U-50488H (U50), selective independent course on preparedness against biological and chemical kappa agonist (10 microg; n5 8). 4 additional urine samples (15-min) disaster with the course being offered annually in 66% cases. Two out were collected after the microinjection. The forebrain was processed of the six independent courses were required courses. The students were for ICER, KOR and vasopressin using polyclonal antibody. Results: evaluated on performance in examinations, projects, presentations, and As compared to control, U-50 produced a rapid and marked increase 1 American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2011; 75 (5) Article 105. in urine flow and decrease in urinary sodium excretion rate. U50 drug interaction for Compound B and C. Implications: The use of produced significant increases in ICER expression in a number of aspirin (A), ketoconazole (B), and warfarin (C) as prototypical drugs hypothalamic regions (all P , 0.05). In addition, double labeling for this laboratory provided students with clinically relevant pharma- shows significant increase in ICER/KOR positive cells. Implica- cokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug interactions to consider through tions: This is the first study to show co-localization of ICER with an active learning process requiring problem solving skills. This in- the kappa opioid receptor in CNS regions involved in water homeo- tegrated laboratory exercise was an efficient, cost effective teaching stasis. Thus these results suggest a new pathway for kappa opioid- method that reinforced fundamental concepts related to enzyme kinet- mediated effects on cardiovascular and renal function. The identifi- ics, drug metabolism, and drug clearance taught in lecture-based cation of these sites could be of considerable importance in treating courses during the first year of the professional program. a number of diseases, such as congestive heart failure. Supported by 1SC2HL104639-01A1. Theoretical Models Measurement of Critical Thinking Skills and Dispositions Before Building on the Thermodynamics of Drug-Receptor Interactions and After Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. Joie Row- throughout an Iterative Curriculum. Richard H. Alper, Saint les, Midwestern University’s College of Pharmacy-Glendale. Objec- Joseph College, Maria A. Summa, Saint Joseph College, Mark A. tives: To assess the critical thinking skills and attitudes of pharmacy Sweezy, Saint Joseph College. Objectives: To develop evolving case students at the end of the didactic portion of the curriculum, and to see studies featuring thermodynamic concepts for targeted application if these assessments changed after completion of the advanced phar- within the first two years of a three-year PharmD program. Method: macy practice experiences (APPE). Method: Pharmacy students in All Saint Joseph College School of Pharmacy faculty met in formal their third (final) year were recruited voluntarily.
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