Application Reference Number S.15/12/403 W To: Biffa Waste Services Limited Poplars Landfill Site Lichfield Road Cannock Staffordshire WS11 8NQ TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 PROJECTS REQUIRING AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PERMISSION FOR DEVELOPMENT Having previously permitted S.37608 dated 21 December 1999 - Regularisation of the use of the site as a landfill facility for the disposal of domestic, industrial, commercial and inert wastes including special waste and restoration to grassland etc. at Meece Landfill Site, Swynnerton Staffordshire County Council, pursuant to powers under the above-mentioned Act, and having taken into consideration the environmental information, hereby permit: Application not to comply with (to vary) Conditions 1, 2, 10, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 and 31 of planning permission S.37608 in order to extend landfill operations to 30 September 2035, to extend the final restoration to 30 September 2036 and to amend the landfilling phasing, restoration and aftercare scheme at Meece Landfill Site, Yarnfield Road, Swynnerton, Coldmeece, Near Stone, Staffordshire subject to the condition(s) and reasons specified hereunder. Definition of Permission 1. This planning permission shall only relate to the land edged red on drawing / plan no. Figure ML2 Application and Ownership Boundaries dated June 2015 hereafter referred to as ‘the Site’ and the development hereby permitted shall only be carried out within the Site in accordance with the approved documents and plans listed below: a) Approved documents and plans referred to in planning permission ref. S.37608 dated 21 December 1999: • The application form received 23 April 1999 and registered 30 April 1999, Page 1 of 16 Application Reference Number S.15/12/403 W • The Environmental Statement and the amended versions of Volumes 1 (Project Description) and 3 (Drawings) received on 14 May 1999. b) Approved details in accordance with planning permission ref. S.37608: • S.37608 D1 dated 24 August 2001 approved submission of details under Condition 15 relating to noise monitoring scheme. • S.37608 D2 dated 17 January 2003 approved submission of details under Conditions 11, 22, 24, 25, 29 and 30 relating to fencing, restoration and aftercare. As amended by: c) Approved documents submitted in support of this application (ref. S.15/12/403 W): • Application form dated 31 July 2015 • Letter from Aecom dated 3 November 2015 - Meece Ecology • Supporting Statement • Supporting Statement - Appendix B - Restoration and Aftercare Scheme • Environmental Statement - Non-Technical Summary • Environmental Statement - Main text • Environmental Statement - Appendix A - Ecology Assessment • Environmental Statement - Appendix A - Ecology Assessment Figures A1 – A12 • Environmental Statement - Appendix B – Flood Risk Assessment • Environmental Statement - Appendix C – Noise Assessment • Environmental Statement - Figure ML1 Site Location • Environmental Statement - Figure ML2 Application and Ownership Boundaries • Environmental Statement - Figure ML3 Existing Situation • Environmental Statement - Figure ML4 Phase 1 • Environmental Statement - Figure ML5 Phase 2 • Environmental Statement - Figure ML6 Phase 3 • Environmental Statement - Figure ML7 Phase 4 • Environmental Statement - Figure ML8 Phase 5 • Environmental Statement – Drawing No. ML9 Restoration Details except in so far as the approved documents and plans listed above are amended by the conditions specified below. Reason: To define the planning permission and to enable effective monitoring of the operations on the Site; and to ensure the permission is implemented in all respects in accordance with the submitted details. (This condition replaces condition 1 of planning permission S.37608). Page 2 of 16 Application Reference Number S.15/12/403 W Commencement 2. The development hereby permitted shall be deemed to have commenced on the date of this planning permission. Notification of Commencement 3. The operator shall notify the Waste Planning Authority in writing within two weeks of the following dates: a) The date of recommencement of ‘landfilling operations’ at the Site; b) The dates of commencement of landfilling within each phase of the development as shown on Figures ML4 – ML8; c) The date when ‘restoration operations’ have commenced within each phase of the development; and, d) The date when ‘aftercare’ has commenced within each phase of the development. Refer to definitions of ‘landfilling operations’, ‘restoration operations’ and ‘aftercare’ at the end of the conditions. Reasons (2 and 3): To define the permission, to enable the Waste Planning Authority to monitor operations, to ensure compliance with this permission and ensure that the Site is properly restored in accordance with the submitted plans within a reasonable timeframe in the interests of the environment, and the amenity of local residents in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (sections 7, 8, 10, and 11); the National Planning Policy for Waste (paragraph 7 and Appendix B); the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Waste Local Plan (policy 4.2) and The Plan for Stafford Borough (Local Plan) (2011 – 2031) (policy N1, N4 and N8). Also in order to comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, 2004. Cessation of the Development and Expiry of the Permission 4. The landfilling hereby permitted shall cease within 15 years of the date of re- commencement (notified in accordance with Condition 3a) or no later than 30 September 2035, whichever date is the sooner, hereafter referred to as ‘the cessation date’. The Site shall be restored no later than one year after the cessation date or by 30 September 2036, whichever date is the sooner, in accordance with the approved Restoration and Aftercare Scheme (Conditions 33 to 38). 5. No later than 12 months after the cessation date or by 30 September 2036, whichever date is the sooner, the Site shall be cleared of all office accommodation, buildings, weighbridge, wheel cleaning facility and structures, plant, and machinery. All internal roads, compacted hardcore bases and hardstanding areas Page 3 of 16 Application Reference Number S.15/12/403 W shall be removed unless they are required in accordance with the approved phased Restoration and Aftercare Scheme (Conditions 33 to 38). 6. This planning permission shall expire when the Waste Planning Authority have provided written confirmation that the Site has been restored and subject to aftercare in accordance with the requirements of the approved Restoration and Aftercare Scheme (Conditions 33 to 38). Reasons (4 to 6): To define the permission, to enable the Waste Planning Authority to monitor operations, to ensure compliance with this permission and ensure that the landfill is properly restored in accordance with the submitted plans within a reasonable time following its completion in the interests of the environment, and the amenity of local residents in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (sections 7, 8, 10, and 11); the National Planning Policy for Waste (paragraph 7 and Appendix B); the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Waste Local Plan (policy 4.2) and The Plan for Stafford Borough (Local Plan) (2011 – 2031) (policy N1, N4 and N8). These conditions replace conditions 2, 3 and 28 of planning permission S.37608. Also in order to comply with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, 2004. Knowledge of the Permission 7. The terms of this planning permission and any documents subsequently approved in accordance with this planning permission shall be made known and be accessible to any person(s) given responsibility for the management or control of the activities/operations on the Site. Reason: To enable easy reference and to encourage compliance with the requirement of the planning permission so as to ensure the orderly operation of the Site. This condition replaces condition 32 of planning permission S.37608. Site Access, Vehicle Movements and Highway Safety 8. Vehicular access to the Site from the public highway and egress from the Site to the public highway shall only be obtained via the access from Yarnfield Road at the ‘Site Access’ shown on the Figure ML2 ‘Application and Ownership Boundaries’. The hard-surface of that access shall be maintained in a sound condition and its gates shall open away from the highway. 9. The number of daily HGV movements to and from the Site shall not exceed 120 movements (60 in and 60 out) per full working day. 10. No vehicles shall leave the Site in a condition whereby mud, dirt, dust or other deleterious material shall be deposited on the public highway. 11. The wheel cleaning facilities shall be retained, operated and maintained in place in full working order until such time as they are no longer required in accordance with the approved Restoration and Aftercare Scheme (Conditions 33 to Page 4 of 16 Application Reference Number S.15/12/403 W 38). All vehicles leaving the Site shall use the wheel cleaning facilities as necessary to prevent the deposit of mud, dirt, dust or other deleterious material on the public highway. 12. In the event that the wheel cleaning facilities are not available then vehicles associated with the permitted operations shall not leave the Site until alternative arrangements have been put in place to prevent the deposit of mud, dirt, dust or other deleterious material on the public highway. Reasons (8 to 12): In the interests of highway safety; to assist with the effective monitoring of the planning permission; and to protect the amenity of local residents in accordance with: the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Waste Local Plan (policy 4.2); The Plan for Stafford Borough (Local Plan) (2011 – 2031) (policy N1); .the National Planning Policy for Waste (paragraph 7 and Appendix B); and the National Planning Policy Framework (sections 4, 7, 8, 10, and 11). The conditions replace conditions 4 and 5 of planning permission S.37608. Explanatory note: the daily vehicle limit shall cover the various waste management facilities permitted to operate within the boundary of the landfill site.
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