THURSDAYPIB’sZenith JULY Early 1, 2021 Bank THISDAY Passage Retains Threatened Number as Stakeholders One Tier-1 Seek Bank Fresh Ranking Alterations1 EmmanuelNume Ekeghe Addeh in Abuja increased share of revenues, fuel investment dollars has shares in the Nigerian National demands to increase their of oil revenues. with agency report publishedcould push by its Thepassage Banker into disappointednumber one those tier-1 who hopedbank PetroleumThe bank, in aCorporation statement shareZenith of petroleumBank’s producedfinancial corporateThe National sectors Assembly despite goes a Magazine,late this year, a publication four sources of thein politicalNigeria alignmentfor the ofthird the (NNPC)yesterday, andsaid theimplement ranking, inperformance their regions tofor 10 theper cent,year onchallenging recess in macroeconomicearly July, so if AZenith week Bank before Plc thehas beenlatest thehave Financial told Reuters. Times Group presidencyconsecutive and year. the National market-basedwhich was publishedprices for gasin upwas from underpinned 2.5 per cent. by an theenvironment package is notexacerbated approved deadlineranked as to the pass number Nigeria's one of Thethe Unitedlast-minute Kingdom. wrangling AssemblyIt, however, would emerged break theas jinxthe toJuly power. 2021 edition of the eightCommunities per cent with growth oil withinby the COVID-19the next two pandemic. weeks, long-awaitedbank in Nigeria Petroleumby tier-1 Theover thebank, bill, withwhich a aims tier-1 to that454th has bank stalked globally the overhaul and the magazine,Reuters reportedwas based that on theat explorationin non-interest in Northernincome, itTier-1 cannot capitalbecome lawdescribes until Industrycapital in Bill the (PIB), 2021 Topdemands 1000 capitalmodernise of Nigeria's $2.64 petroleumbillion, efforts for 20 years. acrimonious meetings in Nigeria's Lake Chad region September. for big changes, including from industry and attract a onlyAmong Nigerian the changesbank in theare the2020 Abuja year-end during tier-1 the capitalweek, andwith the an middle improved of the countrymarket World Banks’ Ranking retained its ranking as the Continued on page 10 community leaders seeking an shrinking pool of global fossil proposalstop 500. to publicly sell communityof banks globally. leaders revived areshare also seekingin both a greaterretail shareand Continued on page 10 Okonjo-IwealaStock Market Seeks LowerSheds Trade N1.303trn Cost to Boost in Africa’s First HalfEconomic of 2021...Recovery...pagePage 5 8 ThursdayThursday 24 1 June,July, 2021 VolVol 26. 26 No. No 9579. 9571. Price:Price: N250N250 www.thisdaylive.com www.thisdaylive.com TR RU ON TH & REASO TODAY'S WEATHER ABUJA 25°C-33°C MAIDUGURI 31°C-31°C ENUGU 25°C-28°C KANO 27°C-33°C LAGOS 24C-27°C PORT HARCOURT 20°C-30°C SmuggledFG Mobilises Petrol Prosecutors Rises Againstto 42m Kanu, Considers Mass Murder Charge LitresConcerns over Daily role of UK in issuingNNPC new passports Cries in breach of Outcourt bail Alex Enumah in Abuja Nigeria after Justice Binta Nyako of the Federal High The Saysfederal government subsidy Court, Abuja,hits where N150bn he was monthly isEmmanuel raising a Addeh crack in teamAbuja of standinglitres. trial for a six-count lawyers to prosecute the charge,With grantedthe menace him nowbail leaderNigerian of NationalIndigenous Petroleum People ingaining April more 2017. momentum His bail wasand ofCorporation Biafra (IPOB), (NNPC) Mr. yesterdayNnamdi subsequentlyillegal dealers morerevoked daring, thein Kanu,lamented who wasthe interceptedescalating oil company stated that the incidence of petrol smuggling Septembersubsidy that 2019the government following inacross Addis Nigeria’s Ababa, borders, Ethiopia which hispays persistent on petrol absenceevery month, from onit putsFriday at aand whopping repatriated 42 court.in order to keep the pump tomillion Nigeria litres under per day.the cover Followingprice of petrol his stablebreach at of N162 the of Thedarkness corporation on saidSunday, the bailper litreconditions, now hovers the betweensecurity THISDAYunbridled learnt smuggling last night. has N140 billion and N150 billion. Kanuincreased had Nigeria’s vanished estimated from ContinuedThe development on page 8has made daily consumption of 60 Continued on page 10 millionPDP litres Shops to 102 million for Legal Team to RetrievePresidency Mandate from Replies Matawalle ProtestsCritics, nomination Washes of Onochie as INEC commissioner DejiHands Elumoye, off MediaWorking CommitteeBills Chuks Okocha and (NWC) of the main Alex Call Enumah Mohammed in Abuja to order,opposition stakeholders partyurge Buhari has Deji Elumoye in Abuja commencedto gag the press. a search for In a swift response, the Following Tuesday’s a competent legal team The presidency has washed its Nigerian Guild of Editors defectionhands off the ofcurrent Zamfara attempt to(NGE) retrieve and the Nigerianits mandate Union Stateby the NationalGovernor, Assembly Hon. to fromof Journalists the Zamfara (NUJ) Statehave Belloamend Matawalle,the Nigerian fromPress governor,urged President THISDAY Muhammadu has theCouncil Peoples (NPC) Democratic Act and learnt.Buhari to call the Minister Partythe National (PDP) Broadcastingto the All Theof Information leadership and of the Culture, PDP, COOPERATING AGAINST TERROR… ProgressivesCommission (NBC)Congress Act, a Alhaji Lai Mohammed to STATEChief of Defence OF Staff, THE Gen. MATTER...Lucky Irabor (left), and Inspector-General of the Senegalese Armed Forces, Gen. El hadji Daouda move, media stakeholders Continuedorder, accusing on page the 10 minister Niang, during the Senegalese defence chief’s visit to the Defence Headquarters in Abuja…yesterday (APC),and other theNigerians National have Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mr. Boss Mustapha (left), and President Muhammadu Buhari during the Federal condemned as an attempt Continued on page 10 Executive Council in Abuja…yesterday godwin omoigui Irabor Rallies Stakeholders to Curb Transnational Terrorism... page 6 We Have Tribal War on Our Hands, Says Gumi... Page 5 2 THURSDAY JULY 1, 2021 •THISDAY THURSDAY JULY 1, 2021 • THISDAY 3 4 THURSDAY JULY 1, 2021 •THISDAY THURSDAY JULY 1, 2021 THISDAY 5 Group News Editor Ejiofor Alike NEWS Email [email protected]. 08066066268 Stock Market Sheds N1.303trn in First Half of 2021 Goddy Egene SHUIRUPDQFH ZRXOG EH WKDW IRUHLJQ LQYHVWRUV PD\ GXHWRFRQFHUQVDURXQG LQ DOWHUQDWLYH DVVHW FODVVHV equity market. GHWHUPLQHG E\ GRPHVWLF make a gradual return to WKHH[FKDQJHUDWHIUDPHZRUN SDUWLFXODUO\),DQGGROODULVHG She added that the The Nigerian equities market SDUWLFLSDWLRQ ZKLFK ZRXOG WKH ORFDO ERXUVH 6SHFLÀFDOO\ DQG VWUXFWXUDO UHIRUPV assets. SKHQRPHQRQ UHGXFHG went down by N1.303 trillion EH VXSSRUWHG E\ WKH ORZ ), VXVWDLQHG KLJKHU FUXGH RLO WR LPSURYH WKH GRPHVWLF 2NR\D VWDWHG WKDW ZKLOH the average daily value LQ WKH ÀUVW KDOI + RI \LHOG HQYLURQPHQW OLTXLGLW\ SULFHV ZLOO VXSSRUW DFFUHWLRQ HFRQRP\·VUHVLOLHQFH the devaluation risk is RI WUDQVDFWLRQV IURP WKH GULYHQ E\ SURÀWWDNLQJ VXUIHLW LQYHVWRUV SRVLWLRQLQJ WR WKH ); UHVHUYHVµ WKH\ &RPPHQWLQJ RQ WKH +, SDUWO\ VSHFXODWLYH JHQXLQH LPSUHVVLYH 1 ELOOLRQ OHYHO VKLIWWRWKHÀ[HGLQFRPH ), IRU GLYLGHQGV DQG VWURQJHU added. PDUNHW SHUIRUPDQFH FRQFHUQV RQ UHGXFHG LQWKH4WREDUHO\1ELOOLRQ PDUNHW E\ ORFDO LQYHVWRUV FRUSRUDWH HDUQLQJV JURZWK $FFRUGLQJ WR WKHP WKHUH ([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU 129$ OLTXLGLW\ LQ WKH IRUHLJQ LQ WKH VHFRQG TXDUWHU 4 RI GXH WR XSWLFN LQ \LHOGV DQG PRVWO\ RQ WKH ORZ EDVH LQ should be a material 0HUFKDQW %DQN /LPLWHG H[FKDQJH ); PDUNHWZKLFK the year. ORZ SDUWLFLSDWLRQ E\ IRUHLJQ improvement in liquidity 0UV )XQNH 2NR\D VDLG KDVFRQVWUDLQHGVRPHIRUHLJQ ´1RQHWKHOHVV WKH PDUNHW SRUWIROLR LQYHVWRUV )3,V ´:HH[SHFWWKH1*;$6,WR FRQGLWLRQV EULQJLQJ VRPH the bearish run in the LQYHVWRUV IURP UHSDWULDWLQJ LV DWWUDFWLYH DW WKH FXUUHQW +DYLQJ SRVWHG D UHFRUG UHFRUGDSRVLWLYHSHUIRUPDQFH FRPIRUWWRIRUHLJQLQYHVWRUV equity market over the past GLYLGHQGV DQG SURFHHGV RI OHYHOERWKIURPDWLPHVHULHV JURZWK RI RYHU SHU FHQW LQ DOEHLW VXEVWDQWLDOO\ 7KH\ KRZHYHU DGGHG WKDW WKUHH PRQWKV HVSHFLDOO\ LQ GLYHVWPHQW KDV LQÁXHQFHG SHUVSHFWLYHDQGFRPSDUHGWR LQ WKH PDUNHW ZDV ORZHU ZKHQ FRPSDUHG WR WKH\GLGQRWWKLQNWKDW)3,V -XQH ZDV UHÁHFWLYH RI WKH WKH ZHDN SDUWLFLSDWLRQ RI IURQWLHUDQGHPHUJLQJPDUNHW H[SHFWHG WR VXVWDLQ WKH $6,FXUUHQWO\WUDGHVDWD would return in droves as in ULVLQJ DSSHWLWH RI LQYHVWRUV IRUHLJQLQYHVWRUVLQ1LJHULDQ SHHUVµVKHVDLG SRVLWLYHSHUIRUPDQFHLQ 3( [ RI[PDNLQJLWMXVW with some moderation. DERXWIDLUO\YDOXHGFRPSDUHG %XW DIWHU ULVLQJ E\ SHU with its seven years average FHQWLQ-DQXDU\WKHEHDUVVHW RI [ EXW VWLOO FKHDSHU LQ )HEUXDU\ DQG 0DUFK DV FRPSDUHG WR IURQWLHU PDUNHW VXGGHQ XSWLFNV LQ \LHOGV LQ SHHUVRI[µWKH\KDGVDLG ), DWWUDFWHG LQYHVWRUV DZD\ +RZHYHU LQ 0DUFK IURPWKHHTXLWLHVPDUNHW &RUGURV 6HFXULWLHV UHYLHZHG $VDUHVXOWWKHPDUNHWHQGHG LWV SRVLWLRQ VD\LQJ WKDW WKH ÀUVW TXDUWHU 4 ZLWK IROORZLQJ WKH HDUOLHUWKDQ D GHFOLQH RI WKUHH SHU FHQW H[SHFWHGUHYHUVDOLQ),WKHLU %XOOLVK UHDFWLRQV WR SRVLWLYH YLHZVRQWKHWLPLQJRIVRPH IXOO \HDU DQG 4 RIWKHLUNH\IDFWRUVWRZDWFK earnings seasons made the KDGFKDQJHG PDUNHWWRFORVH$SULOZLWKD ´&RQVHTXHQWO\ZHUHYLVHRXU SHUFHQWJURZWK EDVHFDVHHVWLPDWHIRUPDUNHW +RZHYHU WKH HQG RI WKH UHWXUQLQGRZQZDUGVWR earnings seasons saw the SHUFHQW SUHYLRXVO\ EDFNRIWKHEXOOVDVWKHPDUNHW SHU FHQW 2YHU WKH UHVW RI GHSUHFLDWHGLQ0D\DQG-XQH ÀUVWKDOIRI + ZH EULQJLQJ WKH RYHUDOO GHFOLQH believe the interplay between LQ+WR1WULOOLRQ FRUSRUDWH DFWLRQV DQG \LHOGV 7KHPDUNHWFDSLWDOLVDWLRQIHOO HOHYDWLRQ LQ WKH ), PDUNHW IURP 1 WULOOLRQ
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