ATtrate Daily Net PrcarRim Th«fWMth«r r « r tlM WMk P a M WmetmaH of §,\ WmOkm;! a o q o r . thnadenlw^ora toalgb^ W < E 13,125 65. ShoWen •mMmg flatWApT' moraiar foiiowed by Hoaitfekf; ■ Maaitar «C « i» A««M teaiporatimo. konaa of Otraalatioa M «m ehsU ir— A C ity o f VUlage Cluirm “ a V • T Adoarttolag oa Pago U ). VOL. L xxn; n o : m XFOUm^SN PAGES) MANCHESTBR, CONN^ FRIDAY, JULY 1, IMO PRICE FIVE CBM1S iSfate News ■J ' ■■ n Hartford, J i^ (l (AV'*Gov- j x emor "Sibicoff' wiHs.^wiHvbe one the principal speakers «t the - Havana,, July 1 (A ^ T h ef m<lat the aame time, an inatitute I^mocratic nationkl «mven rapraaentatlva took overithe Esso tion which opens in Los Eiao Stim&ard oil minery refinery after reading tne text of wa» taken over, by the Cuban Castro’s . resolution. geles July 11. ' Petroleum Inatitute today and Armed workers and militiamen It was learned today the Con^ aimilar action waa itarted at were everywhere around the two nectlcut Governor is one of four refineries. Esso's downtown of­ governors asked to address the the nearby Shell <dl refinery. cdnventioiT on July 14. Both firms had refused to fices were guarded by a trio of armed militiamen. ■ Catholk^ Q eric process Russian cryde oil. Cuban photographers were per­ Traffic Safety Plea Tho action oceurred after Priine mitted to shoot pictures- inside the Hartford, July 1 (P|—In a ICniater Fidel Caatfb'a agente refineries >. during the takeover, rode acroaa Havana Bay on bargee fourth of-July safety,, message. to Slash but U.S. cameramen were barred,. Governor R'ibicoff. today appealed ailed wHh Soviet crude. National B m deasting Co. photog­ H ie agenta acted under reaolu- lb Connecticut citizens to "keep Vote Due rapher John Hlavacek was given grief and tragedy away ^ m ail 'Traffic lE^aths tlona signed by Caoti:o ordering pemission by one set of armed , them to /aelae the reSnerlea In o f us in this beautiful state. ' . order “to protect aourcea of ee- "These vacation days' (ConttBued'ea Page Three) Lafayette, L b., July 1 oential fuola for Cuba." days of relaxation, days of Joy and Bifihop Maurice Schexna.vder In Hours Tbo takeover Ua^^iyaa a mere days-uf fun,” the Governor added. formally. The two’~reanerim al> "How tragic* it is, however, to o f Lafayette today issued ah ready were in the hands o f Cuban think that .^amid^ this jo y and edict refusing Christian burial Washington, </P)— werkora backed by.,amuMl col- pleasure there/ w ll be so much to^ Roman Catholics declared, Trie,. House . today / leagtiaa and miUtiaenen. Juot be> Blue Cross tragedy— t^ gedy that could be criminally hegligent in fatal override President Eisenfi^- / fore the takeover, a telephone call avoided if *11 of us were careful.” automobile accidents. er’s veto of a 7V^ per cent to the Baeo offlcea waa answered .' ■ ■ _1__ _ , ' ■ * 20 The Bishop’s ruling, believed to increase foy V/^ million fed­ by a Cuban who shouted' "Hie Seeks % Unauthorized Strike be the first of its kind-in the na­ fatherland or death” — the new tion, came as UiA long Fourth of eral employes;. ' _ ' xaUylng cry o f the Castro regime. Bristol. July 1 (/P)—A gibup of ITie House action sent the bill cm uhion workers staged an unauth- July holiday' weekend opened. to the Senate where Democratic Crude reserves m both reflneries Rates Boost orized strike today at the Ingra­ Catholic dogma holds that while Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Tex­ swe extremely low, with Shell hav­ ham Co. in a contract dispute. a Christian burial is not* .i^tal to as said he would seek a voto as salvation,' denial of such rites re­ ing only enough on hand for three Hartford, July X (IP) — The Con­ Albert DeCapua, president of quickly as possible. days normal-operation and Bsso fuses a person of the benefit of necticut Blue Cross has asked the Local 260 of the International Un­ Shortly aftor 1 o'clock (EDT) „ even less, company raecutives ret community prayers and liturgical Johnson g ot'th e Sensta to aCcept State Insurance' Department for ion .of Electrical Workers,, said services. ported. about 200 skilled workers refused the veto question as its pendtog- Hie seisures would place Cuba's permission tb increase its group The Bishop's order sa’d "the in­ btuiness tmder an agrreement to., to report to their jobs after nego­ creasing number of tragic trs^fic entire petroleum industry, valued coverage rates by an average'of tiations' witb mediators collapsed. limit debate to a rnaxlmum o f four at nesuty |150 million, In the accidents so. prevalent in our time hours. 20 per cent. The contract between the watch should be a constant reminder to hands Off the revolutionary govern­ J. F. Duplinsky, general man­ manufacturing company and the It seemed doubtful the Senate all of lis. of the grave moral re- would use the full four hours sd- ment. Two days ago, Oastro seised ager, said yesterday that Blue union expired last midnight. sponsibiliUes which rest upon the all^Texaco Oil Co. property, in- lowed 'for debate. Cross could lose 12,360,000 next It was expected the'strike would shoulders of every driver^’ .^^^uding its Santiago refinery. In year if the rates are not raised. Johnson expressed confidence the be authorized formally later in The edict continued that "in or­ Senate would also vote to override. '.a sinUlar move. If approved by . the Insurance de­ der to further emphasize the grave Castro acted . through identical. the day. About 500 union w'orkers The Democratic leader said ho partment, the rate boosts will af­ are employed at the plant. ■ moral responsibilities involved, we " ~ resolutions that accused both Esso fect about 800,000 g^oup members. hereby order that, henceforth, did -notelee how President Elsen­ and Shell of violating: a 1036 Cu­ International Union had ap­ hower could condemn the measure . Blue Cross is asking that the new proved a strike if' necessary. But drivers of vehicles who are de­ ban Jaw requiring redneries here rates for its standard, comprehen­ clared by the competent police of- no strongly. The President called to process state-owh^ oil. All today’s work stoppage was not it indefensible. sive and extended plans_become ef­ authoried by the locgl. ficiaja to have been criminally neg­ eon^pdnles have /held the law fective next Jan, 1. ligent In highway accidents result­ ,'T deeply regret that the Presi­ means oil produced in Cuba and Under the new proposal the rates The union demands a wage In­ ing in death to themselves are not dent Would see fit to use such not oil Impojrt^ in competition would increase as follows; crease fo r an undisclosed axnqunt, to be given OirlaUan burial, unless st#5ng' langu^e in regard to an with their owh suppliere. Standard plan — Individuals, bargaining rights at the plant if it the chancery office has first been overdue pay raise for our federal ■ Institute representatives sum* from 12.20 to 12.60, and family should be relocated within the consulted and the facts of the ease employes who ha've worked, e a ' moned Shell> local g^eral man­ contract, from |5A0 to 66.15. state, improved hospital and in­ warrant such burial.” Go^. Nelson Rockefeller of New York talks today with Sen. Hem^ i (D-Wash 1, right, and hard over tho years,” Johnson ager, Itaufld^ Balrd-SmKh to the Compici]Wii^\'plan — Individ- surance plan, 'and strengthened Catholic authorities iii Lafayette Sen. Jacob Javits (R-NY) before testifying before a Senate subcommitt on , national policy ma- eaid. refinery in mtdmoming accept seniority rights. aifid each case would be considered chinery. (AP Photofax). "I don’t think' we can keep fed­ the orders o f Intervention. A t al- PfigoTwo)^ Present w'age scales, were not individually. eral service on the high level that available. The edict ended that while "this . r the American people need unless The company recently was measure la quite severe, we trust we pay some attention to the le­ awarded a 63 million coptract from it will hnprass . upon the f^lbful Union to Ballot gitimate needs of its empfoyea.” the government for fuss' asbbmbly the seriousness ef the moral issue Hie vote waa 345 to override fhe work. involved in such cases and that veto and 69 agalnat overriding it. they may be mote readily ipi- On* New Pact This waa 69 votes more than thp Pope Quite Conteet pelM to avoid those qxipemt two thirds majority needed to pais Fairfield, July 1 {/ft ^ jphirti Invite highway, .iBqfisteCTk-- First Secretary the bill over the prestdent’a diiiap* Pope Jr., Fairfield, has withdrawn Negligent drivers who survive At Underwood proval. from the July 27 Republican con­ accidents in which dedm resutts to EUenhower bad previously ve­ gressional primary in the Fourth Washington, July X Oov.^fied before a capacity crowd. He . Hartford, July l (/P)—A hew- toed 168 bllla since taking office • (Coattaasff ea ftags THree) and been overridden only once. District (Fairfield County). Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York occasionally sipped from a cup contract agreement was ham­ By ^ast^ ABfBOOIATED JWBBB Awili not attend the eibnyention. said' today that in these critical o f coffee handed him by an aide as The vote'waa taken before gal­ The former House majority lead­ m ered;,out-, between .union and Adlal Stevenson says he has net Truman has promised to give his' er In the General Assembly an­ times the country needs what Sen.
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