CE-1041 Clayton-Ellison-Plumb House, (Malmo Farm) Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 04-05-2004 Clayton-Ellison-Plums House c. 1820-1830 "Malmo Farm" CE-\04l Near St. Augustine Private Many 18th and 19th century Cecil County farms were owned by New Castle County Delaware landholders and the above property was operated by the Delaware Clayton Family. The early ownership and builder of this two story four bay flemiah bond brick house is unclear at present but in all probability Joshua Clayton, who owned it at mid centurY_, inherited the farm from his father Thomas Clayton in Oct. 1854 (Will aook 10/75) It is doubtful that either Thomas or Joshua lived permanantly at the house since the family had extensive holdings in Delaware. In ltem No. 8 of Joshua Clayton's will he bequeaths to his daughter Adelaide Young Ellison, wife of Charlse E. Ellison, the fa:rm and tract whereon she now resides, containing 323 acres on Bohemia Manor. (will G 14/488) 'fhe will was probated in Dec. 1888~ ~c~-:r '('"'!re. ( 9' 7 7 l-A 14!! /I rl- /.}- ~ p €It c; N "1- n 5 1'b.e Ellison farm1which implies that Adelaide and her husband had been living on the property for at least ten years. MARYLAND HISTORICAL TRUST CE- (OL{-1 MAGI # 0810415304 INVENTORY FORM FOR STATE HISTORIC SITES SURVEY HJ,S;TORIC • CL.'"'Y r,,,.J- Ellison-Plumb House AND/OR COMMON /'J /} L- l/l10 f ttf. Jrlll'/ fJLOCATION STREET & NUM BE~ 455 Cayots Corner Road CONG~ESSIONAL DISTRICT CITY. TOWN Chesapeal:e Eity ~VICINITY OF STATE cou NTYCecil Maryland BcLASSIFICATION CATEGORY OWNERSHIP STATUS PRESENT USE _DISTRICT _PUBLIC ~OCCUPIED _AGRICULTURE _MUSEUM XBUILDING(S) ~PRIVATE _UNOCCUPIED _COMMERCIAL __ PARK _STRUCTURE _BOTH _WORK IN PROGRESS -EDUCATIONAL X-PRIVATE RESIDENCE _SITE PUBLIC ACQUISITION ACCESSIBU _ENTERTAINMENT _RELIGIOUS _OBJECT _IN PROCESS ~YES: RESTRICTED __ GOVERNMENT _SCIENTIFIC _BEING CONSIDERED _YES: UNRESTRICTED _INDUSTRIAL _TRANSPORTATION _NO _MILITARY _OTHER: DOWNER OF PROPERTY NAME H. Donnon Sharp Plumb Telephone #: B8~ - 5 D 3 3 STREET & NUMBER9140 DuPont Building CITY. TOWN STATE , zip code Wilmington ~ VICINITY OF Delaware llLOC~ TION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION Liber #: WAS 149 COURTHOUSE. Polio #: 159 REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC. Cierk o:r the Circuit Court STREET & NUMBER Cecil County courthouse CITY. TOWN STATE Elk'ton Maryland 111REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS TITLE DATE _FEDERAL _$TATE -COUNTY -1.0CAL DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORbS CITY, TOWN STATE B DESCRIPTION Cc-JOY! CONDITION CHECK ONE CHECK ONE _EXCELLENT -DETERIORATED _UNALTERED !:'.6Ri,GINAL SITE ::'GOOD _RUINS ~TERED _MOVED DATE. ___ _FAIR _ UNEXPOSED DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IF KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE The Elisson-Plumb House o. 1820 is a two story four bay by one room hall/parlor flemish bond brick structure near St. &ugustine, Md. The house faces south with the main gable running east/west. Within the last twenty years the house has had major additions to both gable ends which included a mid 18th century brick house that was dismantled and moved to its present location from Odessa, Delawaret .-fo the east modern frame additions were added to accomodate modern kitchen facilities. ~ne main brick block rests on a fieldstone foundation with full cellar and is capped with a medium sloped wood shingle gable roof. A four course corbelled cornice stretches across at the base of each roof slope. The south (main) facade is four bays across with an entrance in the second bay from the west. Nine over six sash illuminate the first floor and six over six sash light the second. Half round moldings frame both entrance~and windows. The gable ends are entirely covered with the previously mentioned additions but interior end brick stacks rise out of each wall. The north wall is covered by a two story shed porch but the brick is exposed under the porch roof. The first :f'loor woodwork has. remained intact for the most part. The middle partition wall had been removed before the present owners purchase of the property. The east parlor mantel consists of' reeded pilasters with iteeded frieze blocks ~and a plain central tablet. A molded shelf projects slightly at each eIJr2:1+..hf\~x~ 1 r'Lflc...<-e # panel cupboard fills tne northeastern nich~h chair rail extends around the room with a fairly simple molded cap and beaded base. The door and window surrounds have a cave~to backband with beaded inside corner. The hall (west wall} mant~~ightly different with a cavetto molded opening~ · ~ with a slight ogee middle molding and beaded corner. The surround supports plain frieze blocks and a molded and broken shelf. A winder stair once rose in the northwestern corner but has been replaced with a dining room cupboard. A cupboard fills the southwestern niche but has lost its top doors. CONTINUE ON SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY ([--/Oyl Elisson-Plumb House Page Two The second floor bas been altered with the partitioning or a hall along the north wall since the winder stair was removed. Mid 19th century surrounds with shallow pendimented headers frame the doorways. The west bedroom mantel has been removed but a small mantel remains in the east bedroom with a cavetto molded surround. The attic framing consists o~ common rafter system and the basement has been finished. B-.slGNIFlCANCE CE-/O~/ . ;RIQD AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE -- CHECK AND JUSTIFY BELOW _PREHISTORIC -ARCHEOLOGY-PREHISTORIC _COMMUNITY PLANNING _LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE _RELIGION _1400-1499 -ARCHEOLOGY-HISTORIC _CONSERVATION _LAW _SCIENCE _1500-1599 -AGRICULTURI;: _ECONOMICS _LITERATURE _SCULPTURE _1600-1699 §RcHITECTURE _EDUCATION _MILITARY _SOCIAUHUMANITARIAN - 1J.00-1 799 -ART _ENGINEERING _MUSIC _THEATER .6eoo-1e99 _COMMERCE _EXPLORATION/SETTLEMENT _PHILOSOPHY _TRANSPORTATION -1900- _COMMUNICATIONS _INDUSTRY _POLITICS/GOVERNMENT _OTHER (SPECIFY) _INVENTION SPECIFIC DATES BUILDER/ ARCHITECT STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE Hall/parlor house plans are very unusual for the southern election districts of Cecil County. In fact this is the earliest known plan of its type in the general area. The Federal mantels are good examples of early 19th century design. The farm naturally appears on both historical maps of Cecil County. In 1877 the farm was owned by Charles s. Ellison who owned 370 acres around St. Augustine and who came from New Castle County, Delaware around 1868. In 1858 the farm was run by the Clayton family of Delaware. CONTINUE ON SEPARATE SHEET IF NECESSARY Ct-Jo VI IJMAJOR BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES CONTINUE ON SEl,>AMTE SHEET If NECESSAlW II!JGEOGRAPHICAL DATA ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY ________ VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STAT>E OR COUNTY BOUNDARIES STATE COUNTY STATE COUNTY mFORM PREPARED BY NAME/TITLE Pafil B. Touart Historic M Sites SUrveyor ORGANIZATION DATE Cecil County Committee 9/24/6.0 STREET & NUMBER TELEPHONE Cecil Cotlnty Courthouse 398-0200 exjr 150 CITY OR TOWN STATE Elkton Maryland The Maryland Historic Sites Inventory was officially created by an Act of the Maryland Legislature, to be found in the Annotated Code of Maryland, Article 41, Section 181 KA, 1974 Supplement. The Survey and Inventory are be1ng prepared for information and record purposes only and do not constitute any infringe­ ment of individual property rights. RETURN TO: Maryland Historical Trust The Shaw House, 21 State Circle Annapolis, Maryland 21401 (301) 267-1438 PS· 1108 ,. L.£.-1 CY-/ I /\I.re~.,_ Pt-"1.1\A 13 r/, P6NNO~ Y1-tlf'll." PL-J.<Nl/j AJ.11LMb f»n /VJ WJ1-5 I ~9/ J 5'7 ~ ~ /. l <; AM~S fkUL111/A /), f ntWA-l'l..-r /Jr.IP A '-~Elt{ C. J, .frEw;J-4,- 70 1.l . /) (J /./ /'.I,Kt- ,.J s>4-?9- -A, ,P f(N CWN !rf r1lf' i< fL l r r" ~ f"H1t "1 $ 'Z. 5 /t CA es · fh_J'I) JiCtA./C 'TH< J'~C {.,»--1-0 C1d~./~7~~ ,._;vnJ ~,,,,,.,,,,,,. J) / J'~ ~ r ( ,I/A-e-t. L-,uv; /;) ~.o >v X C re_"~ -1 J.11 J:> 'If E,,;? o t#' J. JI ,,,,~r- d,..; Pc"""' .IJ.'11 fl~._,,_ A du. I'.. /.):t,/l?V At< ~ It; S 3 /(~C ~(,,,/~' 3 /1 (#( L ,._, ") 'z./z~r,, Et1A c; UOON~e' (5'11Vta wc111~,.j .,. ~ TI /~1~11- D. KAllJ-WIV M ~ Zb''5 UtwAS "42(~' [<.Ltf()N 'J 2 I • Z J~ 51 A-r "' .s " ,.,J ti l/k1L1,vA <' '· Eu.. I 5 (J ,.) ril-7l t'\1 R {Ct-hrn;,__,:;> /I l'f "!? Rtc1-hYn~ ) flt CE-tOL(J J Jf IV/,, r ()-./' De A--J nt/.,L-1 s 0 rJ o~~ ,,.,.,.,, 7Jc~ Fe15 u r1-r1 Ju 1..11a s J? ~(.INll'I f vet? tl/110 ~ R1eJHr?'V~ f5 wA-/U'S (...( ;C.P""ZI ;J ~U..t r • ..J ?'~~ )? 'S IJ . ..__.._ •v TT / (j f I? I if I '1 JltN e-s F E}) Jin.I s r 7*"1tu f rrC Pe~ ~ t? "31 : 'i1J I t.
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