7 × 10 SPINE: 0.8125 FLAPS: 0 Art history / Modernism SU n SURREALISM AT PLAY Susan Laxton writes a new history of surrealism in which she traces the central- ity of play to the movement and its ongoing legacy. For surrealist artists, play RRE took a consistent role in their aesthetic as they worked in, with, and against a post-WWI world increasingly dominated by technology and functionalism. Whether through exquisite corpse drawings, Man Ray’s rayographs, or Joan I Miró’s visual puns, surrealists became adept at developing techniques and pro- cesses designed to guarantee aleatory outcomes. In embracing chance as the means to produce unforeseeable ends, they shi ed emphasis from nal product to process, challenging the disciplinary structures of industrial modernism. As Laxton demonstrates, play became a primary method through which surrealism ALISM refashioned artistic practice, everyday experience, and the nature of subjectivity. “ is long-awaited and important book situates surrealism in relation to Walter Benjamin’s idea that, with the withering of aura, there is an expansion of room for play. Susan Laxton shows how surrealist activities unleashed the revolution- ary power of playfulness on modernity’s overvaluation of rationality and utility. In doing so, they uncovered technology’s ludic potential. is approach casts new light on the work of Man Ray, Joan Miró, and Alberto Giacometti, among AT PLAY AT others, in ways that also illuminate the work of postwar artists.” MARGARET IVERSEN, author of Photography, Trace, and Trauma “ André Breton began the Manifesto of Surrealism by remembering childhood and play: ‘ e woods are white or black, one will never sleep!’ Susan Laxton’s Surrealism at Play recaptures the sense that surrealism should be approached as an activity, and one as open and as transgressive as this. Bucking the tendency to imprison surrealism as purely an aesthetic a air, Laxton has produced the most compelling general account of the movement in a generation. Essential reading for all lovers of the avant-garde.” GEORGE BAKER, author of e Artwork Caught by the Tail: Francis Picabia and Dada in Paris is Associate Professor of Art History at the University of California, Riverside, and the author of Paris as Gameboard: Man Ray’s Atgets. Duke University Press SURREALISM .. arthistorypi.org Cover art: Man Ray, untitled rayograph, AT PLAY . . © Man Ray Trust/ , New York, . Laxton_pbk_cover.indd 1 12/11/2018 3:47:30 PM 218-76607_ch00_4P.indd 1 12/4/18 6:40 PM 218-76607_ch00_4P.indd 2 12/4/18 6:40 PM SURREALISM AT PLAY Durham and London 218-76607_ch00_4P.indd 3 12/4/18 6:40 PM © Duke University Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of Amer i ca on acid- free paper ∞ Designed by Amy Ruth Buchanan Typeset in Garamond Premier Pro by Westchester Publishing Services Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Names: Laxton, Susan, author. Title: Surrealism at play/Susan Laxton. Description: Durham : Duke University Press, . | Series: Art history publication initiative Includes bibliographical references and index. Identi ers: (print) | (ebook) (ebook) (hardcover : alk. paper) (pbk. : alk. paper) Subjects: : Surrealism. | Painting— Psychological aspects. | Psychoanalysis and art. | Play in art. | Games in art. | Symbolism in art. Classi cation: .. (ebook) | .. (print) | . / — dc rec ord available at https:// lccn . loc . gov / Frontispiece: Joan Miró, Collage, January , , , detail. © Successió Miró // . Digital image © / Licensed by / Art Resource. Cover art: Man Ray, untitled rayograph, . © Man Ray Trust / , New York, . ­ . . , , . 218-76607_ch00_4P.indd 4 12/4/18 6:40 PM For Katherine and Jane, festina lente. 218-76607_ch00_4P.indd 5 12/4/18 6:40 PM CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix ACKNOWL EDGMENTS xv INTRODUCTION A MODERN CRITICAL LUDIC CHAPTER 1 BLUR CHAPTER 2 DRIFT CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM CHAPTER 4 PUN CHAPTER 5 POSTLUDE NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX 351 218-76607_ch00_4P.indd 7 12/4/18 6:40 PM LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1.1 Man Ray, Photographie intégrale et cent pour cent automatique, . 1.2 Hans Arp, Squares Arranged According to the Laws of Chance, . 1.3 Francis Picabia, La Sainte Vierge, . 1.4 Francis Picabia, La Sainte Vierge II, c. . 1.5 Marcel Duchamp, ree Standard Stoppages, – . 1.6 Marcel Duchamp, Monte Carlo Bond, . 1.7 Marcel Duchamp, inscribed disc from Anémic cinéma, . 1.8 Cover, Littérature nouvelle série (December ). 1.9 Interior page, Dadaphone (March ), depicting Christian Schad, Arp et Val Serner dans le crocodarium royal. 1.10 Christian Schad, untitled (Schadograph no. ), . 1.11 Man Ray, untitled rayograph, . 1.12 Man Ray, esoRRose sel à vie, , in e Little Review: uarterly Journal for Arts and Letters (Autumn ). 1.13 Man Ray, Man, . 1.14 Man Ray, Woman, . 1.15 Manan Ray, untitled rayograph, . 1.16 ManMan Ray, untitled rayograph, . 1.17 ManMan Ray, untitled rayograph, . 1.18 ManMan Ray, untitled rayograph, . 1.19 ManMan Ray, Compass, . 218-76607_ch00_4P.indd 9 12/4/18 6:40 PM 1.20 Man Ray, untitled rayograph, . 2.1 Cover, photo album, E. Atget coll. Man Ray , c. . 2.2 Eugène Atget, Boulevard de Strasbourg, . 2.3 Eugène Atget, Boulevard de Strasbourg, . 2.4 Eugène Atget, Marchand de parapluies, – . 2.5 Eugène Atget, Marchand d’abat- jour, rue Lepic, – . 2.6 Eugène Atget, Poterne de peupliers— zoniers, . 2.7 Eugène Atget, Porte d’Asnières— cité Trébert, . 2.8 Eugène Atget, Rue du Petit- ouars, – . 2.9 Eugène Atget, Rue Mouetard, . 2.10 Eugène Atget, Marchand de vin rue Boyer, – . 2.11 Eugène Atget, Ave nue de la Observatoire, . 2.12 Eugène Atget, Fête du Trône, . 2.13 Eugène Atget, L’éclipse, avril , . 2.14 Eugène Atget, Au Bon Marché, –. 2.15 Eugène Atget, Rue des Boulangers, . 2.16 Eugène Atget, Maison du musette, . 2.17 Eugène Atget, Cour du Dragon, . 2.18 Eugène Atget, Hotel de Sens, rue du Figuier, . 2.19 Le Corbusier, La Cité Radieuse— Plan Voisin, . 2.20 Eugène Atget, Boutique aux halles, . 2.21 Eugène Atget, Vannier, . 2.22 Eugène Agtet, Porte de Montreuil, Zoniers, . 2.23 Eugène Atget, Porte d’Asnières, cité Trébert, . 2.24 Eugène Atget, Boulevard Masséna, . 2.25 Eugène Atget, Femme, . 2.26 Eugène Atget, Femme, n.d. 2.27 Eugène Atget, untitled (nude study), . 2.28 Eugène Atget, Femme, –. 2.29 Eugène Atget, Maison close, . 2.30 Eugène Atget, Versailles, . 2.31 Eugène Atget, Rue Asselin, –. 2.32 Eugène Atget, Le de la rue Mazet, . 2.33 Eugène Atget, boulevard de la Villette, . 2.34 Eugèneugène Atget, Fête de la Villette, . 2.35 EugèneEugène Atget, Rue du Cimitière Saint Benoît, . 2.36 EugèneEugène Atget, Fête du Trône, . 2.37 EugèneEugène Atget, Fête du Trône, . x 218-76607_ch00_4P.indd 10 12/4/18 6:40 PM 2.38 Eugène Atget, Fête de Vaugirard (Cirque Manetta), . 2.39 Eugène Atget, Fête du Trône, . 2.40 Eugène Atget, Fête des Inalides, Palais de la Femme, . 2.41 Eugène Atget, Boutique jouets, – . 2.42 Eugène Atget, Coieur, bd de Strasbourg, . 2.43 Eugène Atget, Ave nue des Gobelins, . 2.44 Eugène Atget, Ave nue des Gobelins, . 2.45 Eugène Atget, Ave nue des Gobelins, . 2.46 Minotaure ( ): , with image by anonymous photographer illustrating Salvador Dalí, “Psychologie non- euclidienne d’une photographie.” 2.47 Eugène Atget, Coin, rue de Seine, . 3.1 La Révolution surréaliste (December ): , with automatic drawing by André Masson. 3.2 Salvador Dalí, Valentine Hugo, Paul Éluard, and Gala Éluard, Exquisite Corpse, c. . 3.3 André Breton, Victor Brauner, Yves Tanguy, and Jacques Hérold, Exquisite Corpse, c. 3.4 Remedios Varo and Esteban Francés, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.5 André Breton, Max Morise, Jeanette Durocq Tanguy, Pierre Naville, Benjamin Péret, Yves Tanguy, and Jacques Prévert, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.6 X, Yves Tanguy, André Masson, and X, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.7 Yves Tanguy, André Masson, X, and X, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.8 Valentine Hugo, Salvador Dalí, André Breton, and Gala, Exquisite Corpse, c. 3.9 Yves Tanguy, Man Ray, Max Morise, and André Breton, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.10 Camille Goemans, Jacques Prévert, Yves Tanguy, and André Breton, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.11 Frédéric Mégret, Suzanne C., Pierre Unik, and André Breton, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.12 FrédéricFrédéric Mégret, Suzanne Muzard, and Georges Sadoul, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.13 GretaGreta Knutson, Tristan Tzara, and Valentine Hugo, Exquisite Corpse, c. . xi 218-76607_ch00_4P.indd 11 12/4/18 6:40 PM 3.14 Valentine Hugo, André Breton, and Nusch Éluard, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.15 Man Ray, Max Morise, André Breton, and Yves Tanguy, Exquisite Corpse, . 3.16 Yves Tanguy, Georges Hugnet, Germaine Hugnet, Óscar Domínguez, and Jeanette Tanguy, Exquisite Corpse, . 4.1 Michel Leiris, frontispiece, Raymond Roussel notebook, –. 4.2 La Révolution surréaliste (April ): , with Michel Leiris, “Glossaire: J’y serre mes gloses.” 4.3 Joan Miró, Painting- Object, . 4.4 André Masson, Te rre érotique, . 4.5 Gustave Courbet, Origin of the World, . 4.6 Joan Miró, Musique, Seine, Michel, Bataille et moi, . 4.7 Joan Miró, Un oiseau en poursuit d’une abeille et la baisse, . 4.8 Joan Miró, preparatory drawing for Photo— Ceci est la couleur de mes rêves, . 4.9 Joan Miró, preparatory drawing for Painting (e Sum), . 4.10 Joan Miró, Photo— Ceci est la couleur de mes rêves, . 4.11 Joan Miró, Painting (e Sum), . 4.12 Joan Miró, Collage, February , , . 4.13 Joan Miró, Painting, June , , . 4.14 Joan Miró, Collage, January , , , detail. 4.15 Interior page, Minotaure – ( ), depicting postcards from Max Ernst collection. 4.16 Table of contents page, Minotaure ( ), with image by Man Ray. 4.17 Salvador Dalí, Visage paranoiaque, in Le Surréalisme au service de la révolution ( ): n.p. 4.18 Joan Miró, Collage, February , , , detail. 4.19 Joan Miró, Painting, June , , , detail. 4.20 Joan Miró, Collage, January , , , detail. 4.21 Joan Miró, Painting, March , , , detail. 4.22 JoanJ Miró, Collage, February , , , detail.
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