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ILLT The Daily Student Voice of Howard University VOLUME 90, NO. 65 TUESDAY, JANUARY 16. 2007 WWW.THEI-IILLTCPONLINE.COM T BREAKING NEWS LIFE & STYLE u~ E g KIDNAPPED BOY RETI.JRNS TO ms FAMILY METRORAIL YELLOW LINE EXTENDED s ..t:) 15-YEAR-OLD SHAWN HORNBECK WAS RETURNED FRIDAY TO YOU CAN NOW RIDE DIRECTLY TO PENTAGON CI TY WITHOUT D~ HIS FAMILY AND FORMER LIFE AFTER BEING ABDUCTED FOUR TRANSFERRING FIND OUT HOW IN TODAY'S METRO SECTION. AO YEARS AGO, ACCORDING TO CNN.COM PAGE4 y~ McDonald's No Longer an Option for Late Night Meals BY CHARLOTTE YOUNG place," said Nneka same format. The going to go anyway because H /lop Staff Wn" ' Boldl·n. a freshman renovations will I wanted to eat healthit.·r and ad\'ertising maJOr. cost an estimated spend le'is mone\' on llutside Upon returning fro1n "If we were out late amount of more foods because I ha,·e a meal winter break, students found that's where we'd than $800,000 and plan. And I can cook in my Howard and its surroundings go.~ will take aoout 98 rooin." about the same as they left it­ Sophomore days to finish. For a lover of l\lcDonnld's -except for the McDonald's on accounting major "It's going to be such as sophomore broad­ Georgia Avenue Artesia Cauley secs shut down during cast journalism major Kierra The Georgia A,·enue the temporary clos­ peak [business sea­ Jones, however, the renova­ ~lcDonald's, which has pro­ ing of McDonald's son]," Thomas said. tions could make all the dif- ,;drd a quick meal. a hang in a different per­ .. By the time it'll be ference. • out 'pot and jobs to Ho,•-ard specti\ e. hack up, )ou11 be "I lo\'e :\lcDonald's," she Univcrsit) students, is nO\\ "For now, it's a home." said "I stopped going to that closed for renovations. It was disadvantage, but in Whet h er one [on Georgia) becallSl' it a decision mnclr b) the owner, the long run.. .it's an renovated or not, wasn't sanitary, and it was so Craig \Velburn. advantage [because) McDonald's will crowded. Eve!) day I would "A lot of people do go to we're going to have a still not be a place walk by and it was so oH•rly t.fcDonald's," said Akil Booker, better McDonald's," of choice for some crowded. That just turned me a junior electrical engineering she s:ud." "It'll be students. a\\a) ." major. "I didn't really go unless nicer inside." Like Booker, Jones continued, "If the I W<ls in serious need of a quick According to sophomore psy- renovations will change the solution to my hunger." Vashti I lcnder.;on, chology major atmosphere of how it was, then Booker added, the second assis­ Errika Vaughan I'll be glad to go to l\tcDonald's "McDonald's is not a \'ery tant manager of did not frequent every day.~ healthy place. \\"ith it closed, ~lcDonald's, it was the Georgia A,·enue 1be reno\'ation of sh.dents have to find more originally supposed T),_ ( .. , .. _,, 4 ~tatr ..... "' ..,._..-r McDonald's and ~'fcDonald's is sure to provide outlets to cut. There's one less to shut down "with Howard students returned from break to find that they could no longer enjoy the will not in the a newer, cleaner and nicer unhealthy option." 11 bang" right after Dollar Menu on Georgia Avenue as McDonald's Is closed for renovations. future. environment for its custom­ Even if McDonald's was Homecoming and "Ifs not that ers. But until it reopen-.,, stu· not a restaurant of choice for stay closed for four months. being donl-. They needed it "The onlr thing [that's] not serious to me,.. she said. "I dents \\ho do enjoy the ta<;te some students, it had its pur­ Renovations did not start really badl) It's like 32 years changing is the footprint." ''cnt to l\1c0onald's like two of l\lcDc•nald's must find other pose in the community. until .Jan 2. old," said Grover Thomas, the \\'hen it is finished, the or three times last semester. alternatives on and around "It was the onl) 24-hour "l\l11jor reno\'ation ts superintendent of the project. ~tcDonald's \\ill still ha\'e the After that I decided I wasn't can1pus to eat. MLK Day Volunteerism Attacker Apprehended, Imprisoned BY MERCIA WILLIAMS-MURRAY approximately 4:30 p.m. in the 400 block of Hi flop Stoff Wn" ' Ehn Street, Northwest. After distressing lhc Howard commn­ Student.,, just as before, ha\'e mixed nit.> .111<l the uttoundi11g Sha\\ communih reactions to the l!C\\s of Pittman•s apprehen· for near!) a month, the young man suspected sion. of attempting to sexually assault a number of "I am happy \\ith the fact that he has females in the area has been apprehended. been caught but by no means do I feel safer," llll. ~lctropolitan Police Department said Natalie ~1app. a sophomore interna­ has identified the assailant as 17-year-old tional business major. "This area has a lot Avon Marqul'll Pittman, a resident ofTemple of work to do before any sense of safety l'an Hills, t.ld. be felt." Pittman \\as charged as an adult with Freshman finance major Ashley Fox is assault and the intent lo 1•ommit first-degree a resident of the B!'thunl' Annex ,md agrel''i sc.xu.11 ahus~ while :trnlt'd with 11 knife and \\ith Mapp. "If., a rchcl but I still don't feel w,1s ,1rr.11grw<i on Dec. 4. TI1e in\'estigations that HO\\'llro's security is at it best." of the 41ssaults are ongoing. The delav in the apprehension of a sus­ During the month of ::-;ovl·mbcr. eight pect has left some Howard students <;kepti­ sexual assaults occurred m D1 trict 3, the cal. Mark Pearson, a junior film production same district that surrounds Howard. The major, said, "I just hope they ha\'C the right cast:s had similarities but none have been guy. .. conclu,i\·el} linked to Pittman. Officer Josh c\Jdi' a from the police However, at least one of the cases in department suid that districts 1 1 are respon­ which four females reported that a man had sible for patrolling the northwest quadrant attempted to assault them has hccn li nked of the city. Members of Alpha Phi Omega, to Pittman Previous to his npprehcnsion, The northWl'St s.:>~tion of the city con­ Delta Sigma Theta and Zeta Phi a S 10,000 n·ward was offered for the cap· tains the largest college population. 111 Beta prepared for their Martin turc and cor)\iction of the person ''ho wns addition to H0\\.1rd l'nhcrsity, George Luther King Jr. clothing drive, as responsible for the attacks. \Vashington Uni\'ersity, An1crican Uni\'crsity other students and organizations The police departn1ent says that Pittman and Georgeto,,n UniH•r..ity all sit \\ithin the spread across the district In the was apprehended b} police officers on the northwest quadrant. helping spirit of the MLK holiday. e,·emng of Saturday, Dec. 2, af\er the) saw Howard's campus 1s polic'->d by officers Other student projects Included a him follo,,ing a woman on the 200 block of from District 3. In efforts to secure his dis­ community clean-up sponsored T Street, Northwest. trict, Commander Larry McCoy, the distril-t's by Student Activities and the Pittman \\as charged in connection with leader. has a community policing strate1.1) in annual " We Feed Our People" an alleged attempted ass11ult on Nov. 28, at effect known us Policing for Prc,ention. spearheaded by Omega Psi Phi. I ~ , .. 11 ~uthh • "r111« J' llllJ(u I ti.it" Students, Staff Mourn Loss of Dedicated Professor BY TRAVER RIGGINS headed at Howard include and then brin~ his \'ision for a said hl' spoke of this produc­ commitment and hard work. Hilltop Staff Wntor "Dreamgirls," "The Lion in the particular pl:1) lo life on stage," tion, lus signature piece, fre­ Selmon said that Malone was \\'inter," "Timbuktu," "Eyes," said .Joe Sl'lmon, the chair of quent!) and fond!). determined to encourage and "Tambourmes," .. Abyssinia," the theater department. l.m·all), l\lnlone worked mold students into perfecting Mike Malone, a professor "Black Broadway," "Lady Day "llc had so much general wilh the Kennedy Center, their art. in the music theater depart­ at Emerson's Bur and Grill" knowledge of his craft. It was LinC'oln Theater and Studio "He was totally committed ment, pas~··d .iwa\ on Oec. 4 and 'Once on Thi~ Island." amazing,"\\ illiums aid. ·1 ht>ak1. llc .ilso co-founded to his artistic principles and af\cr serving a combined 21 "Ab)ssinia," was the Malone had plenty of both the D.C.
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