Annual report and accounts 2009/10 Presented to Parliament pursuant to Schedule 7, paragraph 25(4) of the National Health Service Act 2006 Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Annual Report and Accounts 2009/10 Contents WELCOME 2 OUR STAFF, OUR GREATEST ASSET 36 Welcome to our trust 2 Our workforce profile 36 About our trust 4 Equality and diversity 37 Our mission 4 Staff wellbeing 39 Our services 4 National staff survey 2009 41 An award-winning trust 5 Internal communications 42 In the spotlight 6 Working in a healthy, safe and PATIENT CARE 7 secure environment 42 Developing services and improving Managing violence and aggression 42 patient care 7 MEET THE BOARD 44 Care Quality Commission annual health check 7 Audit committee 47 Patient Environment Action Team Remuneration committee 47 (PEAT) inspections 8 MEET OUR GOVERNORS 48 Improvements following staff or patient input 8 What do governors do? 48 Progress on targets from commissioners 8 Governor constituency map 49 New services for patients 9 Our governors 49 Improvements in patient care information 10 A busy year for our governors 49 Comments and complaints:- FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS 50 How we handle them 10 Going concern 50 Infection prevention and control 11 International Financial Reporting Standards 50 Learning lessons 11 Financial performance 50 Looking to the future 13 Income and expenditure 51 STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS 14 Cash flow 51 Communicating with our stakeholders 14 Overview of capital investment Our membership 14 and asset values 51 Engaging with our community 16 Management costs 51 Consulting with our community about External audit 52 the services we provide 18 Public sector pay policy 52 NON-FINANCIAL REPORTING 20 Looking forward 52 Sustainability and climate change 20 Reducing the cost of fraud in the NHS 52 Regulatory ratings 22 Statement of the chief executive's QUALITY REPORT 25 responsibilities 53 Part 1: Statement of quality from Statement on internal control 54 the chief executive 25 Auditor’s report 58 Part 2: Priorities for improvement 26 Statement of comprehensive income 59 Statements relating to quality 28 Statement of financial position 60 Part 3: Other information 30 Statement of changes in taxpayers’ equity 61 Annex: Statements from Primary Care Statement of cash flows 62 Trusts (PCTs), Local Involvement Networks Remuneration report 63 (LINks) and Overview and Scrutiny Pension benefits 65 Committees (OSCs) 34 Ill health retirements 65 1 Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery in Chamberlain Square Welcome Welcome to our trust We are pleased to introduce you to our annual report for Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust for the 12 month period from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010. This report represents the work carried out during our first full year as an NHS foundation trust. We were granted foundation trust status on July 1, 2008 by the independent regulator, Monitor. Throughout the period, we have continued to Furthermore, a number of our staff and services demonstrate our commitment to making sure were recognised this year as our trust won a clutch people with mental health problems receive swift of national and regional awards for its achievements and appropriate treatment in the best possible and excellence. setting to suit their needs. Our estates and facilities team won a prestigious During 2009 our commitment to investing in Health Service Journal award for good corporate services continued as construction work began on citizenship for their energy-saving and recycling the Juniper Centre – a new £17.7m development schemes, while staff at The Bridge project in for our Mental Health for Older People Services Solihull continued their run of success by being division – in Moseley, in July. The site, in the named psychiatric team of the year at the Royal grounds of Moseley Hall Hospital, was blessed by College of Psychiatrists Awards. Dr Gráinne eight faith leaders in August, and a topping out Fadden received the Marsh Award for Mental ceremony took place in March. This brand new Health Work from charity Rethink for her facility will be handed over to the trust later this involvement with the Meriden Family Project. year, with staff and service users due to move in by Shortly after BSMHFT celebrated its first birthday the end of 2010. as a foundation trust on July 1, 2009, the Care BSMHFT also secured a new seven-year, multi- Quality Commission (CQC) – which replaced the million pound contract to provide all healthcare Healthcare Commission as a health watchdog – services to inmates and staff at HMP Birmingham, awarded our trust top marks in its annual health in Winson Green. Previously our trust provided check. The CQC, issuing its ratings for the first time, mental health and addiction services under an ranked both the trust’s quality of financial agreement with its commissioners Heart of management and its quality of care as excellent. Birmingham Primary Care Trust. This success is reflection of the continued 2 Solihull High Street (Photo courtesy of Stephen Hogan) dedication and professionalism of our staff, and communities a voice. Over the next year, we will their determination to provide top quality care. work closely with our 13,500 members, involving The future for our trust will be to build on our them in our work. financially stable base and facilitate the Furthermore, we will do our best to improve our engagement of our governors within the service users' lives through our work with other communities we serve, ensuring our long-term organisations. This means working with people's strategies can be truly responsive to local needs. carers, their families and the wider community to We are determined to continue making help them lead purposeful lives among people who improvements and to demonstrate that we offer accept them - breaking down the barriers of stigma, some of the best mental health care available in which often accompany mental health problems and this country. lead to social isolation. Foundation trust status has given us greater On behalf of the trust board, we would like to flexibility over our finances, service provision and acknowledge and thank our staff for the hard planning, enabling us to build on our solid work, professionalism and dedication they show foundations and develop new and innovative each and every day in delivering modern, high services for the communities we serve. Over the quality and safe services to our service users, carers coming years our plans include investments in and their families. medium secure facilities, developments in older We would also like to thank our service users, people’s services, and the redesign of processes carers, volunteers, community and faith groups, which eliminate waste and errors ultimately partner organisations and stakeholders who have, improving cost effectiveness, quality and safety. and continue to support us with our overall mission However, we must not become complacent and to help people get better by getting better together. acknowledge that the coming years are not without their challenges. Financially there are tough times ahead which will require difficult choices as to how we spend our money and changes to how our services our shaped. We will continue making the bold investments to improve our facilities, making us more efficient and further improving the care we give to our patients, but this will also bring an ever greater need to quickly realise greater efficiencies. We acknowledge that we must work harder to increase our membership base. During 2010/11 we aim to grasp the many opportunities there are to Sue Turner Peter Marquis work with the public, giving those in seldom heard Chief executive Chairman 3 Park Lane Garden Centre volunteer Emma James with gardener Mark Eveleigh and the garden’s silver medal. About our trust To achieve foundation trust status we had to demonstrate that we are legally constituted, well Our trust was established as Birmingham and governed and financially viable. Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust on July 1, 2008. This annual report covers 12 month Our mission period from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 for the financial year 2009/2010. Getting better together. That’s our mission We provide a comprehensive mental healthcare statement, pure and simple. service for residents of Birmingham and Solihull, We want to help people get better and create a and to communities in the West Midlands and service we are all happy to recommend to others. beyond. We serve a culturally and socially-diverse •To support this, our vision is that: population of 1.2 million spread over 172 square People with common mental health problems are miles, have an annual budget of £221 million and a managed effectively within the primary care dedicated workforce of more than 4,000 staff - • system; making this one of the largest and most complex People with complex mental health problems are mental health foundation trusts in the country. swiftly referred to and managed as appropriate by Our catchment population is ethnically diverse and • specialist services in our trust; characterised in places by high levels of deprivation, Focused and co-ordinated activities are low earnings and unemployment. developed to help improve tolerance and These factors create a higher requirement for understanding within neighbourhoods and access to health services and a greater need for communities, and enhance access to excluded innovative ways of engaging people from the most • groups; affected areas. Strategic partnerships (sub-contracting out, if As a foundation trust we have more financial appropriate) are established with non-statutory control over the services we provide, allowing us to sector organisations, community and user-led provide even better services and to involve our local groups to create a continuum of: communities in the bigger healthcare decisions that a) appropriate employment, educational, social we make.
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