SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Development, Environment and Leisure Directorate REPORT TO CITY CENTRE SOUTH DATE 16/10/2006 AND EAST PLANNING AND HIGHWAYS AREA BOARD REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEM SUBJECT APPLICATIONS UNDER VARIOUS ACTS/REGULATIONS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE RECOMMENDATIONS HEREIN THE BACKGROUND PAPERS ARE IN THE FILES IN RESPECT OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBERED. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A PARAGRAPHS CLEARED BY BACKGROUND PAPERS CONTACT POINT FOR ACCESS Lucy Bond TEL NO: 0114 2734556 Chris Heeley 0114 2736329 AREA(S) AFFECTED CATEGORY OF REPORT OPEN 2 Application No. Location Page No. 05/00315/REM Land, Site Of Handsworth First School, St. 9 Josephs Road And Fitzalan Road Sheffield 05/04385/OUT Land At 23 Spring Close Mount Sheffield 06/01576/FUL Site Of Former Smith And Hill Chemists 34 Cresswell Road Sheffield 06/01679/OUT Farfield Townhead Road 50 Sheffield S17 3AQ 06/01680/FUL Farfield Townhead Road 60 Sheffield S17 3AQ 06/01993/FUL 23 Greystones Drive 62 Sheffield S11 7JQ 06/02012/CHU Mecca Social Club Queens Road 67 Sheffield S2 4DF 06/02258/FUL Laurel Works 73 Nursery Street Sheffield 06/02260/FUL Tesco Stores Ltd Abbeydale Drive 80 Sheffield S7 2QB 3 06/02230/FUL 35 - 37 Edward Street Sheffield 86 S3 7GD 06/02295/FUL Site Of 1 Edward Street And Car Park, 31-33 101 Edward Street And Works Adjacent To 160 Solly Street Sheffield S1 4BF 06/02445/FUL Farfield Townhead Road 109 Sheffield S17 3AQ 06/02568/LBC Former Jessop Hospital For Women 113 Leavygreave Road Sheffield S3 7RE 06/02599/FUL Bridge House Bridge Street 118 Sheffield S3 8NS 06/02714/RG3 Land Adjacent To 104 Beighton Road (Former Hospital Site) 126 Beighton Road Woodhouse Sheffield S13 7PS 06/02897/OUT 137 West Bar 137 Sheffield S3 8PU 06/02720/FUL 156 Ecclesall Road Sheffield 156 S11 8JB 06/02752/RG3 Westfield School Westfield Crescent 167 Mosborough Sheffield S20 5AQ 4 06/02755/RG3 Westfield School Westfield Crescent 185 Mosborough Sheffield S20 5AQ 06/02758/RG3 Westfield School Westfield Crescent 196 Mosborough Sheffield S20 5AQ 06/02875/FUL Site Of Vernons The Bakers 207 And Bankside Works Archer Road Sheffield S8 0JT 06/02744/FUL 72 Russell Street 226 Sheffield S3 8RW 06/02746/CAC 72 Russell Street 247 Sheffield S3 8RW 06/02772/FUL Site Of King Ecgberts Upper School 250 Furniss Avenue Sheffield 06/02783/FUL Rockingham House Broad Lane 263 Sheffield S1 3PP 06/02834/FUL Site Of Green Oak View Green Oak Avenue 277 Sheffield S17 4FT 06/02893/LBC 6 And 8 Ashgate Road Sheffield 294 S10 3BZ 06/02895/FUL 6 & 8 Ashgate Road Sheffield 297 S10 3BZ 5 06/02808/FUL Site Of 65-69 Division Street 306 Sheffield 06/02817/CAC Site Of 319 65-69 Division Street Sheffield 06/02824/OUT Site Of Ringinglow Fire Station 324 Ringinglow Road Sheffield S11 7TA 06/02833/FUL Ash House Residential Home 341 Ash House Lane Sheffield S17 3ET 06/02862/FUL Charter Works 20 Hodgson Street 347 Sheffield S3 7WQ 06/02892/FUL Site Of 85-95 Headford Street And Site Of Beckett And Garner Works 370 Hodgson Street Sheffield S3 7WQ 06/02981/FUL Site Of 30-32 Edward Street 394 Sheffield S3 7GB 06/02844/FUL Renown Works 6 Sylvester Street + 82 - 84 Sidney Street 401 Sheffield S1 3RA 06/02848/CAC Renown Works 411 6 Sylvester Street + 82 - 84 Sidney Street Sheffield S1 3RA 06/02956/FUL Site At Dun Street, Dun Lane And Dun Fields, 413 Adjacent To The Old Bulls Head, Dun Street, S3 6 06/03135/FUL Garage Site At Kenilworth Place Sheffield 423 S11 8TT 06/03089/CAC 137 West Bar 437 Sheffield S3 8PU 06/03211/FUL McDonalds Restaurants Ltd 439 20 - 22 High Street Sheffield S1 2GE 06/03255/FUL 15 Westfield Terrace 443 Sheffield S1 4GH 06/03257/LBC 15 Westfield Terrace 463 Sheffield S1 4GH 06/03364/FUL Lloyds No 1 Bar 455 2-12 Division Street Sheffield S1 4GF 06/02964/CAC Site At Dun Street, Dun Lane And Dun Fields, 461 Adjacent To The Old Bulls Head, Dun St, S3 7 8 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL Report Of The Head Of Planning, Transport And Highways, Development, Environment And Leisure To The CITY CENTRE SOUTH AND EAST Planning And Highways Area Board Date Of Meeting: 16/10/2006 LIST OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DECISION OR INFORMATION *NOTE* Under the heading “Representations” a Brief Summary of Representations received up to a week before the Area Board date is given (later representations will be reported verbally). The main points only are given for ease of reference. The full letters are on the application file, which is available to members and the public and will be at the meeting. Case Number 05/00315/REM Application Type Approval of Reserved Matters Proposal Erection of 55 apartments in 1 x 3/4 storey block with provision of car parking accommodation (amended scheme)(As amended plans dated 03/08/06) Location Land, Site Of Handsworth First School, St. Josephs Road And Fitzalan Road Sheffield Date Received 27/01/2005 Team CITY CENTRE AND EAST Applicant/Agent Geoff Melvin Ltd Recommendation Res Mats App Conditionally Subject to Legal Agreement Subject to: 1 Before any work on site is commenced, a landscape scheme for the site shall have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details within 1 month of the occupation of the development or within an alternative timescale to be first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. When the above-mentioned landscaping has been carried out, thereafter the landscaped areas shall be retained. The landscaped areas shall be cultivated and maintained for 5 years from the date of implementation and any failures within that 5 year period shall be replaced in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise authorised in writing. In the interests of the amenities of the locality. 9 2 Before the development is commenced, details of all proposed external materials and finishes, including windows, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter, the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. In order to ensure an appropriate quality of development. 3 Large scale details, including materials and finishes, at a minimum of 1:20 of the items listed below shall be approved in writing by the Local planning Authority before the commencement of development: Windows Window reveals Balconies Entrance canopies Thereafter, the works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. In order to ensure an appropriate quality of development. 4 Before work on site is commenced, details of a suitable means of site enclosure shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the apartments shall not be used unless such means of site enclosure has been provided in accordance with the approved details and thereafter such means of site enclosure shall be retained. In the interests of the amenities of the locality. 5 Surface water and foul drainage shall drain to separate systems. To ensure satisfactory drainage arrangements. 6 No development shall take place until details of the proposed means of disposal or surface water drainage, including any details of any balancing works and off-site works, have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. To ensure satisfactory drainage arrangements. 7 No piped discharge of surface water from the application site shall take place until surface water drainage works including off-site works have been completed in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. To ensure satisfactory drainage arrangements. 8 Surface water discharge from the completed development site shall be restricted to a maximum flow rate of 5 litres per second per hectare. Before 10 the development is occupied written confirmation shall be given to the Local Planning Authority that the necessary equipment has been installed on site to achieve the required restricted rate of discharge. In the interests of the amenities of the locality and occupiers of adjoining property. 9 The development shall not be started until full details of the lighting, access control and general access layout off Fitzalan Road, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. In the interests of traffic safety and the amenities of the locality. 10 The flats shall not be used unless 2.0 metres x 2.0 metres vehicle/pedestrian intervisibility splays have been provided on both sides of the means of access such that there is no obstruction to visibility greater than 600 mm above the level of the adjacent footway and such splays shall thereafter be retained. In the interests of the safety of road users. 11 The development shall not be begun until the improvements (which expression shall include traffic control, pedestrian and cycle safety measures) to the highways listed below have either; a) been carried out; or b) details have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority of arrangements which have been entered into which will secure that such improvement works will be carried out before the flats are brought into use. Highway Improvements: Traffic calming measures to St Joseph's Road and Fitzalan Road To enable the above-mentioned highways to accommodate the increase in traffic, which, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, will be generated by the development. 12 The flats shall not be used unless all redundant access have been permanently stopped up and reinstated to kerb and footway, and means of vehicular access shall be restricted solely to those access points indicated in the approved plans.
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