Efficient dictionary and language model compression for input method editors Taku Kudo, Toshiyuki Hanaoka, Jun Mukai, Yusuke Tabata, and Hiroyuki Komatsu Google Japan Inc. taku,toshiyuki,mukai,tabata,komatsu @google.com { } Abstract (Brown et al., 1992), entropy-based pruning (Stol- cke, 1998), Golomb Coding (Church et al., 2007) Reducing size of dictionary and language 2007) and randomized lossy compression (Talbot model is critical when applying them and Brants, 2008). The main focus of this research to real world applications including ma- is how efficiently the language model, especially chine translation and input method edi- n-gram model, can be compressed. However, in tors (IME). Especially for IME, we have Japanese input methods, lexicon plays more im- to drastically compress them without sac- portant role in actual conversion than language rificing lookup speed, since IMEs need to model, since users don’t always type Japanese be executed on local computers. This pa- text by sentence, but by phrase or even by word. per presents novel lossless compression al- Lexicon coverage is one of the key factors with gorithms for both dictionary and language which to evaluate the overall usability of IMEs. model based on succinct data structures. In addition, modern Japanese input methods need Proposed two data structures are used in to support a variety of features, including auto- our product “Google Japanese Input”1, completion and reconversion, which accelerate in- and its open-source version “Mozc”2. put speeds as well as help users to edit what they typed before. It is non-trivial to implement a com- 1 Introduction pact dictionary storage which supports these com- plicated use cases. Statistical approaches to processing natural lan- In this work, we propose novel lossless com- guage have become popular in recent years. Input pression algorithms for both dictionary and lan- method editor is not an exception and stochastic guage model based on succinct data structures. input methods have been proposed and rolled out Although the size of our dictionary storage ap- to real applications recently (Chen and Lee, 2000; proaches closer to the information-theoretic lower Mori et al., 2006; Yabin Zheng, 2011). Compared bound, it supports three lookup operations: com- to the traditional rule-based approach, a statistical mon prefix lookup, predictive lookup and reverse approach allows us to improve conversion qual- lookup. Proposed two data structures are used ity more easily with the power of a large amount in our product “Google Japanese Input”, and its of data, e.g., Web data. However, language mod- open-source version “Mozc”. els and dictionaries which are generated automat- ically from the Web tend to be bigger than those 2 Statistical approach to input method of manually crafted rules, which makes it hard to editors execute IMEs on local computers. The model of statistical input method editor is ba- The situation is the same in machine translation. sically the same as those of statistical machine Language model compression is critical in statis- translation. An input is converted according to tical machine translation. Several studies have the probability distribution P (W S), where W | been proposed in order to scale language model to is target output and S is source user input char- large data. Example includes class-based models acters (e.g. Hiragana sequence). The probabil- 1 ity P (W S) is usually decomposed as a prod- http://www.google.com/intl/ja/ime/ | 2http://code.google.com/p/mozc/ uct of language model P (W ) and reading model 19 Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Text Input Methods (WTIM 2011), pages 19–25, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 13, 2011. P (S W ), corresponding to the language model To implement a Japanese IME, the dictionary stor- | and translation model in statistical machine trans- age had better to support the following three oper- lation. ations. Wopt = argmax P (W S) (1) Common Prefix Lookup W | • Given a query s, returns all dictionary en- = argmax P (W )P (S W ) (2) W | tries whose reading parts are prefix of s. This operation allows us to build a lattice (word In Mozc, we use a class language model for rep- graph) for user input in O(n), where n is resenting P (W ) to reduce overall memory foot- the length of user input. A lattice represents print. The class corresponds to the part of speech all candidate paths or all candidate sequences of Japanese. of output token, where each token denotes a word with its part of-speech. P (W ) = P (wi ci)P (ci ci 1), (3) | | − i Y Predictive Lookup • where ci is a word class (part of speech) of wi. If Given a query s, returns all dictionary entries we assume that reading probabilities are mutually which have s as a prefix of reading. Modern independent, P (S W ) could be rewritten as Japanese IMEs, especially IMEs for mobile | devices, provide a suggestion feature which P (S W ) = P (s w ), (4) | i| i predicts a word or phrase that the user wants Yi to type in without the user actually typing it where P (s w ) is the conditional probability that in completely. Predictive lookup is used in i| i a Japanese word wi is typed as Japanese Hira- implementation of the suggestion feature. gana si. This probability can be estimated from Reverse Lookup a tagged corpus and/or a manually crafted dictio- • nary. By combining P (W ) and P (S W ), W Basically the same as Common Prefix | opt can be rewritten as Lookup and Predictive Lookup, but the direc- tion of lookup is opposite. Reverse lookup Wopt = argmax P (si wi)P (wi ci)P (ci ci 1). (5) retrieves readings from words. Commercial W | | | − Yi input methods implement a feature called re- conversion with which user can re-convert The first two terms P (si wi)P (wi ci) are con- | | sentences or phrases already submitted to ap- text independent. This part can be represented plications. To support this, Reverse Lookup as a tuple d = s, w, c, cost , where cost is h i is necessary. log(P (s w)P (w c)). P (ci ci 1) is a transition − | | | − probability of the class language model. For our A trie is a useful data structure which supports convenience, we call the set of dictionary entries common prefix and predictive lookup in constant d as dictionary and transition probability as lan- time. Each node in the trie encodes a character, guage model in this paper. Dictionary and lan- and paths from the root to the leaf represent a guage model are compressed with different algo- word. A trie encodes a set of words with a small rithms. footprint when they share common prefixes. 3 Dictionary compression 3.2 Double Array 3.1 General setting of dictionary lookup In the initial implementation of Mozc, we had used We describe the general setting and structure of the Double Array trie structure for dictionary stor- dictionary for Japanese IME. age (Aoe, 1989). Double array is known to be the fastest implementation for a trie and supports Dictionary D is a set of dictionary entries di, • every operation described in the previous section. e.g., D = d1, . , dn { } However, one critical issue of Double Array is Dictionary entry d is a tuple of reading, word, its scalability. Since Double Array uses an ex- • part-of-speech id and cost. Part-of-speech id plicit pointer to represent a node in a trie, it uses and cost are 16 bit integers in Mozc. O(n log(n)) space to store a trie with n nodes. 20 3.3 LOUDS 3.4 Space efficient dictionary data structure In Mozc, we use a succinct data structure LOUDS for Japanese IME trie for compact dictionary representation (Jacob- The key idea of Mozc’s dictionary structure is that son, 1989). The main idea of LOUDS is that both readings and words are compressed in two a trie is encoded in a succinct bit array string independent LOUDS tries. This structure helps us which doesn’t use any pointers to represent nodes. not only to compress both readings and words by LOUDS stores an n-node ordinal tree as a bit array merging the common prefixes but to enable the re- of 2n + 1 bits. verse lookup required for Japanese IME. Dictio- A LOUDS bit string is constructed as follows. nary entries associated with the pairs of reading Starting from the root nodes, we walk through a and word are stored in a token array. A token trie in breadth-first order. When seeing a node stores part-of-speech id, cost and leaf node id as- having d children (d > 0), d “1”s and one ” 0” are sociated with the word. emitted. In addition to that, “10” is added to the Figure 2 illustrates the dictionary data structure prefix of the bit string, which represents an imagi- which encodes the dictionary entries shown in Ta- nary super root node pointing to the root node. For ble 1. Here we show how we perform forward example, three “1”s and one “0” are emitted when lookup and reverse lookup on this dictionary. seeing the node “1” in Figure 1. Reading Word Leaf node id in Leaf ndoe id in reading trie word trie super-root a A 20 30 s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 b B 10 40 1 101110110010000 b C 10 50 Table 1: Example of dictionary entries 2 3 4 Forward lookup (reading to word) 5 6 7 1. Given a query reading in Hiragana, retrieve a set of key node ids by traversing the reading trie.
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