A l l a b o a r d Eagles w in CJIII The Bay Shore connection will FRE The Middletown South baseball team transport visitors from Sandy Hook CLASSIFIED ( ) Ads with items priced to various points along the Bayshore captures a state sectional title some restrictions apply ^ $ 15000 or less are FREE! Page 3 Page 50 Look for your FREEBIE coupon in CLASSIFIED! JUNE 3, 1999 40 cents VOLUME 29, NUMBER 22 Mid'town schools chief to get $243K in severance Jackson retiring Osborne said at the May 26 board Attorney Malachi Kenney stated meeting. that all of the board members were with 405.5 days of Jackson will be paid for each given a copy of the agreement vacation day at his current daily showing the amount owed to unused vacation rate of $562.50, according to the Jackson. BY MARY DEMPSEY agreement. The per diem rate is Osborne expressed concern Staff W r ite r based on an annual salary of over public access to information $135,000 for 240 working days. about the amount of money W ith the impending In addition, the amount he Jackson will collect for the days he retirement of Superin­ receives for accumulated sick accrued. tendent of Schools days will not exceed $15,000, “Will the public be entitled to a Dennis Jackson this summer, the and will be paid on Sept. 30. copy of the severance agreement? Middletown Board of Education Jackson is slated to receive Do we have that available,” recently approved pay for his $228,093 for the vacation days he Osborne added. accumulated sick and vacation accumulated over his nearly four- “That certainly will be public days. decade career in the district. information, and they would cer­ In 38 years of service in the Jackson is the last district tainly be entitled to obtain a copy district, Jackson amassed 393.5 employee who can accumulate of it on request to the board unused sick and 405.5 unused under a grandfather clause unlim­ office,” Kenney replied. vacation days. ited vacation days. “My only concern is the sched­ “This is going to be very cost­ The board will pay Jackson in ule of payments,” board member ly to the district, and I know Mr. four $57,023 annual installments Patricia Walsh stated. Jackson does not like talking beginning on Jan. 30. Each subse­ Kenney explained Jackson about it,” board member Jeanne quent payment will be due on Jan. agreed to spread out the payments 30 of the following year over a four-year period, lessening until the last installment the board’s financial burden. The is paid on Jan. 30, 2003. resolution to pay Jackson was The amount due approved 8-0 with Osborne Jackson was not includ­ abstaining. ed in the resolution pre­ “My abstention has to do with sented to the public and the fact that I had no part in the was not revealed at the agreement and I felt the decision AUGUSTO F. MENEZES meeting last week. was made without concern for Five-year-old Cassius Williams of Cliffwood displays his patrio­ Asked by Osborne if what I thought,” Osborne said. “I tism during Matawan’s Memorial Day Parade Sunday. For more the cost was “left out on don’t begrudge Mr. Jackson what pictures, see page 29. purpose,” board is due him ... he deserves it.” Holmdel meetings to remain closed According to information subcommittee. township officials read from Aumiller disagrees; provided by the township Fink and Beckenstein are an explanatory statement of Dems will continue clerk’s office, the committees Democratic candidates for the act which reads in part, “... not established by ordinance Township Committee. in order to be covered by the to push for access are: the Cross Acceptance According to Township provisions of this Act, a public BY CATHERINE I. AUMACK Committee, Drug and Alcohol Administrator Carol Williams, body must be organized by Staff W r ite r Abuse Committee (Holmdel the subcommittee is designed law...” Alliance), Farmer’s Advisory to serve as an advisory body to “A subcommittee is a L ast week the Holmdel Committee, Harding/Bayonet the Township Committee on mayor’s appointment,” Wil­ Township Committee Farm Committee, Human proposed uses for the proper­ liams said. “It is not governed decided to conduct a Relations Council, Traffic ties. by the Open Public Meetings large part of its business in the Safety Advisory Board, According to Williams, Act.” dark. Project Graduation, Swim Township Attorney Duane Beckenstein told members In response to a complaint Pool Committee and the Davison issued an opinion that of the Township Committee filed by two local residents, Tennis Committee. “the Legislature intended that that she and Fink had decided JACKIE POLLACK the committee majority agreed The complaint was filed by these types of bodies were not to attend the May 18 meeting to Keyport Daisy Girl Scout Courtney that all township boards, com­ Larry Fink, Algonquin Drive, to be covered by the Open listen to a presentation by Jim Strang, 6, gets a jump start in the potato mittees or subcommittees and and Carol Beckenstein, Flora Public Meetings Act (com­ Truncer, director of the Mon­ sack race at an Olympiad sponsored by advisory boards not estab­ Drive, after they were exclud­ monly known as the Sunshine mouth County Park System, Keyport Girl Scout Troop 1041 last lished by ordinance will be ed from a May 18 meeting of Law).” regarding the possibility of Thursday at Keyport Central School. closed to the public. the Harding/Bayonet Farm At the May 24 meeting, Continued on page 19 2 INDEPENDENT, JUNE 3, 1999 ' Garden Tech > SEVIN TICK and $16"yBUG KILLER SHOWPIACEHOME & GARDEN Memorial Week Sole Your WATER' FROM OUR GARDENING Headquarters NURSERY We're G ro m of over 600 Acres Large selection of Pond Liners, Accessories. , „ n r < " - , " r " : ' Pre-formed Ponds in the area ol Quality Nursery Stock from the usual to the Exotic for more than 50 years I the World Leader in the design of Emerald Green 4'-4'A' Water Garden Products ARBORVITAE Nice Heavy Plants is now available at BROCK FARMS 10 or 2 9 " EA. more PUMPS & FOUNTAIN (nozzles) Large Selection of also ask for our Catalog FRUIT, RASPBERRY, GOOSEBERRY, SAVE $$$ ON YOUR ELECTRIC BILL GRAPE, CURRENTS, BLUEBERRY , f t 95 POND LINERS „ a99 (MANY VARIETIES) O to'xiow 59" ™ n*au»17J" FRUIT TREES ............ 1 9 " 1 m sm .m .99 8 9 " 20’x 20- 339.99 2 3 9 " BRADFORD PEAR ........1 9 " 910 DAWN REDWOOD ..............1 5 9 " 15’ X15’ Reg. 189.99 1 3 4 " 20’X 25'Reg. 429.99 2 9 9 " 8’-10'Well Branched A A Q O WEEPING W ILLO W ....39" TETRA POND FILTERS AQUARIUM PHARMACEUTICALS FISH FOODS s 10 BRADFORD PEAR ................ 9 9 " 4'-5' Pink and White PF1 Filters up to 1,000 gal. 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