WEDNESDAY June 26, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents Bartow begins process of creating magnet programs BY DONNA HARRIS ter for Advanced International Studies “We’re very excited about this, and to be us working together consistently in lease. “Additionally, the program will [email protected] at Cass High and The Center for Ad- so are they [the schools],” said Dr. Da- making sure we hit all the different as- give Bartow County students access to vanced Studies in Medical Sciences at vid Chiprany, who was promoted from pects and requirements of the program.” advanced academic classes and path- The Class of 2024 will have an oppor- Woodland High to provide students with chief academic offi cer to deputy su- At Adairsville, Principal Bruce ways that we have not been able to offer tunity that no other Bartow County high opportunities to pursue specialized in- perintendent at the meeting, in his pre- Mulkey and his team will be “looking before. Our staff is looking forward to school students have had before. terests, develop their talents and extend sentation to the board. “They’re very at increasing rigorous opportunities in supporting students as they pursue spe- At a called meeting Monday night, the their competencies beyond the normal excited about the opportunities to take the STEM-related pathways, which kind cialized interests in the areas of math, Bartow County School Board approved scope of high school. each of these programs and run with it of builds on what we’re doing at Adairs- science and technology.” 5-0 the fi rst reading of a regulation to “We are committed to recognizing and make it incredible for our students ville Elementary and Adairsville Mid- Chiprany said the Cass program will create magnet programs at all three students who demonstrate exceptional across our system.” dle School,” Chiprany said. provide “multiple world-language path- high schools beginning with the 2020- potential in a specifi c area,” Superin- But the schools won’t have to develop Mulkey is ready for the challenge. ways and also courses that have an in- 21 school year. tendent Dr. Phillip Page said in a press the programs alone. “We are excited to begin implement- ternational focus, which could be really If the board gives its fi nal approval release. “The theme-based instructional “We’re starting the process of coming ing the STEM magnet program at AHS interesting,” and will help the school next month, the district will move ahead environment, rooted in well-prepared together, but it’s defi nitely a collabora- to continue the work that both Clear “build a global-ready set of students,” with developing The Center for Ad- instructors, will give students the tre- tive effort,” Chiprany said. “It’s not go- Creek Elementary and Adairsville Mid- Principal Stephen Revard said. vanced Science, Math and Technology mendous opportunity to reach their full ing to be where we tell them they’re a dle School have begun with their recent Studies at Adairsville High, The Cen- potential.” magnet school and walk away. It’s going STEM certifi cation,” he said in the re- SEE BCBOE, PAGE 5A Sex offender gets 2-year jail sentence for failing to register A KERNEL OF FUN BY JAMES SWIFT Wilkinson. “He essentially took of months turned into four years.” [email protected] himself off his probation in Cobb Judge Smith responded to the County and off the sex offender defendant’s statements. Daniel Hernandez — who was registration.” “You don’t get to just take convicted of two counts of felony Wilkinson said that, normally, yourself off probation and go to sexual battery in Cobb County the State recommends a 10-year another country,” he said, “leav- in 2011 — failed to register as a sentence with one year to serve in ing all this wonderful family.” sex offender in Bartow County on confi nement for a defendant’s fi rst As part of the sentence, Her- April 3, 2015. In Bartow Superior failure to register as a sex offend- nandez is also ordered to pay a Court Tuesday morning, Chero- er. Considering how long Hernan- $2,000 fi ne — plus related fees kee Judicial Circuit Judge David dez was on the lam, however, he and surcharges — as well as K. Smith sentenced the defendant asked Judge Smith to double the $1,634 in extradition fees to the to 10 years for the offense, with defendant’s jail time as part of the Bartow County Sheriff’s Offi ce. the fi rst two years to be spent in non-negotiated guilty plea. According to BCSO data, confi nement and the remainder Smith said the defendant faced Hernandez was booked into the on probation. a maximum sentence of 60 years local jail on Feb. 12. Records in- Hernandez, a United States in prison for the offense. dicate he posted a $2,500 bond citizen, fl ed to Mexico to avoid Hernandez’s attorney Jason and was released from custody arrest. He lived there for almost Kesser said the defendant is the on Feb. 14. four years before offi cials in Tex- father of three children. BCSO documents indicate as arrested him earlier this year. “I did come back voluntari- Hernandez currently resides in “He not only left Bartow Coun- ly,” Hernandez told the court. “I Smyrna. State records list Her- ty and left the State of Georgia, was overwhelmed, so I decided I nandez as a “Level II” sex of- he left the United States entirely,” would extradite — extract myself, fender, whose recidivism risk for said Cherokee Judicial Circuit sorry — from the situation for a future sexual offenses is catego- Assistant District Attorney Adam couple of months. And a couple rized as “intermediate.” Rome man gets fi ve-year prison sentence for felony theft, fl eeing BY JAMES SWIFT cial Circuit Assistant District At- an empty, used syringe on the top [email protected] torney Jennifer Gower Side. “They of the rear seat,” Side said. “He ap- attempted a stop on the vehicle and peared to pass out in his seat at one A Rome man entered a negoti- the truck continued to fl ee.” point and, ultimately, EMS was ad- ated plea of guilty to four charges She said the defendant hit speeds vised to come to the scene.” in Bartow Superior Court Tuesday upward of 80 miles and failed to Williams was initially charged morning, with Cherokee Judicial maintain lane throughout the pur- with 10 offenses stemming from the Circuit Judge David K. Smith ulti- suit. Eventually, Williams came to incident, including misdemeanor mately sentencing him to fi ve years a stop at a rolling roadblock. counts of speeding, reckless driv- in prison. “The defendant, he agreed to ing and failure to maintain lane. All Donald Edward Williams was speak with offi cers, and while but four of those charges, however, arrested in Bartow County last speaking with the offi cers, the of- would be dropped as part of the de- October after local law enforce- fi cers observed he had extremely fendant’s negotiated guilty plea. ment received a be-on-the-lookout constricted pupils, multiple fresh Williams was sentenced to fi ve (BOLO) call from Cobb County track marks on his forearms and years in confi nement on one count authorities concerning a pickup his eyes had no reaction to direct of felony theft by taking. He re- truck and utility trailer stolen from light,” Side continued. ceived a concurrent fi ve-year pris- a business in Marietta. While the defendant’s speech on sentence for felony fl eeing, as “The owner of the vehicle ad- was slurred, Side said Williams well as two concurrent 12-month vised that the tractor-trailer was nonetheless gave offi cers his real sentences for driving under the in- passing mile marker 283 according name. A subsequent run on Wil- fl uence and driving on a suspended RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS to his GPS and, ultimately, law en- liams’ driver’s license revealed that license. Isaac Morrow looks inquisitively into a bag of popcorn being held by Bartow Family Re- forcement went on the lookout for it was suspended. sources’ Naomi Buchanon at BFR’s 30th anniversary celebration June 20 at the facility’s that vehicle,” said Cherokee Judi- “A search of the vehicle revealed SEE PLEA, PAGE 6A Leake Street offi ces. United Way gears up for Christmas in July campaign BY MARIE NESMITH nation cycle starts picking up, which is Top Mountain area,” said Brenda More- [email protected] usually the fall and winter months.” house, president of the local United Way. In July, area residents can deliver non- “We also raise school supplies for our lo- With its shelves about half full, The perishable food and school supplies to cal Bartow Give a Kid a Chance program. Salvation Army’s food pantry will receive various collection bins in Cartersville. “We encourage local businesses and a needed boost from the United Way of Also receiving support from the Bartow community individuals get involved to Bartow County’s Christmas in July cam- Collaborative and the Georgia Depart- help make the program a huge success. paign. Along with providing nonperish- ment of Labor Employee Committee, The more successful the program is the able food items to three organizations, Christmas in July will accept donations less kids that will go hungry during this the annual outreach equips students with at the Olin Tatum Agricultural Building summer vacation,” she said, adding the school supplies. next to Cartersville Public Library, Coosa drive also gives “those who cannot afford “What tends to happen is in the sum- Valley Credit Union and Family Savings new school supplies an opportunity to mertime generally most of us are start- Credit Union.
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