Geologic Map of the Kolob Reservoir Quadrangle

Geologic Map of the Kolob Reservoir Quadrangle

UTAH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY a divison of Utah Department of Natural Resources Plate 1 in cooperation with Utah Geological Survey Map 220 National Park Service Geologic Map of the Kolob Reservoir Quadrangle Qmsy Kd Qmsy Qac Qmsy Qmt Qac Qac Qac Qac Kd Qmsy Qmt Kd Kd Kst Qmt Qmsy Qmt Qmsh Kd Qac Qac Kd Qmsy Kst Qmsh Qmsy Qmt Kst Jcw Qmsy Qac Ksu Qmsy Qmt Jcw Qac Qmt Qac Kd Qac Qmsy Qac Qaly Qmsy Jcp Qac Qac Qac Kd 4 Jcx Jcp Qmsy Qac Qmsh Qc Ksu Qac Qmsy Qac Qmt Kd Qac Qmt Qac KRF92800-1 Qac Qac 8900 Qaf1 9000 Kst 9100 Qmt Qmsy Qac Kd 9200 Kd Qmsy Qmt Qc Qc Qac Kst Qmsy Qmsy 2 Kd Jcx Qmso Kd Qc Qac Jcx Qmt (Kd) Kd Qmsh KRF92700-2 KRF92700-1 Kd KRF61801-1 Qac Qac Qc Ksu KRF61801-2 Jccu Qac Qmsy Qmsh KRF61801-3 Qac Qmsy Qac Kst 3 Qmsh Ksu Qmsy Qac Qmsy Qmsy Jccl Qmsh Kst Qac Qmsy Qac Kd Qmsy Qmsy Qmsy Qmsy Qmso Qmsh Kd Qmsy 1 Qmsh Jccu Qmso Kd Qac Qmsy Qmsh Qac Kd Jcx Qmsy Jcw (Kd) Qc Qc Qac Qc Qmt Qac Kd 2 Jcp Qac Qc Qaf1 Qac Qc Qmsy Qmso Kd Qac (Kd) Qmso(Kd) Jcx Jcx Qmt Kd Qac Qmsh 45 4 Jcw Jccu Jcw Kst Qmt Qmsy Qac Jcp Qc Qac Jccl Qmsh 20 Jcx Qmsy Qac Qmso Qaf Qmsh Kd Jccl 1 Qmt Qmt Qmsh Qmsh Qc Kd Qmsy Qaly Qaf1 Jts Qmt Kd Qac Jccl Jcp Qac Qmso Kst Jccl Jcx Qac Qmsh Jts Jts Jcp Qc (Kd) Ksu 5 Qac Kst A' Jts Jcw Jcw KR90100-1 Jccu Qac Jn Qac Kd Jn Jn 5 Kd Kd Qmt Qmso KRF71800-1 2 Qmt Qaly Qmsh Qc Qc Qc Jn Qmsy Kd 2 Qbhp 3 Qmso Qmt Jts Jts Qmsh Jts Qst Qc Jn Jcw Qmsy Qmsy Jts Jcw Jccu Qmsy Qmso Kd Jcp (Kd) Qmt Jts Qac Jcw Qac Qac Qac Qac Qmsh Qc Jccu Qmsy Qmt Kd Jcw Qc Jcw Kd Qac Jcp Qc Qac Jcx Jcp Qmsy Qac Qac Qac Jccl Jts Jcp Jccl Jcp Qc Qmt Jts Jcp Kcmc Qmt Jcw Qbhpc Qac Kd Jcx Jn Jcx Qac Qac Kst 5 Qmsy Qmt Jccu Qc Ksu c Qmsy Jcx Jcw Qmsh Kd Jcx Jccl Qc Jn 3 Qmsy Jcp Qmsy Qc Qac Kst A Qmt 4 4 Jcp Qac Qmso(Kd) Qmsy Qaly Ksu Jcx Jccl Jcp Jcx Qac Qac Qc Jts Qac Jccu Qmt Qmsy Kd Qmt Kst Qc Jcw Qmt Qac 3 Jccu Jts Qac Kd Qc Qmsy Jts Qac Kst Qmt 6300 Qc 12 Qc Kd Qmsy Jts Qmt Jn Jccu Qmsy Qmsy Kst Qac Qmt 1 Jts Jts Qmsy Kd 6400 Qac Qmt Qmt Jccl Jcx Qc Qac Jts Qmt Jccl Kd 4 Jccl Jcx Qmt Willis Qac Jcp Kd Qac Jn Qmsy Qc Ta Qmt Creek Jccl Qmt Willis Jcx Trail Qmsy KR72000-6 Trail Kd Jts Creek Qac Jcp Qmt Jts KR72000-5 Qac Qmt Jcx Jccl 6500 Qmt Kd Kd 4 1 Jcx Qac Qmt Ta Kd Creek Jccl Qmt Jccu Jts Qmsy Qmsh Bullpen Jccu Jcp Jts Mountain Jcx Qmt Kd 6600 Qmsy Jn Jccu Qla Jccl Qac Jcp Qac 5 Jcx La Verkin Jcw 5 Jcp Qmt ZION Qf Qmsy Qc Qmt Jcx Jcp Jn Qf KR72000-3 Qac Qac Jcp Canyon Jccl Jccl Qc Trap Qac Bear Qmt Qmt Jccu Qbkp 1 Jcp Jcw Qc Jcx Jts Jn Qmsy Kd Qmsy 3 Ta Jcx Jccl Jts Jcp Qmt Jts Jcx Qac Qmt KR72000-4 Qc Qmt Qmsy Jcp Qbkp Jccl Qac Qc Jccl Qc Jccu 6700 Jccu Jcw Jcp Jcx Qac Qmt Qc Qmt Jts Jccl Kd Jccu 6800 Qmsy Jccl Jts Qac Qmt Qac Qmsy Jccu Jts KR81200-1 Qaco Langston Jts Qac Qmsy Qmsy Qbkpc Qc 6400 Mountain Jccl Qmsy Jcx 3 Jccl Qmt Qc Jts Jccl 6500 Qmt Jccl Jcp Qmsy 6900 Qmt Jtw Jn Qmsy 6600 Qmt Qmt Jccu Qc Jccl Qmsy Jts Jccl Qmsy Qbkp Jtw Jts 6700 Jn Kd Jcx 6800 Jccu 7000 Qmsy Qmsy Jts Jccu Qac Qmsy Qmsy Qac Qmsy Qc Jcx NATIONAL Jccl 7400 Jcp Qac Jts Qmt 7100 7000 Jccl 7100 7500 Qaco Jcw Qmt Qmt Qac 7300 7200 Jccl Qac Jtw Qc Jcp Qac 6900 Jcw Qc Jcx Qc Kcmc Jccl Qmt Qmt Jcx Qmsy P o i n t Qac Jcp Jn 7600 Qc Jccl Jcp Jts 7700 Qblp Jccu Jccu KJu Qaco Qmt Jcw Qmt Qc Ko l o b Qc Qmt Jn Qmsy Qc Jcx KR72000-2 Jtw Qmt L o n g Jcp Jccu Qmt KR71599-2 Jcw Qac Qac Qmt Qmsy Jccl Qae Jcx Qmt Qac Jccl Qmt Qmt Jtw Qc Jcp Jccl Jccl Jcx 2 Jts Qmsy KR72000-1 Qc Qblp Qac Jtw Qblp? Jccl Qmt Jcx Jccu Jcp Qf Jts Qmt Jtw Jn Qmt Jn Jccl Qac Jts Jts Jtw Jcx Qmsy Jts Qmt KR81100-5 Jccl 2 KJu Qmt Jccl Qblc Qmt Jccl KR71399-1 Qac Qrlc Jtw Qmt LAVA POINT ROAD Qblp C r e e k Jts Qmsh Qc 3 Jccu Qac Kd Qmt Jccu Jtw Qblc Qaly Jts Qblp Qaco Jtw Qac Qac Qmsh Qac Jccl Jts Ta Qac ZION NATIONAL PARK Qer FAULT Jtw Kd Kcmc Qblp Qae Jccl Qc Qblp Jcx Jcp ROAD Qac Qac 2 Qmt PARK Qblc Jcx KR81100-3 Jcx Jn Jccu KR81100-4 Jtw Jccl Jcp Jccu Jcp CANYON ZP0601 Qmsy Jccl Qmsy 1 Qc ZP0901 Jtw Qblpc ZP0602 Jccl Jccu Barneys Qmt TRAP Qrlc Trail Jcp KR71399-3 Qblp Campground Jccu Qmt Qc Jccl Qc c Jccl BEAR Jtw Jtw Jccu Lava Qblc Qac Qc Qla Jts Jts KR71399-2 Jcp Jcx Jccl 7800 Qc Point Qer Jts Qblp Qac Jccu Qmt Jccl Qla Jcx Jcx Qmt Jccl Qmt TERRACE Qla Qc West Jcx Jku Jcx Jccu Qae Trail Qas Jccl Qmt Jccl Qla Jtw KOLOB Qblp Rim Jccl Jku Jtw Qblc Qblp Trail Qmsy Jn Jtw Qmt KR81100-1 Canyon Qla Jccu Jccl Jccu Qbg Qer 1 Qmsy Qc Qmsy Qmt Jccu Qac Qc Qmsy Qmt Jts Jts Jccu Jccl Horse Pasture Jtw Hop Valley Trail Valley Hop Qbg Jccl Jccl Qae Qae Qac Jts Jku Qas Qac Jn Ta Qblp Jccu Wildcat Plateau Qac Qmsy Qaeo Qac Qc Qc Qblp Qc Jccl Base from U.S. Geological Survey, Key access roads, selected trails, and prominent Fieldwork by author in 2000-01 Kolob Reservoir 7.5' quadrangle, 1980 SCALE 1:24,000 features in and near Zion National Park shown in Project Manager: Grant C. Willis Shaded topography generated from digital elevation data 1 0.5 0 1 MILE brown. Condition and status of roads and trails GIS Analyst: Kent D. Brown may change over time. Some not shown. From Cartographer: James W. Parker 1000 This geologic map was funded by the Utah Geological 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET data provided by National Park Service. ISBN 1-55791-739-6 Survey and the U.S. Department of the Interior, 1 0.5 0 1 KILOMETER National Park Service. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the author and should not be interpreted as necessarily CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET representing the official policies, either expressed or NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 implied, of the U.S. Government. Although this product represents the work of 12°27' professional scientists, the Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Geological Survey, makes no GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE KOLOB RESERVOIR QUADRANGLE, warranty, expressed or implied, regarding its suitability for a particular use. The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Geological Survey, shall not be liable WASHINGTON AND IRON COUNTIES, UTAH UTAH under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, TRUE NORTH special, incidental, or consequential damages with MAGNETIC NORTH by respect to claims by users of this product. APPROXIMATE MEAN DECLINATION, 2007 QUADRANGLE LOCATION For use at 1:24,000 scale only. The UGS does not Robert F. Biek guarantee accuracy or completeness of data. 2007 Utah Geological Survey, 1594 W. North Temple, P.O. Box 146100, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6100. Phone: 801-537-3300; fax 801-537-3400; See plate 2 references for geologic map list Utah Geological Survey a division of Utah Department of Natural Resources Plate 2 in cooperation with Utah Geological Survey Map 220 National Park Service Geologic Map of the Kolob Reservoir Quadrangle DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS CORRELATION OF MAP UNITS LITHOLOGIC COLUMN QUATERNARY unconformity histor- Qf THICK- ical Qas Alluvial deposits CRETACEOUS Qla FORMATION SYMBOL NESS LITHOLOGY pre- Qaf1 Qmsh Feet Younger stream deposits (Holocene) – Stratified, moderately to well- Straight Cliffs Formation upper historic Qaly Qac Qae Qst Member (Meters) SERIES Qaly sorted sand, silt, clay, and pebble to boulder gravel in river channels SYSTEM and flood plains; locally includes small alluvial-fan and colluvial Upper unit (Upper Cretaceous, Santonian[?] to Turonian) – Slope- middle Holocene Ksu H. forming, grayish-orange to yellowish-brown, thin- to thick-bedded, and deposits, and minor terraces as much as 20 feet (6 m) above current Qc Qmt Qer stream level; equivalent to stream deposits (Qal ) and stream-terrace fine-grained subarkosic sandstone and gray mudstone and shale; lower Qmsy Surficial deposits Q 0-150 1 contains a few thin coal beds, common carbonaceous shale, and (0-40) deposits (Qat2) in the adjacent Kolob Arch quadrangle, but undivided here due to uncertain correlation between upper and lower reaches of several thin coquina beds; forms broad, rounded hills typically drainages; generally 0 to 30 feet (0-9 m) thick.

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