NEWS LETTER NEWSDecember 2018 LETTER Issue 14 In this issue Academics @ FP Summer Winter School ............1NEWSNEWS LETTERLETTER January 2019 Issue 15 End Semester Exhibition..........2 FP Achievements......................2 In this issue DecemberDecember Academics @ 20182018 FP IssueIssueIssue 141414 FP in Print Media.......................3 Academics...........................1 Know Your Alumni.....................3 FP In InInIn this thisAchievements......................2thisthis issue issueissueissue Academics AcademicsAcademicsAcademics @ @@@ FP FPFPFP Creative Section ......................4 ExtraSummerSummerSummer Curriculars.......................2 Winter WinterWinter School SchoolSchool ............1 ............1............1 FPEndEndEnd in Semester SemesterSemester Print Media.......................2 Exhibition..........2 Exhibition..........2Exhibition..........2 FPFPFP Achievements......................2Achievements......................2Achievements......................2 UpcomingPadmashri EventsDr.Bimal Patel.......2 FPFPFP in inin Print PrintPrint Media.......................3 Media.......................3Media.......................3 MKnowT yourW Alumni...................3T F S S KnowKnow Your Your Alumni.....................3 Alumni.....................3 31CreativeRemembrances........................3Creative1 Section2Section3 ......................4......................44 5 6 Creative Section.......................4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Upcoming UpcomingUpcomingUpcoming Events EventsEventsEvents Upcoming Events 14MM 15TT 16WW 17TT F18F S19S SS20 2131M31221T1 23 22W2 243T3 2544F 5265S 6627S 282877 292988 303099 31103110 11111 12122 131333 414144 515155 166166 171777 1818188 19199 20201010 112121 221222 231323 241424 25 2515 26 2616 272717 Winter School 2018, Illustrated by Aditi Rai CEPT University Resolving India’s Urban Issues MURP batch of 2016 , P.C. CEPT University 182828 291929 302030 312131 2211 2232 3243 Thirteenth Convocation The Faculty of Planning is constantly To conclude, the winter schools acted as a 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 Convocation 2019 Masters of Urban Design Studio 19th44 January55 66 (Saturday)77 88 99 1010 involved in resolving issues pertaining to platform providing insights on urban issues The 13th convocation of CEPT University The MastersWinterWinter of School SchoolUrban 2018, 2018, Design Illustrated Illustrated by IIby Aditi AditiSemester Rai Rai CEPT CEPT4 5 UniversityUniversity6 7 8 9 10 ResolvingResolvingIndian cities. India’sIndia’s It conducts UrbanUrban IssuesIssues numerous short- related to Indian cities, enlightening both wasduration held oncourses the 19th in the of formJanuary of 2019.summer Studio students organised and an professionals exhibition of alike.students’ ThirteenthThirteenth ConvocationConvocation TheTheProfessor FacultyFaculty Ruth ofof DeFriesPlanningPlanning was isis invitedconstantlyconstantly as the To To work conclude,conclude, during thethe the winterwinter third schoolsschools week acted actedof semester, asas aa 19th19th JanuaryJanuary (Saturday)(Saturday) involvedinvolvedinvolvedChiefwinter Guest inininschools resolvingresolvingresolving for the to event. issuesissuesimproveissues pertainingpertainingpertaining the knowledge tototo platformplatformtitled ‘Representing providingproviding insightsinsights Building onon urbanurban Types’. issuesissues IndianIndianIndianof students cities.cities.cities. ItItIt conductsconducts conductsand professionals numerousnumerousnumerous short-short-short- in relatedrelatedthisrelated SWS tototo IndianIndianIndian International cities,cities,cities, enlighteningenlighteningenlightening bothbothboth durationdurationProfessorregard. coursescourses Ruth DeFriesinin thethe formform is a ofofProfessor summersummer ofstudents studentsThe two andand weeks professionalsprofessionals study alike.onalike. seven Building winterwinterEcology schoolsschools and totoSustainable improveimprove thethe Development knowledgeknowledge TypesAt wasCEPT, structured exposure to understand and multi-faceted and atThis Columbia year’s winterUniversity, schools New were York aimed who atrepresent the Building and its context ofof studentsstudents andand professionalsprofessionals inin thisthis SWSSWS InternationalInternationalknowledge is accorded prime importance. regard.regard.regard.deliveredimproving the the convocation participants’ address. knowledge A total onthrough Through the lenssummer of urban and design.winter schoolsThree held ofvaried 499 students aspects were in the awarded urban degrees. domain. Dr. AtThe At buildings CEPT,CEPT,in locations exposureexposurewere comparatively outside andand multi-facetedmulti-facetedIndia, represented students get a CEPT Academic Festivals ThisThisBimal year’syear’s Patel, winterwinter in his schools schoolsaddress, werewere mentioned aimedaimed atatthat for each of the seven types. These buildings pedagogy included lectures, exercisesknowledgeknowledge as chance isis accordedaccorded to learn primeprime from importance.importance. the best practices Weekend improvingimprovingimprovingCEPTwell asis expandingimmersive thethethe participants’participants’participants’ research field knowledgeknowledgeknowledgevisits. opportunities ononon Through Throughwere chosen summersummer based andand winter winteron their schoolsschools location, heldheld one th variedvaried aspectsaspects inin thethe urbanurban domain.domain. TheThe around the world. Three international 26CEPTCEPT January AcademicAcademic (Saturday) FestivalsFestivals and by incubating new centres. ininin inlocationslocationslocations Ahmedabad, outsideoutsideoutside second India,India,India, fromstudentsstudentsstudents a city getgetget in aaaIndia CEPTth Academic Festivals pedagogypedagogy includedincluded lectures,lectures, exercisesexercises asas winter schools were organized by the 27st January (Sunday) One of the courses, taught by Prof. Purvichancechanceapart totofrom learnlearn Ahmedabad fromfrom thethe andbestbest thepracticespractices third one 1WeekendWeekend February (Friday) to wellwellThe as as immersiveimmersiveevent witnessed fieldfield visits.visits. 96 students thththth aroundaroundfromFaculty athethe city world. world. outsideof Planning ThreeThree India. thisinternationalinternationalTherefore, time in each Sri Lanka, 42626th February JanuaryJanuaryJanuary (Saturday)(Saturday)(Monday)(Saturday) andandand graduatingBhatt and from Ar. LalitFaculty Bharti, of focussedPlanning on thththth winterwinter Chinaschoolsschools and werewere Spain organizedorganized byby thethe 2727 JanuaryJanuaryJanuary (Sunday)(Sunday)(Sunday) OneOneproposing ofof thethe courses,courses, urban taughttaught design byby Prof.Prof. policies PurviPurvi winterforstudent schools displayed were a organizedpanel of 21by buildings, the Editorial Team specialising in Environment, Housing,Faculty Faculty ofof PlanningPlanning thisthis timetime inin SriSri Lanka,Lanka, BhattBhattpublic andand spaces Ar.Ar. LalitLalit in Bharti,Bharti,the mixed-use focussedfocussed ononbelt Faculty ofthree of from Planning each this type, time through in Sri Lanka, isometric Editorial Team Infrastructure, Land Use and Transport.China Chinaillustrations. andandFocused SpainSpain Theon learningintent of fromthis exhibition transformative Aditi Editorial EditorialEditorialEditorial Rai Team TeamTeamTeam proposingproposingEmeritusAuroville. Professor, urbanurbanThree designdesign coursesDr.Meera policiespolicies analysed Mehta forfor was cities Aditi Rai was urbanexchange projects of ideas, across within various and outside cities in Sri Anupama V.S. publicpublicinvitedwith spacesspacesreference as the in inchief thetheto guesttheirmixed-usemixed-use whowater felicitatedbeltbelt resources. ofof Focused Focused onon learninglearning fromfrom transformativetransformative Anupama V.S. Auroville.Auroville. ThreeThree coursescourses analysedanalysed citiescities the Lanka,studio, the focusing course titledon theProject methods Case Studies ArnavAditiAditi RaiRaiPrakash theThe distinguished first, under studentsthe guidance and awardedof Dr urbanMona urban projectsprojects acrossacross variousvarious citiescities inin SriSri AnupamaAnupama V.S.V.S. withwith referencereference toto theirtheir waterwater resources.resources. of graphical– Resettlement representation Housing, of Waterfrontsvarious & ForumArnav ShahPrakash degreesKhakhar to andthe Msrest. RutoolJuzer KheraluwalaSharma, Lanka,was Lanka, the the course course titled titled Project Project Case Case Studies Studies ArnavArnav PrakashPrakash TheThe first,first, underunder thethe guidanceguidance ofof DrDr MonaMona buildingHeritage types. Conservation, The exhibition Sri was Lanka visited gave the KellyForum Shah Shah fromaimed Masters at analysing of Urban the & Regional issues faced Planning by – –the ResettlementbyResettlement Dr. Bimal Patel Housing,Housing, and various WaterfrontsWaterfronts other faculty&& ForumForum ShahShah KhakharKhakhar andand MsMs RutoolRutool Sharma,Sharma, waswas HeritageHeritagestudents Conservation,Conservation, an opportunity SriSri LankaLanka gavegave to thetheinteract with MukulKelly ShahKogje receivednatural waterthe most systems distinguished of Ahmedabad student and members, who gave their valuable inputs KellyKelly ShahShah aimedaimed atat analysinganalysing thethe issuesissues facedfaced byby thethe studentsstudentseminent anan opportunityopportunity project totoproponents interactinteract withwith and learn PrabhanjanMukul Kogje Prabhu awardBangalore; from histhe batch second along
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