Séminaire de philosophie et mathématiques GIUSEPPE LONGO Some Aspects of Impredicativity Séminaire de Philosophie et Mathématiques, 1993, fascicule 2 « Les irrationalités de la logique », , p. 10-28 <http://www.numdam.org/item?id=SPHM_1993___2_A2_0> © École normale supérieure – IREM Paris Nord – École centrale des arts et manufactures, 1993, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la série « Séminaire de philosophie et mathématiques » implique l’accord avec les conditions générales d’utilisation (http://www.numdam.org/conditions). Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques http://www.numdam.org/ SOME ASPECTS OF IMPREDICATIVITY Notes on Weyl's Philosophy of Mathematics and on todays Type Theory Parti (*) Giuseppe Longo "The problems of mathematics are not isolated problems in a vacuum; there pulses in them the life of ideas which realize themselves in concreto through out human endeavors in our historical existence, but forming an indissoluble whole transcend any particular science" Hermann Weyl, 1944. 1. Logic in Mathematics and in Computer Science 1.1 Why Weyl's philosophy of Mathematics? 2. Objectivity and independence of formalism 3. Predicative and non-predicative definitions 3.1 More circularities 4 The rock and the sand 4.1 Impredicative Type Theory and its semantics 5* Symbolic constructions and the reasonableness of history (*) First part of a lecture delivered at the Logic Colloquium 87, European Meeting of the ASL, and written while teaching in the Computer Science Dept. of Carnegie Mellon University, during the academic year 1987/88. The generous hospitality and the exceptional facilities of C.M.U. were of a major help for this work. 10 1. Logic in Mathematics and in Computer Science. There is a distinction which we feel a need to stress when talking (or writing) for an audience of Mathematicians working in Logic. It concerns the different perspectives in which Logic is viewed in Computer Science and in Mathematics. In the aims of the founders and in most of the current research areas of Logic within Mathematics, Mathematical Logic was and is meant to provide a "foundation" and a "justification" for all or parts of mathematics as an established discipline. Since Frege and, even more, since Hilbert, Proof Theory has tried to base mathematical reasoning on clear grounds, Model Theory displayed the ambiguities of denotation and meaning and the two disciplines together enriched our understanding of mathematics as well as justified many of its constructions. Sometimes (not often though) results of independent mathematical interest have been obtained, as in the application of Model Theory to Algebra; moreover, some areas, such as Model Theory and Recursion Theory, have become independent branches of mathematics whose growth goes beyond their original foundational perspective. However, these have never been the main aims of Logic in Mathematics. The actual scientific relevance of Logic, as a mathematical discipline, has been its success in founding deductive reasoning, in understanding, say, the fewest rational tools required to obtain results in a specific area, in clarifying notions such as consistency, categoricity or relative conservativity for mathematical theories. This is not so in Computer Science, where Mathematical Logic is mostly used as a tool, not as a foundation. Or, at most, it has had a mixed role: foundational and "practical". Let us try to explain this. There is no doubt that some existing aspects of Computer Science have been set on clearer grounds by approaches indebted to Logic. The paradigmatic example is the birth of denotational semantics of programming languages. The Scott-Strachey approach has first of all given a foundation to programming constructs already in use at the time. However, the subsequent success of the topic, broadly construed, is mostly due to use that computer scientists have made of the denotational approach in the design new languages and software. There are plenty of examples - - from Edinburgh ML to work in compiler design to the current research in polymorphism in functional languages. Various forms of modularity, for example, are nowadays suggested by work in Type Theories and their mathematical meaning. In these cases, results in Logic, in particular in lambda-calculus and its semantics, were not used as a foundation, in the usual sense of Logic, but as guidelines for new ideas and applications. The same happened with Logic Programming, where rather old results in Logic (Herbrand's theorem essentially) were brought to the limelight as core programming styles. Thus Mathematical Logic in Computer Science is mostly viewed as one of the possible mathematical tools, perhaps the main one, for applied work. Its foundational role, which also must be considered, is restricted to conceptual clarification or "local foundation", in the sense suggested by Feferman for some aspects of Logic in Mathematics, instead of the global 11 foundation pursued by the founding fathers of Logic. Of course, the two aspects, "tool" and "local foundation", can't always be distinguished, as a relevant use of a logical framework often provides some sort of foundation for the intended application. It is clear that this difference in perspective deeply affects the philosophical attitude of researchers in Logic according to whether they consider themselves as pure mathematicians, possibly working at foundational problems, or applied mathematicians interested in Computer Science. The later perspective is ours. In the sequel we will be discussing "explanations" of certain impredicative theories, while we will not try to "justify" them. This is in accordance with the attitude just mentioned. By explanation we essentially mean "explanation by translation", in the sense that new or obscure mathematical constructions are better understood as they are translated into structures which are "already known" or are defined by essentially different techniques. This will not lay foundations for nor justify those constructs, where by justification we mean the reduction to "safer" grounds or an ultimate foundation based on "unshakable certainties", in Brouwer's words [1923,p.492]. The same aim as Brouwer's was shared by the founders of proof theory. However, we believe that there is no sharp boundary between explanation and foundation, in a modern sense. The coherence among different explanations, say, or the texture of relations among different insights and intuitions does provide a possible, but never ultimate, foundation. 1.1 Why Weyl's philosophy of Mathematics? As applied mathematicians, we could avoid the issue of foundations and just discuss, as we claimed, explanations which provide understanding of specific problems or suggest tools for specific answers to questions raised by the practice of computing. However, in this context, we would like to justify not the mathematics we will be dealing with, as, we believe, there is no ultimate justification, but the methodological attitude which is leading our work. Our attempt will be developped in this part of the paper, mostly following Hermann Weyl's philosophical perspective in Mathematics. At the same time, with reference to the aim of this talk, we will review Poincar6's and Weyl's understanding to the informal notion of "impredicative definition". The technical part, Part II, is indeed dedicated to the semantics of impredicative Type Theory and may be read independently of Part I (the reader should go to Longo[89] or Asperti&Longo[91] for part II or its recent developments). The reader may wonder why we should refer to Weyl in the philosophical part of a lecture on impredicative systems, since Weyl's main technical contribution to Logic is the proposal for a predicative foundation of Analysis (see §.4). The point is that, following Poincare1, Weyl gave a precise notion of predicative (and thus impredicative) definition, see §.4. 12 Moreover, and this is more relevant here, his proposal, as we will argue, is just one aspect of Weyl's foundational perspective. His very broad scientific experience led him to explore and appreciate, over the years, several approaches to the foundation of Mathematics, sometimes borrowing ideas from different viewpoints. The actual unity of Weyl's thought may be found in his overall philosophy of mathematics and of scientific knowledge, a matter he treated in several writings from 1910 to 1952, the time of his retirement from the Institute for Advanced Studies, in Princeton. In our view, Weyl's perspective, by embedding mathematics into the real world of Physics and into the "human endeavors of our historical existence", suggests, among other things, the open minded attitude and the attention to applications, which are so relevant in an applied discipline such as Logic in Computer Science. 2. Objectivity and independence of formalism The idea of an "ultimate foundation" is, of course, a key aspect of Mathematical Logic since its early days. For Frege or, even more, Hilbert this meant the description of techniques of thinking as a safe calculus of signs, with no semantic ambiguities. With reference to Geometry, the paradigm of axiomatizable mathematics for centuries, "it must be possible to replace in all geometric statements the words point, line, plane by table, chair, mug", in Hilbert's words,
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