PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. MAINE. MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 6, 1899. THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 18B2-VOL. 37._PORTLAND, HBIWSA’JfiMI_PRICE SPECIAL lOTICKH. ■ PE4IAL jrOTICE*. •PKriAL. NOTH'K*. NOTICE. C notice. LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. LECaiNUTh LEOINL.ATIVE The Committee on khore Fisheries will give a. Thf on will give a pub * Committee Judiciary In Its room »t the Htate lieuse Tlie XommlUe. on Lo*»l lie In Its room al thi Slate House li public hearing AJ*lr*»Uie *‘il Mousef,1” hearing 10. 1898. at 2 *»• m. on noiuiUK m Its room at the in Augusta, February public Augusta. Hetnoneirance of Alvah Jackson and 3D au Augusts, Tuesday. February 21. 1839. at 2 30 o'clock p of he law* <n m- o r oilier* agal* st the amendment M*rel 2. !•», At ** ®'oIock P* m No. 14'J. on an act to ibe control J Thursday. relating leer a* for George 1* Skoine'd of Over- petitioned by ! Foard Infectious disease*. No. «6 (iiu. act to crest* a and also reroouxtrances of Joshua Itob- AGAIN other*: WAR Workhouse of Uie tMTt of «h» Poor to the ln*<>u and 2a others regarding the ssine. c of PsrUaod. UHlMITIVi: NOTICE. Petition of Wallace Shaw and v:\ other* re- ity ___________ J, to smcf!* hi tiasoo also en The Committee on Legal Affairs will give > latlng taking Bay; NOTICE. oJ J. H. Herce and 3ft other*, of Port- LEGISLATIVE hearing In Us room at tbe State Hmiii ind, to the same. Affairs will give a Augusta, Thursday. Feb. 9, 1990. at £ctmoarelating The Commit*# on Legal Eublle On an aot to amend section 28 and 35, Chap. at the state House o'clock m. homing in Its room p. no law* of 1*87. to the taking of *al- public Ne. 2A.—On an act amendatory to Chapter 288, relating in Augusta, to tin moa. shad aud other fish. at act “An act regulate migratory _ at 2 30o’olook m. 1896. entitled, Tuesday. Feb. 2*. 13W. p. ami surgery. practice of medicine LEOIhLATlVB KOI ICE No 6e tiu an act amend section 17 of Statutes relative to 18 of lb# Revised LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. The a stapler In committee on Agriculture will give snow from the sidewalks cities.| , BUbH. deurlQg Tim Con.nu.tw on Library wHI »lv« public bearing Attack at 2 30 o'clock m. Ameri- I. ihw. Wednesday. March p In Senate Chamber. Keb. at ? o'clock m. bearing Tbureda»jf«ib.»the estsb 16. p. of P. H. Ulllen snd 30 ou au act to provide for No 64 On a petition at 7.30 p. in., an 834 Filipinos fr** On act to amend bap ter of the I'uolio to seotlon 80 of ltahnia.it and malnteuauee •« othors for amendment chapter and for thePtjWj1 Law* of 1X8.*. the tale and Statutes lu relation to the llbrarlee in cltl-s and towns pur regulating analysis 79 of the He vised of the ot concentrated commerCUfl staffs. chase of t>oolc« out monel feeding practice of law. by plantations of J. raised and collected from the licensing dogs JuFUliltOlt, MJ. legislative notice. ror orn,’r romm“t**C. W. TKKL, Bec-y. UOttLATITI NOTICE. cans Near Manila. c will 31. The uniberlaud County Helegstiou five Augusla, Jan. The committee on Logal Affair* will a the of the 1399._ give a public hearing In (torn Committee public tearing In Its room si the State House in at the State House In notice. oo Legal AffMrs Augusta legislative Augusta. on Tha Committee on legal Attain.will give 1 ue*day. February 24, 1889. at 2.80 o'clock u Thursday, Fsb. 9. 1899, at 10 o'clock p. m. hearing In lw room at tha Burn ra No. r on an actio proven! certain triads of public Feb. 14. 19*9. atHon»; J.V i.utsancee. On an sot to fit the <*oropensaUon of the In Align,la, 1 ue«daj, Register of Probate for said countv. ° jl?»-nii an act to amend the charter o LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. tli, rorliauil Marluc Socteiy._ Tomorrow, The Committee on Agrlou ture w ill give a legislative notice. bearing at tlie rooms of the Board of Agricul is tin Last ou .ludlclarv will give Day. ture.oo Tli, Committee A Fierce Battle in Himsi W^?ch room at Hie Stale Wednesday, February 8th. public hearlug In It* Mir AoMMtmnte.l Many On a of W. B. and other dlrec petition Tobey TlmroUy Vebrnarv 9.1999. at 3 JO o'clock p. in Still ttw P ojle Com! tors of th# North Berwick Asso- Agricultural No 49. On an act In relation to the adinla ciation for an in aid of Mori Thli Wait Thu lit!! asking appropriation ■ton of womeo to the practice ot law the same. If were not satisfied Wednesday, Feb. 13th. Urey Americans Were Wounded. NOTICE. would uot bring their of LEGISLATIVE they On an act to regulate the sale and analysis friend*. His are The Committee on .tudlatary will give a pub. patrous food. best advertisements. The crowds to lie hearing la It* rooms at the state House It Uis going Wednesday, Feb. iMh.gf see him U good evidence of bis wonderful sue of the to the of Ills Ou an act additional to chapter so lfl. 1899, at 3.30 o'clock p.ra roe*. Thousands testify accuracy on lieu Thursday. February Revised Statutes establishing a bounty No. m. On an act to regulate the appoint predictions. hawks. of Prof. Delano calls full name, advises In _ □lent and powers of Kecelveri Corporation, your HI N TON Sec y. axelsts In all difficulties, removes aX A. PUR No 94 On an act relating to returns by For bu*lnesn. __J. from and telle yon every- sign and Home,tic Corporation.!. obstacles your patb. E, with io know; unite* the separated, LEGISLATIVE NOTIC Vi. 93. On au>ct relating to. Mortgages bj thing you aud about marriage with the one a brlugs speedy The Committee on Judiciary wilt give public Corporations. A short time only. #i, No 03. On an act lo further regulate th< of your choice. Sittings. Natives Were Driven Back and Their Posi- lu Its room at the State House in Parlors at hearing and control of liuslness Corpora 10 to 8.80 dally. Sunday. 2 to 0. Augusts, organiiailoii 81 Park Ht. Madame Delano in 1899 at 2.30 o clock 1 M. Hons. atundanpe. Tuesday. Keby, 14, si. 1899. a: S.30 o'olock p. m febe No. 1*6. On an-order directing the Judiciary Tuesday. February On an act to that no aetlor Committee to into the expediency of so No li-. provide ’nqulre maintained a* to con- shall be against transportation tions Our amending the puolle statutes require of life oi to iudem- for negligence causing less Captured by works companies Troops. tractors or private upon public or Inlury to the tame, unless wrtitei for expense** necessarily property, nlfy municipalities of the loss, claim, etc shall lie glvet Incurred on account of pauperism of their un- bailee wlthm si\iy days ol the occurrence. CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK American Forces In Philippines. paid workmen. __ Oen. OtU, Commanding Wednesday. Feby. 22. 1899 at 2.30 o'clock P. M. Maine. six. of Portlaud, when No. 136. On an act to amend paragraph LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. (Down from pbetnffrapk Ultra at Uonolnln of section 66 of 81 of the revised chapter was <n bli to etntntoi rnlutlniv tii processes. The Committee on Military Affairs will gW« den. Otis »tf Manila.) a public hearing In Its room at the Stale llous< LEGISLATIVE NOVICE. id Augusta, .. Feb. 21. 1899. at 2.30 o'clock P. M. CAPITAL, $100,000.00 Tuesday. Manila, February 5., 816 p. n»-— The I Firing slackened at noon (Sunday) the Tbe Committee on Railroads Telegraph and No. IT. On an act to establish a Naval lteservt MOST ih o the Amerl- SATISFACTORY. Expresses will give a nubile hearing as a part o! the National Guard of the State long expected rupture between demoralized. The FROfl WASHKGM on and Undivided $25,000.00 enemy being apparently room at the State House In Augusta Maine. Surplus Profits, at last. rane and the Filipinos hoe coni Wednesday. Feb. 8,1899. at 2 o’clock p. m. A SLAUGHTER. American troops, however, are fully 6o!lciU the account* of Bank*,YlM- The former are now engaged In wiring to rh* Har- LEGISLATIVE NOTICE. Washington, February •*. —The follow On au act Incorporate Houthbay and to meet a possible attack to- bor and Newcastle Railroad t onipany. canttle Firm*. Corporations the with the utmoet equipped _ a Philippine problem was received a* a. in.: The.Cominittee'on Judiciary will give public to fur- despatch 1.l.> Individuals, and it prepared The dash oauie at I IV E NOT 1 ( E. In its room at the State House In Au expedition possible. night. LEG SLAT hearing ita the beat facilities Manila, 5. gusta, Tuesday. Feb. 7, 18W. at 2.30 o’clock p nish patron* when three daring February What at About a 20! S.-45 yesterday craning, Agwlnuldo’s private secretary has been They Say Capital The Committee on Judiciary will give pub- m on an act to amend section 1 of Chapter and liberal accommodations. (Tenoral, \V in Nebraska Were Adjutant tshington. lic hearing in Its room at the Slate House of tlie and sprdal laws of 1854 TtlsUaj darted past the regi- Thousands of private Filipino* Filipinos arrested as a spy In Manila.
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