Published for friends & supporters of the Libertarian Party Libertarian National Committee, Inc. + 2600 Virginia Ave, NW, Suite 200 September 2007 Washington, DC 20037 4. Phone: (202) 333-0008 ♦ Fax: (202) 333-0072 The Rejuvenation of the Libertarian Party of West Virginia Active state and county affiliates of the Liber- the Acting Chair of the LPWV. The group made a tarian Party are essential for our success. Libertar- public call for LP members in the state to attend, ian Party affiliates engage voters in outreach, in- and held a meeting with 21 people where they be- spire activists, and strengthen the Libertarian com- gan amending the bylaws proposal Kirsten had munity, essentially fueling the Libertarian grass- created. Shortly afterward, with the help of Dr. Jim roots movement. The success of a Libertarian Lark, the bylaws were adopted, and the group Party affiliate is dependent upon the generous ef- moved on to member enrollment, the election of forts of volunteers. However, volunteers often get officers and the question of ballot access. discouraged due to the daunting tasks they face, Gubernatorial ballot access in West Virginia leading affiliates to become dormant. This is what requires 2 percent of the votes cast for governor in happened to the Libertarian Party of West Virginia. the previous election (14,889 valid signatures are But thanks to the efforts of a few dedicated Liber- needed for 2007). Unfortunately, West Virginia is a tarians, especially Kirsten Milligan, the Libertarian difficult state in which to petition, as it is very rural Party of West Virginia (LPWV) is coming back to and has heavy snow and rain during the winter life! and spring. Thus the LPWV has decided to post- The LPWV was created in 1994 and miracu- pone gubernatorial ballot access efforts until the lously attained ballot access in 1996. Unfortu- 2012 election. This is wise, because as Kirsten nately, the LPWV was unable to gain party ballot says, "it is not reasonable to expect success in access in 2000 or 2004, greatly discouraging its such a short time, and if we tried for it and failed, I members who had petitioned so hard. This sense and others would likely pay for it with our motiva- of despair resulted in LPWV being inactive for tion." The LPWV is still open to attempting 2008 over three years. Then Greg Henshall called a Presidential ballot access and has many other meeting to discuss the possibility of reactivating goals. The LPWV wants a representative for each the LPWV. Kirsten Milligan attended this meeting county to enable local action. Kirsten plans to with an invitation from a friend, and in the absence travel around the state to encourage this. Other of any other leadership, agreed to head the move- goals include revamping their Web site ment to reactivate the LPWV. Everyone was sur- (www.lpwv.org), creating outreach literature that prised by the strength of her conviction. addresses local issues, engaging in online social Kirsten decided now was the time to contribute networking, creating a logo, finding qualified can- to the Libertarian Party. As she said: "The shock didates and increasing membership and appear- of the juvenile and irresponsible reactions of Con- ances at events. gress and the Bush administration to 9-11 had fi- We are very proud of Kirsten Milligan and all nally condensed into a grim acceptance of what I who are involved in the reactivation of the LPWV. really was seeing. That acceptance was one with We suggest checking out their Web site, which the resolve to abandon the so-called comfort of offers a venue to share ideas and words of en- hiding from the horror...I wanted to help in the fight couragement. The Libertarian Party appreciates against apathy, ignorance, disempowerment, dis- the grassroots efforts of our volunteers, as they enfranchisement, and despair." Kirsten became are the local conduit of the Libertarian message. The Life of Freedom Fighter Aaron Russo- Aaron Russo: entrepreneur, famed film pro- monologue called "Aaron Russo's Mad as Hell," in ducer, political candidate and long time activist, which he passionately ranted in favor of libertarian died Aug. 24th at age 64, after a six year battle positions. In 2006, Aaron created and starred in with bladder cancer. Aaron was a phenomenal the interesting documentary: America...From individual who fought authoritarian government Freedom to Fascism. The documentary criticizes with untiring conviction. The Libertarian Party ad- the Federal Reserve, warns of increasing authori- mires Aaron's passion for liberty and dedication to tarianism in America and researches the origin promoting his principles. He is survived by his and legality of the income tax. America...From two children, Sam and Max Russo. Freedom to Fascism is available for free on Aaron Russo was born on Feb. 14, 1943, to a Google video, where it has been viewed by more modest Jewish family in Brooklyn. As a youth, than 2 million people. Aaron exemplifies how indi- Aaron worked in his family's under- vidual Libertarians can use their garment business and promoted specialized skills to promote Liber- rock and roll shows. At only 24 tarianism. years old, Aaron opened a nightclub Aaron first ran for public office in Chicago called the Kinetic Play- in 1998, seeking the Republican ground. In this position, Aaron pro- nomination for Nevada governor. moted many popular bands includ- Aaron won an admirable 25.8 per- ing: Led Zeppelin, the Who, Janis cent of the vote, garnering him Joplin, the Grateful Dead and Jef- second place in a four-way race. In ferson Airplane. Aaron's affinity for 1999 Aaron left the Republican entrepreneurialism was a com- Party, publicly joining the Libertar- mendable and truly American trait, ian Party. Aaron then ran for the which led to his great success. Libertarian presidential nomination By age 30, Aaron was managing in 2004. He won the first two Bette Midler, who became famous rounds of voting, but got second under his management. In 1975 place to Michael Badnarik in the Aaron produced the Tony award- third run-off vote. Aaron said that if winning, "Clams on the Half-Shell elected President, "I will bring our Revue," which was the most suc- troops home from every corner of cessful 10-week Broadway revue the globe. I'll revoke the Patriot ever. Aaron moved on to feature films, producing Act. I'll cut taxes, cut spending. I'll cut the size of The Rose, Trading Places, Teachers, Wise Guys government. I'll stop corporate welfare. I'll engage and more. His films were nominated for six Acad- all nations in trade and commerce. I'll protect our emy Awards and seven Golden Globes, three of air and water, and I'll protect our borders, but which he won. Aaron also produced the Grammy, most importantly, I will protect our Constitution Tony, and Emmy award winning television series, and Bill of Rights." "01' Red Hair is Back." Aaron managed several Aaron Russo dedicated his life to exposing the celebrities in addition to Bette Midler, including flaws of bad government and promoting libertari- David Keith, Frederic Forrest and Susan Saran- anism. He proudly defended his principles and don. was unwavering in his distrust of government. His Aaron utilized the wealth earned from his suc- efforts and contributions to the libertarian move- cess in the entertainment industry and his special ment will not be forgotten. We hope that his leg- film talent to promote his anti-big government be- acy continues to inspire freedom fighters every- liefs. In 1994 Aaron created the stand up comedy where. Barry Goldwater and the Origins of the Libertarian Party Barry Goldwater once said: "I do not undertake John Birch Society and the Liberty Amendment to promote welfare, for I propose to extend free- Committee. This led to the founding of the Liber- dom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal tarian Party. As one of the founders of the Liber- them." tarian Party, David F. Nolan, said "by 1971, many During his lifetime, Barry Goldwater inspired of them [libertarian-Goldwaterites] had reached millions of liberty lovers. His promotion of small the conclusion that the Nixonized Republican government was a breath of fresh air in the 1960s' party offered no real hope for consistent advo- political atmosphere, which was saturated with cates of liberty, and set out to create a new party New Deal politicians and international commu- that would carry the banner of liberty proudly and nism. Goldwater's 1964 presidential campaign as without compromise. That party, of course, is the the Republican candidate motivated libertarians Libertarian Party." who had already seen the light and attracted many The Libertarian National Committee Chairman, more to the cause. Many Goldwater activists then Bill Redpath, will be debating the Republican Na- became involved in the libertarian movement, tional Committee Co-Chair, JoAnn Davidson, at eventually leading to the creation of the Libertarian the October Conservative Leadership Conference Party in 1971. Barry Goldwater's furtherance of in Reno, Nevada on which party better represents libertarian ideas amounts to an invaluable contri- the Goldwater conservative. For more info, visit bution to the Libertarian Party, for which we are www.cic2007.com. very thankful. Many Americans were introduced to libertari- Welcome to the Liberty Pledge Club! anism by great thinkers like Ayn Rand, Robert Angela Autrey Heinlein, Frederic Bastiat, Lysander Spooner, Ga- Carl Buchheister ret Garrett, John T. Flynn, Milton Friedman and Robert Bulechek more. However, in the excessively liberal environ- ment of the late '60s, they lacked a political voice Cyril Crume for their views. Then came the Barry Goldwater Mark Deal revolution! Goldwater published his 1960 book, Fred Fernandes The Conscience of a Conservative, which sold more than 3.5 million copies.
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