The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard FOUNDER OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY C/S SERIES Volume X 1970-1976 _____________________________________________________________________ I will not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way And the wind sighs for songs Across the empty fields of a planet A Galaxy away. You won’t always be here. But before you go, Whisper this to your sons And their sons — “The work was free. Keep it so. “ L. RON HUBBARD L. RON HUBBARD Founder of Dianetics and Scientology EDITORS’ NOTE “A chronological study of materials is necessary for the complete training of a truly top grade expert in these lines. He can see how the subject progressed and so is able to see which are the highest levels of development. Not the least advantage in this is the defining of words and terms for each, when originally used, was defined, in most cases, with considerable exactitude, and one is not left with any misunderstoods.” —L. Ron Hubbard The first eight volumes of the Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology contain, exclusively, issues written by L. Ron Hubbard, thus providing a chronological time track of the development of Dianetics and Scientology. Volume IX, The Auditing Series, and Volume X, The Case Supervisor Series, contain Board Technical Bulletins that are part of the series. They are LRH data even though compiled or written by another. So that the time track of the subject may be studied in its entirety, all HCO Bs have been included, excluding only those upper level materials which will be found on courses to which they apply. If an issue has been revised, replaced, or cancelled, this has been indicated in the upper right-hand corner along with the page number of the issue which should be referred to. The points at which Ron gave tape recorded lectures have been indicated as they occurred. Where they were given as part of an event or course, information is given on that event or course on the page in the chronological volumes which corresponds to the date. The symbol “**” preceding a tape title means that copies are available from both Publications Organizations. A tape preceded by “*” means that it will soon be available. No asterisk (*) means that neither Publications Organization nor Flag has a master copy of that lecture. If you have, or know anyone who has, copies of these tapes, please contact the Flag Audio Chief, P.O. Box 23751, Tampa, Florida, 33623, U.S.A. The number in the tape title is a code for the date; example: 5505C07—55 = year, 1955; 05 = month, May; C = copy; 07 = day, 7th; 7 May 1955. The abbreviation tells what group the tape is a part of. For an explanation of the abbreviations see Volume X, page 539. At the back of this volume is a Subject Index covering only the material in this volume. Use the index to locate the LRH source material in context, don’t just get data from the index. This index has been combined with indexes from other volumes to form the Cumulative Index which is in Volume X, starting on page 287. CASE SUPERVISOR SERIES 1970-1976 CONTENTS 23 Aug. 71 1 Auditor’s Rights 12 June 70 2 Programming of Cases 10 13 June 70 3 Session Priorities—Repair Pgms and Their Priority 16 14 June 70 4 The Return Program 21 15 June 70 5 Repair Example 24 16 June 70 6 What the C/S Is Doing 28 19 June 70 7 C/S Q and A 32 19 June 70 8 Chart of Human Evaluation 35 21 June 70 9 Superficial Actions 37 24 June 70 10 Repairing a Repair 42 25 June 70 11 C/S Series 11 44 25 June 70 12 Glossary of C/S Terms 48 30 June 70R 13R VIII Actions 50 3 July 70 14 C/Sing 2-Way Comm 54 16 Aug. 70 15 Getting the F/N to Examiner (High, Low TAs and Chronic Somatics) 56 21 Aug. 70 16 Session Grading—Well Done, Definition of 59 26 Aug. 70 17 Incomplete Cases 62 11 Sept. 70 18 Chronic Somatic, Dianetic Handling of 64 6 Oct. 70 19 Folder Error Summaries 65 8 Oct. 70 20 Persistent F/N 67 10 Nov. 70 21 C/S Responsibility for Training 69 28 Nov. 70 22 Psychosis 72 17 Dec. 71R 23RA Interiorization Summary 76 28 Feb. 71 24 Metering Reading Items 79 5 Mar. 71 25 The Fantastic New HGC Line 81 6 Mar. 71 26 New Uses for the Green Form 86 6 Mar. 71 27 Long C/Ses 87 7 Mar. 71 RA 28 RA Use of Dianetics 89 7 Mar. 71 28RA-1 Use of Quadruple Dianetics 91 8 Mar. 71 29 Case Actions, Off Line 94 19 Mar. 71 30 C/Sing Auditor-C/Ses 96 31 Mar. 71 31 Programming and Misprogramming 99 4 Apr. 71RA 32RA Use of Dianetics 100 4 Apr. 71-1R 32RA-1R Use of Quad Dianetics 102 5 Apr. 71RA 33RA Triple Reruns 105 i 5 Apr. 71 33RA-1 Triple and Quad Reruns 108 6 Apr. 71 34 Non-F/N Cases 112 16 Dec. 71 RA 35RA Interiorization Errors 115 21 Apr. 71 R 36R Dianetics 118 21 Apr. 71-1R 36RB-1R Quadruple Dianetics—Dangers of 122 3 June 71 37R High and Low TA Breakthrough 127 15 June 71 37R Add. Hi-Lo TA Assessment Rules 131 16 June 71R 37RAdd.2R Low TA Assessing 132 26 June 71 37R Add. 3 C/S Series 37R Addition 3 133 26 May 71 38 TRs Course and Auditing—Mixing Major Actions 136 1 31 May 71R 39R Standard 12 /2 Hour Intensive Programs 139 7 June 71 40 Low TAs 141 9 June 71 41 C/S Tips 142 9 June 71 42 C/S Rules 145 9 June 71 43 C/S Rules 147 10 June 71 44R C/S Rules—Programming From Prepared Lists 149 31 Oct. 71 44R Add. 44R—C/S Rules—The Sequence of Programs (BTB) 151 19 June 71 45 C/S Rules 152 19 June 71 46 Declares 153 20 June 71 47 The Supreme Test of a C/S 154 15 July 71 48R Drug Handling 156 15 July 71 R 49R Assists 159 15 July 71 50 C/S Case Gain 161 17 July 71 51 Out of Valence 162 19 July 71 52 Internes 163 24 Nov. 73RB 53RJ Short Hi-Lo TA Assessment C/S 165 28 July 71 54 Dianetics, Beginning a Pc on 168 8 Aug. 71 55 The Ivory Tower 170 25 Aug. 71 56 How To Get Results in an HGC 172 1 Sept. 71 57 A C/S as a Training Officer—A Program for Flubless Auditing 176 7 Sept. 71 58 Programming Cases Backwards 182 14 Sept. 71 59 Dianetic List Errors 184 15 Sept. 71 60 The Worst Tangle 185 22 Sept. 71 61 The Three Golden Rules of the C/S— Handling Auditors 186 28 Sept. 71 62 Know Before You Go 188 2 Oct. 71 63 C/Sing for New Auditors or Veterans 191 5 Oct. 71 64 F/Ning Auditors 193 6 Oct. 71 R 65R Auditing of Staff & Public (BTB) 194 3 Nov. 71 66 Auditor’s Worksheets 196 30 Nov. 71 R 67 The Code of a C/S (BTB) 197 ii 8 Dec. 71 68 The C/S and Cramming Cycles (BTB) 199 12 Dec. 71R 69R Mandatory C/Sing Checklist (BTB) 200 3 Jan.72 69 Add. C/Sing Checklist 203 12 Dec. 71R 70R How To Write Up a Cramming Order (BTB) 204 19 Dec. 71 71 D of P Operates by OCAs 205 24 Feb. 72 71A Word Clearing OCAs 207 20 Dec. 71 72 Use of Correction Lists 209 23 Dec. 71 73 The No-Interference Area 211 16 Feb. 72 74 Talking the TA Down Modified 213 10 Apr. 72 75 PreOTs Don’t C/S 214 17 Apr. 72 76 C/Sing a PTS Rundown 216 19 Apr. 72 77 “Quickie” Defined 218 20 Apr. 72 78 Product Purpose and Why and WC Error Correction 220 24 Apr. 72 79 PTS Interviews 222 15 June 72 80 “Dog Pcs” 223 16 June 72R 81R Auditor’s Rights Modified 225 28 Dec. 72RA 81-1RA Auditor’s Rights Addition Revised (BTB) 227 10 Aug. 72 82 Dianetic HCO B—Interest 229 11 Aug. 72RA 83RA Correction Lists (BTB) 230 16 Aug. 72 84 Flubless C/Sing 233 16 Aug. 72-1 84-1 Flubless C/Sing in Missions (BTB) 235 13 Sept. 72 85 Catastrophes From and Repair of “No Interest” Items 236 20 Jan. 73R 86RD The Red Tag Line (BTB) 237 15 Oct. 73 87 Nulling and F/Ning Prepared Lists 240 22 Oct. 73R 88R Tech Degrades (BTB) 241 20 Nov. 73 89 F/N What You Ask or Program 243 6 Dec. 73 90 The Primary Failure 244 17 Feb. 74 91 Mutual Out Ruds 246 8 July 74R 92R Word Clearing Errors 247 31 Aug. 74 93 New Grade Chart 248 25 Sept. 74 94 Reduction of Refunds—C/Ses and Overload 252 26 Oct. 75 95 “Failed” Cases 254 24 Oct. 76 96 Delivery Repair Lists 256 26 Oct. 76 97 Auditing Reports, Falsifying of 261 28 Oct. 76 98 Auditing Folders, Omissions in Completeness 262 25 Apr. 71R The Dianetic Case Supervisor’s Index (BTB) 265 Subject Index 277 Alphabetical List of Titles 292 iii LONG CONTENTS C/S Series 1 HCO B 23 Aug 1971 AUDITOR’S RIGHTS, 1 Auditor responsibility for C/Ses, Accepting the Pc (rights of refusal), Accepting a C/S, 2 C/Sing in the chair, 2 Stale-dated C/S, 2 Ending the session—unworkable C/S, 2 Auditing over out ruds, 2 Inability to fly ruds, 3 Sessions far apart—out ruds, 3 Unreading items—checking for reads, 3 List trouble—L4, 3 High TA at session start, 4 Hopeful C/Sing and auditing, 4 Things done twice, 5 Copying lists or worksheets, 5 Ruds going out—why and what to do, 5 Case not handled, 6 Set up for major actions (defines Repair, Rudiments, Set Up, Major Action, Grade, Program), 6 Program and Grade violations, 7 Ability attained—completion of action, 7 Unnecessary repair when Pc is running well, 8 False reports, 8 Auditor overts on Pcs, 8 Auditors don’t have cases, 8 What the Auditor did wrong, 9 C/S Series 2 HCO B 12 June 1970 PROGRAMMING OF CASES, 10 Program definition, 10 The master program, 10 Facts one has to accept to case supervise, 10 Three types of programs, 11 Basic Program, 11 Repair Program—Set-up Program, 11 Return Program, 11 Correct way to program, 12 Dispersal of actions, 12 Program necessity, 13 Steady on—the C/S holds a steady course, 14 C/S Series 3 HCO B 13 June 1970 SESSION PRIORITIES— REPAIR PGMS AND THEIR PRIORITY, 16 Program errors, 16 Self-auditing, 16 EP of repair, 17 Consistent complaint, 17 Effect Scale, 18 BPC, 18 Overwhelm, 18 Auditor fault, 18 Pc in an overwhelm, 18 Ingenuity of a C/S, 19 iv C/S Series 4 HCO B 14 June 1970 THE RETURN PROGRAM, 21 When a Repair Pgm is changed into a Return Pgm, 21 Content of a Return Pgm, 22 Example of a Return Pgm, 22 C/S Series 5 HCO B 15 June 1970 REPAIR EXAMPLE, 24 Repair Program example, 24 Possible faults of a repair, 25 Note on VIII auditing, 25 Repair is a Tech Div action, 26 Repair of a Dianetic Pc, 26 C/S Q and A, 27 C/S Series 6 HCO B 16 June 1970 WHAT THE C/S IS DOING, 28 Force and words, 28 Low TAs, 28 High TA, 28 Mental masses, forces, etc.
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