LocaL cLassifieds inside Mar. 17, 2013 Your Neighborhood — Your News® Queens hails Ed panel axes two high schools ruling to halt soda size ban Cambria Hts. to lose institutions as Flushing, Newtown HS face phase-out By RicH BockMann school auditorium that seemed most presumed had been decided only a handful of people left to By kaRen FRantz all the more cavernous due to its months ago. witness, the city Panel for Educa- It was just after 1 a.m. Tues- mostly empty seats — that a city After seven hours of com- tional Policy voted for nearly 60 Soon after a judge struck day — inside a Brooklyn high education panel approved what ments and discussions, and with school closures and co-locations, down the so-called soda ban Mon- including four in Queens. day — just a day before the new The panel, composed of eight rule was expected to go into effect voting members appointed by the — some in Queens’s restaurant Ki c K f l i p Sc i e n c e mayor and five by each borough community said they supported president, was created when May- the court’s decision and railed or Michael Bloomberg assumed against the ban. control of the city’s schools in “It’s a victory for no govern- 2002. In 11 years it has never ment intervention,” said Jerry voted against a city Department Ambrose, who has been a bar- of Education proposal, a fact that tender at Union Jack, at 39-40 Bell infuriates many who believe end- Blvd., for more than 10 years. ing up on a PEP agenda is a death He said the restaurant would sentence. not be affected by the rule because “You’re just here to make it it does not sell sugary drinks in happen — not to deliberate, not bottles or cans and it does not to opine. Just to do what you’re have glasses that serve amounts told to do, which is raise your larger than 16 ounces. But he hand when you’re told to raise spoke out against what he called your hand,” said Manhattan rep- government intrusion, from the resentative Patrick Sullivan, who thwarted soda rule to a city ban accused the mayor’s appointees of against smoking in public, say- acting as a rubber stamp. ing it has gotten out of hand and Indeed, that is what ended that people should be free to make up happening. The mayoral mem- their own decisions. bers voted to approve every item “They’re beating us up. We on the agenda and, for the most should all rebel,” he said. part, the borough presidents’ ap- Mayor Michael Bloomberg Leo Heinert soars above the crowd during a demonstration by Torro! Skateboards NYC at the New York Hall pointees opposed them. quickly appealed the ruling by of Science in Corona. Heinert, along with several other skateboarders, performed tricks as the science be- At the end of the night, the ax State Supreme Court Justice Mil- hind their movements was explained to audience members. Photo by Christina Santucci had fallen on two schools at the Continued on Page 12 Continued on Page 13 Doctors raise storm relief funds Parks to add 81 patrol officers for Rockaways with new T-shirts By ReBecca Henely “These officers are a the parks. The budget also By Steve MoSco necessity,” Vallone said. allows for an increase in A firm advocate of “This is welcome news.” additional parks staff, in- The humanitarian effort following Hurri- increased policing, City The Parks Department cluding 207 city park work- cane Sandy brought volunteers to the Rockaways Councilman Peter Vallone said in an e-mail that May- ers, 30 tree climbers and to help in the immediate aftermath of the storm. Jr. (D-Astoria) applauded or Michael Bloomberg’s fis- pruners, and 96 mainte- Now close to five months after the super- the city Parks Depart- cal year 2014 budget would nance and trades workers, storm surged ashore, the long-term health of the City Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. (r.) ment’s hiring of more parks account for 81 additional technicians and analysts to most drastically affected communities is getting speaks with Joe Puelo of DC 37 Local 983 enforcement patrol officers PEP officers who would en- maintain various park and Continued on Page 12 in Astoria Park. Photo courtesy Vallone come the 2014 fiscal year. force park rules and protect Continued on Page 13 a CNG Publication • vol. 2, no. 11 Updated every day at timesledger.com 2 WWW.CTKNY.ORG Summer Fun at ChristChrist thethe King . 17, 2013 . 17, AR , M EEKLY Royal’ss W UEENS Soccerr Q Camp Boys & Girls Ages 7-166 July 8th - July 12th2th Michael Meyer, president of TDC Development, discusses the Flushing Commons project in 2010. 718.366.7454 [email protected] Huge Flushing project to break ground in fall BY JOE ANUTA foot YMCA. It will also fea- to express his opposition ture most of the total pro- to the project, which TDC Civic leaders reacted posed commercial space, had been hoping to begin Royal’s with skepticism after the about 350,000 square feet, several times since its 2010 city announced Tuesday and about one-third of the approval. Basketball that Flushing Commons total housing, or 160 units. The idea of phasing is will be built in two phases Michael Meyer, presi- not new. Camp beginning this fall. dent of TDC, said there is Meyer had told Developers of the long- no projected date to begin TimesLedger Newspapers Boys & Girls Ages 7-16 stalled, mixed-use develop- Phase 2, but it will include in 2011 that TDC was con- Boys Week #1 ment are expected to break 450 residential units and templating splitting the July 29th - Aug. 2nd ground on the project in 150,000 square feet of com- project, but had not figured Girls Week November, according to mercial space. out the logistics of how to the city Economic Develop- An underground park- do so. Dividing the develop- Aug. 5th - Aug. 9th ment Corp. ing garage will be built ment would allow TDC to Boys Week #2 A special permit for first. During its construc- break ground without all Aug. 12th - Aug.16th the $850 million project tion, the developers will op- of the financing in place, set for Municipal Lot 1 was erate the parking lot with a he said. And that financing Boys Week #3 approved in 2010. But the valet in order to keep the to- was not easy to come by. Aug. 19th - Aug. 23rd major players — EDC, TDC tal spaces hovering around A global financial Development and Construc- 1,100, according to Meyer. meltdown and a dismal 718.366.7454 tion Corp. and Rockefeller As soon as the 1,000 capac- housing market sent Meyer [email protected] Development Group — left ity garage is complete and around the world to look the parking lot untouched the buildings above it are for money, according to e- for several years with vir- built up enough to safely mails obtained through a tually no explanation until allow cars to park, which Freedom of Information American this week. may take about two years, Law last year. “Today’s announce- the developers will begin Pinsky touted years Dance & ment that construction on the rest of the first phase. spent trying to find a solu- this transformative project EDC hoped that this tion to please the commu- is expected to begin this would assuage fears that nity. Drama Camp year is fantastic news for the lack of a parking lot “The new plan, which Boys & Girls Ages 2.5-15 Flushing, Queens and the would disrupt downtown will maintain all exist- July 1st - Aug. 16th City,” said Seth Pinsky, businesses. ing parking spaces during President of EDC. But Ikhwan Rim, pres- construction, is the culmi- 917.602.6271 The first phase of the ident of the Union Street nation of years of work to [email protected] project will include the two Merchants Association, address community con- community benefits out- said he was still concerned cerns,” he said, although lined in the original pro- that construction would EDC acknowledged that, as posal: a 1.5-acre public open hurt the entrepreneurs with every project, money 68-02 Metropolitan Ave., Middle Village NY 11379 space and a 62,000-square- on his street and planned was a factor as well. USTA plan gets off to a shaky start at CBs 3 Flushing Meadows Corona Park expansion will ultimately be left up to city and state lawmakers Q UEENS BY JOE ANUTA proposal on several condi- lease. Then the state Leg- age of suggestions, but the W EEKLY tions, which included a re- islature must pass its own USTA is not considering Community boards quirement the USTA set up bill, according to state law. replacing parkland. , M voted this week on the Unit- a $15 million capital fund The National Park Service In New York state it is AR . 17, 2013 . 17, ed States Tennis Center’s and contribute $300,000 has oversight of the park unprecedented to take away proposal to expand its foot- annually to a maintenance due to a decades-old federal parkland, called alienation, print in Flushing Meadows fund. investment. and not receive acreage in Corona Park and attempted CB 4 in Corona voted The Park Service told return, groups opposed to to put their mark on the to disapprove the applica- TimesLedger that its nor- the USTA expansion say. possible end result, while a tion unless similar condi- mally strict requirements State Assemblyman lawmaker with legislative tions were made, while CB for parkland replacement Jeffrion Aubry (D-Corona) power has demanded the 9 in Kew Gardens simply do not apply to the USTA has demanded it.
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