THE BELFAST GAZETTE, DECEMBER 13, 1940. 389 for the Executors, on or before the 31st day of 7. To Dr. JBarnardo's Homes, the sum of £250. December next, after which date the estate will 8. To The Save the Children Fund, of 4 Gordon be distributed amongst the persons entitled thereto, Square, London, the sum of £250. having regard only to the debts, claims and demands Testatrix then bequeathed the .ultimate residue of which due notice as aforesaid shall have been of her estate to the Thompson Memorial Hbmc given. for Incurables, Lisburn. Dated this 10th December, 1940. And testatrix died on the 15th day of May, 1940, and Probate of her said Will was, on the J. W. PJNKERTON & SON, Solicitors for 6th day of November, 1940, granted forth of the Executor, 7 Donegal! Sq. West, Belfast; Principal Registry, King's Bench Division and Ballymoney. (Probate), of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland to William Fulton, of 62 Well- ington Place, Solicitor, and William Henry Smyth, of Ocean Buildings, Chartered Accountant, both in THE NEWRY MINERAL WATER COMPANY Belfast—the Executors and Trustees named in the LIMITED. said Will. (In Liquidation). Dated this llth .day of December, 1940. FINAL MEETING. CLEAVER & FULTON, Solicitors, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 208 62 Wellington Plane, Belfast. of the Companies Act (Northern Ireland), 1932, To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, that a General Meeting of the members of the and all others whom it mav concern. above named Company will be held at the offices of Messrs Atkinson & Boyd, Hill Street, Newry, r-n Satmday, the 18th day of January, 1941, at 12 o'clock noon, tc receive the Liquidator's Account of the winding up and his report thereon, and to NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. pass an Extraordinary Resolution .disposing of the In the Goods of THOMAS BRAND, late of 14 Adelaide books, accounts and documents of the Company Park, Belfast, Merchant, deceased. and the Liquidator. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute Dated llth day of December. 1940. .30 and 31 Victoria Chapter 54, that the above- JOHN THOMPSON, named Thomas Brand, deceased, by his Will, dated Liquidator. 23rd November, 1938, gave to the Treasurer for WRAY & TELFORD, Solicitors, Newry. •the time being of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast (whose receipt should be a sufficient dis- charge for the same), the sum of one thousand pounds, to be applied for the purposes of that hospital, and to be paid out of such part of his NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. estate as could be legally applied for charitable In the Estate of ANN JANE THOMPSON, late of purposes, to name in perpetuity two beds in the " Parkmount," Lisburn, in the County of same hospital to be known as " The Brand Beds." Antrim, Widow, deceased. The said testator died on 16th d:-iy of August, 1940, and Probate of his said Will was, on 14th NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statutes day of November, 1940, granted at Belfast to 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, Section 19, that the above Margaret Brand, of 14 Adelaide Park, Belfast, named Ann Jane Thompson, late of " Parkmount," Widow of testator, and James Oswald Wilson, of Lisburn, aforesaid, Widow, deceased, by her Will, 1 and 3 Donegall Square South, Belfast, Chartered dated the 7th day of June 1938, gave and Accountant, the Executors therein named. bequeathed, amongst other charitable legacies, specific bequests of furniture and personal effects Dated this 10th day of December, 1940. as therein set out to the undernoted:— J. C. TAYLOR & CO., Solicitors for the 1. The Thompson Memorial Home for Incur- said Executors, Scottish Provident Build- ables, Lisburn. ings, Belfast. 2. The Matron of Thompson Memorial Home, To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland, Lisburn, for the use of the Matron. and all others concerned. 3. The Trustees of the Methodist Manse in Lisburn. 4. The County Antrim Infirmary for the use of the Matron for the time being. 5. The Cripples' Institutes, for furnishing the Board Room of said Institutes. NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUEST. Testatrix also bequeathed all the remainder of In the Goods of JAMES LOWRY, late of Kinflea, her furniture and personal effects to the Thompson in the County of Antrim, Retired Farmer, Memorial Home, Lisburn. Testatrix also deceased. bequeathed to the said Home her dwelling house, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statute "Parkmount," Lisburn, with the wish that the 30 and 31 Vic. Cap. 54, that the above named income from said house be devoted in providing James Lovvry, by his Will dated 24th November, comforts and entertainments for the benefit of 1937, directed his Trustees and Executors to pay patients in said Home. Testatrix then directed the sum of One hundred pounds to the Committee that the residue of her estate should be held of Cloughwater Pr ssbyterian Congregation, the in trust as therein provided, and on the termina- same to be invested by them and the annual income tion of said trust, the residue of her estate should to be received from such investment to be set be sold, realised and converted into money, and, out opposite the deceased's name in the annual after payment of a number of pecuniary legacies, Stipend List of the said Congregation. and all costs, expenses and duties, testatrix bequeathed the following charitable bequests:— The testator died on 15th September, 1940, and 1. To the Lisburn Society for providing Nurses Probate of his said Will was granted forth of for the Sick Poor, the sum of £500. the Principal Registry, King's Bench Division 2. To The Society for the Prevention of (Probate), of the High Court of Justice in Cruelty to Children, Belfast, the sum of £250. Northern Ireland on 2nd December, 1940, to the 3. To the Society far the Prevention of Executors therein named. Cruelty to Animals, Belfast, the sum of £250. Dated this 9th day of December, 1940. 4. To Saint Dunstan's Institute for work WILLIAM SHAW, Solicitor for the amongst the Blind, th:t sum of £250. Executors, Ballymena; and 11 Chichester 5 To The County Antrim Infirmary, the sum Street, Belfast. of £500. 6. To The Cripples' Institutes, People's Palace To the Ministry of Finance, N.T., and all others and Homes of Rest, Belfast, the sum of £250. concerned..
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