Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Spring 5-16-1962 The Parthenon, May 16, 1962 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, May 16, 1962" (1962). The Parthenon. 1544. https://mds.marshall.edu/parthenon/1544 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. Jfr i ] 1 I I Resignation Handed In By Dean Kirk I MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER Returning To Ministry Is Reason; Presid•nt Seeking Replacement. he By LARRY ASCOUGB Dean of Men David. Kirk has turned in his resignation effec­ tive June 30, according to President Stewart H. Smith. Later in the summer Dean Kirk is going to West Virginia University as campus pastor for the Wesley Foundation. arthenon Referring to his job here Dean Kirk saicj, "It's been a reward­ ===========================================1 ing experience but I want to return to the ministry." He explained that he liked to work Wlith stu- Vol. 61 HUNTINQTON. W. VA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1962 No. 66 dents from the religious point of view. Graduation Dean Kirk was a 1958 gradu­ ate of Marshall with a major in philosophy· and a minor in reli­ Information gion. Last June he received a B.D. degree from the Duke Uni­ versity Divinity School with his Announced major area of study in ministry and a minor in counseling. By FR.AN ALLRED He previously was pastor-in­ Assistant Campus Editor charge of the Orange Methodist Baccalaureate and commence- Church in Cha,pel Hill, N. C. He 1p.ent exercises will be held Sun­ was also in charge of youth work day, May 27, on the campus west at several churches in North of Prichard Hall, Luther E. Bled­ Oarolin•a. soe, registrar and director of ad­ While at missions, announced. Marshall Dean All May graduates are requir­ Kirk was Stu­ ed to attend both baccalaureate dent Body and commencement programs or Pres ilient in request "in absentia" graduation 1957-58: presi­ in writing from the dean of their dent of the college, he said. Junior CI ass, A fee of $10 must be paid by and a member· May graduates if they cannot at­ KIRK of the varsity tend or if they are not excused, basketball team. He also was a Mr. Bledsoe said. None of the member of Omicron Delta ~appa, events will be rehearsed. men's leadership fraternity, and. Sigma Phi Eps'non, social frater­ GRADUATES TO REPORT nity. Graduates will report to the Concernirig a new dean, Presi­ following places at 9 a.m. for dent Smith said that he was baccalaureate services and at 1:15 loolcing for a replacement. "We p.m. for commencement exercises are interested ~ a man that has had previous exeprierice either so they can be placed in the aca­ demic procession by the faculty as a dean or assistant defn of A•nual Marpole Dance At laidler Hall men," the president added. marshals. THE WOMEN OF LAIDLEY HALL had their third annual MayPole dance last Saturday in front Teachers College seniors will of the dormitory. The dance was only one of the many activities of Parents Weetc-end which meet at the northeast entrance to was held Saturday and Sunday and attracted over 1,000 parents. Approximately 125 people wit­ Old Main opposite Main Annex. Committee Set nessed the dance which began at 4 p.m. The week-end was highlighted Sunday by the annual Frederick A. F1tch, professor of Mother's Day Sing which was attended by nearly 2,000 persons. · physical education, and Robert To Investigate . V s· Al h E ., L. Britton, professor of geo- Discrimination 1gma A appa, ,gma p a ps, on graphy, will be the marshals. S Arts and Sciences College sen- Senate Speaker Walt Cosby has appointed a special commit­ T iors will meet at the northwest I k Ho ors In Mothers' Day s,·ng entrance to Old Main opposite tee to study the problem of equal a e n ' rights for all Marshall students. .----------------. Main Annex. Vernon D. Jolley, By JOHNNY HINES ried canes. They sang "Down in Cosby'.s action came after Phil PRESIDENT SAYS THANKS Editor-in-Chief Old Virginia" and "Coney Is­ professor of business adminlstra­ Carter, Clarksburg sophomore, In 89 degree heat under the -land Baby". The director was Concerning Parents Week~ tion, and N. B-aynard Green, pro­ addressed the Senate and charg­ shade of campus trees, some David Hammack, Elkview jun­ end, .President S t e w a r t H. fessor of zoology will be mar­ ed that Negro students in Hunt­ Smith i s s u e d the following · 2,000 persons watched Sunday ior, and the accompanist was shals. ~ngton do not receive the same as Sigma Kappa sorority and June Patton, Huntington fresh­ statement: I opportunities that white students Sigma Alpha Epsilon 'fraternity man. I wish to thank the members MEET AT STEPS do. The Alpha Xi's sang "Quest" of our administrative s t a f f, took top honors in the annual· Seniors in the ~allege of Ap­ Carter pointed out that while Mothers' Day Sing. and "Clap-a Yo Hands." They faculty, students and Building the University itself doesn't All sororities were dressed in · were directed by Mary Bernard, and Grounds Department who plied Science will meet at the practice any form of descrimina­ blue choir robes and Sigma St. Albans junior, and the ac­ contributed to the succe~ful front steps of Old Main, 16th tion, the negro student doesn't Kappa sang "Loyalty Ode'~ ·and companist was Mary Margaret Parents Week-end program. To Street entrance. Samuel T. Stin­ receive equal treatment from the "Liebestraum" to ·win the first Abruzzino, Shinnston junior. the co-ordinator, Mr. John son, associate . professor of engi­ stores, theatres or other busi­ place trophy in the women's The Sing was sponsored by Sayre, .and his committee, I ex-· neering, will be marshal. nesses in the local area. division. Panhellenic Council and the In­ tend my appreciation for their Citing the recent picketing at Candidates for U1e master's de• Dean of W om e n Lillian H. terfraternity Council. All greek fine work. a local theatre as an example of Buskirk made the trophy pres­ organizations participated with gree will form a line beginning the negro's attempt to obtain the exception of the Kappa Al- ent several uhforseen circnm.: entation. Suzi Hall, Millstone stances kept them from par­ at the bust of John Marshall in equal rights, Carter asked that junior, directed the Sigma Kap­ pha Order. ticipating. front of the 16th Street entrance the student government join in pa's and she was accompanied A spokesman for the f:ater .. Judges for the Sing were of Old Main. Dr. A. Mervin Ty­ this · movement. He commented by Mary Puskas, Mt. Hope that student government must nity said that at the last mom- from area schools. son, professor of English, and junior. speak for all Marshall students, The men of the SAE's were Chfrles S. Runyon, professor of not jp st a few. ., dressed in farm hats, "jeans" education, will be marshals{ The study committee consists and sport shirts. They sang "lYiy Professor· Asks Leave Oaps and gowns may be secur­ of Carolyn Karr Huntington gra­ Fraternity" and "Oklahoma" to duate student and chairman; take top spot in the men's divi­ Thomas Bauserman, professor grams. The training program will ed at the boksbore between May 21 and May 26. The bookstore Senator Bill Calderwood, Char­ sion. of mathematics, has applied for a be held at four centers; Charles­ Je.ston . junior; Aubrey King, ton, Beckley, . W h e e l i n g, and Placement Director Robert leave of absence to teach through- will cl~ e ~t noon on May 26. Iaeger junior, and Tom Stafford, Alexander presented the winn­ Parkersburg. The Rev. Chalmers Coe, min­ Huntington junior. ing trophies. William Kings­ out the state next year on an Mr. Bauserman came to Mar- bury, Huntington senior, direct­ Inter-Service Training Program shall in 1955. He had previously ister at the First Congregational ed the SAE's and accompanist sponsored by the National Science taught at West Virginia UnivE:~­ Ohureh in Columbus\ Ohio, will BREAKFAST TOMORROW was Ted Wiley, Lewisburg Foundation and the West Virginia sity for eight years. He received be the guest speaker at the bac­ Alpha Xi Delta will have its sophomore. State Education Department.I his bachelor's· degree from West calaureate. annual Strawberry breakfest to­ The two runners-up were Al­ Under the program he will in- Virginia Institute of Technology, The speaker for commence­ morrow at the chapter house, phi Xi Delta and Pi Kappa struct junior and senior high math his master's degree from the Uni­ 1645 Fifth Avenue, from 7 to Alpha. teachers throughout the state new versity of Pittsburgh and · his ment exercises will be Dr. Paul 11 a.m. The Pikes were · dressed in concepts in mathematics teaching Ph.D. from Washington State Uni­ Miller, president of West Vir­ Student prices are 75 cents and straw hats, bow ties and car- and how to use new math pro- versity. ginia University. adults are $1. PAGE TWO THE PARTHENON WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1962 English Qualifying Exam 'South Pacific' Called Success Dates Set For Summer "South Pacific" was a com­ By JOAN FAVORITE plete success, both artistically Teachers College Journalist a n d financially, according to The Qualifying Examination in English Composition, required John Sayre, director of develop­ for graduation 'by all University students, will be given this sum­ ment and alumni affairs, and rr.er, according to Prof.
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