SPARTAN ALUMNI M A G A Z I NE %* v -» • TELEVISION COMES TO MSC MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Dr. A. L. Hunter Named MSC Returns to Year-Round Basis; MSC Television Head Dr. Armand L. Hunter, one of the Complete Summer Program Offered nation's top ranking experts in the field Michigan State College has stepped and the end of the normal college year of educational radio and television, will up its educational program to offer in­ in June. In order to support the accelera­ become head of Michigan State College's struction on a 12-month basis. tion program in cooperating colleges, television development program in June. The accelerated program will enable selective service is planning to defer men Dr. Hunter is at present radio and a student to qualify for a bachelor's de­ enrolled in college for a college year, television coordinator of Temple Univer­ gree in three calendar years instead of no matter when they entered. sity, Philadelphia, Pa., and educational four. A freshman, then, who enrolls in June director of station WFIL, Philadelphia. will be able to finish a full year's work. He heads up educational aspects of all Full Summer Program He will not be eligible for the draft AM, FM and TV programs of the Phila­ The speed-up schedule will begin this during the summer months, as he would delphia station. summer when a full 12-week quarter will have been under the old rules, officials be held June 18 to Aug. 31, according to said. The 36-year-old Dean Stanley E. Crowe, summer school educator received director. An additional six-week course Workshops Featured his Ph.D. degree will run from June 18 to July 27, he said. All college departments will be in full from Northwest­ Objective of the new program is to operation during the summer, and plans ern University, are being made to accommodate an esti­ and has more make college graduates available a year earlier for service in the military forces mated 1,000 new students. A special than 10 years of freshmen orientation program is planned experience in ra­ or defense industries. "Despite the difficulties involved in for June 18, and registration for all stu­ dio and TV. He dents is set for June 18-19. has served on the operating 12 months a year, no other staff of four ma­ course was open to Michigan State Col­ Highlights of the summer session will lege as a land-grant university support­ be 10 workshops in special fields, in­ jor universities Hunter and is member of ed in the main with public funds," Pres. cluding television, speech correction, ag­ ricultural education, guidance and gov­ numerous professional and honorary John A. Hannah commented. ernment. organizations. ROTC Quotas to Increase Dr. Hunter will coordinate all phases Implementing this policy, the number of MSC's television program, including of students who may enter the Reserve Lecture - Concert Series direction of the college's new closed- Officers Training Corps is being in­ circuit television station on the campus. creased. In addition, both Army and Air Features Noted Artists Force ROTC units will provide summer Located in the Electrical Engineering Some of the world's most distinguished military instruction. building, the campus-wide video system musicians, ballet and opera groups and links several buildings with a central President Hannah said that defense speakers have been scheduled to appear control room. officials intend to call upon ROTC pro­ on Michigan State's 1951-52 lecture- grams for most of the trained officers concert series. College Seeks License needed by the Army, Navy, and Air At present, the campus station is be­ Force. Students, townspeople, faculty and ing used for teaching and research into returning alumni will find cultural en­ Beyond that, he said, it has been agreed tertainment of top-flight caliber avail­ the value of TV as an educational to change selective service policies which able on the Spartan campus during the medium, according to James H. Denison, have deferred men enrolled in college coming year. chairman of the college's television com­ from the draft only between September mittee. Sadler's Wells Returns "We look upon television not as a Although the schedule is not complete, medium for entertainment, but as the Short Course Graduation 10 concerts, six lecturers and 23 world best and most promising audio-visual aid travelers have already been booked, ac­ to teaching yet developed," Denison said. Approximately 300 Michigan State cording to Dean Stanley E. Crowe, series College agricultural short course stu­ director. Michigan State has applied, however, dents received certificates in graduation for one of Michigan's unused television Featured on the year's program will ceremonies March 2. be the Sadler's Wells Ballet, New York channels. If the license is granted, pres­ Dr. J. O. Christianson, director of City Opera Company, the Philadelphia ent equipment will be augmented by a agricultural short courses at the Uni­ and Chicago Orchestras, Pianist Myra transmitter and programs will be beam­ versity of Minnesota, was the main com­ Hess, Jascha Heifetz, world renowned ed all over the state from the college mencement speaker. His address was violinist, and two Metropolitan Opera campus, Denison said. entitled, "Dealing in Futures." stars, Patrice Munsel and Brian Sullivan. THE RECORD Vol. 56—No. 3 ALVIE L. SMITH. Editor April 15, 1951 JOHN C. LEONARD, '48, and RICHARD J. DANDENEAU, Associate Editors STAKE H. KEESLEB, '41, Director of Alumni Relatione; GLADYS FRANKS,, '27, Recorder; FEED W. STABLEY, Sports Editor; EDWARD M. EBICKSON. '48, Assistant Sports Editor; MADISON KUH\ and JOSEPH G. DUNCAN, Historians; JOHN W. FITZGERALD, '47, Agricultural Editor; MRS. BARBARA CAHOON, Artist; W. LOWELL TREASTER, Director of Information Services. Campus photos this issue by EVEEETT HUBY, RAY HUBY, RUDY HARTMAN and KARL SCHAEFER, '54. Member of the American Alumni Council. THE RECORD is published seven times a year by THE DEPARTMENT OF IXFOBMATION SEEVTCES. Michigan State College. Entered as second class matter at East Lansing, Michigan, under the Act of Congress, August 24, 1912. Chapel Will Use Stones Recorcf Crowd Expected at MSC From Famous Churches por Alumni Day — Commencement Three ancient stones from famous By RICHARD DANDENEAU President John A. Hannah will pre­ European cathedrals have been received side over the annual Patriarchs dinner by Michigan State College for use in A record gathering of Spartan alumni meeting. The golden anniversary class, the Alumni Memorial Chapel now under from all over the nation will invade the 1901, will be accepted to membership at construction on the campus. East Lansing campus for the annual that time. Alumni Day-Commencement weekend The trio of carved stones was salvaged festivities, June 1-3. Commencement to Be Outdoors from World War II bombings of West­ In addition to class functions, many minster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral, Food, fun, and fellowship will be the alumni will come to Michigan State ear­ London, England, and Cathedral Pader- order of the day for alums, as banquets, lier in the week to attend meetings and born, Germany, according to William L. dinners, a dance, parades, and a base­ take part in social events. Others will Davidson, '17, MSC Fund director. ball game head the schedule. be present to see sons and daughters Registration Begins Friday Other Stones Expected graduate Sunday. The weekend will begin Friday with For the first time in Spartan history, Three more stones from the German registration, which will continue through Commencement will be held in the sta­ churches, Cathedral Banberg, Cathedral Saturday morning, according to Starr H. dium, weather permitting. Jenison field- Trier, and Berlin Cathedral, are on their Keesler, '41, director of alumni relations house, the Commencement site since way to East Lansing, Davidson said. at MSC. It will end with graduation 1948, will be used for the exercises in The stones will be part of the chapel's ceremonies in Macklin Field stadium case of rain. narthex, Davidson said. Fourteen more Sunday at 5 p.m. A total of 3,753 students will be eli­ stones have been requested from other Traditional class reunion banquets will gible to participate in Commencement, war-damaged European cathedrals. be held at noon in the MSC Union, with including 2,273 who will complete work Work on the MSC all-faith chapel, the exception of the class of 1921 which for bachelor's and advanced degrees dur­ being built in honor of Spartan war will hold an evening banquet Saturday. ing the spring term. dead, is expected to be completed this Other reunion classes are 1906, 1911, Many Entertainment Features summer. The structure is financed by 1916, 1926, 1931, 1936, 1941, and 1946. $175,000 contributed by Michigan State The class of 1926 will be celebrating its Along entertainment lines, Saturday alumni all over the world. silver anniversary. highlights will be the Land Parade, Water Carnival, Alumni dance, and a baseball game between MSC and Ohio State University. Theme of the 25th annual Water Car­ Dillman, Smith, Sobey, Anderson, nival, to be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, is "Quote Me, Mis­ Garratt Win 1951 Alumni Awards ter!" Campus organizations will launch traditional colorful floats on the Red vard University and Columbia Univer­ Five prominent Michigan State College Cedar river for the celebration. alumni will receive the 1951 Alumni sity, and at present is also professor of Organizations not taking part in the Awards for Distinguished Service at botany at Washington University, St. Water Carnival will display floats in the Commencement June 3, according to Louis, Mo. Land Parade, to be held Saturday after­ Dr. Dillman, before becoming president R. A. Turner, '09.
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