Bed sheets keep children engaged during hospital stay By Maria Magher CORRESPONDENT After visiting a friend’s child who had been in the hospital for over a month, Kevin Gatlin started thinking how that could be his child – or any- VOLUME 20 NO. 35 WEEK OF FEBRUARY 17, 2019 $1.00 one’s child – and “how would we keep our kids occupied?” He said that most children he saw in the hospital would just zone out or watch TV or play on electronic devices. He came up with an idea to give them something more constructive to do while they were confined to their N.C. Central honored beds. Two years later, the result was Playtime – a series of sheets, pillows and slumber bags that have games, imaginative prompts and activities its 1989 NCAA Division printed right on the fabric. “Because of hospital regulations, we created the bed sheets so you could II championship team. play all the games with coins or pieces of paper,” Gatlin said. There are more than 50 games and activities on the bedding, and they cover topics like math, geography, science and grammar. There are mazes, memory games, classic games like Checkers and even positive affirmations. Gatlin started Playtime in 2014, and the sheets are already in 10 local hos- pitals. Recently, he was contacted by three local business owners who wanted to donate sheets to Wake Medical Center and UNC Children’s Hos- Please see BED SHEETS/2A Toolkit Town teaches council schools skirts how to history combat plaque By Tammy Grubb hate THE ASSOCIATED PRESS By Maria Magher CARRBORO — The town will soon hang a plaque by its CORRESPONDENT front door to explain how Car- Symbols of white nationalism rboro was named for a have appeared in many places Durham industrialist and around Durham in recent years. white supremacist, and how Duke University had white na- his views don’t reflect the tionalist groups distribute flyers town’s values today. But a on campus and racist graffiti ap- three-paragraph statement peared on walls and other loca- approved for the Town Hall tions. Orange County Schools plaque will only touch on Ju- approved a ban of the confeder- AP lian Carr’s history. ate flag and other symbols of Gov. Roy Cooper congratulates Supreme Court Associate Justice Cheri Beasley on her history- “I would like for you all to hate across the district after a making appointment. look in the first board room,” group of parents battled the dis- resident Lillie Atwater told the trict for nearly a year. Board of Aldermen. “There’s a There are many, many more picture with one of our (com- in the state, as well as in the Chief justice-designate pick mittee) member’s relative in country. It is for this reason that there, walking down the educators at Western States street. We’re all from Car- Center created the “Confronting leads state court colleague to rboro, but Julian Carr, we did White Nationalism in Schools” not want to elaborate on him.” toolkit, which is being made Atwater and others on a 15- available for free to educators, member Truth Plaque Task community leaders, parents and criticize Gov. Roy Cooper Force met five times since anyone else interested. person at the right time,” September to discuss the “A big part of Western State By Gary D. Robertson initially named to the state’s town’s story. The diverse highest court in 2012, will be Cooper said at an Executive Center’s work is countering THE ASSOCIATED PRESS group — about two-thirds of the first African-American Mansion news conference with white nationalism across the Beasley. The governor also them African-American — in- RALEIGH — North Carolina woman to hold the job. country,” said Lindsay Schu- cited her varied legal experi- cluded a school board chair- Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s She is Cooper’s choice to biner, one of the authors of the ence. woman, a local historian and decision Tuesday to elevate succeed Chief Justice Mark toolkit. “Not only are the schools Like Cooper, Beasley is a reg- a civil rights pioneer. current Supreme Court Asso- Martin, who is resigning Feb. in this country not an exception istered Democrat, one of five The 161-word statement to ciate Justice Cheri Beasley to 28 to lead the Regent Univer- to that, but we also know that currently on the seven-mem- be embossed in brass letters chief justice led to rare public sity law school in Virginia. The many white nationalist groups ber court. Beasley’s appoint- on the plaque will focus on criticism from a Republican ju- chief justice is also considered specifically target young people ment goes through the end of Carrboro — then and now — dicial colleague who contends the head of the judicial for recruitment. That’s a real 2020. The chief justice’s seat with just two sentences about tradition put him in line for branch, with more than 6,000 danger to everyone who’s part now will be on next year’s bal- Carr’s history as “an active the post. employees and judicial offi- of a school community.” lot for a full eight-year term, and influential participant in Schubiner and co-authors Beasley, a former trial judge cials, and an over half-billion Jim Crow era efforts to create dollar budget. Nora Flanagan and Jessica Acee and Court of Appeals judge Please see CHIEF/2A a system of racial segrega- have been friends and col- “Justice Beasley is the right tion.” leagues for many years. They “Although the town contin- combined their decades’ worth ues to bear his name, the val- of educational experience to ues and actions of Carr do not come up with examples they represent Carrboro today,” it have encountered of white na- will state. tionalism in schools, as well as Conflicted history recommended solutions. Raleigh joins long-simmering It’s not too late “to be more The toolkit is organized by candid and blunt” about categories such as “white na- Carr’s history, Alderman tionalist iconography and group Confederate statue fight Sammy Slade said. The Con- identifiers” and “organizing in federate Army veteran, in re- support of white nationalism at By Lori D.R. Wiggins cent years, has become school.” Each category includes known for bragging at the CORRESPONDENT examples – wearing white na- dedication of UNC’s Silent tionalist iconography like the RALEIGH – The fight to topple Sam Confederate statue in confederate flag on clothes or Confederate monuments landed 1913 about horsewhipping “a proposing the creation of a “Eu- on Raleigh’s capitol grounds mo- negro wench until her skirts ropean history month” – and ments after a diverse crowd gath- hung in shreds” for insulting provides suggested responses ered downtown for the HKonJ rally a white woman. Activists have for different members of the to urge lawmakers to do the moral focused on those remarks as community, as well as a success thing. one reason to remove Silent story from a real case. The Crush Confederates at Our Sam from the campus. Each category also includes Capitol rally was organized by But Carr also ran a Carrboro examples of what not to do. A Smash Racism Raleigh, a coalition mill — now Carr Mill Mall — list of resources is included at of anti-racists with support from and brought electricity to the the end of the toolkit. Youth Fuse and the N.C. State Uni- town, which was known both “These instances certainly can versity chapter of Young Demo- as Lloydville and West End be tied to an uptick to hate cratic Socialists of America. when it was settled in 1882. crimes in the country,” Acee At issue: three Confederate mon- The town was incorporated in said. “But it’s been around a uments near the State Capitol 1911 as Venable, in honor of long time and educators haven’t Building. Built during Jim Crow, or- UNC President Francis P. Ven- the tools to deal with it.” ganizers note, the statues symbol- able. The state legislature Schubiner said the three ize state legislators’ push “to later accepted Carr’s sugges- women started working on the maintain racial hierarchy in poli- tion to rename the town in his LORI WIGGINS toolkit in August after having tics, economics and society” … and honor instead. discussions about the need for were built “likely as a show of Supporters of Smash Racism Raleigh held a Crush Confederates at The plaque’s “wording is it last spring. The toolkit was power and intimidation.” Our Capitol rally. very tame,” Slade said, when then reviewed extensively by The rally crowd swelled intermit- compared to the conversation peers before it was released last tently to nearly 100 people, some what community looks like! This is and oppression, reaffirm white su- about Silent Sam. “When we’re week. of whom strolled by as the group what community looks like! Nat premacy, hide historical facts that talking about who Julian Carr “It’s very in tune with the kind moved between the 75-foot monu- Turner, John Brown, anti-racists tell the true story of the Confeder- was, we shouldn’t be shy of policies and tools that are al- ment to Confederate soldiers, an- run this town!” acy and spawn present-day acts of about saying that he was a ready in place in schools,” Schu- other to Confederate soldier Henry Those who want the statues to re- racism. white supremacist and racist,” biner said. “I also love that it has Lawson Wyatt and still another main contend they are historic “We’re not here to erase history, Slade said.
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