Oracle® SQL Developer Data Modeler User's Guide Release 17.3 E90546-01 September 2017 Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler User's Guide, Release 17.3 E90546-01 Copyright © 2008, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Celin Cherian Contributing Authors: Chuck Murray Contributors: Philip Stoyanov This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. 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Contents Preface Audience xii Documentation Accessibility xii Related Documents xii Conventions xii Third-Party License Information xiii 1 Data Modeler Concepts and Usage 1.1 Installing and Getting Started with SQL Developer Data Modeler 1-1 1.2 Data Modeler User Interface 1-2 1.2.1 Menus for Data Modeler 1-4 1.2.2 Context Menus 1-8 1.3 Working with Data Modeler 1-10 1.3.1 Database Design 1-11 1.3.2 Data Types Model 1-11 Data Types Diagram and Subviews 1-12 Distinct Types 1-13 Structured Types 1-14 Collection Types 1-14 Logical Types 1-14 1.3.3 Process Model 1-15 Data Flow Diagrams 1-16 Transformation Processes and Packages 1-16 1.3.4 Logical Model 1-16 Logical Diagram and Subviews 1-17 Entities 1-18 Attributes 1-18 Unique Identifiers (UIDs) 1-18 Inheritances 1-18 Relations 1-18 Arcs 1-19 Type Substitution 1-19 iii Views 1-19 1.3.5 Relational Models 1-19 Relational Diagram and Subviews 1-20 Tables 1-21 Columns 1-21 Indexes 1-21 Relations 1-21 Relational Views 1-21 1.3.6 Physical Models 1-22 Clusters 1-22 Contexts 1-23 Dimensions 1-23 Directories 1-23 Disk Groups 1-23 External Tables 1-23 Indexes 1-23 Roles 1-23 Rollback Segments 1-24 Segments (Segment Templates) 1-24 Sequences 1-24 Snapshots 1-24 Stored Procedures 1-24 Synonyms 1-24 Structured Types 1-24 Tables 1-25 Tablespaces 1-25 Users 1-25 Views 1-25 1.3.7 Business Information 1-25 Contacts 1-26 Documents 1-26 Emails 1-26 Locations 1-26 Resource Locators 1-26 Responsible Parties 1-27 Telephones 1-27 1.4 Approaches to Data Modeling 1-27 1.4.1 Top-Down Modeling 1-27 1.4.2 Bottom-Up Modeling 1-29 1.4.3 Targeted Modeling 1-30 1.5 User Preferences for Data Modeler 1-31 iv 1.5.1 Environment 1-31 1.5.2 Data Modeler 1-32 DDL 1-33 Diagram 1-36 Model 1-36 Reports 1-39 Search 1-40 Third Party JDBC Drivers 1-40 1.5.3 Format 1-40 1.5.4 Global Ignore List 1-41 1.5.5 Mouse Actions 1-41 1.5.6 Shortcut Keys (Accelerator Keys) 1-42 1.5.7 SSH (Secure Shell) 1-43 1.5.8 Usage Reporting 1-43 1.5.9 Versioning 1-43 1.5.10 Web Browser and Proxy 1-44 1.6 Saving, Opening, Exporting, and Importing Designs 1-45 1.6.1 Importing a DDL File 1-46 1.6.2 Importing Cube Views Metadata 1-46 1.6.3 Importing from Microsoft XMLA 1-46 1.6.4 Importing an ERwin File 1-46 1.6.5 Importing from a Data Dictionary 1-47 1.6.6 Importing an Oracle Designer Model 1-47 1.6.7 Importing a Data Modeler Design 1-47 1.6.8 Importing a Domain 1-47 1.7 Exporting and Importing Preferences and Other Settings 1-47 1.7.1 Restoring the Original Data Modeler Preferences 1-48 1.8 Data Modeler Reports 1-48 1.8.1 Generating Reports as RTF, HTML, or PDF Files 1-48 1.8.2 Using the Reporting Repository and Reporting Schema 1-50 1.8.3 Using SQL Developer to View Exported Reporting Schema Data 1-51 Design Content reports 1-52 Design Rules reports 1-52 1.9 Using Versioning 1-53 1.9.1 About Subversion and Data Modeler 1-53 Pending Changes 1-53 1.9.2 Basic Workflow: Using Subversion with a Design 1-54 1.10 Data Modeler Accessibility Information 1-55 1.11 For More Information About Data Modeling 1-56 1.12 Third-Party License Information 1-56 v 1.12.1 Batik Version 1.7 1-56 2 Data Modeler Tutorial: Modeling for a Small Database 2.1 Develop the Logical Model 2-1 2.1.1 Adding Domains 2-1 2.1.2 Creating the Books Entity 2-2 2.1.3 Creating the Patrons Entity 2-3 2.1.4 Creating the Transactions Entity 2-4 2.1.5 Creating Relations Between Entities 2-5 2.2 Develop the Relational Model 2-6 2.3 Generate DDL 2-6 2.4 Save the Design 2-7 3 Data Modeler Dialog Boxes 3.1 Add Event 3-1 3.2 Add/Remove Objects 3-1 3.3 Advanced Properties (Connections) 3-2 3.4 Arc Properties 3-2 3.5 Attribute Properties 3-3 3.6 Change Subview Object Names Prefix 3-4 3.7 Change Request Properties 3-4 3.8 Change Requests Administration 3-5 3.9 Check for Updates 3-5 3.10 Choose Directory 3-6 3.11 Collection Type Properties 3-6 3.12 Column Properties 3-7 3.13 Common Information in Dialog Boxes 3-9 3.14 Compare Mapping 3-10 3.15 Compare Modeling Designs 3-10 3.16 Compare Models 3-10 3.17 Color Palette and Custom Colors 3-12 3.18 Connection Information 3-12 3.19 Contact Properties 3-12 3.20 Create Database Connection 3-13 3.21 Create Discovered Foreign Keys 3-14 3.22 Cube Properties 3-15 3.23 Custom Reports Template 3-17 3.24 Data Dictionary Connections 3-18 3.25 Data Dictionary Import (Metadata Extraction) 3-19 vi 3.26 Database Connection Editor 3-20 3.27 DDL File Editor 3-20 3.28 DDL Generation Options 3-21 3.29 Design Properties 3-22 3.30 Design Rules 3-24 3.30.1 Design Rules 3-24 3.30.2 Custom Rules 3-25 3.30.3 Libraries 3-26 3.30.4 Transformations 3-26 3.31 Dimension Properties 3-26 3.32 Display Properties 3-28 3.33 Distinct Type Properties 3-28 3.34 Document Properties 3-28 3.35 Domain Properties (Domains Model) 3-29 3.36 Domains Administration 3-29 3.37 Email Properties 3-30 3.38 Engineering 3-30 3.39 Entity Properties 3-32 3.40 Event Properties 3-34 3.41 Export Cube Views Metadata 3-35 3.42 Export to Microsoft XMLA 3-35 3.43 Export to Oracle Analytic Workspaces 3-35 3.44 Export to Reporting Schema 3-36 3.45 Export Wizard 3-37 3.46 Export/Import Connections 3-38 3.46.1 Export Connections 3-38 3.46.2 Import Connections 3-39 3.47 External Agent Properties 3-39 3.48 External Data Properties 3-41 3.49 File Processing 3-41 3.50 Find Object (Search) 3-41 3.51 Flow Properties 3-42 3.52 Foreign Key Properties 3-43 3.53 Glossary Editor 3-44 3.54 Hierarchy Properties 3-46 3.55 Import Domains 3-47 3.56 Import Glossary (Naming Standard Definitions) 3-47 3.57
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