THE WATERVLIET RECORD VOLUME 58 WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1940 NUMBER 16 C. C. Kniebes Longshot Wins Derby Where Britain Has Battle Fleet Ready Annual Blossom Dies In Tractor Parade Will Be f m '* Accident May 6 Mirror Held Saturday Ifon-PariisaB Jfewg Letter Prominent Bainbridge Man Thirty Bands, Many Floats Met Untimely Death On And Other Features Will Monday Afternoon. (By Gene Alleman, Michigan Press Make Beautiful Sight. Association) His family and the entire commun- The biggest event of the 18th an- ity- were shocked Monday evening, "Dickinson versus Van Wagoner" nual Blossom Festival in the fruit May 6, 1940, by the untimely deatli will be the Michigan gubernatorial belt of Southwestern Michigan will of C. C. Kniebes, 64-year old Bain- issue next November, according to be the big floral parade, which will bridge township fruit grower. Mr. best bets today at the state capital. be held on Saturday, May 11th, in Although neither the present gov- Kniebes was instantly killed about St. Joseph and Benton Harbor. The ernor nor the state highway commis- 5:00 p. m. when the tractor he was parade will start in St. Joseph at sioner have formally tossed their driving to Coloma for repairs ov- about 1:00 p. m., and will disband erturned on the Philip Butzbach hill Sn utfnrh^rnnlin0ul-Tf''1Lh" ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT—A British squadron is shown at anchor off on East Main street in Benton Har- on the townline road a mile east of ^ L ° y Alexandria. Egypt, powerful British naval base in the eastern end of the bor. so at the proper time. Mediterranean, where an allied battle fleet is concentrated awaiting the The parade committee has been Coloma. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY—Gallahadion with Jockey Bierman up, being Two recent events are seen as The accident was unwitnessed, but next move in the European War. The Italian fleet is reported at the assured that there will be at least held by Trainer Waldron. is shown in the winner's circle of Churchill harbingers of Dickinson's nomination it is believed that Mr. Kniebes lost Dodecanese Islands and all British merchant shipping has been ordered out thirty bands and drum corps in the Downs, where only once each year the bluest of blue blood horses is for the Republican choice for gov- control of the tractor coming down of the Mediterranean by the British Admiralty, thus clearing the inland parade, including the famous band allowed to enter. This was one of the biggest upsets in years, for it was ernor. First. Dr. H. Allen Moyer of the hill and it skidded into a tree from the Notre Dame university and supposed to be a one horse race run by Bimelich but he just didn't have Charlotte, personal physician of Gov- sea for action. at the side of the road. His daugh- the popular Western State College what it takes in the stretch and this mighty Gallahadion is symbolical of ernor Dickinson's, announced that ter, Mrs. Virginia Weber, who was the youth of America: it is strictly an open race and ability counts most. band from Kalamazoo, with a num- the governor was fit as a fiddle to ber of very fine high school bands. to have met him in town, became make a campaign and, in fact, was alarmed when he did not reach Co- There will be several hundred Boy in better health now at 81 than he loma, and drove over the road and Band School Is Being Scouts in uniform, and the commit- was a year ago, an octogenarian. tee assures the spectators that there discovered the accident. Second, 80-year-old former Gov- Mr. Kniebes was born and spent Fruit Exchange Is Mrs. Lizzie Stafford will be a large number of floats ernor Chase S. Osborn released a 16- which are reported to be unusually hiji entire life in Bainbridge. He page letter in which he expanded Organized In Watervliet was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter pretty this year. Again this year upon his previous criticisms of Mr. there will be bleacher seats erected Kniebes, pioneer settlers in that com- A Certainty, Claim Passed Away Sunday Dickinson, releasing such barbed epi- along West Main street in Benton munity before the year 1850. The thets as "Michigan's chief bartender," For The Summer Season deceased was an active member of Harbor, where the best view of the "inflated egotist," and "conscious parade may be secured. the Zion Evangelical church in Bain- Venture Backers At Mercy Hospital hypocrite." Ofeborn concluded with bridge and served as a director of a tart plea for Dickinson to step Friday Will Be Busy Day. the school board for many years, Beginners And Advanced aside. Friday, May 10th, promises to be a but would never accept any political Intimates of the governor are smil- office. Growers Elated Over Prospect of Funeral Services Held Wednesday Music Students Will Be big day for the visitors to Blossom- ing. If anything was needed to in- land. The main event of the after- He is survived by his widow, Ida; At Partridge Funeral Home. New Cooperative—Organization duce the governor that he should noon will be the pet parade in Ben- by two daughters—Mrs. Verda Mc- Given Instruction. run again, Osborn's front page ton Harbor in which several hun- Daniels of Coloma and Mrs. Virginia Meeting Set for May 23rd Mrs. Lizzie Stafford. 59, well statement was regarded as removing dred children with their pets may Weber of Bainbridge; by three broth- known Watervliet resident, died A band school is being organized Arthur Howland, extension econ- any doubt. Of course, Dickinson sel- be seen in the line of march, ac- ers—George, who lives across the Sunday morning, May fifth, at Mer- for the students of Watervliet and omist of the Economics department of dom if ever is a candidate. He mere- companied by several good bands. road from the Kniebes farm; Ben, cy hospital, Benton Harbor, after an surrounding communities that are in- Michigan State college, East Lansing, ly has been nominated with regu- On Friday evening the annual of Twelve Corners, and Ezra, of illness of three weeks. Previous to terested in having a summer program larity and has been elected much in Mummers' parade will start at Ben- was in Watervliet on Wednesday af- entering the Benton Harbor hospital for their students. The school is un- Akron, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Sarah the same way. ton Harbor at 8:00 o'clock and pro- ternoon to attend a conference of she was ill one week at the Berrien der the direction of Robert Kingsley Seel of Berrien Springs; and three ceed to St. Joseph. This parade this grandchildren. fruit growers from this locality in- Center hospital. Death was attri- of Watervliet; Bernard Kuschel of! year is sponsored by the Knights of Funeral services were held Thurs- terested in the establishment of a buted to a heart attack following Threat to Harmony? Paw Paw, and George Walbridge of Blossom and an unusually large fruit exchange in Watervliet. Mr.! an attack of the flu. Benton Harbor. These are attempt- j day afternoon from the Zion Evan- number of special attractions have gelical church in Bainbridge, con- Howland conferred with a delegation j Mrs. Stafford was born October In the judgment of one Lansing jng t0 give the students a complete ' been added which will make this of fruit growers headed by L. R. | 8, 1880 near Watervliet and spent newspaper correspondent. Osborn's 9Ummer program for as little money ducted by Rev. G. Knechtel of Detroit event one of much interest. Boyer. The meeting was held at the i her entire life in this vicinity. She heckling attitude is "somewhat of a as possible to each beginning or ad- assisted by Rev. G. Raduchel. Pall threat to the peace and harmony of ed student. bearers were John and Henry First National Bank and announce- i was one of a family of fourteen vanc Baton Twirlers' Contest. the Republican party." purpose" of the school is to Kniebes, Jake and Ben Krieger, Wm. ment was forthcoming that sufficient] children, six brothers and sisters pre- Xhe Joseph H. Creighton, a veteran ob- create added interest and maintain Saturday will be known as Gov- Umphrey and Harry Arent, all ne- subscribers have been procured toi ceding her in death. Her parents make the long discussed venture a server of the capital scene, inter- ig standards of music in our ernor's Day. Governor Dickinson phews of the deceased. were the late John anid Martha Goff. lhe h h certainty. Thirty memberships have' viewed a number of the "top notch p schools. A special opportun- j and other state officials are expected Interment was in the Kniebes cem- Her husband, Willis J. Stafford, died Ublic to be in the twin cities on that day been taken to date. ! Republican leaders" and reported ity for music students to continue etery. December 28. 1936. to view the parade. On Saturday As a result of Wednesday's meet-| that one of them remarked caustical- lhe fine start they have in music She is survived by two sons, Ern- morning there will be a very inter- ing, May 23rd was set as the date for I ly: "Why must the old man run. anci ^oid the summer lag. It puts est Stafford of Phoenix. Ariz., who A esting show held at the Benton Har- a meeting at which time the actual I after all?" This same person inform- you in perfect condition for band at arrived home two days before his bor high school when about 100 of work of organizing the cooperative i ed Creighton that "one strong candi- the start of a new school year.
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