LATE BULLETm .VOL. 28, NO. 89 T W IN F A U ^ , ID A H O , S U N D A Y M O R N IN G , JU N E 8, 1946 PRICE 6’CTNTS. HALSEY GOES TO WORK ON NIPS Truman Asks All Hellcats Pour Fire To Conserve Food WASHINGTON, June 2 (5^— President Truman called on Upon Plane Bases; the American people today to “produce, preBcrvo and con- Ber\-o all food possible as a real contribution to the final vic­ tory and the peace.” Government moves took shape to hjiaten the a^ricuIturaJ rehablHtatlon of war-awept areas, now largely dependent on 36 Jap Ships Down the United States for food, and to improve distribution of short meat supplies here a t ' GUAM , Sunday, June 3 (fP)—Adm. William F. Halsoj, home. back in action in tho Pacific w ith a fleet he boasts had the Rep. Clinton P. Anderson, power to penetrate Tokyo bay, poured carrier aircraft S at­ who will take over Ju ly 1 aa B I S H IN SYRIA urday at suicide plane bases on the southern Japanese island secretary of agriculture and of Kyushu, national food boss, proposed Hellcats commanded by Vice Adm. John S. McCain, oper- that civilian food experts fol­ PROTEtJI FRENI atinff as part of Halsey's third- fleet, destroyed or dam ased' low the armies and speed DAMASCUS, June 3 (flV-Syrian 36 nipponeso planes as they tore into five Kyushu airfields plantings. He told reporters WASHINGTON, June 3 tTV-The crowds caught and killed two Scne- alUft toward a one-Iront war econ* in bupport of the ground campaign more than 300 miles sputh he had talked it over with gale:e soldiers trying lo reach on Okinawa. omy has added only slightly to the rvcnch headquarters from their out- President Truman. notlon'B unemployment rolls so far, pnsi today while British troops Today’s fleet communique, disclosing tho attack, listed two with » world ihoruge of sugar. manpower officials Mid todaj-. strove to protect the French. French enemy planes shot out of the a ir, 11 destroyed on the ground /nder3on *ftld erery PacUlc Wand They estimated Uiat since mid* iroops are being taken from their and 23 damaged in attacks i Miyazaki, Kokubu, KusWra, elctr to the OIUii& cout h a poten­ AprU. when cutbacks began to her­ barracks by the British. tial lUffW producer. And e^-ery ounce ald V-E day, the number of persons Since noon. Damascus has been Kagoshima and Chiron. of extrm food that t»n be produced vho want Jobs out do not have quiet, but there Is tension as citi­ In addition to hitting Kyu­ in liberated Europe, hs commented. them has Incresscd around liO.OOCl. zens inspect the coet in lives and shu, Halsey’s planes struck Xfin e*»e b7 that much the drain This makes the total of unemployed Killed on Luzon property of the three-day battle Minami Daito island, 200 th!i country. about SM.OW, not many more than here. at the peak of war production. Qen. Ollvla-RoKct, Frcnch officer miles cast of Okinawa. Manpower commlislon ofHclals who directed the Iwmbing of Damas­ Among tho Kyushu tar­ emphasized nothing lias occurred to cus, has been dismissed from his gets, Kagoshima has bo th Steak Hurled dlilurb thclr prcvlou.^ prediction command at British request. land and seaplane bases fo r DETOOrr, June 3 (JV-Tho that by early August unemployment British ninth army forccs meat ihorUge look off In all di­ will have climbed to 2,000,000, tinued to tnke over trouble spots ^ v y planes. M iyazaki, on the rections hi Detroit today. WhUe Not for Months throughout Syria. southeast coast, has a three the dty marktt for gelling hono Tliey say while cutbacks In muni­ runw ay airbase. m » t fit for human eonsmnp- Thb Is the flnt n>u»h of the huie Mone or brenie stutoary that will adorrj Washington In the year* DE GAULLE STANDS PAT tlaa elOHd »t noon with a "wld tions contracts since April 1 now or< The Japanese tried new defenca hovering around tJie *10,000,000,000 after the war. H ihow. In elay, the historic fUg.tiOslnr on Iwo JIma by the marine*. Left to right are Uie PARIS. Juno 3 lff>—deneral De I tricks against the «S0 Superforta ta oot” il«n. JYank Zarzycltl. 27. mark, the full Impact Mil not bo felt world famed aHUl. Kary r»lnl«r Seeand CUaa Fellr G. W. de Weldon, sculptor of Ihrt© of England'a Oaulle charged today that Syrians Friday’s 3300-tcai fire bomb raid so WM fined tJ5 for throwlnff a steak I for month.1, since many projects king*, who roooldrf Ihe art; Ted R. Gamble,.national director «f the treasury war finance dlvblon, and the who fought tho French carried am Osaka, but the assault set flrea aooes » cafe. He complahisd. to be eliminated gradually. three sorrlvor* of the I*o J|m> flag railing .crew: Pfc. Rene Arthur Gagnon, Manchwlrr, N. H , Pfc. I n furnished by tho British, and suj burning In tha heart of tho Nippon­ “TTsere too miKh fat on It." Predicted double of untmplo>Tncnl llunlllon Hayes, Indian Chief. 6acaloD, Arli.; Phlnnaelst-a Mate John Henry Bradley, Antlgo, WIs. gested n four-power conference ii ese city. : In the next 60 days or so, govern­ eluding Russia negotiate the que AnU-alreraft fire at Osaka ment, officials say. is Inevltablo while tion of tho whole Arab world, a bad flying weathfer en routa ta tha' the catloti’a civilian production ma­ area where British intcrtata pre- target contrlbated ta tte tcOI a( Ii) chine la being maneuvered into po- Supertttta^ofidng tm t'tb e ta the Important mldwestem area. slUoa to pick up the burden. Ko WofM Than IM i Asked to give nameu of Brttlsh SbMUca Knocked ot( Rent Office Secm-ed; agents he said precipluted u -- Me*^ ha* been for nrmer vrathir REIUilNGVElS The w produeUon board already Ian aad'lAbantM upruin'i au]tabl« tec Jlajd * 01*. AJ^ouib 0;jiU» 8«id “Evftyone XMf — -It piWtlar-.h«l*»n delayed • h u JenocWd m host of warUmo shackles from consumer goods mln- Registratioiijto Open ntmes, and t would blusb them to you.“ _____ t from a yew ttfacture, but the real go-ahead wiU not come until July 1, when supplies I>andIorda of rental property in T w in Falla county may He told of French-Brltlsh poUtlcal tiM and flood! lat«. in NEW YORK. June 3 yr>-A baU and economic duties in the middle y Jmj# hindered farm of Steel, copper and aluminum are b opin registering thclr holdings a t 9 a.m . M o n ^ y in the tered freighter, the Paine Wingate, of feet abon Otaica while the 8ro released- Any earlier green Mght, bringing home 323 vctcrAn-i from east dating from the last wur and foru, covered by UO Iwo-baaeS tOM* says WPB. would Interfere with war newly ncquircd—and centrally located— quarters of O PA ’s hidlcatefl refusal to submit the mid­ tang «ghte*fc deltijed doctatrimd Europe, limped into port tonight PFC. HOMEIt B. WOOD production. area rent control officc, G eorge Rock, Denver, regional rent with 18 feet of water In its hold os dle east problem to a tripartite Induitrlal planU with g a ^ duee a near rMord auptdy of food While about 150,000 have bccome meeting of France, Britain and the . KlUed In aetloD en Loan. »nd feed crops. director, announced Isst n ig h t. R egistration has already be­ result of a collision with a tanker bombs In the two-hour d a ^ actually unemployed slncc April, in a fog-slirouded convoy at sea. Dnlted States, as proposed by (Btaff engravinc) raid en Japans second largeet d • AdTent of thia June found Utll» twice liiat number have left muni­ g u n in Burley and Rupert. ChurchlU. He Insisted Russia sit In. Japanese Interceptor pUoU, whlla improvement In the Immediately Five other troop-crammed Liberty tions Jobs or related projects since The rent control office hero ships arrived earlier. In all tho reluctant to close with the heavlly- available food auppllu for consum- that time. WMO officials said. Of is located in the D, B. M oor­ ' era In thU ecunlry or abroad. vessel* carried 1,430 solillcra. One ormed EuperforU and tha hard-hlt- these 300,000, 60 per ccnt elthpr m a n building, IM Main ave­ ship brought a report of a perlloiu itog Mustangs, employed a new More Vetetablc*. Fmit have found nonwar Jobs or, ES voyage through stormy seas and Ice­ chaln-and-bueket dtfenaa ccotrlT- n ue north, and consists o f FLASHES of A furvBjr breught reporta from cue of many women, have retired bergs. miil ance without success, army actarees moat major American cities of an from the labor market, they added. t^vo rooms above Snowball'i H M N said . Capt. L. L. Bfo.?ley, commanding imehaBged altuatJon, meat suppUea Spo rt shop. officer of the Wlngntc, said tho acci­ LIFE The device, two paint' buckat- r a j tight, poultry and sugar scarce, Bxplalntas some of ihe delaUs of dent to his ship occurrcd 1,200 miles slted cyUnden linked by a nlne-foot but men freah vegetables and frulta the government rciu-control pro­ Total sales In the seventh war loan out of New York. A two-foot hole riBRY chain, was dropped by the eaany becoming available.
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