4633 railway, with all proper, works and conveniences to the Farnborough station: of the said South. respectively connected therewith, that is to say, a Western Railway,, in the said parish of Farn- branch or extension of the. said Reading, Guildford, borough, in the said county of Southampton, and •and Reigate. Railway commencing from and out of which said proposed branch railway, works, and. or by a junction "with the said main line or trunk conveniences is or are intended to pass, or be ffailway at or near to a spot upon which now made by, from, through, or into the parish of Farn- •stands or formerly stood a certain building, called r borough, in the county of Southampton. the old workhouse at Ash,. in the parish of Ash,, in And it is intended in the said Act or Acts to the county of Surrey,. and terminating at or near to take power to make and maintain another to a spot now or lately, called Asp. Mill, at or near branch railway, or extension of the said main trunk the town and in the parish of. Alton',: in the. county line of railway, with all proper works and conve- or Southampton, and which said- proposed- branch . niences respectively connected therewith, that is to railway, works, and conveniences, is.or- are intended say, a- branch or extension, of the said Reading, to pass, or be made by; from, through, or into the Guildford, and Reigate Railway, commencing from several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial, or and out of or by a junction with the said main other, places following, or* some of them, that is to line or trunkrailway.At^QB.y'ifl Wparish of^Saint say, Ash, Normandy , Worplesdon - Nicholas Guildford, aforesaid, in the said county of Surrey, in the occupation of Isaac Ellis, and otherwise Runwick, Tilford, Wrecclesham, all in terminating at or near the southern end of West- the county of Surrey, Bentley, Binstead,. Issington, brook Place, in the parish of Godalming, and in Thurstons otherwise Thurstones, Millcourt other- or near the borough of Godalming, in the county . wise Mullcourt, "Week otherwise Wyke, South of Surrey aforesaid, and which said last herein- Haye and Blackmore otherwise Southey and before-mentioned proposed branch railway, works, Blackmere, Westcoate otherwise, Westcote other- and conveniences, is or are intended to pass or be. TOseWestcottjRoxford; Binstead, Popham, French- made by, from, through, or into the several parishes,, man's. Haye, Binstead, King's Coldrey, Froyle, townships, or extra-parochial and other places fol-- Upper Froyle, Lower Froyle, Nea^ham, Bonhams lowing, or some or one of them, that is to say,-Ar-.- Holybourne, Hallibome, Alton, Anstey,Westbrook' tington, Saint Nicholas Guildford, Shalford Comp- . otherwise Alton Westbrook otherwise Alton West- ton, Godalming, Famcombe otherwise Fernecombe, • brobke,. Eastbrook or Alton Eastbrook otherwise Binscombe, the tithing of Godalming town, . Eastbrooke or Alton Eastbrooke, all in the county borough of Godalming, Godalming town liberty^ of Southampton.. Shackleford, Hurtmore otherwise Hurtmoore, 'And it is intended* in the. said Act or Acts to Compton, Bashing, Upper Bashing, Lower Bash- take power 'to make and maintain another branch ing, Cattshall otherwise Catteshall, Deanshold, railway, or extension of the said main trunk line of Tuesley otherwise Tewsley, and Leybourne other- . railway, with all proper works and' conveniences wise Labourne, all in the county of Surrey. respectively connected therewith, that is to say, And it is. proposed in the said intended Act or a branch or extension of the said Reading, Guild- Acts to take power to make and maintain another . ford, and Reigate Railway, commencing from and out branch railway or extension of the said main trunk, of, or by a junction with the said main line ortrunk line of railway, with all proper works and conve- railway at or near to College Farm, in the parish niences respectively connected therewith, that is to . of- Worplesdon, in* the county of Surrey, and say, a branch or extension of the said Reading, terminating at, forming a junction with, or running Guildford, and Reigate Railway, commencing from .- into the aforesaid branch railway at or near to Ash and out of or by a junction with the said main Green, in the said parish of Ash, in the said county line or trunk ^railway, at or near to Shalford of Surrey, and which proposed branch railway, Common, in th*e parish of Shalford, in the county works, and conveniences is or are intended to pass, of Surrey aforesaid, and terminating at, forming a or be made by, from, through, or. into the several junction with, or running into the last hereinbefore- parishes, townships, or extra-parochial, and other mentioned branch railway at or near to Loseley places following, or some or one. of them, that is to Gate otherwise Losely Lodge, in the tithing of say, Wick otherwise Weeke otherwise Wyke, Artington, or the said parish of Saint Nicholas Worplesdon, and Ash, all in the said county of Guildford aforesaid, and which proposed branch Surrey. railway, works, and conveniences, is or are in- • And it is intended in the said Act or Acts to tended to pass or be made, by, from, through, or take power to make and maintain another branch into the several parishes, townships, or extra- railway, or extension of the said main trunk line of parochial and other places following, or some or railway, with all proper works and conveniences one of them, that is to say, Shalford, Arlington,.. respectively connected therewith, that is to say, a Saint Nicholas, Guildford aforesaid, all in the branch or extension of the said Reading, Guildford, county of Surrey. and Reigate Railway, commencing from, and out And it is intended to apply for powers in the of, or by a junction "with the said main line or trunk said Act or Acts to incorporate a company or com- railway at or near a public carriage road at the panies for the purpose, of carrying into effect and north-western end of Farnborough village, in the executing the proposed works, and for powers for parish of Farnborough, in the said county of South- the purchase by compulsion or agreement of all ampton, and terminating by a junction with or such lands, houses, and other property, as may be running into the South Western Railway at or near necessary for the .purposes aforesaid, and for powers -.
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