Revised: Sun 1 Sept 2019 Molescroft : Beverley : Woodmansey : Dunswell : Hull Beverley to Hull Buses Monday to Friday M 121 121 121 246 X46 121 246 X46 122 246 121 X46 122 246 121 246 122 246 X46 121 Molescroft Inn .............................. - - - - - 0715 - - - - 0818 - - - 0922 - - - - 1022 Butterfly Meadows ................... - - - - - - - - 0741 - - - 0846 - - - 0946 - - - Beverley Bus Station, Arr ........... - - - - - 0720 - - 0751 - 0823 - 0856 - 0927 - 0956 - - 1027 Beverley Bus Station, Dep ........ 0535 0605 0705 0715 0720 0725 0745 0750 0755 0815 0830 0850 0900 0915 0930 0945 1000 1015 1020 1030 Beverley Normandy Ave.......... - - - - 0728 - - 0758 - - - 0901 - - - - - - 1028 - Beverley Flemingate.................. - - - 0719 - - 0749 - - 0819 - - - 0919 - 0949 - 1019 - - Woodmansey Warton Arms .. 0544 0614 0717 0724 - 0738 0754 - 0808 0824 0842 - 0912 0924 0942 0954 1012 1024 - 1042 Dunswell China Red .................. 0549 0619 0723 0730 - 0745 0801 - 0815 0831 0848 - 0918 0930 0948 1000 1018 1030 - 1048 Beverley Road Tesco ............... 0552 0622 0726 0736 0741 0751 0807 0811 0821 0837 0854 0911 0924 0936 0954 1006 1024 1036 1038 1054 Beverley Road Clough Rd ..... 0557 0627 0732 0742 0753 0800 0816 0823 0830 0846 0900 0917 0930 0942 1000 1012 1030 1042 1044 1100 Hull Carr Lane, Primark ........... 0607 0637 0745 0757 0808 0815 0831 0838 0845 0901 0915 0932 0945 0957 1015 1027 1045 1057 1059 1115 Hull Paragon Interchange ..... 0610 0640 0748 0800 0811 0818 0834 0841 0848 0904 0918 0935 0948 1000 1018 1030 1048 1100 1102 1118 246 122 246 X46 121 246 122 246 X46 121 246 122 246 X46 121 246 122 246 X46 121 Molescroft Inn .............................. - - - - 20 - - - - 1420 - - - - 1520 - - - - 1625 Butterfly Meadows ................... - 1046 - - - - 46 - - - - 1446 - - - - 1551 - - - Beverley Bus Station, Arr ........... - 1056 - - 25 - 56 - - 1425 - 1456 - - 1525 - 1601 - - 1630 Beverley Bus Station, Dep ........ 1045 1100 15 20 30 45 00 1415 1420 1430 1445 1500 1515 1520 1530 1545 1605 1620 1625 1635 Beverley Normandy Ave.......... - - - 28 - - - - 1428 - - - - 1528 - - - - 1633 - and Flemingate.................. 1049 - 19 - - 49 - until 1419 - - 1449 - 1519 - - 1549 - 1624 - - Beverley at Woodmansey Warton Arms .. 1054 1112 24 - 42 54 12 1424 - 1442 1454 1512 1524 - 1542 1554 1617 1629 - 1647 Dunswell China Red .................. 1100 1118 30 - 48 00 18 1430 - 1448 1500 1518 1530 - 1548 1600 1623 1635 - 1653 Beverley Road Tesco ............... 1106 1124 36 38 54 06 24 1436 1438 1454 1506 1524 1536 1538 1554 1606 1629 1641 1643 1659 Beverley Road Clough Rd ..... 1112 1130 42 44 00 12 30 1442 1444 1500 1512 1530 1542 1544 1600 1612 1635 1647 1649 1705 Hull Carr Lane, Primark ........... 1127 1145 57 59 15 27 45 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hull Paragon Interchange ..... 1130 1148 00 02 18 30 48 1457 1459 1515 1527 1545 1557 1559 1615 1627 1650 1702 1704 1720 F 246 122 246 X46 121 246 122 X46 121 X46 121 X46 121 X47 121 121 X47 121 Molescroft Inn .............................. - - - - 1725 - - - 1833 - 1923 - 2023 - 2123 2323 - 0020 Butterfly Meadows ................... - 1651 - - - - 1756 - - - - - - - - - - - Beverley Bus Station, Arr ........... - 1701 - - 1730 - 1806 - 1838 - 1928 - 2028 - 2128 2328 - 0024 Beverley Bus Station, Dep ........ 1650 1705 1720 1725 1735 1750 1810 1825 1840 1915 1930 2010 2030 2105 2130 - 2330 0025 Beverley Normandy Ave.......... - - - 1733 - - - 1830 - 1920 - 2015 - 2110 - - 2335 - All your codes: Beverley Flemingate.................. 1654 - 1724 - - 1754 - - - - - - - - - - - - M: This jopurney Woodmansey Warton Arms .. 1659 1717 1729 - 1747 1759 1819 - 1848 - 1938 - 2038 - 2138 - - 0032 starts at Dunswell China Red .................. 1705 1723 1735 - 1753 1805 1825 - 1854 - 1944 - 2044 - 2144 - - 0037 Molescroft Inn Beverley Road Tesco ............... 1711 1729 1741 1743 1759 1811 1827 1840 1855 1930 1945 2025 2045 - 2145 - - 0039 at 08.05 on school days. Beverley Road Clough Rd ..... 1717 1735 1747 1749 1805 1817 1833 1846 1901 1936 1951 2031 2051 2131 2151 - 2356 0044 F: Runs on - - 1759 1804 1817 1829 1845 1857 1912 1947 2002 2042 2102 2142 2202 - 0007 0052 Hull Carr Lane, Primark ........... Fridays only. Hull Paragon Interchange ..... 1732 1750 1802 1807 1820 1832 1848 1900 1915 1950 2005 2045 2105 2145 2205 - - - Saturday 121 121 246 X46 121 246 246 X46 121 122 246 X46 121 246 122 246 X46 121 Molescroft Inn ....................... - - - - 0725 - - - 0818 - - - 0922 - - - - 1022 Butterfly Meadows ............... - - - - - - - - - 0846 - - - - 0946 - - - Beverley Bus Station, Arr ......... - - - - 0730 - - - 0823 0856 - - 0927 - 0956 - - 1027 Beverley Bus Station, Dep .......0605 0705 0715 0720 0735 0745 0815 0820 0830 0900 0915 0920 0930 0945 1000 1015 1020 1030 Beverley Normandy Ave ........ - - - 0728 - - - 0828 - - - 0928 - - - - 1028 - Beverley Flemingate .............. - - 0719 - - 0749 0819 - - - 0919 - - 0949 - 1019 - - Woodmansey Warton Arms ..0614 0717 0724 - 0747 0754 0824 - 0842 0912 0924 - 0942 0954 1012 1024 - 1042 Dunswell China Red ..............0619 0723 0730 - 0753 0800 0830 - 0848 0918 0930 - 0948 1000 1018 1030 - 1048 Beverley Road Tesco ............0622 0726 0736 0738 0756 0806 0836 0838 0854 0924 0936 0938 0954 1006 1024 1036 1038 1052 Beverley Road Clough Rd ....0627 0732 0742 0744 0802 0812 0842 0844 0900 0930 0942 0944 1000 1012 1030 1042 1044 1100 Hull Carr Lane, Primark .........0637 0745 0757 0759 0815 0827 0857 0859 0915 0945 0957 0959 1015 1027 1045 1057 1059 1115 Hull Paragon Interchange ....0640 0748 0800 0802 0818 0830 0900 0902 0918 0948 1000 1002 1018 1030 1048 1100 1102 1118 246 122 246 X46 121 246 122 246 X46 121 246 122 246 X46 121 246 122 246 X46 121 Molescroft Inn ....................... - - - - 20 - - - - 1420 - - - - 1520 - - - - 1620 Butterfly Meadows ............... - 1046 - - - - 46 - - - - 1446 - - - - 1546 - - - Beverley Bus Station, Arr ......... - 1056 - - 25 - 56 - - 1425 - 1456 - - 1525 - 1556 - - 1625 Beverley Bus Station, Dep .......1045 1100 15 20 30 45 00 1415 1420 1430 1445 1500 1515 1520 1530 1545 1600 1615 1620 1630 Beverley Normandy Ave ........ - - - 28 - - - - 1428 - - - - 1528 - - - - 1628 - and Flemingate ..............1049 - 19 - - 49 - until 1419 - - 1449 - 1519 - - 1549 - 1619 - - Beverley at Woodmansey Warton Arms ..1054 1112 24 - 42 54 12 1424 - 1442 1454 1512 1524 - 1542 1554 1612 1624 - 1642 Dunswell China Red ..............1100 1118 30 - 48 00 18 1430 - 1448 1500 1518 1530 - 1548 1600 1618 1630 - 1648 Beverley Road Tesco ............1106 1124 36 38 54 06 24 1436 1438 1454 1506 1524 1536 1538 1554 1606 1624 1636 1638 1654 Beverley Road Clough Rd ....1112 1130 42 44 00 12 30 1442 1444 1500 1512 1530 1542 1544 1600 1612 1630 1642 1644 1700 Hull Carr Lane, Primark .........1127 1145 57 59 15 27 45 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hull Paragon Interchange ....1130 1148 00 02 18 30 48 1457 1459 1515 1527 1545 1557 1559 1615 1627 1645 1657 1659 1715 246 122 246 X46 121 122 X46 121 X46 121 X46 121 X47 121 121 X47 121 Molescroft Inn ....................... - - - - 1720 - - 1820 - 1923 - 2023 - 2123 2323 - 0020 Butterfly Meadows ............... - 1646 - - - 1751 - - - - - - - - - - - Beverley Bus Station, Arr ......... - 1656 - - 1725 1801 - 1825 - 1928 - 2028 - 2128 2328 - 0024 Beverley Bus Station, Dep .......1645 1700 1715 1720 1730 1805 1820 1830 1915 1930 2010 2030 2105 2130 - 2330 0025 Beverley Normandy Ave ........ - - - 1728 - - 1828 - 1920 - 2015 - 2110 - - 2335 - Beverley Flemingate ..............1649 - 1719 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Woodmansey Warton Arms ..1654 1712 1724 - 1742 1814 - 1838 - 1938 - 2038 - 2138 - - 0032 Dunswell China Red ..............1700 1718 1730 - 1748 1820 - 1844 - 1944 - 2044 - 2144 - - 0037 Beverley Road Tesco ............1706 1724 1736 1738 1754 1823 1838 1846 1930 1946 2025 2046 - 2146 - - 0039 Beverley Road Clough Rd ....1712 1730 1742 1744 1800 1829 1844 1851 1936 1951 2031 2051 2131 2151 - 2356 0044 Hull Carr Lane, Primark ......... - - - 1759 1812 1840 1857 1902 1947 2002 2042 2102 2142 2202 - 0007 0052 Hull Paragon Interchange ....1727 1745 1757 1802 1815 1843 1900 1905 1950 2005 2045 2105 2145 2205 - - - Sunday & Bank Holidays 121 121 121 121 X46 121 X47 121 X46 121 X47 121 X46 121 Molescroft Inn ....................... - 0828 0922 1022 - 1120 - 1220 - 1320 - 1420 - 1520 Beverley Bus Station, Arr ......... - 0833 0927 1027 - 1125 - 1225 - 1325 - 1425 - 1525 Beverley Bus Station, Dep .......0735 0835 0930 1030 1115 1130 1215 1230 1315 1330 1415 1430 1515 1530 Service X46, 121 and 122 buses have Beverley Normandy Ave ........ - - - - 1123 - 1223 - 1323 - 1423 - 1523 - FREE Wi-Fi. So you can stay Woodmansey Warton Arms ..0743 0843 0942 1042 - 1142 - 1242 - 1342 - 1442 - 1542 up-to-date whilst on the move! Dunswell China Red ..............0749 0849 0948 1048 - 1148 - 1248 - 1348 - 1448 - 1548 Beverley Road Tesco ............0751 0851 0954 1054 1131 1154 - 1254 1331 1354 - 1454 1531 1554 Beverley Road Clough Rd ....0756 0856 1000 1100 1138 1200 1243 1300 1338 1400 1443 1500 1538 1600 The EY Buses Hull Carr Lane, Primark .........0807 0907 1015 1155 1152 1215 1257 1315 1352 1415 1457 1515 1552 1615 Hull Paragon Interchange ....0810 0910 1018 1118 1155 1218 1300 1318 1355 1418 1500 1518 1555 1618 mobile app! Track your bus, get tickets, plan a X47 121 X46 121 X47 121 X46 121 X47 121 121 121 X47 journey, find bus times. Molescroft Inn ....................... - 1620 - 1720 - 1820 - 1923 - 2023 2123 2323 - Download it now for FREE from the Beverley Bus Station, Arr ........
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