Schools Sports Town Traveler Foothill-De Anza trustees Los Altos falls Local preserves offer support move to mandate in CCS baseball outdoor adventures COVID vaccines for final and a dose of history students, staff Page 12 Page 14 Page 18 Vol. 74 No. 25 • 50 cents losaltosonline.com WEDNESDAY • June 23, 2021 Community news for Los Altos, Los Altos Hills and Mountain View since 1947 Retiring Hills Celebrating a grand reopening LA council city manager Residents herald end set to hire of many pandemic gets contract health restrictions new city extended By Zoe Morgan Staff Writer/[email protected] manager By Megan V. Winslow ocal officials, business By Bruce Barton Staff Writer/[email protected] leaders and residents are Staff Writer/[email protected] Lcelebrating as the state’s os Altos Hills City Man- tier-based COVID-19 restrictions rospective Los Altos City ager Carl Cahill will re- are lifted and more than 70% of Manager Gabriel Enge- Lmain at his post through eligible Santa Clara County resi- Pland doesn’t shy away Oct . 29, the city council decided dents are fully vaccinated . from challenges . He embraces Thursday . As expected, council The early days of the pandem- them . members were divided on the is- ic were “exceptionally scary,” Engeland, 42, whose three- sue, with Mayor Kavita Tankha, but the community stepped up year agreement was up for ap- Vice Mayor George Tyson and and rose to face the “daunting proval at Tuesday’s city council Councilmember Lisa Schmidt challenge,” Santa Clara County meeting – after the Town Crier’s voting in favor of extending Supervisor Joe Simitian told the print deadline – comes from Cahill’s contract as his replace- crowd at a June 17 reopening Sierra Madre, a Southern Cali- ment is identified; council mem- celebration at Rancho Shopping fornia community that faced its bers Linda Swan and Stanley Q . Center, hosted by the Los Altos own serious budget and infra- Mok opposed Tyson’s motion . Chamber of Commerce . ZOE MORGAN/TOWN CRIER structure challenges when he Swan, as she did at the May “As we begin again, I hope Local officials, business leaders and residents celebrate reopen- assumed city manager duties in See CAHILL, Page 8 See REOPENING, Page 8 ing with a confetti cannon at Rancho Shopping Center June 17. 2017 . “We solved a lot of these is- sues,” he told the Town Crier Critters at Cuesta Park amuse some, alarm others last week, prompting his desire By Megan V. Winslow your pocket,” wrote Leonard M . “That to search for a new position and Staff Writer/[email protected] can really hurt, especially if you have new challenges . “The challeng- a hole in your pocket . The really dan- es (in Los Altos) line up nicely t began with a social media post gerous ones are throat gophers because with the things I want to work featuring a photo of two wee beas- they gopher your throat ”. on . It feels like a very good fit ”. Ities convening on a pile of excavat- David S . responded with a still One of the biggest issues for ed dirt . from the 1980 comedy “Caddyshack ”. Los Altos is housing . A host of “These guys seem to be everywhere Throughout the film, Bill Murray’s new state laws require the city at Cuesta Park and are freaking me “Carl,” the groundskeeper at a country to supply a high number of af- out,” wrote Jen C . of Mountain View club, wages war on a menacing gopher fordable housing units . The on Nextdoor . “Are they gophers? Are residing under the club’s golf course . council June 8 approved a con- they dangerous?” “I know of a good exterminator that sultant to work on a new hous- That was back in November . Seven solved persistent such problem in past,” ing element for the 2023-2031 months later, residents of Los Altos, David S . wrote . general plan . Under a Regional Los Altos Hills and Mountain View are Housing Needs Allocation still responding to Jen C ’s. distressed ‘Blunt torpedoes’ mandate, the city must create COURTESY OF NORMA JEAN GALIHER A Botta’s pocket gopher grins for the camera inside inquiry with comical quips and la- Norma Jean Galiher of Mountain conditions for 1,958 new units, Redwood City’s Russian Ridge Preserve. Unlike other ments about their own ravaged gardens . View’s Martens-Carmelita neighbor- 1,115 of them deemed afford- gopher species, Botta’s pocket gophers use their teeth “Those are pocket gophers, which hood, a longtime Edgewood Park and able . for digging. aren’t dangerous unless they end up in See GOPHERS, Page 7 See ENGELAND, Page 6 ALSO INSIDE – JUNE 23, 2021 Business & Real Estate . 19 Letters to the Editor . 9 Schools . 12 Classified . 27 Obituaries . 26 Sports . 14 Comment . 9 Peek into the Past . 9 Stepping Out . 15 Community . 10 Police Blotter . 4 Town Traveler . 17 Datebook . 27 Public Notices . 26 Your home is where our heart is THE TROYER GROUP 1400 RAVENSWOOD DR Open Saturday & Sunday 1:30 – 5:00pm | VISIT 1400RAVENSWOOD.COM FOR VIDEO & 3D TOUR! LOS ALTOS THOUGHTFULLY EXPANDED 4 BEDS 3 BATHS NUMEROUS SKYLIGHTS HARDWOOD & NEW CARPET QUARTZ-APPOINTED KITCHEN FABULOUS OUTDOOR ENTERTAINING VENUE LUSH GARDEN LOS ALTOS SCHOOLS 1400RAVENSWOOD.COM CALL FOR PRICE 1320 MIRAVALLE AVE Open Saturday & Sunday 1:30 – 5:00pm | VISIT 1320MIRAVALLE.COM FOR VIDEO & 3D TOUR! LOS ALTOS EXPANSIVE FLOOR PLAN RESORT-STYLE GROUNDS 5 BEDS OFFICE 4.5 BATHS ABUNDANT MULTI-USE SPACES PALATIAL MASTER SUITE POOL & SPA, OUTDOOR KITCHEN MINUTES TO EVERY AMENITY LOS ALTOS SCHOOLS 1320MIRAVALLE.COM CALL FOR PRICE Both homes are available to Show within County Mandate DAVID TROYER Lic. #01234450 650.440.5076 | [email protected] | DAVIDTROYER.COM Page 2 / Los Altos Town Crier / June 23, 2021 LosAltosOnline.com SCOTTRON LABETICH O’BRIEN || 650.941.5221650.320.0296 SCOTT O’BRIENCommercial Real| 650.320.0296 Estate Services [email protected] Real Estate Services www.cushmanwakefield.com DOWNTOWNOFFICEOFFICE SPACE LOS ALTOS FOR BUILDING LEASE FOR SALE 495One S.First San Street, Antonio Los Road,Altos Los Altos 395 First Street, Los Altos +/- 1,4483,000 toSF 3,090Completely SF; Various Renovated! suites Freeavailable Standing with Office private Building;offices, openNew area,modern kitchenettes, space andwith naturala mix of light; private dedicated offices1,500 HVACSFand building, open to each office; 3,160 suite. SFSan lot. Antonio Office, signage. service and retail uses permitted. 4260 Main State Street, Street, Los AltosGreat Los owner/user Altos opportunity. Three parking spaces in rear of building. +/- 2001,800 SF SF; to 1,6752nd floor SF;Front singleoffice & rear offices over entrances. retail; with privateshared entrancesconference from and State kitchen Street area; and nice parking profes- sionalplaza;OFFICE serviceGood FOR naturaloffice LEASE lightsuites throughout with glass, the natural space; light, between and shared 2nd and kitchen. 3rd Streets. 3391134240 S. Third El San Camino AntonioStreet, Real, LosRoad, Altos Mountain Los Altos View +/- 4282,996 to 1,238 SF; Great SF; Range visibility of smaller on El Caminosuites available Real; Walkingwith private distance offices toand down- open townarea; perfectMt.1,560 View SFfor Classandprofessional Caltrain;A Office service Space;open businesses officeFirst floor with withspace a flexible mixin shellof terms. privates;condition; flexible Design yourterms. new office space in the heart of downtown Los Altos. 240 Third Street, Los AltosRETAIL FOR LEASE 222+/-4 Main1,560 Main Street,SF; Street, Modern Los high LosAltos end Altos office suite with 1 private, conference room, open area, +/-kitchen,1,419 4,200 SF and with SF; storage; open Amazing office, PerfectLEASED frontageconference startup space in room, the with heartand great shared of downtownidentity kitchen. and Great Losprivate locationAltos covered between in downtown parking 2nd andLos Altos.3rd Streets; Divisible to approx.RETAIL +/- FOR 1,800 LEASE SF. 222169167 Main StateS. San Street, Street, Antonio Los Los Altos Road, Altos Los Altos +/-854 2,5294,200 SF with SF; SF; 2 Greatprivate Amazing visibility offices frontage onplus State open in Street; area.the heart PrivateOpen of retailparking. downtown area Available with Los high Altosnow. ceilings between and large2nd windows; patio space in front of the building; between 3rd and 4th Streets. and20 First3rd Streets; Street, Divisible Los Altos to approx. +/- 1,800 SF. 252 State Street, Los Altos 1692,500 State SF Class Street, A offices Los Altos with 4 privates, private parking and excellent signage. Available +/- 2,5294,000 SF; SF Great Great visibility frontageLEASED on onState State Street; Street Open with retail entrances area with on high State ceilings Street and and large the parkingwindows;now. plaza; patio space private in frontpatio; of betweenthe building; 2nd between and 3rd 3rd Streets. and 4th Streets. Los Altos resident and itinerant photographer S.M. Lieu celebrated Juneteenth at the Santa Clara Coun- ty Fairgrounds Saturday and We are here to help you fulfill your shared her pictures real estate dreams. Whether buying with Town Crier or selling a home, we will guide you readers on our every step of the way. Facebook page – follow us to catch Your Success Is Our Business! photos of local life as it happens. And ALICE & ALICIA NUZZO 650.947.2902 turn to page 4 for Loyalty • Integrity • Local knowledge TeamNuzzo.com | [email protected] coverage of the DRE 70059392 467 First Street, Suite 200, Los Altos, CA 94022 Juneteenth celebra- tion in Los Altos. PHOTOS BY S.M. LIEU/ SPECIAL TO THE TOWN CRIER Kozy Brothers DE MARTINI ORCHARD 6666 N.N. SanSan AntonioAntonio Rd.,Rd., LosLos AltosAltos •• 650-948-0881650-948-0881 •• DeMartiniOrchard.comDeMartiniOrchard.com LOCAL BING WHITE CORN CHERRIS IN HUSK SWEET AND CRISP EARS ¢ $ 99 3FOR 99 4 LB WHITE DONUT YELLOW PEACHES PEACHES VERY TASTY SWEET AND JUICY $ 49 $ 49 LB 2 LB 2 KENT BROCCOLI BLACK CROWN, CUT WHITE BLEMHIEM APRICOTS VELVET MANGOES LOCAL APRICOT APRICOT SWEET & CREAMY VERY LOS ALTOS IN SEASON $ 29 IN SEASON TASTY $ 99 GROWN ¢ 1 LB 2 LB 99 EACH GREEN BEANS CHECK OUT OUR NEW ONLINE STORE WATERMELONS LOCAL BLUE LAKE WHOLE SEEDLESS SHOP ONLINE FOR SAME-DAY PICK-UP OR DELIVERY VINE RIPE $ 99 NO SUBSCRIPTIONS AND HAND PICKED BY OUR TRAINED STAFF.
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