A2 - BACKGROUND PAPERS Planning Policy Guidance PPS1: Delivering Sustainable Development PPG3: Housing PPG4: Industrial and Commercial Development and Small Firms PPS6: Planning for Town Centres PPG9: Nature Conservation PPG10: Planning and Waste Management PPG13: Transport PPG15: Planning and the Historic Environment PPG16: Planning and Archaeology PPS23: Planning and Pollution Control PPG24: Planning and Noise PPG25: Development and Flood Risk RPG3A: Supplementary Guidance for London for the Protection of Strategic Views 1999 Strategic Policy The London Plan (February 2004) Safeguarded Wharves on the River Thames, Implementation Report (January 2005) Local Policy Lewisham Adopted UDP (July 2004) Background & Supporting Research Reports Guidance on Tall Buildings (CABE / English Heritage, March 2003) Convoys Wharf: Urban Design Framework (London School of Economics Cities Programme, July 2001) Report on Convoys Wharf Consultation (Planning Aid for London, March 2002) Convoys Wharf (Roger Tym & Partners for London Borough of Lewisham, January 2003) Convoys Wharf Cruise Terminal Feasibility Assessment (Locum for PLA, October 2003) Convoys Wharf Cruise Terminal: Initial Planning Report (Royal Haskoning for PLA, February 2004) Convoys Wharf Cruise Terminal Financial Feasibility Assessment (Locum for PLA, May 2004) Convoys Wharf Cruise Liner Terminal Assessment (Scott Wilson for LDA, January 2005) London Development Agency Convoys Wharf Eco-Business Research Project USA Study Tour 13-16 April 2003 London Development Agency’s European Study Tour 10-13 June 2003 Environmental Statement Review (Arup for London Borough of Lewisham, June 2003 and May 2005) Transport Assessment Review (Arup for London Borough of Lewisham, August 2003, April 2004, June 2004, January 2005) London Borough of Lewisham Report to Mayor & Cabinet 16 July 2003: London Borough of Lewisham Response to GLA Consultation Report ‘Safeguarded Wharves on the River Thames’ Mayor of London ‘Safeguarded Wharves on the River Thames’ London Plan Implementation Report January 2005 Redevelopment of Convoys Wharf Deptford: Appraisal of Proposed Retail Development (Nathanial Lichfield & Partners for London Borough of Lewisham, April 2005) A3 - APPLICATION DOCUMENTS For Approval Application Form and Certificates Drawings (for approval) ME: 1 – Red Line Plan (October 2002) 3600/PA/001 – Development Parcels (October 2002) 3600/PA/002 – Development Heights 1 (October 2002) 3600/PA/003 – Routes & Access Points (October 2002) 3600/PA/004 – Development Heights 2 (October 2002) 3600/PA/005 – Basement Parking & Servicing Level (October 2002) 3600/PA/006 – Wharf-Related Development Parcels (October 2002) 3600/PA/007 – Site Elevations and Sections 1 (October 2002) 3600/PA/008 – Site Elevations and Sections 2 (October 2002) Development Framework Principles (June 2004) Additional Information Drawings (for information) 3600/PA/009 – Tower Elevations (February 2003) 3600/010 – Illustrative Site Context Plan (October 2002) 3600/011 – Illustrative Site Location Plan (October 2002) 3600/012 – Illustrative Ground Level Plan (October 2002) 3600/013 – Illustrative Typical Level Plan (October 2002) 3600/014 – Illustrative Typical Upper Level Plan (October 2002) 3600/015 – Illustrative Typical Tower Plan/Roof Plan (October 2002) 3600/016 – Illustrative Central Space (August 2002) 3600/017 – Illustrative Site Elevations and Sections 1 (October 2002) 3600/018 – Illustrative Site Elevations and Sections 2 (October 2002) 3600/019 – Illustrative Site Elevations and Sections 3 (October 2002) 3600/020 – Illustrative Site Elevations and Sections 4 (October 2002) 3600/021 – Illustrative Site Elevations and Sections 5 (October 2002) 3600/022 – Olympia Warehouse – Existing Plan (October 2002) 3600/023 – Olympia Warehouse – Existing Sections (October 2002) 3600/024 – Olympia Warehouse – Existing Elevations North/South (October 2002) 3600/025 – Olympia Warehouse – Existing Elevations West/East (October 2002) 6914 C100 – Site Plan and Flood Defence Sections (July 2002) Environmental Statement Main Report Non-Technical Summary 1 & 2 and Technical Appendices (October 2002, Supplemental Information June 2004, April 2005) Planning Statement (September 2002) Design Statement (October 2002) Statement on Tall Buildings (October 2002) Marine Terminal Assessment (October 2002) Delivering Sustainability (October 2002) Statement on Public Consultation (October 2002) Assessment of Waste Recycling & Reprocessing Facilities (October 2002) Environmental Statement Supplemental Information (June 2004) Design Framework Document (June 2004) Transport Technical Note 1: Highway Assessment (June 2004) Transport Technical Note 2: Public Transport Accessibility (June 2004) Transport Technical Note 3: Highway Trip Generation, Mode Split and Distribution (November 2003) Transport Technical Note 5: Car Parking (June 2004) Transport Technical Note 6 Improving PTAL (June 2004) Transport Technical Note 7 Trip Generation / Census Comparison (June 2004) Transport Technical Note 8 Non-Residential Parking Profiles (June 2004) Transport Technical Note 9 Updated Traffic Modelling (June 2004) Flood Risk Assessment (April 2005) Energy Strategy and Assessment (September 2004) A4 - MAP SHOWING EXTENT OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION A5 - RECONSULTATION RESPONSES (APRIL 2005) Reconsultation took place in June 2004 and April 2005, following the submission of substantive supplementary information. Residents and businesses in the locality were notified and a more comprehensive letter was sent to those who had replied earlier and to statutory consultees and other interested third parties. 13 pre-prepared letters of objection have been received sharing concerns raised by Convoys Opportunity from 15, 19, 20, 25, 50, and 63 Eddystone Tower Oxestalls Road, 33 and 36 Harman House Bowditch, 112 Daubeney Tower Bowditch, 37 Marlowe House Bowditch, 11 Deptford Wharf, 102 Gilbert House McMillan Street, 23 Rochdale Way 12 replies were received from occupiers of 9 and 32 Albury Street, 40 Etta Street, 252 and 315 Evelyn Street, 32 Stretton Mansions Glaisher Street, 4 Sanford Walk, 41 Lanyard House Windlass Place, 13 Woodcote House Prince Street, 71 Parkside Vanbrugh Park. These raise a number of points that are incorporated in the summary of objections below: • current proposal is a missed opportunity and a conventional high rise scheme that could be found anywhere in London; • construction of 3,500 flats would be ‘socially unsustainable’ and at odds with the community environment of Deptford. Flats would be bought as investment; • a mix of housing tenure is required; • a mix of dwelling types are needed, including family housing to help ensure stability in the community; • affordable housing is needed; • employment opportunities should be created other than those in service/retail outlets; • some maritime use should be found for available deepwater; • the towers would be out of keeping with the area; • loss of wall around the site; • waste recycling plant (and would remove the responsibility of waste disposal from its producers); • need for range of community facilities; • need for bus services; • the deep water facility should be maintained; • support for alternative proposals that include a cruise liner terminal, which is also backed by the PLA and in various reports; • proposal is contrary to Blue Ribbon Network within The London Plan; • details of environmental impact are still unclear; • loss of light to neighbouring properties; • increase in traffic during demolition, construction and upon the commencement of the use would lead to air and noise pollution and damage to buildings and drains and would require remedial works in the area; • there is no firm undertaking that waste would be transported by barge; • a significant number of facilities would be required to support the development. These include health, education, leisure and community uses; • query about any Section 106 package the Council might be negotiating; • a heritage centre should be created on site because of its archaeological significance. In addition, one letter of support has been received (no address given). Cllr. David Grant (Greenwich West Ward) has written in support of the proposal for a cruise liner terminal. He feels that the three tower blocks are likely to disfigure the area since they would be entirely out of character with other local buildings. He supports high density housing but believes that this could be delivered without the higher buildings. Letters have also been received from two other people expressing an interest in the development. • The AHOY (The Adventure Help and Opportunities for Youth Centre) Centre, a sailing and boating centre on Deptford Reach has written to explain the nature of their facility and their need for funding. • The Rev Canon Graham Corneck has also requested assistance through Section 106 monies to help the development of a mixed community facility at St Luke's Church, Evelyn Street. Lastly, a letter has been received from a company wishing to use the existing jetty for the servicing of vessels that would provide a range of services, including commuting. Thames Water No further response Environment Agency The EA considers that the ecological response in the resubmission is inadequate: parts of the documentation were missing and the new material did not address earlier concerns. In particular, the submission needs to address impacts upon the river wall and its ecology resulting from works to the riverbed, hard landscaping and the replacement of flood defences.
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