ATE U OT ST NIVER Inside This Issue: IN SIT - The Vent by Frankie Jean-Pierre, Page 4 M Y - Soccer, Page 6 - Football, Page 7 Red & Green - Volleyball, Page 8 Volume 97, Number 8 November 5, 2015 Minot, N.D. 58701 minotstateu.edu/redgreen MSU students sing their hearts out at Costume Karaoke Photo by Jerusalem Tukura Photo by Jerusalem Tukura Kris Morken (left) and Gunner Flynn (right) sing ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ at Jess Carson (left) and Crystal Williams (right) sing ‘Fergilicious’ at costume karaoke. costume karaoke in the Beaver Dam. MSU Life sponsored the event last week. Veterans Awareness Week to honor veterans and discuss current issues By Ashley Busch will be in the Westlie Room, locat - Veterans Center director Andy fied rehabilitation counselor, will veterans of U.S. wars in writing Comm 281 ed on the third floor of the Student Heitkamp said. present “Combat Veterans and workshops held in Minot, Grand The Minot State University Center. Everyone is welcome to A series of guest-speaker pre - Higher Education: helping stu - Forks, Bismarck and Dickinson. Veterans Center will bring atten - listen to the topics and discus - sentations kicks off today with dent veterans with Post Traumatic The performance begins at 7 p.m. tion to and honor veterans during sions. North Dakota National Guard sui - Stress Disorder Achieve in Aleshire Theater and is free and Veterans Awareness Week, Nov. “Veterans Awareness Week cide prevention coordinator Jared Academic Success” from 1:30 to open to the public. 4-10. The center is hosting guest helps to remind people that there Klempel’s “Be A Lifeline” presen - 2:30 p.m. Monday morning will feature a speakers from veteran agencies are individuals who are lining up tation on suicide prevention from Also on Friday, actors from the Native American Sunrise and service organizations to shine to serve, day in and day out, to 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Greater Grand Forks Community Ceremony in the MSU Quad at light on veteran issues with stu - protect our freedoms that we Friday’s guest speaker, Kirsten Theatre will perform “Warrior 8:45 a.m.. dent-veterans. All presentations enjoy every day in America,” Hanson, Fargo VA Hospital certi - Words,” monologues written by See Veterans — Page 3 Page 2 – October 29 , 2015 News Red & Green Voices on Campus “What d oes Vete rans D ay mean to you?” Keith Ailes Comm 281 1st International Bank 3x10 spot color Austin Zorn Lexi Klein Physical Educati on Broadcast and Public Relations “I think Veterans Day is a day “I have a few uncles who were fo r us to thank ev ery one who in Vietnam and a gra ndf ather has serve d our c oun try , and one who w as in W orld War II so to apprec ia te livi ng in t he land Veterans Day is one that of t he fre e” reminds me how thankful I am that they all made it back safe from protecting our country.” Dou g Rolfson Eric a Cl ark Energy Economics and Finance Communications Arts “I believe Veter ans D ay is a day “V eterans D ay is a bout honoring we all need to t hin k about how the brave a n performances.d the people w Iho lucky we are to live in the wewnt over w ho fou gh t for our United States and appreciate freedom. I a m bey ond grateful everyone who has fought for us, for everyone who has served today, and in the past.” our country.” Sydnee Ca na les Trey Jacobson Nursin g Energy Econom ics a n d Finance “This day is an op por tunity for “Veterans D ay is a d ay to sit back us as U.S. citiz ens to r emember and think abo ut all the troops our falle n soldi ers an d give and lo ved o nes who hav e fought than ks to all the m en and overseas for us and a p preciate women wh o have se rved.” another day being alive.” Red & Green News Page 3 - November 5, 2015 ... Veterans Thompso n a nd Jac k K lugh, c hief tru e.” continued from page 1 chaplain, all fro m the Far go VA Since the univ ersit y is c losed hospital, will discuss Post in observance of Veterans Day, Also on Mo nday, M inot Vet News in Brief Center social worker DiNell Traumatic Stress Disorder students, faculty and staff may (PTSD) and available treatments. choose to honor the bravery and Polsfut, wi ll present “Adjusting Music Division to present Native American sunrise Norton, Thompson and dedication of those who have to civilian univ er sity edu cation Mshowca se concer t tomorrow flag cere mony and open Klugh will present the final served or are currently serving in Minot State University's from a fem ale vetera n’s po int of keynote lecture, “Moral Injury our nation’s military by attending Division o f Music will present a house planned for Monday view ” from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 Post 271 Johnson/Good Iron and Military Sexual Trauma,” the Minot Municipal Auditorium showcase concert in Ann Nicole p.m. color guard will post flags and from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Veterans Day program Nelson H all, Old Main, at 3:30 Ther e will be t hre e gu est eag le st aff with a drummer play - p.m. Fri day . A va riety of ensem - speaker presentations on Nov. 10. “This week is important,” Wednesday at 11 a.m. ing the flag song Monday, Nov. 9, bles perf orming inc ludes MSU's The first will be from 11:15 to Heitkamp said, “because it cre - at 8:45 a.m. in the Quad area of Concer t Cho ir, W omen 's C hoir 11:45 a.m. Daniel Haff and ates awareness around things campus. The Native American OPEN SWIMMING for students and Concert Ba nd. Thi s co ncert is Dakota Brekhus, MSU student that occur because of military Center will host an open house in co njunction w ith the No rthwest veterans, will present “Adjusting service, such as the tough-to-dis - Monday through Friday, 7 –8:30 P.M.; from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The center is Internat ional F estival of Music and to civilian university education cuss issues of TBI (traumatic on third floor of the Student OPEN LAP SWIM for students is free a nd ope n to t he public . from a male veteran’s point of br ain injury) , MST (militar y sexu - Center. Bo th events are p art of al trauma), and PTSD (Post- Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:15 –8:15 A.M. view.” MSU’s N ative American Cultural Traumatic Stress Disorder) and A secon d gro up o f gu est lec - Student Center pool. Celebr ation W ee k an d are free a nd turers will speak from 1:15 to 2:15 its negative stigma involving Warrior Words: Monologues Must show MSU ID. Closed holidays. ope n to eve ryo ne. things about it that aren’t always p.m. Ma rgo Nor ton, S usan by Veterans of U.S. Wars to be performed tomorrow At 7 p.m. on Nov. 7 in Aleshire MSU Native American Theater, actors fro m the Greater Grand Forks Community Theatre Cultural C elebration guest will perform mo nol ogues veterans speaker Nov. 10 Joseph Ma rion , director of of U.S. wars developed in writing Minot’s Heart of the Turtle Gallery, workshops in Minot, Grand Forks, will discuss tribal art Tuesday, Nov. House contest Bismarck and Dickinson. 10, at 10 a.m. in the Conference The event is free and open to Center, third floor, Student Center. the public. For more information, 3x6 Various artwork will be on display contact Conrad Davidson, College and for sale during an exhibit from of Arts & Sciences dean, 858-3159. 1 t o 3 p.m. Th e MSU Native full color Ame rican Cul tural Awaren ess Club North D akota Da y of spo nsors the ev ent as part of it s cul - tural celeb ration wee k. Ad mission PeMrcSuU s swioilln hisos t otmheo rPreo rcw ussive is free and every one is welcome. Arts Society’s 20 15 North Da kota Day of P erc ussi on. The event fea - tures w orks hop s on percus sion- ‘Should Hig her E du catio n playin g techn ique s a nd a so lo pe r - Be Free ?’ lectur e set f or cussion recital by guest clinician, Nov. 10 Jeremy Joh nston. The event is tar - At 7 p.m. in Ales hire The ater, geted at percu ssion stud ents grades gues t spe aker M aurid es Maced o, a seven through un iversity lev el, high history pro fessor a t th e Federal a nd school music teacher s an d comm u - Catholi c Unive rsities of Goiás, nity m em bers w ith an interest in Brazil, and p ost-d octora l fell ow at percussi on. All a ctivities are free the Uni versity o f Texas , Austin, will and open t o th e pub lic. compare a nd contrast university The Da y of Percussion begins at system s in Braz il and the U .S.
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