•V WEDNESDAY, FEBRtJARY 18, X959 '.is, ; . PAGE IJIGHTEEK iMattrlieatpr lEnaitlttg IStralii White Elephants for Merchants-Sales Bargains for You-Shop Saturday Keeney Bt. School, with South Following the muslcale coffee and .lTM The Holy Angela Mothera Clr- Waddell Children School invited; March 11 »t Na­ Musicale Heard doughnuts wore served In the Feil- than Hale School; March 12 ^ FOR INCOME TAX cies win meet tonight at 8 o clock eration room. N, Average Daily Net Preaa Ran ^ The Weather About Town with Mrs. Anthony Oates, 71 Law- Highland Bark School; and March a s s is t a n c e , c a l l By Grace Group See ‘Silent World’ For the IVeek Ending Forecast ot U. S. Weather Bnrean ton Rd. 13 at Bow’ers School, all at 3 p.m. JLILI ^ ^ a J Museum members are admltt^ ANDERSON February 14th, 1959 TIM MATES will m«*t tonight ‘The Silent World,” »n award Tonight fair, nwch -wider, alow- at T:30 *t the home of Wltwlow Osll Bowers, daughter of Mr, Grace Group memben heard a 35 Attend Shower to a % showing free of charge, Mi 9.4764; Ml 9.0BS4 i t ^ t t t i t n l i F r n i n I.V diminishing winds, I-irw 5-10 lldioughlin, tST Summit St. and Mrs. Sherwood Bowers. 75 /musical program Monday evening winning film being' shown under with a nominal fee being charged 12,885 Thtwish the -ourteej- of Preeldent Deming St., a senior at Colby Col­ For Miss Audette ^wnaorship of the Luts Junior for non-members. TTie movie Is above. Friday simny, cold. High in Center Church directed by or­ Member of the Audit Donald Kuehl, who has just fin­ lege. tVaterville. Maine, has been Museum, was seen b}’ about 250 recemmended for children of Around 80. named to the dean's list for the ganist Robert C. Vater, who Is Grade 3 and up. Bnreaa of drmlation. ished six weeks ot schooling on Miss Suzanne M. Audette, daugh­ Waddell School, children Tuesday M a n ch ester— A City of Village Charm nuclear weapons at Ft. Lssaven- first semester. also music instructor at Manches­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond worth, Kan., twc motion pictures ter High School. Audette of 42 Lancaster Rd., was afternoon. ELASTIC In sound and color donated by the Washington LOL, No. 117, will A string trio consisting of guest of honor at u miscellaneous The color mo'yle tells of life STO CKIN G S (ClassirtMl Adverttslng on Page 18) shower Sunday. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 119 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1959 PRICE FIVE CENTO American Rocket. Society will >e meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. In Orange Diane Mather, Cynthia Treggor aboard the Calypso, an underwa­ TRUSSES ~ BELTS shown. All men five pounds or Hall. Tlie first degree will be ex­ TTie party, attended by 35. of her ter research ship, and contains more overweight are invited to emplified on several candidates. and Carol Mather, who played clas­ mends, w’as given ’ y Mrs. Guy An- sical numbers, demonstrated their dere.n and Mi's. Ceretha Lech'usse pictures taken 247 feet under the Carter's ARTHUR DRUQ attend. ocean, the deepest shots ever tak­ The Manchester Golden Age | accomplishments in that field. at the latter's home, 669 E. Center Carol Martling and Steve Mos- St. Tlie Valc' tlne motif was used en by camera. Senators Ask Applications are being taken for Club will meet tomorrow after­ r.cr followed with a clarinet duo. , The picture includes sequences j WORK CLOTHES noon at 2 o'clock at the East Side | In the decorations and luncheon partial 2-year scholarships to Mt. The third number was a lively jazs was seiwed buffet style. of two divers and. their sea ecoot-! Welcomed St. Joseph Academy, given by the Rcc. A Valentine social is planned.! era, exploration of a ship sunk { / For Painters, . U.S. Give More oc'.et. Players participating In Miss Audette will be married Catholic Ladles of Columbus. Any I'hided Michael Gesmundo, Norman In 1041, a turtle laying her eggs, j GENERAL - 4 eighth grade girl may apply to ApiHl 4 In S't. James' Church to Carpenters, Plumbers The Study Circle of the South I Gagnon, Robert Demers, DaVld Al­ Ralph N. Jackson, son of Mr. and 30 shar'.cB attacking a'sperm whale i Help to India Cyprus Pact Signed, Mre. Oeno J. Andreini, 8b Weaver Methodist WSCS will meet tomor-: mond, Peter Joblon, Patrick Gra- and the anti-shark cage of the Rd. Entrance exams will be held Mrs. Richkrd V. Jackson of Leba' T V SERVICE row afternoon at 2 o clock in the kowsky, Dcnald Seipcl, Arthur non. N. H., formerly of Manches divers' in action against the fish. Mexicans March 7. chapel. Engaged Benson. The film will be shown March Days M A C A OaO ter. Nights w A iv il PhM Parts W ashington, Feb. 19 (IP)— Preceding the program a short The bride-elect receh-ed an as­ 6 at Buckley School with Green Creation of a fi’ee world mis­ The Kiwanls a u b will meet 1 Delta Chapter. Royal Arch Ma- The engagement of Mi.ss Doris sortment of gifts which were School invite. March 9 at Wash­ j R A R L O TEL. MI 8-5483 I l-usinoB.s meeting was conducted by They left for Eisenhower’s sion to canvass India’s needs Thursday at 12;15 p.m, in the : aon.s. will hold a business meeting Ethel Gaily to Lothar Bruno H. I the leader, Mrs. Rupert Uppling. placed within a treasure chest. ington School; March 10 at Acapulco, Mexico, Feb. 19* downstairs room of Cavcy'a Res­ ' tonight at 7^•^n at the Ma.sonic I^nhardt, -son of Mr. and Mrs. {fP) — President Eisenhower Acapulco “White House,” the lush and chart long-range eco­ taurant. Dorian Shainin of Rath Temple, Refreshments snd a social Pierre Marques Hotel. nomic aid was proposed today and Strong will be the speaker. At Bruno Lenhardt, 115 Charter Oak fleyr into this palm-ringed It was the fourth visit of an I hour will follow the meeting. St., is announced by her parents, by Sens. .Tolin Kennedy (D- Makarios’ Plea Fails this meeting members will vote on tropical resort today to begin American President to Mexico. Be­ the place they want to meet and Mr. and Mrs. John Gaily, 78 Wash­ two days of talks with Mex­ fore Eisenhower came Presidents Mass) and Jolin S. Cooper (R- Tlie Kdith Cowles Strickland ington St. wnn tVMWc. also the day of the week they pre­ ico’s President Adolfo Lopez Taft. Franklin D. Roosevelt and K y). fer for meetings. Group of tlie Second Congregation­ Mis.s Gaily Is a graduate of Man­ Truman. They joined in offering a re..olii- Zurich Plan al Chun-h will meet at the home of chester High School and is em­ Mateos. Never had a meeting between a tlon to put the Senate on record in Mrs. .Samuel Henderson. 2n.'> Wood­ ployed by Wcb.stcr and Webster. ! The smiling, 49-year-old Mexi­ Mexican President and a foreign ■favor of ,<i\K'h a mis.sion. land St., tomorrow night at 8 Inc., East Hartford. Her fiance Is fashion Fresh FlAflERlNe can leader led a big delegation of chief of state taken place in such ^ I Kennedy, in a speech prepared o'clock. a .senior sludcnl at the University government o<Bcial.s who gathered exotic surroundings. for tlie Senate, al.so called for con- I Not Altered Throw Them | of Connecticut School of Engin­ at the gaily bedecked airport to Acapulcii, one of the world's i I gressional action to pul the Inter- DON'T Awsy All representatives of Catholic eering. Easter comes early this year . and so does the nicest news in fashion! Plan what welcome Eisenhower. i national Development F'lmd on a Thousands of excited Mexicans fanciest tourist resorts, went all I Stin plenty of wwar left In I mothers circles will meet at 8 you'll be wearing and select your wardrobe now from our fresh spring collection. out. It planted more palms and permanent ba.is so that tcng-lerm shoes when brought here for | o'clock tomorrow night in the St. John's Youth Club will hold 1 lined the streets of Acapulco to more flowers to add to those na­ ioan.s could ha made to imder- At London Join In the greeting. I expert repairing. Church of the Assumption hall. a meeting tonight following the We're ready with everything from important costumes, coats and suits right down ture already gave It. ! developed countries. The President flew here in his Unlea.s India gels the kind of L* . w',i. WORK DONE WHn.E Lenten services. to your new bonnet and accessories.' personal plane, the Colombine III, It repaired the streets. Installed . ' ' -W.' Ixtnrion, Feb. 19 (fP)— An a new lighting system and kept . help from the West which Com­ YOD WAIT i The Rev. Ca.ssian Yuhas. C. R., of after an overnight stop In Texas. agreement, ending four years laborers at work until dawn today munist China ha.s received from the Holy Family Monastery. West Miss Carol El-scher, 21 Flower With the Mexican president were of bloodshed on Cyprus was ' St., has been pledged to the Delta Beautiful putting the findl touches on orna­ [Russia. Ke'-.ncdy said, the biggest Hartford, addressed members of U.S.
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