The ONLY local coverage in Sturbridge – Brookfield – West Brookfield – East Brookfield – North Brookfield & New Braintree Connect with us online CURRENT Quaboag Current Newspaper EAST BROOKFIELD STURBRIDGE SPORTS Editorial/Opinion 4 Police Logs 12 Second Chance needs Gingerbread house Soccer changes Sports 9 Classifieds 14 p5 p9 zip bags p3 contest approach to game Volume 14, Number 10 Friday, December 25, 2020 It takes a village to create a preschool By Eileen Kennedy combined into one program at Staff writer QRMHS this fall after a space had been readied for them, WARREN – Quaboag Re- complete with new playground. gional School Superintendent Facilities Director Marc As- Dr. Brett Kustigian made a pre- trella and his crew did much sentation on the new preschool of the physical work and the space at Quaboag Regional district’s new Director of Stu- Middle High School Mon- dent Services Robert Bergeron day night during the Quaboag used Special Education Circuit School Committee meeting. Breaker money to make it a re- “I want to thank the people ality, Kustigian said. who got us here to this spot,” Preschool teachers, Jill Piet- he said, as he showed photos ro and Darlene Manzaro, have taken of the space before the crafted the program into what preschool was created and the it is today, he said, where stu- finished school space. “It’s real- dents get to learn and have fun, ly something special and it was including several students with done in large part by the staff; serious learning issues. they came to me. They’ve been Bergeron said a team ap- working on this for many, many proach helped create the new years.” space and the combined pro- The preschool programs in gram. He said budget discus- Warren Community Elemen- sions for next year, which will COURTESY PHOTOS tary School and West Brook- Quaboag Regional School District preschoolers have fun making cookies and running a bakery as part of the new preschool program field Elementary School were Please see PRESCHOOL, page 13 at Quaboag Regional Middle High School in Warren. Historical commission presents plaque to Bob Briere By Ellenor Downer bridge Historical Society and Amended license available. Housing plan by CMRPC Staff Writer his extensive of Sturbridge Selectmen approved with The location has an outside Central Massachusetts history. Briere, a resident of four yes and one abstention patio, which would accommo- Regional Planning Commis- STURBRIDGE – Histor- town for 80 years, a few years for the amendment to the li- date eight COVID complaint sion partnered with the Stur- ical commission chair, Bar- ago took a road trip on Route quor license for Brush It Off, tables. Owner Denise Morgan bridge Housing Partnership bara Search, presented Bob 20 from Massachusetts to LLC at 559 Main St. for a said in warmer weather she and Planning Department to Briere a plaque during the Oregon. He bought some wa- new location. would serve meals and hold complete a Sturbridge Hous- Zoom meeting of the board ter from the Atlantic Ocean Originally, the business painting and sip classes on ing Production Plan. A grant of selectmen Dec. 7. and upon arrival in Oregon, operated from Suite 206-207, the patio. She said her current of $22,000 from the Commu- The plaque was for his poured it into the Pacific but moved to Suite 104 at the space had two rooms and no efforts to build up the Stur- Ocean. same address when it became patio. Please see BRIERE, page 13 SANTA PARADE BRINGS CHRISTMAS CHEER Parent wants physical schooling to return By Eileen Kennedy getting students in the class- Lacey told Kustigian that Staff writer room isn’t talked about at ev- it might be possible for stu- ery School Committee meet- dents to return to school in the WARREN – West Brook- ing. spring or summer. “If we have field parent Jennifer Goodale Quaboag School Superin- to keep six feet between people questioned the Quaboag tendent Dr. Brett Kustigian for social distancing we do not School Committee during said he talked weekly, some- have the staff, capacity or the their meeting on Dec. 14 about times daily with Warren Board space to have everyone back why they’re not talking more of Health Chairman Kenneth at school at the same time,” about returning students to B. Lacey Jr., who has recom- he said. “Social distancing is the classroom or asking more mended leaving Quaboag a real barrier to returning all questions about when that is schools as they are in a hybrid students to school.” Goodale going to happen. mode. Students attend class characterized learning it could She said West Brookfield physically two days a week be that long before students has some of the lowest rates and learn remotely three days are regularly back in the class- of COVID-19 in the area and a week, while parents who room as a bomb going off. she didn’t understand why want to keep their children Kustigian said the district students could not be back home have them learn remote- had been fortunate there had at their desks. She also said ly all five days. She also said been almost no cases in school school districts in other places had tried to reach West Brook- until a West Brookfield Ele- were able to hold school five field’s Board of Health with mentary School staff mem- days a week, and she didn’t no success. Kustigian said ber recently tested positive for understand why Quaboag was Tuesday in a phone interview COVID-19. Due to the num- TURLEY PUBLICATIONS STAFF PHOTOS BY SLOANE PERRON not able to do so. that Lacey and Christine Flor- ber of other staff members As Christmas approaches, residents were not going to let the annual Santa Parade fall Goodale said her elemen- ence, West Brookfield’s health they came in contact with for to the wayside. They organized and planned and held a drive-by parade, with floats tary school-aged son is strug- agent, are in constant contact longer than 15 minutes, the and Santa, complete with goodie bags for children. Santa needed to be seen at a gling because he is not physi- and know what is happening school did not have enough distance, but he was there waving with carolers and others dressed for the event. The event was moved from its original date of Dec. 5 to Dec. 12 due to inclement weather. cally in school more, and she in both towns. The rain came anyway, but the event moved forward and folks had fun anyway. was trying to understand why Spring, summer Please see PARENT, page 15 PAGE 2 The Quaboag Current • www.quaboagcurrent.turley.com I Friday, December 25, 2020 - community - First Ch by’s ristm Ba 2020 as Charlotte Hubacz Landon Jaxon Goudreau Easton Christopher Mues March 23, 2020 March 11, 2020 May 14, 2020 Parents: April and Ross Hubacz, North Brookfield Parents: Kellyann Kaiser and Ian Goudreau Parents: Casey Mues and Sommer Webb, Converse, TX Grandparents: Ann Tyler, North Brookfield Grandparents: Donna Dansereau, Spencer Grandparents: Christopher and Michele Mues, Warren Paul and Debbie Hubacz, North Brookfield Keith and Kim Goudreau, Ware Don Gillette and Tracey Davenport, North Brookfield Great-Grandparents: Therese Grogan and Stuart Bell, Spencer Paul Young, Ware, Robert Goudreau, Ware May this Christmas bring you the best of everything! May all the pleasures that inspire joy be with you at home or in spirit at Christmastime and all year. Thanks for rooting for local businesses like us in 2020 and showing us so much support. We look forward to better times ahead as we work to serve you safely in 2021 and beyond! Your local hometown newspapers Agawam Advertiser News • Barre Gazette • Chicopee Register • Country Journal • Journal Register • Quaboag Current The Register • Sentinel • The Sun • Town Reminder • Ware River News • Wilbraham Times 24 Water Street | Palmer, Massachusetts 01069 | 413.283.8393 | www.turley.com The Quaboag Current • www.quaboagcurrent.turley.com I Friday, December 25, 2020 PAGE 3 - community - Baystate Medical Center offers COVID holiday precautions SPRINGFIELD – “The risks of They advise getting a test one to three crowded stores, a suggestion which still everyone safe until we can all be to- contracting the coronavirus leading up days before travel and another three stands as coronavirus surges are even gether once again next year,” added Dr. to Christmas and afterwards are even to five days after travel, as well as re- greater now than around Thanksgiving. Paez. Whatever way people choose to greater than they were for Thanksgiv- ducing nonessential activities for seven Also, the White House COVID-19 Task celebrate the holidays, Dr. Paez reminds ing because of all the traveling, shop- days after travel. And for those who do Force recently noted the country is “at everyone to follow some commonsense ping and parties associated with the not get tested, the CDC recommends a very dangerous place and the COVID safety precautions that public health holidays,” said Dr. Armando Paez, reducing nonessential activities for 10 risk to all Americans is at an all-time experts have been recommending since chief, Infectious Disease Division, Bay- days after travel. The message hasn’t high,” stating “everyone over 65 with the start of the pandemic to keep you state Medical Center. “The greatest changed much when it comes to par- significant health conditions should and others safe from COVID-19: wear gift you can give someone this holiday tying for Christmas, whether in some- avoid public places if possible and wear a mask, social distance staying at least season is to protect them from getting one’s home or at the office, if people a mask when leaving the house.” “As six feet apart from anyone not in your the virus,” he added.
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