UJ Ull' .L' '.YllLIES of STRACHAN of ~~ Cannylie ·Branch. St ..... , w.. • In 1300 go t from D• \lexaa>cla de Stnlhechia ol s~ cardinu hin, (Robert •l II c:i...n.r ol l&oda ol Y orpbie Wes..,. in Kia. ohire, ol Siz H•nry de l!aa •D ' 1 Inda). Re married ChrioU&D, oaly da"f!blar Lt.od.o ol c~ ot Panmaro and .-i•od "11.b bar u dowry I.be i. -..l DrummadiL.b. (Beg. do Panmun..) I-. Aluandi I ... Henry Socceodod in !&Del.a a Joun 1361 bad tack ol l&Dd Cum7W.. ln In 1n4 go• along wilh Yooca hio of Bkyrne .t wiJ1 from bi.a uncle Wall<lr de in 1am.e ytar a diaJP tioa of l&ocl.t of ~acbinlar. \Beg. I loloolo of Paama.n, Charier of Panmaro.) l&DW. of Moacnr, Porl&nhire. Joba . (Beg. do Panmnro.) l&Ddo . ~ of Ale· John. BeceiTed in 1J I oil 5 a Boy&! Cb.otter contlrming lo him lhe la.ndo 1t1D71!., (B.si clo Panmann1. -Stz1 . m. Sir DaTid Stnncbao of ~ .rmylie &Ddo-.d a Cb.opl&iacy al Carmylie i.11 wbo g•· 1500. :.larri~ Janel Drummond. (Reg. da Paamure.) 1--J Biz Jt Ai.l&lldor Stracli n. Jam.. Slncbaa Go . 1~ . C1:"""r In :n bi.a I f&uiu, Dan l 5u ad .... of Tbomaa lltnchan. 1ancl.t of Cazmylie. ·g. da Clo& Deo.. l2tb. ~s . clocreet of non­ Panmon.) omtiy dgtieo oul of laodo of Aucblare • an.cl w ......bilL (Beg. de Panmnro.) I 1... atndian in-pl of " Clan ooulal " u heir ot bi.a irr-&­ ochan of c..n.7W., in lhe 1aado of Skeiohen, 'UUll1U9, :Portanblr.. (Bes. da Panmnro. -..: . ... ·.::~:.: ·.:. y--- ::)-::."' . (J.....,. 1) Btnchan who oataialy died . I in l8l.a WK t..fetled in a loaemenl al Moolloee u heir of Ilia gn ~ &:ra-ol Bdinb1IJ'llh. (Edin. Oaild. B"ll.) In 1828 got P"lt of ~ . (Beak of Cocuoail -..l 8-ioa.) m. Mary, daughter of D . ~.;.::.. ,~~ --· Died J&Duazy 81h, 18' Job.n, b. Joly, lJJ J...,..., b. Joly, 16 Darid wn9CI heir O J 1769, lo Ilia .. Slnchan, Depoly ,- --· ~-(Semoea Sir Thamu Str&Cha ...; :&rt., 8ernd.: . ~. Bir P11rick ~ . Clarlt'I O.l!lce, in army of Leopolo l I "of Germany 3_,.,iB.....,,..t.M.D., ' and recoiTed ho ..,, ~I of Physician lo Gncn- Baronetcy from 1- vn i.a wioll Boapilal Ill. which bo ia de1CI i.W M · opnuig daogbt.u of c.j,tain . Bir John Strachan, from the bouoe of ~loo. Be Oregoiy, R.N. · · o! Clitlden, near T wu 1tyled of lac ldath!IL Bona "Aogoat lOlb, 1114-0, . of 0 1 aboul 162S, Di• John Btnolwl it~. ~711. s:i-* grandtalher: .. r 7 ·.~ ..":" . I . heir mala in gooeraJ Sir John ~ .trMbaa· . n • ....::·.L h~-'--- . • , Jinl .Barooel Of Tht . ........... ......._. ~ - the lille E.liubc Third Doror<«, c :aptaia, lLN. Llool. B.N., m. 1769, "'"" ' "'-Blaclai Ia 1771 comml.Dd• Ml H.K. 8blp Caroline, daughter of ....,.., 0 1 00 "Ox!orcL" m. Ells. llmh. dao. of Capt.John Pitmoro,B.N. Bob<rt Lont.oc., .E '!'!~of Baller. Plymoalh. Diocl at New IT - Riu. Snrroy. Died 1.p. Deo. York, 1776. Bir J ObO. dJed I . 28lh. l .'TT/. • Janoary 28U Sir Jamee Slnobo.n, Ban. J.~.ird BatotWI oC TboralOn, . I J&111H On.ho ~ Sir Alex. Slnchaa who dlocl 1669. Ia 1661 aold 1-=- • unm..azri· In.:.btulhill lo John Earl of !dlddlolOn ftom whom be .liohard Catherine 111. Jo lob Breatzy, Olouc repurchaaed a lMl!e portion uf lhe anculral Hl&IO of TboralOn FuurtA o uo••I. 1 ..,. "* Ply. whichbad been alieaaled. Be oalorpd Thornton Culle. Ia moulh, Ocl. 27th. .:'788, i.-.z.e dled, •·: 11164 bo married bu coa1io. Eliubelh, daoghler or Tbomu Captain. R.li.• 17 81., i.a 181!1 - Forbeo of Water100. Died 1688. Knight of the Bi i.&h, i.a 1821 Admiral Vol<ld a nmd by Iha -I _ __ I -- ----1 CorporoLioo of Loi idem a.ad Iha ]...,,.. Oaly . ooo (Waterloo Papera. Jtan. treeJom of ~ cil~ • for bi.a -­ Beg. Sec. Sig.) ::!ladled al Kio,ct'• Orizel •le••· m. April :1111 >, 1812. Miu College, Aberdeen. m. 1669, Barbara, m. R.,.. Lado-rich Louioa Dillon. .I. l 'eb. 28, 1838. 3rd daashlor of Robert Forbes of Graal.Miniator ul . _L -------.-. iewlon. °°' from hio lather, 1681, Dathill 11.Dd bad a I I • n11igaalioa ol Ilia ..1a11o. (Res. Jl()D Ludo-rich. A Son CbarlolleLeop01di.ae U11g, Mag. Sii!r) Diad i.a hi1 laU.er'1 lifelime. (Bes. ~. Sig.) born April 80111, 1811, · . ..8hl.18l6 , m.April 2nd.1887, .., dl.J in ialai "!1- . .­ Emanuel. Coant Zl41lney. '.l'hoo. Allan wu/ Jam~ nJ iu i.otaucy. Malilda P..- 1;bom TIJ'Do.ria. Died NOT, 1861. Yaopbmaoa Heo.7, !day Slol. 181'- ia.Jw>w 8al'JI Low.a, married : u . na.April 11, H .E.I Couae.eu a.rt' llOldl. now I.be Prinoeu 81.Antlnio. lm.ob.a.p. oa. 0., Her elda1! eon u the 1868. 1830 D.W di Bagnaro. B oogbo a.p.l I i \ ------'!- 1---------Ti Blr William Slraoh&u, Kt. (•1Audre of JJOAbod<fo. m . (6 Oeoll: Warpro\, daughler of Sir Ja.mH Ram••r ot Balmain. (Reg. li"l!. Sig.) Jr.nw Jlnchan. J~au. of :l«onboddo. Bad Charier of lanil.o, 16!16. uf Azbimy, C"'8hail and Kirk- hoadl, Kincanlineohire. m_ Janel Oardio. {Reg. Mag. Sig.) I John Slraohan, of ?dooboddo. In 1661 be got low of Craigybill, Kiooudinabin. (R• lha. Big.) Wu ..u .. Dec.. 1671. (Car Jualialar.) I J a.mu Blracban, Of Jlooboddo. !llontiooed in legal inolr ment of dale 16112, (lleii. M•B· Big,) a1 will of Alexander Slncban of Tboroto l e-01. •.Edin. Con. Reg.) Died Jaly lOt 161'. (Coo. Reg. of 81. Alldnwa.) <Jh&rt.e Blnlohan. Wu Deputy­ J... Go.. roorof U.. lal&nd of o........,, cl. Lp. Died a.p. prior to April 6th. 1769. (Berri- of bein, Towu Olark'a 0111oe, MoalroM.) d. J uly, 16\H.. ~8. J . yonns. 1 tbe 21at April . Anna boru 1737, J]Lu•. Bbipowner. ali•e Cha.dee . Jaan, born 1742, cllacl in lD.laaoy, Go.. rnor of if H ein, Town Jaaa, b. 1743, m. Job.o Bilobell, BhiPowuar. .iontrooe.) Halan born 1744, m. CA!'t&i.n Spink.. I Mary born 1740, m. Poler WW. Marohaot, D......i..., I I Re•. J 1me1J Will. Minia­ John CAPI. Axuin1' ler of Galbria, of Jamaeia, Will. of· 112nd cl. o.p. m.- ~DC.. I d. ap. I I Boom. Da"8hler. m. Wllllam Sho.r.a, J. 8bereaal of Mlcldlo Solicitor. I T::.t~ ~=-t~· a Oaagbler. 1. Col. OgllriA- Ioabel. yonngeet daagbler, Heory Olflhio, born 1768, m. 1700•. a... Lioal., R.N. J._ Scroll, ?dlaialer, of Benholmo, cllacl April 18th, 11188- I 1 . lot --,-----q2~n;r-------------r-r~d I Dooid, •lied yonng. B.nolly labbolla Diane7,= Thomu Alounder Wiae,,:Harriel EliA&bolh Pi..u..i. --------~ ' W'llliam, Cr.pLin R E.l.O.ll. Dr. Heroulae Boott. .LD.ae m.Jln.JohnO., Sn! ii& ag Mr of Pawn" M.D .. J.P.. da"lhler of Prot.uor of Koral Phi. KID!aln of Berrie. ouooeoded W. father in Iba N0> ._ Dimey, of Dublin. married (1) Manib l61b, W'llliam PhoJ.ao. Eaq~ of eal&le of Hillbaolt, died loeophy, KinR'• eou.r, Dao. m. Be.. Dr. Trail. ob'. ~yc:l.,~lllBV, al 1828. al Caloul\a ; Roclt Abbey, Tipperary. Abenieon. Prof....,r of Diruuly, t1IlDl&l'riad, No•. 4th. 1845. 1 J&DDNy 'th. 1848, " , . Dr. John Booll, Aberdeen. I Daoaa, B.npl. Pbyoloian in London. I I . ~~~~~~~......,..::.=::..:::.:;;:;;:; ..... E1111li0> Ja.meaFowna=.A,:• Low Anna Mar!!a-=Col Alben lhnrie\la=Clemo.o' P . Ca pl. Som....,, Norton Wi.., orly .i..... of Hoary Bernard .." a.a.O.L20. Locke Bahinpm I Lawl- of William c.s. na. May ~!1, M.D. Blal! of Co~ Low (al at Do"3laa 1881, Niobolaoa., na.. NOT. 4, na.May 1, I. 27, 1868 81 Ind. Oo•ern. IM C1at&e a.a. SepL 8nl, Xilorone, Oo. HoosbJ7. 1071h .Beg. 1886. " I Cot-It, 1eu.u 1868," al Hoosbk m. JD111 11\o· i..ib'.) fioosbly. Edinb..,P..· Edlnb..,P. r. ob. ob. jar. lllM.u £aa ~ue. ·•00. Hoogbly. , II 1~ . bu -- :/ 508 CLANS, SEPTS, AND REGIMENTS OF TllE SCOTTISH lllGllLANI>S TECllNICAL DESCRIPTIONS OF ARMORIAL DEARINGS A nns of Chief Heraldic Description of Armorial Arms of Chief Heraldic Description of Armorial (or important Chieftain). Bearings. (or important Chieftain). Bearings. Arms : Party per fess or and azure, a lymphad of the first nagged gules, sails furled, oars in action proper, In the Arms : land 4, Azure a bend between six cross­ dexter chief point a dexter hand couped crosslets fitchee, Or. Crest: On a chapeau i fesswlse grasping a dagger erect palewise Gules furred Ermine two wings each of ten pen gules, and In the sinister a cross-crosslet leathers erected and addorsed both emblaroned ,. fltch~e gules. Crul : A cat sejant proper. as the ehlclcl. SupporttrJ : Two grllllna argent, Supporters : Two Highlanders (In tartan armed, beaked and winged Or. doublets of the Cluny tartan). their shirts Lyon Register, XXX, 67. (or " lclne chrolch ") fastened between their bare thighs, helmets on their heads, dirks by their sides, and targets on their llOUSK OP MAR, arms. M ollo: '"Touch not the cat but KARL OP MAR CLUNY·MACPHKRIOH (without) a glove." Lyon Register, 49, 711. Arms: Gyronny of eight sable and gules, e.
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