This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu GONZAGUE SAINT Bl-US ~~ ~ ~ .971uz,r ,./-~ ~ w~le- ..9d~ · oJ, a-v. ~> ~ ~..eo, ,7.RJtM' .9°.ued Page 1 of 47 Sch e dul e f or Bill-Si g ning Ce r e mo ny Comm e morating the Fre nch Revo luti o n and Honoring President Francois Mitterrand Thursday, Sept. 29, Statuary Hall, 5:00 pm. Senator Robert C. Byrd , 4:55 Arrive H-204 to meet Pre9~ent Mitterrand with the Speaker and begin to walk to Statuary Hall with the Speaker, Senator Dole, and Rep. Michel. Assemble on platform. 4:55 Pianist will begin to play 18th Century French music 5:00 Remarks Speaker Jim Wright (on Lafayette) (Recognizes Rep. Foley Rep. Fascell, and Rep.Broomfield) 5:05 Remarks Rep. Robert Michel (on bipartisan ceremony) 5:10 Remarks Senator Robert Dole (on partners in liberty) 5:15 Recognize Senator Pell, Senator Robert C. Byrd and other Senators, if present Remarks Senator Robert C. Byrd (on history of U.S./French relations and S.J. Res. 317) This document5:20 is from the collectionsYou will at the Doleproceed Archives, University to a of Kansasdesk to sign S.J. Res. 317. http://dolearchives.ku.edu 5:23 You and the Speaker will present the resolution to President Mitterrand. 5:24 The Speaker will introduce President Mitterrand. 5:25 President Mitterrand will speak. 5:30 President Mitterrand will present a copy of The Rights of Man and of the Citizen to you and the Speaker. 5:31 Pianist will play La Marseillaise and Star-Spangled Banner 5:33 The Speaker will thank Pres ident Mitterrand and adjourn.Page 2 of 47 REMARKS OF SENA TOR BOB DOLE FRENCH BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION SEPTEMBER 29, 1988 PRESIDENT AND MRS. MITIERAND, DISTINGUISHED GUESTS FROM FRANCE, MR. SPEAKER, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I AM HONORED TO JOIN IN THIS CELEBRATION --A CELEBRATION OF A TWO CENTURIES-OLD PARTNERSHIP IN FREEDOM BETWEEN TWO GREAT COUNTRIES. ..;..- This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas ---http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 3 of 47 2 ALL OF US ARE HONORED, TOO, TO HAVE PRESIDENT AND MRS. MITIERAND WITH US -- IN OUR CAPITAL CITY, AND HERE ON CAPITOL HILL. SPEAKING FOR MY COLLEAGUES ON THE REPUBLICAN SIDE OF THE SENATE AISLE, MR. PRESIDENT, I WANT TO REAFFIRM THE ENORMOUS RESPECT ALL OF US HAVE FOR YOUR COUNTRY, AND OUR REAL- AFFECTION FOR YOUR PEOPLE. ~ This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 4 of 47 3 LET ME ALSO SAY A WORD OF SPECIAL- WELCOME -- WELCOME BACK-- TO 11 MAC 11 MATHIAS: A GREAT REPUBLICAN SENATOR; A GOOD FRIEND; AND A LEADER IN FORGING EVEN CLOSER AND MORE EFFECTIVE RELATIONS BETWEEN OUR TWO COUNTRIES. SENATOR MATHIAS NOW SERVES AS AMERICAN CHAIRMAN OF THE BICENTENNIAL COMMITIEE; A BETIER CHOICE COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MADE. ~ This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 5 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu4 THE UNITED STATES AND FRANCE -- WE ARE FRIENDS. FRIENDS BOTH AS NATIONS, AND AS PEOPLE. AS ALREADY NOTED, FRANCE PLAYED A DECISIVE ROLE IN .........._.__ .....- THE BIRTH OF THIS NATION. WERE IT NOT FOR THE HELP OF FRANCE, WE MIGHT ALL BE ADDRESSING YOU TODAY IN BRITISH ACCENTS. ~ Page 6 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu5 IN OUR TURN, AMERICANS BY THE MILLIONS FOUGHT SIDE BY SIDE WITH THE BRAVE AND BELEAGUERED PEOPLE OF FRANCE, THROUGH TWO WORLD WARS. WE - t FOUGHT AGAINST TYRANNY, AND TO RESTORE AND PRESERVE THE FREEDOM OF EUROPE. MANY OF US HERE TODAY FOUGHT IN EUROPE IN THE LAST OF THOSE GREAT WORLD WARS. AND OUT OF THE LESSONS WE LEARNED,GREW, FIRST, THE CONCEPT, AND Page 7 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu6 THEN THE REALITY, OF A NEW ALLIANCE; AN ALLIANCE OF :· ___.. - LIBERTY, BRINGING TOGETHER FREE NATIONS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ATLANTIC. THE UNITED STATES AND FRANCE ARE STRONG AND PROUD PILLARS OF THE ATLANTIC ALLIANCE. IT IS AN ALLIANCE UNIQUE IN WORLD AFFAIRS; A GROUP OF INDEPENDENT -- FIERCELY INDEPENDENT -- NATIONS, JOINED TOGETHER NOT TO FIGHT A WAR, BUT TO DETER --;;> Page 8 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu7 ONE. AND NATO HAS DETERRED WAR -- THROUGH FOUR DECADES; IN THE FACE OF A BRISTLING --FOE; AND DESPITE INNUMERABLE CRISES. ca a ONE OF THE GREATEST OF THOSE CHALLENGES, SURELY, WAS THE SOVIET DEPLOYMENT OF INTERMEDIATE RANGE NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN EUROPE. THOSE WEAPONS WERE AIMED NOT ONLY AT THE NATIONAL TERRITORY OF FRANCE AND NATO'S OTHER EUROPEAN MEMBERS, BUT AT THE UNITY OF THE NATO ALLIANCE. ~ Page 9 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu 8 WITH OUR TWO COUNTRIES PLAYING LEADING ROLES THE ALLIANCE HUNG TOUGH. IN THE FACE OF A SOVIET WALK-OUT FROM THE GENEVA TALKS AND SOMETIMES BOISTEROUS DOMESTIC POLITICAL OPPOSITION, NATO DID WHAT IT HAD TO DO -- WE ... -- MATCHED THE SOVIET DEPLOYMENT WITH OUR -OWN- DEPLOYMENT OF INF FORCES. ALL OF US KNOW THE RESULT. SENATOR BYRD AND I WERE PRIVILEGED TO WITNESS IT IN PERSON. WE WERE IN MOSCOW, TO SEE PRESIDENT REAGAN AND GENERAL 7 Page 10 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu9 SECRETARY GORBACHEV SIGN THE AGREEMENT WHICH LED TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THOSE SOVIET INF WEAPONS; THE FIRST NUCLEAR -ARMS CONTROL AGREEMENT IN HISTORY TO ACTUALLY REDUCE THE WORLD'S NUCLEAR STOCKPILES. NATO NOT-- ONLY SURVIVED THE CHALLENGE BUT HAS EMERGED A STRONGER, MORE UNIFIED ALLIANCE; JUST AS DEDICATED TO THE GOAL OF PRESERVING THE PEACE; EVEN....... MORE CONFIDENT IN OUR ABILITY TO DO SO. Page 11 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu10 WE TAKE PRIDE IN AMERICA'S CONTRIBUTION TO THIS OUTCOME; AND WE AGAIN EXPRESS OUR ADMIRATION AND APPRECIATION TO YOU, MR. PRESIDENT, FOR THE VITAL CONTRIBUTION OF FRANCE. PRESIDENT MITIERAND, DISTINGUISHED GUESTS: THE UNITED STATES AND FRANCE ARE ALLIES; AND EVEN MORE, FRIENDS. THAT HAS BEEN THE HALLMARK OF TWO HUNDRED YEARS OF PARTNERSHIP IN LIBERlY. THAT WILL BE THE HALLMARK OF THE FUTURE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OUR TWO GREAT NATIONS. 11111 Page 12 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu I l i l THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION FRANCE AND AMERICA: PARTNERS IN LIBERTY Page 13 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu © THE BICENTENNIAL OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION FRANCE ANO AMERJCA: PARTNERS IN LIBERTY Page 14 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 15 of 47 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu © "Oemocratic government, human rights and freedom were the wellsprings of the American and French Revolutions. They remain the most precious capital in the FRANCE AND AMERICA: Western world. " PARTNERS IN LIBERTY Emmanuel de Margerie 200 YEARS OF DEMOCRACY, French Ambassador to FRIENDSHIP & PROGRESS the United States In 1789, two of the greatest charters in the history of democ- racy were drafted: the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and the United States Bill of Rights. Approved within 30 days of one another, these two docu- EXHIBITIONS ments laid the foundation for other guarantees of human POLITICS AND POLEMICS: ORCHESTRE DE PARIS: U.S. CARICATURE AND THE TOUR• Carnegie Hall, New York rights and for democratic governments throughout the world. FRENCH REVOLUTION, 1789- City. Feb. 16 & 18, 1989. Avery Since that time, France and America have struggled 1989 •The Wight Art Gallery at Fisher Hall, New York City. Feb. UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Oct. 17 &20, 1989. Yale University, together to preserve and extend the ideas embodied in those HIGHLIGHTS OF BICENTENNIAL 30-Dec. 10, 1988. Grey Art Gal- New Haven, CT. Feb. 21 , 1989. fundamental documents and have maintained a friendship lery, New York City.Jan. 18- State Theater, New Brunswick, Feb. 25, 1989. NJ. Feb. 22, 1989. Tilles Center, EVENTS IN THE UNITED STATES LAFAYETTE: HERO OF TWO based on mutual respect for freedom and democracy. It is THE AGE OF NAPOLEON: Greenvale, NY. Feb. 24, 1989. REVOLUTION IN PRINT: WORLDS •The Queens FESTIVALS & SPECIAL HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL COSTUME FROM REVOLUTION Kennedy Center, Washington, this great historic relationship that has prompted America, FESTIVAL• Houston, TX. FRANCE, 1 789 •The New York Museum, New York City. June 1- EVENTS TO EMPIRE• The Metropolitan DC. Feb . 26, 1989. Orchestra Apr. 13-23, 1989. Public Library, New York City. Aug. 30, 1989. Historical Society France's partner in liberty, to join in commemorating the Museum of Art, New York City. Hall, Ch icago, IL. Feb. 27, 1989. Feb. 18-May 13, 1989. Touring of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Dec. 5, 7989-Apr. 75, 7990. FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL de Bicentennial of the French Revolution. M ARDI GRAS! GALVESTON version will go to 28 major urban PA. Oct. 19, 1988-Jan. 1990. BOULEZ FESTIVAL: LOS ANGE- LOUISIANE •Lafayette, LA.
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