Bulletin T period CXXII de l quoteright Acad acute-e mie Serbe des Sciences et des A t-r sub s hyphen 2001 n centerlineClasse des Sciencesf Bulletin math T acute-e . CXXII matiques de etl naturelles ' Acad $ nacutefeg $ mie Serbe des Sciences et des A $ tSciences−r f maths g acute-e − 2001 matiques $ g comma N o 26 JOVAN KARAMATA n centerline1 902 hyphenf Classe 1 967 des Sciences math $ nacutefeg $ matiques et naturelles g M period TOMI C-acute n centerlineopen parenthesisf Sciences Presented math at the $ 4n thacute Meetingfeg comma$ matiques held on May $ 25 , comma N$ 200 o26 1 closingg parenthesis Jovan Karamata comesBulletin from T .a CXXII Serbian de merchant l ' Acad familye´ mie Serbe from desthe Sciences city of et des A t − rs − 2001 n centerlineZemun commafJOVAN which KARAMATA is almost threeClasseg centuries des Sciences old period math ..e´ Businessmatiques relationset naturelles of his family comma on the borders of the Austro hyphen HungarianSciences math and T-ue´ matiques rkish empires; N o and26 Serbia comma n centerlinewere very wellf1 known 902 − and1 widespread 967 g period ..JOVAN Jovan Karamata KARAMATA was born in Zagreb on February 1 comma 1 902 comma but he always considered1 902 - 1 967 Zemun as his native city period .... In ´ n centerline1 9 14 he finishedfM . thereTOMI the $ firstnacute threef classesCg $ ofg highM school . TOMI periodC .. Because of the war and since Zemun was on( the Presented border at thatthe 4 t th ime Meeting comma ,.. held Karamata on May quoteright 25 , 200 1 )s father n centerlinehas sent himf( commaJovan Presented Karamatat ogether at with comesthe his 4 brothers from th Meeting a and Serbian his sist , merchant held er comma on May family t o Switzerland 25 from , 200 the period 1 city ) g ..of In Zemun Lausanne comma, which .. is in almost .. 1 920 three comma centuries .. he finished old high . school Business oriented relations t owards of mathematics his family , Jovanand sciences Karamataon period the comes borders .... In from the of same thea Serbian year Austro he enrolled merchant- Hungarian at the family Faculty and of fromT − Engineeringu rkish the city empires of and Serbia , Zemunof Belgrade , whichwere University very i s almost well and comma known t hree aft and er c e widespreadfinished n t u r i e twos old years . of Jovannquad t echnical KaramataBusiness studies comma was relations born he in ofZagreb his family , moved to theon FacultyFebruary of Philosophy 1 , 1 902 hyphen, but he Department always considered of Mathematics Zemun comma as his where native city . In nnoindenthe graduated1on 9 in 14 the 1 he 925 borders finished period .. there of Let the us the mention Austro first three that− heHungarian classes submitted of high andhis doctoral school $ T−u .the $ hyphen Because rkish empiresof the war and Serbia , weresis three very monthsand well since after known Zemun his graduation and was widespread on period the border .. Obviously . nquad at that commaJovan t ime .. Karamata during, Karamata the waslast year born ' s offather in Zagreb has sent his studieshim he was , t involved ogether in with active his research brothers comma and and his he sist studied er , t the o Switzerland scientific . In Lausanne nnoindentliterature period,on February in .. He 1 sp 920 ent 1 , the , 1 he years 902 finished 1 , 927 but hyphen high he school always 28 in Paris oriented considered comma t owards .. as Zemun a fellow mathematics as of the his Rocke native hyphen city . n h f i l l In feller Foundationand sciences comma .and in 1928 In he the b ecame same Assistant year he for enrolled Mathematics at the at Faculty the of Engineering nnoindentFaculty ofof1 Philosophy 9 Belgrade 14 he of finished UniversityBelgrade University there and , the period aft er first In finished 1 930 three he two was classes Assistantyears of of Pro t highechnical hyphen school studies . n ,quad he Because of the warfessor and comma smoved i n c in e 1 Zemun 937 to the Associate was Faculty on Professor the of border Philosophy and comma at that- after Department the t ime end of , Worldn ofquad Mathematics WarKaramata II comma , ' in where s father he has sentgraduated him , t ogether in 1 925 with . Let his us brothers mention andthat hishe submitted sist er his, t doctoral o Switzerland the - . nquad In Lausannesis , n threequad monthsin nquad after1 his 920 graduation , nquad he . finished Obviously high , during school the oriented last year t of owards his mathematics studies he was involved in active research , and he studied the scientific literature nnoindent .and sciencesHe sp ent .then h years f i l l 1In 927 the - 28 same in Paris year , he enrolled as a fellow at of the the Rocke Faculty - feller of Engineering Foundation , and in 1928 he b ecame Assistant for Mathematics at the Faculty of nnoindent Philosophyof Belgrade of UniversityBelgrade University and , aft . In er 1 930 finished he was two Assistant years Pro of -t fessorechnical , in 1studies , he moved to937 the Associate Faculty ofProfessor Philosophy and , after− Department the end of of World Mathematics War II , in , where he graduated in 1 925 . nquad Let us mention that he submitted his doctoral the − nnoindent sis three months after his graduation . nquad Obviously , nquad during the last year of his studies he was involved in active research , and he studied the scientific literature . nquad He sp ent the years 1 927 − 28 in Paris , nquad as a fellow of the Rocke − feller Foundation , and in 1928 he b ecame Assistant for Mathematics at the Faculty of Philosophy of Belgrade University . In 1 930 he was Assistant Pro − fessor , in 1 937 Associate Professor and , after the end of World War II , in 2 .... M period Tomi acute-c nnoindent1 950 he b2 ecamen h f iF-u l l M ll Professor . Tomi period $ nacute In 1 95fc 1g he$ was elected u-F ll Professor at the University of Geneva period nnoindentIn 1933 he1 was 950 elected he b a Corresponding ecame $ F− Memberu $ ll of Professor the Yugoslav .Academy In 1 95 1 he was elected $ u−F $ ll Professor at the of Sciences and Arts open parenthesis Zagreb closing parenthesis period and in 1 936 a Corresponding Member of regia nnoindentSocietas ScientiarumUniversity Bohemica of Geneva open parenthesis . Prague closing parenthesis period In 1 939 he b ecame a Correspond hyphen n hspaceing member∗fn2f i comma l l g In and 1933 in 1948 he was a F-u elected ll Member a of Corresponding the Serbian Academy Member of Sciences of the YugoslavM . Tomi Academyc´ and Arts period1 950 he b ecame F − u ll Professor . In 1 95 1 he was elected u − F ll Professor at nnoindentHe was onetheof of theSciences founders and of the Arts Mathematical ( Zagreb Institute ) . and of the in Serbian 1 936 a Corresponding Member of regia Academy ofUniversity Sciences and of Arts Geneva in 1 946. comma and the first Editor hyphen in hyphen Chief of the nnoindentj ournal PublicationsSocietasIn 1933 de Scientiarum l quoteright he was elected Institut Bohemica aMath Corresponding acute-e ( Prague matique ) Member . open In parenthesis 1 of 939 the he Yugoslav deuxi b ecame e-grave Academy a me Correspond s acute-e rie− closing parenthesis periodof Sciences .. He had and Arts ( Zagreb ) . and in 1 936 a Corresponding Member of regia nnoindenta great influenceSocietasing member on manyScientiarum , students and in Bohemica of 1948 mathematics a ( $ Prague F in−u Belgrade $ ) . ll In and Member 1 939Serbia he of b theecame Serbian a Correspond Academy - of Sciences andduring Arts theing . years member 1 946 hyphen , and 1 in 953 1948 period a F − u ll Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences In 1954 heand became Arts member . of the Editorial Board and Director of the n hspacej ournal∗fn L quoterightf i l l gHeHe was Enseignement was one one of of Maththe the founders foundersacute-e matique of of the the from Mathematical Mathematical Geneva period Institute ..Institute His influence of the ofon Serbian the the Serbian form and contentAcademy of this of jSciences ournal was and significant Arts in period 1 946 , and the first Editor - in - Chief of the j nnoindentIn 193 1 heournalAcademy married Publications Emilij of Sciences a Nikolaj de evi land ' acute-cInstitut Arts sub in Math comma 1 946e´ matique who , and gave birththe ( deuxi tofirst theire` me Editortwo s sonse´ rie− )in .− HeChief o f the jand ournal a daughterhad Publications period a great .. His influence de wife l died ' on Institut in many 1 959 period students Math $ ofnacute mathematicsfeg $ inmatique Belgrade ( deuxi and Serbia $ ngravefeg $ meAfter s $ an longacuteduring illnessfeg the comma$ years r i Jovan e 1 ) 946 .Karamatan -quad 1 953He died . had on August 14 comma 1 967 in Geneva period aHis great ashes influence rest in his native onIn 1954 many t own he studentsof became Zemun period member of mathematics of the Editorial in Belgrade Board and Director Serbia of the duringThe development thej ournal years of Lmathematical 1 ' 946 Enseignement− 1 sciences953 . Math in Serbiae´ matique starts with from Mihailo Geneva . His influence on the Petrovi acute-cform open and parenthesis content of 1864 this hyphen j ournal 1943 was closing significant parenthesis . period .. Petrovi c-acute was a student of famous n hspace ∗fn f i l l g In 1954 he became member of the Editorial Board and Director of the french mathematiIn hyphen 193 1 he married Emilij a Nikolaj evi c´; who gave birth to their two sons cians : .
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